layer.setGridSizes(1100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
layer.setDescription("Created with GeoTools");
// Define the layer's Coordinate Reference
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = geometryAtt.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
SeCoordinateReference coordref = getGenericCoordRef();
String WKT = null;
if (crs == null) {
LOGGER.warning("Creating feature type " + qualifiedName
+ ": the geometry attribute does not supply a coordinate reference system");
} else {"Creating the SeCoordRef object for CRS " + crs);
WKT = crs.toWKT();
SeExtent validCoordRange = null;
if ((WKT != null) && (WKT.indexOf("GEOGCS") != -1)) {
validCoordRange = new SeExtent(-180, -90, 180, 90);
} else {
validCoordRange = coordref.getXYEnvelope();
layer.setExtent(validCoordRange);"Applying CRS " + coordref.getCoordSysDescription());
layer.setCoordRef(coordref);"CRS applyed to the new layer.");
// /////////////////////////
// this param is used by ArcSDE for database initialization purposes