import java.util.logging.Logger;
* DOMWriter is a Receiver that attaches the result tree to a specified Node in the HTML DOM Document
public class HTMLWriter implements Receiver {
private PipelineConfiguration pipe;
private NamePool namePool;
private Node currentNode;
private Document document;
private Node nextSibling;
private int level = 0;
private String systemId;
private Node containerNode;
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("XSLT20Processor");
* Native Javascript method to create a namespaced element. Not available in GWT because
* it's not supported in IE. But needed for SVG/mathML support
* @param ns the namespace URI
* @param name the local name
* @return the constructed element or null if method not available
private native Element createElementNS(Document doc,
final String ns,
final String name) /*-{
if (doc.createElementNS) {
return doc.createElementNS(ns, name);
return null;
private native Node createProcessingInstruction(Document doc,
final String target,
final String data) /*-{
return doc.createProcessingInstruction(target, data);
private native Node createComment(Document doc,
final String data) /*-{
return doc.createComment(data);
private static native boolean attNSSupported(Document doc) /*-{
return (typeof doc.createNode == "function" || typeof doc.createAttributeNS == "function");
public static void setAttribute(Document doc,
Element element,
String name,
String URI,
String value,
WriteMode wMode) {
// fix for IE issue with colspan etc #1570
name = tableAttributeFix(name, wMode);
if (attNSSupported(doc)) {
} else {
String prefix = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(":"));
String x = "xmlns";
String nsDeclaraction = (prefix.length() == 0)? x : x + ":" + prefix;
if (!element.hasAttribute(nsDeclaraction)) {
addNamespace(element, prefix, URI);
element.setAttribute(name, value);
setAttributeProps(element, name, value);
public static String tableAttributeFix(String name, WriteMode wMode){
if (wMode != WriteMode.XML && Configuration.getIeVersion() > 0 && name.length() > 5){
if (name.equals("rowspan")){
name = "rowSpan";
} else if (name.equals("colspan")){
name = "colSpan";
} else if (name.equals("cellpadding")){
name = "cellPadding";
} else if (name.equals("cellppacing")){
name = "cellSpacing";
return name;
// This throws an exception in IE7 that must be handled, in IE, you can only create a namespace-qualified
// attribute using the createNode method of the DOMDocument.
* Creates an attribute with a namespace.
* This throws an exception in IE7 that (it seems) must be handled by the caller,
* in IE, you can only create a namespace-qualified attribute using the createNode method
* of the DOMDocument.
public static native void setAttributeJs(Document doc,
final Node element,
final String name,
final String URI,
final String value) /*-{
var att;
if (doc.createNode) {
att = doc.createNode(2, name, URI);
att.value = value;
} else {
att = doc.createAttributeNS(URI, name);
att.nodeValue = value;
* Set the pipelineConfiguration
public void setPipelineConfiguration(PipelineConfiguration pipe) {
this.pipe = pipe;
namePool = pipe.getConfiguration().getNamePool();
* Get the pipeline configuration used for this document
public PipelineConfiguration getPipelineConfiguration() {
return pipe;
* Set the System ID of the destination tree
public void setSystemId(String systemId) {
this.systemId = systemId;
* Get the system identifier that was set with setSystemId.
* @return The system identifier that was set with setSystemId,
* or null if setSystemId was not called.
public String getSystemId() {
return systemId;
* Start of the document.
public void open () {}
* End of the document.
public void close () {}
* Start of a document node.
public void startDocument() throws XPathException {
// not required - setNode is called instead:
//document = XMLDOM.createDocument();
* Notify the end of a document node
public void endDocument() throws XPathException {}
* Start of an element.
