public void testStartForceMpDisconnectStop() throws Throwable
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext actx = null;
Dempsy dempsy = null;
logger.debug("Starting up the appliction context ...");
actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(ctx);
final FullApplication app = (FullApplication)actx.getBean("app");
dempsy = (Dempsy)actx.getBean("dempsy");
// Override the cluster session factory to keep track of the sessions asked for.
// This is so that I can grab the ZookeeperSession that's being instantiated by
// the MyMp cluster.
zookeeperCluster = null;
new ZookeeperSessionFactory(System.getProperty("zk_connect"), 5000)
int sessionCount = 0;
public synchronized ClusterInfoSession createSession() throws ClusterInfoException
ClusterInfoSession ret = super.createSession();
if (sessionCount == 2)
zookeeperCluster = (ZookeeperSession)ret;
return ret;
Dempsy.Application.Cluster cluster = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId(FullApplication.class.getSimpleName(),MyAdaptor.class.getSimpleName()));
Dempsy.Application.Cluster.Node node = cluster.getNodes().get(0);
final StatsCollector collector = node.getStatsCollector();
// this checks that the throughput works.
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis * 5, app, new Condition<Object>()
public boolean conditionMet(Object o)
return app.finalMessageCount.get() > 10;
// ok ... so now we have stuff going all the way through. let's kick
// the middle Mp's zookeeper cluster and see what happens.
ZooKeeper origZk = zookeeperCluster.zkref.get();
long sessionid = origZk.getSessionId();
ZooKeeper killer = new ZooKeeper(System.getProperty("zk_connect"),5000, new Watcher() { @Override public void process(WatchedEvent arg0) { } }, sessionid, null);
killer.close(); // tricks the server into expiring the other session
// // we should be getting failures now ...
// // but it's possible that it can reconnect prior to actually seeing an error so if this
// // fails frequently we need to remove this test.
// assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, app, new Condition()
// {
// @Override
// public boolean conditionMet(Object o)
// {
// return collector.getMessageFailedCount() > 1;
// }
// }));
//... and then recover.
// get the MyMp prototype
cluster = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId(FullApplication.class.getSimpleName(),MyMp.class.getSimpleName()));
node = cluster.getNodes().get(0);
final MyMp prototype = (MyMp)node.getMpContainer().getPrototype();
// so let's see where we are
final long interimMessageCount = prototype.myMpReceived.get();
// and now we should eventually get more as the session recovers.
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis * 5, app, new Condition<Object>()
public boolean conditionMet(Object o)
return prototype.myMpReceived.get() > interimMessageCount + 100;
if (dempsy != null)
if (actx != null)
if (dempsy != null)