package com.onformative.leap;
* LeapMotionP5
* LeapMotionP5 library for Processing. Copyright (c) 2012-2013 held jointly by the individual
* authors.
* LeapMotionP5 library for Processing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* LeapMotionP5 for Processing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LeapMotionP5 library
* for Processing. If not, see
* Leap Developer SDK. Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Leap Motion, Inc. All rights reserved.
* NOTICE: This developer release of Leap Motion, Inc. software is confidential and intended for
* very limited distribution. Parties using this software must accept the SDK Agreement prior to
* obtaining this software and related tools. This software is subject to copyright.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PVector;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Config;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Controller;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Finger;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Frame;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Gesture.Type;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Hand;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Pointable;
import com.leapmotion.leap.ScreenList;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Tool;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Vector;
* @author Marcel Schwittlick
* @modified 15.03.2013
public class LeapMotionP5 {
private PApplet p;
private LeapMotionListener listener;
private Controller controller;
private String sdkVersion = "0.8.1";
private final float LEAP_WIDTH = 200.0f; // in mm
private final float LEAP_HEIGHT = 500.0f; // in mm
private final float LEAP_DEPTH = 200.0f; // in mm
protected Frame currentFrame;
protected LinkedList<Frame> lastFrames;
protected CopyOnWriteArrayList<Frame> oldFrames;
protected LinkedList<Controller> oldControllers;
protected ConcurrentSkipListMap<Date, Frame> lastFramesInclProperTimestamps;
protected HashMap<Integer, Finger> lastDetectedFinger;
protected HashMap<Integer, Pointable> lastDetectedPointable;
protected HashMap<Integer, Hand> lastDetectedHand;
protected HashMap<Integer, Tool> lastDetectedTool;
private int activeScreenNr = 0;
private Finger velocityOffsetTestFinger;
* this class gives you some high level access to the data tracked and recorded by the leap. it
* gives you a different way of access than the original leap sdk and transoforms all data into
* processing equivalent datatypes.
* @param p PApplet the processing applet
public LeapMotionP5(PApplet p) {
this.p = p;
this.listener = new LeapMotionListener(this);
this.controller = new Controller();
this.lastDetectedFinger = new HashMap<Integer, Finger>();
this.lastDetectedPointable = new HashMap<Integer, Pointable>();
this.lastDetectedHand = new HashMap<Integer, Hand>();
this.lastDetectedTool = new HashMap<Integer, Tool>();
this.lastDetectedFinger.put(0, new Finger());
this.lastDetectedPointable.put(0, new Pointable());
this.lastDetectedHand.put(0, new Hand());
this.lastDetectedTool.put(0, new Tool());
// this is neccessary because the velocity of all objects has an offset.
this.velocityOffsetTestFinger = new Finger();
* @return
public String getSDKVersion() {
return this.sdkVersion;
* @param max
public void maxFramesToRecord(int max) {
this.listener.maxFramesToRecord = max;
* this prints out the current offset of the vectors from the sdk. this is just for information
* and will give you the position, velocity and acceleration offsets
public void printCorrectionOffset() {
System.out.println("pos offset: " + getTip(this.velocityOffsetTestFinger));
System.out.println("velo offset: " + getVelocity(this.velocityOffsetTestFinger));
System.out.println("acc offset: " + getAcceleration(this.velocityOffsetTestFinger));
public void stop() {
* this returns a pvector containing the velocity offset. the problems the velocity offset has
* with it, is that the velocity is slightly shiftet. for example if you shouldnt have any
* velocity, because the finger is stanging still its returning a velocity that is initialized
* with a new Finger object. this should be fixed with the upcoming sdk releases (i hope) *
* @return PVector containing the velocity offset
public PVector velocityOffset() {
return vectorToPVector(this.velocityOffsetTestFinger.tipVelocity());
public PVector positionOffset() {
return vectorToPVector(this.velocityOffsetTestFinger.tipPosition());
* this retuns an pvector containing the acceleration offset, that has to be substracted from
* every vector returned from the library. unfortunately the leap sdk has a little bug there.
* @return PVector containing the acceleration offset
public PVector accelerationOffset() {
return getAcceleration(this.velocityOffsetTestFinger);
public void enableGesture(Type gestureName) {
public void disableGesture(Type gesture) {
this.controller.enableGesture(gesture, false);
public boolean isEnabled(Type gesture) {
return this.controller.isGestureEnabled(gesture);
* this returns the parent applet of the library - the processing applet.
* @return PApplet parent
public PApplet getParent() {
return this.p;
* returns the controller of the leap sdk
* @return Controller controller
public Controller getController() {
try {
return this.controller;
} catch (Exception e) {
.println("Can not return controller not initialized. Returning new Controller object");
return new Controller();
* returns the most current frame from the leap sdk. a frame contains every tracked data from the
* leap about your fingers.
* @return Frame the leap frame
public Frame getFrame() {
try {
return this.currentFrame;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Can not return current frame. Returning new Frame object instead");
return new Frame();
* returns a frame by id.
