* This class is an implementation of XPathContext used when evaluating constant sub-expressions at
* compile time.
public class EarlyEvaluationContext implements XPathContext {
private Configuration config;
* Create an early evaluation context, used for evaluating constant expressions at compile time
* @param config the Saxon configuration
public EarlyEvaluationContext(Configuration config) {
this.config = config;
* Set a new output destination, supplying the output format details. <BR>
* Note that it is the caller's responsibility to close the Writer after use.
* @param isFinal true if the destination is a final result tree
* (either the principal output or a secondary result tree); false if
* it is a temporary tree, xsl:attribute, etc.
* @throws
* if any dynamic error occurs; and
* specifically, if an attempt is made to switch to a final output
* destination while writing a temporary tree or sequence
public void changeOutputDestination(Receiver receiver, boolean isFinal
) throws XPathException {
* Get the value of a local variable, identified by its slot number
public ValueRepresentation evaluateLocalVariable(int slotnumber) {
return null;
* Get the calling XPathContext (the next one down the stack). This will be null if unknown, or
* if the bottom of the stack has been reached.
public XPathContext getCaller() {
return null;
* Get the Configuration
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return config;
* Get the context item
* @return the context item, or null if the context item is undefined
public Item getContextItem() {
return null;
* Get the context position (the position of the context item)
* @return the context position (starting at one)
* @throws XPathException
* if the context position is undefined
public int getContextPosition() throws XPathException {
XPathException err = new XPathException("The context position is undefined");
throw err;
* Get the Controller. May return null when running outside XSLT or XQuery
public Controller getController() {
return null;
* Get the current group iterator. This supports the current-group() and
* current-grouping-key() functions in XSLT 2.0
* @return the current grouped collection
public GroupIterator getCurrentGroupIterator() {
return null;
* Get the current iterator.
* This encapsulates the context item, context position, and context size.
* @return the current iterator, or null if there is no current iterator
* (which means the context item, position, and size are undefined).
public SequenceIterator getCurrentIterator() {
return null;
* Get the current mode.
* @return the current mode
public Mode getCurrentMode() {
return null;
* Get the current regex iterator. This supports the functionality of the regex-group()
* function in XSLT 2.0.
* @return the current regular expressions iterator
public RegexIterator getCurrentRegexIterator() {
return null;
* Get the current template. This is used to support xsl:apply-imports
* @return the current template
public Rule getCurrentTemplateRule() {
return null;
* Get the context size (the position of the last item in the current node list)
* @return the context size
* @throws
* if the context position is undefined
public int getLast() throws XPathException {
XPathException err = new XPathException("The context item is undefined");
throw err;
* Get the local (non-tunnel) parameters that were passed to the current function or template
* @return a ParameterSet containing the local parameters
public ParameterSet getLocalParameters() {
return null;
* Get the Name Pool
public NamePool getNamePool() {
return config.getNamePool();
* Get the Receiver to which output is currently being written.
* @return the current Receiver
public SequenceReceiver getReceiver() {
return null;
* Get a reference to the local stack frame for variables. Note that it's
* the caller's job to make a local copy of this. This is used for creating
* a Closure containing a retained copy of the variables for delayed evaluation.
* @return array of variables.
public StackFrame getStackFrame() {
return null;
* Get the tunnel parameters that were passed to the current function or template. This includes all
* active tunnel parameters whether the current template uses them or not.
* @return a ParameterSet containing the tunnel parameters
public ParameterSet getTunnelParameters() {
return null;
* Determine whether the context position is the same as the context size
* that is, whether position()=last()
public boolean isAtLast() throws XPathException {
XPathException err = new XPathException("The context item is undefined");
throw err;
* Construct a new context without copying (used for the context in a function call)
public XPathContextMajor newCleanContext() {
return null;
* Construct a new context as a copy of another. The new context is effectively added
* to the top of a stack, and contains a pointer to the previous context
public XPathContextMajor newContext() {
Controller controller = new Controller(config);
return controller.newXPathContext();
// notAllowed();
// return null;
* Construct a new minor context. A minor context can only hold new values of the focus
* (currentIterator) and current output destination.
public XPathContextMinor newMinorContext() {
return newContext().newMinorContext();
// notAllowed();
// return null;
* Set the calling XPathContext
public void setCaller(XPathContext caller) {
// no-op
* Set a new sequence iterator.
public void setCurrentIterator(SequenceIterator iter) {
* Set the value of a local variable, identified by its slot number
public void setLocalVariable(int slotnumber, ValueRepresentation value) {
* Change the Receiver to which output is written
public void setReceiver(SequenceReceiver receiver) {
* Set the receiver to which output is to be written, marking it as a temporary (non-final)
* output destination.
* @param out The SequenceOutputter to be used
public void setTemporaryReceiver(SequenceReceiver out) {
* Use local parameter. This is called when a local xsl:param element is processed.
* If a parameter of the relevant name was supplied, it is bound to the xsl:param element.
* Otherwise the method returns false, so the xsl:param default will be evaluated
* @param qName The fingerprint of the parameter name
* @param binding The XSLParam element to bind its value to
* @param isTunnel True if a tunnel parameter is required, else false
* @return true if a parameter of this name was supplied, false if not
public int useLocalParameter(StructuredQName qName, LocalParam binding, boolean isTunnel) throws XPathException {
return ParameterSet.NOT_SUPPLIED;
* Get the current date and time. This implementation always throws a
* NoDynamicContextException.
* @return the current date and time. All calls within a single query or transformation
* will return the same value
public DateTimeValue getCurrentDateTime() throws NoDynamicContextException {
throw new NoDynamicContextException("current-dateTime");
* Get the implicit timezone, as a positive or negative offset from UTC in minutes.
* The range is -14hours to +14hours. This implementation always throws a
* NoDynamicContextException.
* @return the implicit timezone, as an offset from UTC in minutes
public int getImplicitTimezone() throws NoDynamicContextException{
throw new NoDynamicContextException("implicit-timezone");
* Get the current exception
* @return the current exception, or null if there is none defined
public XPathException getCurrentException() {
return null;
* Throw an error for operations that aren't supported when doing early evaluation of constant
* subexpressions
private void notAllowed() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Internal error: early evaluation of subexpression with no context");
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