public void startElement(int nameCode, int properties) throws XPathException {
String localName = namePool.getLocalName(nameCode);
String prefix = namePool.getPrefix(nameCode);
String uri = namePool.getURI(nameCode);
// TODO: For XML Writer it should write prefixes in a
// way compliant with the XSLT2.0 specification - using xsl:output attributes
Element element = null;
if (uri != null && !uri.isEmpty()) {
if(mode == WriteMode.XML && !prefix.equals("")) {
element = createElementNS(document, uri, prefix+":"+localName);
} else {
// no svg specific prefix now used, for compliance with HTML5
element = createElementNS(document, uri, localName);
// if there's no namespace - or no namespace support
if (element == null) {
element = document.createElement(localName);
// special case for html element: write to the document node
Controller controller = pipe.getController();
if (controller != null && controller.getApiCommand() == APIcommand.UPDATE_HTML
&& (localName.equals("html") || localName.equals("head") || localName.equals("body"))) {
if (localName.equals("html")){
element = (Element)document.getFirstChild();
} else {
element = (Element)document.getElementsByTagName(localName.toUpperCase()).getItem(0);
NodeList<Node> nodes = element.getChildNodes();
for (int n = 0; n < nodes.getLength(); n++) {
Node node = nodes.getItem(n);
currentNode = element;
if (nextSibling != null && level == 0) {
currentNode.insertBefore(element, nextSibling);
} else {
try {
} catch(JavaScriptException err) {
if(uri.equals(NamespaceConstant.IXSL)) {
XPathException xpe = new XPathException("Error on adding IXSL element to the DOM, the IXSL namespace should be added to the 'extension-element-prefixes' list.");
} else {
throw(new XPathException(err.getMessage()));
} catch(Exception exc) {
XPathException xpe = new XPathException("Error on startElement in HTMLWriter for element '" + localName + "': " + exc.getMessage());
currentNode = element;
private static void addNamespace(Element element, String prefix, String uri) {
String attName = (prefix.isEmpty() ? "xmlns" : "xmlns:" + prefix);
element.setAttribute(attName, uri);
public void namespace (NamespaceBinding nsBinding, int properties) throws XPathException {
if(mode == WriteMode.XML) {
String prefix = nsBinding.getPrefix();
String uri = nsBinding.getURI();
Element element = (Element)currentNode;
if (!(uri.equals(NamespaceConstant.XML))) {
addNamespace(element, prefix, uri);
public void attribute(int nameCode, CharSequence value)
throws XPathException {
String localName = namePool.getLocalName(nameCode);
String uri = namePool.getURI(nameCode);
String val = value.toString();
Element element = (Element)currentNode;
// must be HTML write mode
if (mode != WriteMode.XML && NamespaceConstant.HTML_PROP.equals(uri)) {
element.setPropertyString(localName, val);
} else if (mode != WriteMode.XML && NamespaceConstant.HTML_STYLE_PROP.equals(uri)) {
// if localName starts with '_-' then remove the underscore e.g _-webkit-transition
if(localName.length() > 1 && localName.charAt(0) == '_' && localName.charAt(1) == '-') {
localName = localName.substring(1);
localName = HTMLWriter.getCamelCaseName(localName);
element.getStyle().setProperty(localName, val);
} else if (uri != null && !uri.isEmpty()){
String fullname = namePool.getDisplayName(nameCode);
setAttribute(document, element, fullname, uri, val, mode);
} else {
localName = tableAttributeFix(localName, mode);
element.setAttribute(localName, val);
setAttributeProps(element, localName, val);
* Method for backward compatibility with IE8 and previous where
* properties and attributes were handled separately
public static void setAttributePropsOriginal(Element element, String localName, String val){
if (Configuration.getIeVersion() > 0 && Configuration.getIeVersion() < 9) {
if (localName.length() == 5) {
if (localName.equals("style")) {
// In IE, setting the style attribute dynamically has no effect on the individual style properties,
// and does not affect the rendition of the element. So we parse out the content of the attribute,
// and use it to set the individual properties.
if (hasStyle(element)) {
setStyleProperties(element, val);
} else if (localName.equals("class")) {
setClass(element, val);
} else if (localName.equals("title")) {
setTitle(element, val);
// } else if (localName.equals("align") || localName.equals("width")) {
// setElementProperty(element, localName, val);
} else {
setElementProperty(element, localName, val);
} else if (localName.length() == 2 && localName.equals("id")) {
setId(element, val);
// } else if (localName.length() == 7 && localName.equals("colSpan") || localName.equals("rowSpan") ) {
// setElementProperty(element, localName, val);
} else {
setElementProperty(element, localName, val);
* following setElementProperty method call doesn't work consistently
* because in IE some element are initially undefined?
