Package vazkii.botania.common.block.tile

Source Code of vazkii.botania.common.block.tile.TilePylon

* This class was created by <Vazkii>. It's distributed as
* part of the Botania Mod. Get the Source Code in github:
* Botania is Open Source and distributed under a
* Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License
* (
* File Created @ [Feb 18, 2014, 10:15:50 PM (GMT)]
package vazkii.botania.common.block.tile;

import java.util.Random;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySheep;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import vazkii.botania.common.Botania;
import vazkii.botania.common.block.ModBlocks;
import vazkii.botania.common.core.handler.ConfigHandler;
import vazkii.botania.common.core.helper.Vector3;

public class TilePylon extends TileEntity {

  boolean activated = false;
  int centerX, centerY, centerZ;

  public void updateEntity() {
    int meta = getBlockMetadata();

    if(activated && worldObj.isRemote) {
      if(worldObj.getBlock(centerX, centerY, centerZ) != getBlockForMeta() || meta != 0 && worldObj.getBlockMetadata(centerX, centerY, centerZ) == 0) {
        activated = false;

      Vector3 centerBlock = new Vector3(centerX + 0.5, centerY + 0.75 + (Math.random() - 0.5 * 0.25), centerZ + 0.5);

      if(meta == 1) {
        if(ConfigHandler.elfPortalParticlesEnabled) {
          double worldTime = (int) worldObj.getTotalWorldTime();
          worldTime += new Random(xCoord ^ yCoord ^ zCoord).nextInt(1000);
          worldTime /= 5;

          float r = 0.75F + (float) Math.random() * 0.05F;
          double x = xCoord + 0.5 + Math.cos(worldTime) * r;
          double z = zCoord + 0.5 + Math.sin(worldTime) * r;

          Vector3 ourCoords = new Vector3(x, yCoord + 0.25, z);
          centerBlock.sub(new Vector3(0, 0.5, 0));
          Vector3 movementVector = centerBlock.sub(ourCoords).normalize().multiply(0.2);

          Botania.proxy.wispFX(worldObj, x, yCoord + 0.25, z, (float) Math.random() * 0.25F, 0.75F + (float) Math.random() * 0.25F, (float) Math.random() * 0.25F, 0.25F + (float) Math.random() * 0.1F, -0.075F - (float) Math.random() * 0.015F);
          if(worldObj.rand.nextInt(3) == 0)
            Botania.proxy.wispFX(worldObj, x, yCoord + 0.25, z, (float) Math.random() * 0.25F, 0.75F + (float) Math.random() * 0.25F, (float) Math.random() * 0.25F, 0.25F + (float) Math.random() * 0.1F, (float) movementVector.x, (float) movementVector.y, (float) movementVector.z);
      } else {
        Vector3 ourCoords = Vector3.fromTileEntityCenter(this).add(0, 1 + (Math.random() - 0.5 * 0.25), 0);
        Vector3 movementVector = centerBlock.sub(ourCoords).normalize().multiply(0.2);

        Block block = worldObj.getBlock(xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord);
        if(block == ModBlocks.flower || block == ModBlocks.shinyFlower) {
          int fmeta = worldObj.getBlockMetadata(xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord);
          float[] color = EntitySheep.fleeceColorTable[fmeta];

          if(worldObj.rand.nextInt(4) == 0)
            Botania.proxy.sparkleFX(worldObj, centerBlock.x + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.5, centerBlock.y, centerBlock.z + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.5, color[0], color[1], color[2], (float) Math.random(), 8);

          Botania.proxy.wispFX(worldObj, xCoord + 0.5 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.25, yCoord - 0.5, zCoord + 0.5 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.25, color[0], color[1], color[2], (float) Math.random() / 3F, -0.04F);
          Botania.proxy.wispFX(worldObj, xCoord + 0.5 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.125, yCoord + 1.5, zCoord + 0.5 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.125, color[0], color[1], color[2], (float) Math.random() / 5F, -0.001F);
          Botania.proxy.wispFX(worldObj, xCoord + 0.5 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.25, yCoord + 1.5, zCoord + 0.5 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.25, color[0], color[1], color[2], (float) Math.random() / 8F, (float) movementVector.x, (float) movementVector.y, (float) movementVector.z);

    if(worldObj.rand.nextBoolean() && worldObj.isRemote)
      Botania.proxy.sparkleFX(worldObj, xCoord + Math.random(), yCoord + Math.random() * 1.5, zCoord + Math.random(), meta == 2 ? 1F : 0.5F, meta == 1 ? 1F : 0.5F, meta == 1 ? 0.5F : 1F, (float) Math.random(), 2);

  private Block getBlockForMeta() {
    return getBlockMetadata() == 0 ? ModBlocks.enchanter : ModBlocks.alfPortal;


Related Classes of vazkii.botania.common.block.tile.TilePylon

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