* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Concurrent, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Project and contact information: http://www.cascading.org/
* This file is part of the Cascading project.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package impatient;
import java.util.Properties;
import cascading.flow.Flow;
import cascading.flow.FlowDef;
import cascading.flow.hadoop.HadoopFlowConnector;
import cascading.operation.aggregator.Count;
import cascading.operation.regex.RegexSplitGenerator;
import cascading.pipe.Each;
import cascading.pipe.Every;
import cascading.pipe.GroupBy;
import cascading.pipe.Pipe;
import cascading.property.AppProps;
import cascading.scheme.hadoop.TextDelimited;
import cascading.tap.Tap;
import cascading.tap.hadoop.Hfs;
import cascading.tuple.Fields;
// Modified Impatient Part 2 Main class
// Extracted the Flow setup into a separate method for reusability
public class
public static void
main( String[] args )
String docPath = args[ 0 ];
String wcPath = args[ 1 ];
Properties properties = new Properties();
AppProps.setApplicationJarClass( properties, Main.class );
HadoopFlowConnector flowConnector = new HadoopFlowConnector( properties );
FlowDef flowDef = createFlowDef(docPath, wcPath);
// write a DOT file and run the flow
Flow wcFlow = flowConnector.connect( flowDef );
wcFlow.writeDOT( "dot/wc.dot" );
public static FlowDef
createFlowDef( String docPath, String wcPath )
// create source and sink taps
Tap docTap = new Hfs( new TextDelimited( true, "\t" ), docPath );
Tap wcTap = new Hfs( new TextDelimited( true, "\t" ), wcPath );
// specify a regex operation to split the "document" text lines into a token stream
Fields token = new Fields( "token" );
Fields text = new Fields( "text" );
RegexSplitGenerator splitter = new RegexSplitGenerator( token, "[ \\[\\]\\(\\),.]" );
// only returns "token"
Pipe docPipe = new Each( "token", text, splitter, Fields.RESULTS );
// determine the word counts
Pipe wcPipe = new Pipe( "wc", docPipe );
wcPipe = new GroupBy( wcPipe, token );
wcPipe = new Every( wcPipe, Fields.ALL, new Count(), Fields.ALL );
// connect the taps, pipes, etc., into a flow
FlowDef flowDef = FlowDef.flowDef()
.setName( "wc" )
.addSource( docPipe, docTap )
.addTailSink( wcPipe, wcTap );
return flowDef;