public static void setAttributeProps(Element element, String localName, String val){
if (Configuration.getIeVersion() > 0 && Configuration.getIeVersion() < 9) {
if (localName.equals("style")) {
if (hasStyle(element)) {
setStyleProperties(element, val);
else {
localName = (localName == "class")? "className" : localName;
try {
setElementProperty(element, localName, val);
} catch(Exception e) {
// some IE8 properties exist but appear to be read-only
logger.warning("Unable to set '" + localName + "' property for element.");
private static native boolean hasStyle(Element element) /*-{
return (typeof !== "undefined");
private static native boolean setClass(Element element, String value) /*-{
if (typeof element.className !== "undefined") {
element.className = value;
private static native boolean setId(Element element, String value) /*-{
if (typeof !== "undefined") { = value;
private static native boolean setTitle(Element element, String value) /*-{
if (typeof element.title !== "undefined") {
element.title = value;
private static native void setElementProperty(Element element, String name, String value) /*-{
if (typeof element[name] !== "undefined") {
element[name] = value;
* Parse the value of the style attribute and use it to set individual properties of the style object
* @param element the element whose style properties are to be updated
* @param styleAttribute the raw value of the style attribute
* @throws XPathException
public static void setStyleProperties(Element element, String styleAttribute) {
int semi = styleAttribute.indexOf(';');
String first = (semi < 0 ? styleAttribute : styleAttribute.substring(0, semi));
int colon = first.indexOf(':');
if (colon > 0 && colon < first.length() - 1) {
String prop = first.substring(0, colon).trim();
// Turn the style name into camelCase
prop = getCamelCaseName(prop);
String value = first.substring(colon+1).trim();
try {
element.getStyle().setProperty(prop, value);
} // IE throws illegal argument exception if property name is
// not valid - ignore exception for consistency
catch (JavaScriptException jex) {}
if (semi > 0 && semi < styleAttribute.length() - 2) {
setStyleProperties(element, styleAttribute.substring(semi+1));
public static String getCamelCaseName(String prop) {
while (prop.contains("-")) {
int h = prop.indexOf('-');
if (h > 0) { // preserve first char
String p = prop.substring(0, h) + Character.toUpperCase(prop.charAt(h+1));
if (h+2 < prop.length()) {
p += prop.substring(h+2);
prop = p;
return prop;
public void startContent() throws XPathException {}
* End of an element.
public void endElement () throws XPathException {
currentNode = currentNode.getParentNode();
* Character data.
public void characters(CharSequence chars) throws XPathException
if (level == 0 && nextSibling == null && Whitespace.isWhite(chars)) {
return; // no action for top-level whitespace
try {
Text text = document.createTextNode(chars.toString());
if (nextSibling != null && level == 0) {
currentNode.insertBefore(text, nextSibling);
} else {
} catch(Exception e) {
String desc = (nextSibling != null && level == 0) ? "inserting" : "appending";
throw(new XPathException("DOM error " + desc + " text node with value: '" + chars.toString() + "' to node with name: " + currentNode.getNodeName()));
* Handle a processing instruction.
public void processingInstruction(String target, CharSequence data)
throws XPathException
// Processing instructions not in HTML DOM - but added for XML DOM
// TODO: Note that Node is a GWT HTML DOM object so an exception may be raised
// by appending the wrong node type!
if (mode == WriteMode.XML) {
JavaScriptObject pi = createProcessingInstruction(document, target, data.toString());
addNode(pi, "processing-instruction");
* Handle a comment.
public void comment(CharSequence chars) throws XPathException
// Added for XML compatibility
if (mode == WriteMode.XML) {
JavaScriptObject comment = createComment(document, chars.toString());
addNode(comment, "comment");
public void addNode(JavaScriptObject newNode, String nodeType) throws XPathException {
try {
if (nextSibling != null && level == 0) {
insertBefore(nextSibling, newNode);
} else {
appendChild(currentNode, newNode);
} catch(Exception e) {
String desc = (nextSibling != null && level == 0) ? "inserting" : "appending";
throw(new XPathException("DOM error " + desc + " " + nodeType + " node to node with name: " + currentNode.getNodeName()));
public final native JavaScriptObject appendChild(JavaScriptObject parent, JavaScriptObject newChild) /*-{
return parent.appendChild(newChild);
public final native JavaScriptObject insertBefore(JavaScriptObject targetNode, JavaScriptObject newNode) /*-{
return targetNode.insertBefore(newNode);
* Set the attachment point for the new subtree
* @param node the node to which the new subtree will be attached
public enum WriteMode {
private WriteMode mode = WriteMode.NONE;
public void setNode (Node node) {
if (node == null) {
currentNode = node;
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
document = (Document)node;
} else {
document = currentNode.getOwnerDocument();
if (mode == WriteMode.NONE) {
Controller.APIcommand cmd = pipe.getController().getApiCommand();
mode = (cmd == APIcommand.TRANSFORM_TO_DOCUMENT || cmd == APIcommand.TRANSFORM_TO_FRAGMENT)?
WriteMode.XML : WriteMode.HTML;
public Node getNode() {
// though this is changed by startElement it's reset by endElement and therefore,
// when called after close, should always return the initial container node
// - the document node or the documentFragment node.
return currentNode;
* Set next sibling
* @param nextSibling the node, which must be a child of the attachment point, before which the new subtree
* will be created. If this is null the new subtree will be added after any existing children of the
* attachment point.
public void setNextSibling(Node nextSibling) {
this.nextSibling = nextSibling;
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