* @param id the id of the frame you want
* @return Frame the frame which id you passed as a parameter. if the frame with the id you asked
* for is not currently saved anymore you'll get a new Frame object.
public Frame getFrame(int id) {
Frame returnFrame = new Frame();
for (Frame frame : getFrames()) {
if ( >= id) {
returnFrame = frame;
return returnFrame;
* returns the frame before the most current frame.
* @return
public Frame getLastFrame() {
return getFrames().get(getFrames().size() - 2);
public Controller getLastController() {
return getLastControllers().get(getLastControllers().size() - 40);
* returns the frame that was before the frame you passed.
* @param frame
* @return the frame that was recorded right before the frame you passed.
public Frame getFrameBeforeFrame(Frame frame) {
Frame frameBefore = null;
for (Frame of : getFrames()) {
if ( == - 1) {
frameBefore = of;
return frameBefore;
* returns a CopyOnWriteArrayList<Frame> containing all recently buffered frames.
* @return a CopyOnWriteArrayList containing the newest elements
public CopyOnWriteArrayList<Frame> getFrames() {
try {
return this.oldFrames;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Can not return list of last frames. Returning empty list instead.");
return new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Frame>();
public LinkedList<Controller> getLastControllers() {
return this.oldControllers;
* returns a linkedlist containing the last buffered frame
* @param frameCount the number of last frames
* @return a list containing all last frames
public LinkedList<Frame> getFrames(int frameCount) {
LinkedList<Frame> frames = new LinkedList<Frame>();
for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
if (getFrames().size() > frameCount) {
Frame fr = getFrames().get(getFrames().size() - frameCount + i);
return frames;
* @return
public PVector getFingerPositionXYPlane() {
PVector fingerPositionXYPlane = new PVector();
Frame frame = getFrame();
if (frame.hands().isEmpty() == false) {
Hand hand = frame.hands().get(0);
if (hand.fingers().isEmpty() == false) {
Finger finger = hand.fingers().get(0);
fingerPositionXYPlane.x = transformLeapToScreenX(finger.tipPosition().getX());
fingerPositionXYPlane.y = transformLeapToScreenY(finger.tipPosition().getY());
return fingerPositionXYPlane;
* converts the x coordinate from the leap space into the processing window space
* @param x leap-space
* @return processing-window space
public float transformLeapToScreenX(float x) {
* int startX = -243; int endX = 256; float valueMapped =, startX, endX, 0,
* p.width); return valueMapped;
float c = this.p.width / 2.0f;
if (x > 0.0) {
return PApplet.lerp(c, this.p.width, x / LEAP_WIDTH);
} else {
return PApplet.lerp(c, 0.0f, -x / LEAP_WIDTH);
* converts the y coordinate from the leap space into the processing window space
* @param y leap space
* @return processing-window space
public float transformLeapToScreenY(float y) {
* int startY = 50; int endY = 350; float valueMapped =, startY, endY, 0,
* p.height); return valueMapped;
return PApplet.lerp(this.p.height, 0.0f, y / LEAP_HEIGHT);
* converts the z coordinate from the leap space into the processing window space
* @param z leap space
* @return processing window space
public float transformLeapToScreenZ(float z) {
* int startZ = -51; int endZ = 149; float valueMapped =, startZ, endZ, 0,
* p.width); return valueMapped;
return PApplet.lerp(0, this.p.width, z / LEAP_DEPTH);
* converts a vector from the leap space into the processing window space
* @param vector from the leap sdk containing a position in the leap space
* @return the vector in PVector data type containing the same position in processing window space
public PVector vectorToPVector(Vector vector) {
return convertLeapToScreenDimension(vector.getX(), vector.getY(), vector.getZ());
* converts x, y and z coordinates of the leap to the dimensions of your sketch
* @param x x position in leap world coordinate system
* @param y y position in leap world coordinate system
* @param z z position in leap world coordinate system
* @return PVector the pvector of the point you passed in converted to the dimensions of your
* processing sketch window
public PVector convertLeapToScreenDimension(float x, float y, float z) {
PVector positionRelativeToFrame = new PVector();
positionRelativeToFrame.x = transformLeapToScreenX(x);
positionRelativeToFrame.y = transformLeapToScreenY(y);
positionRelativeToFrame.z = transformLeapToScreenZ(z);
return positionRelativeToFrame;
* returns an arraylist containing all currently tracked hands
* @return ArrayList<Hand> an arraylist containing all currently tracked hands
public ArrayList<Hand> getHandList() {
ArrayList<Hand> hands = new ArrayList<Hand>();
Frame frame = getFrame();
if (frame.hands().isEmpty() == false) {
for (Hand hand : frame.hands()) {
return hands;
* returns all hands tracked in the frame you passed
* @param frame the frame from which to find out all tracked hands
* @return arraylist containing all hands from the passed frame
public ArrayList<Hand> getHandList(Frame frame) {
ArrayList<Hand> hands = new ArrayList<Hand>();
try {
if (frame.hands().isEmpty() == false) {
for (Hand hand : frame.hands()) {
if (hand.isValid()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
return hands;
* gets a hand by number. the number is indicated by the order the hand appeared in the leap. so
* the first hand tracked has the nr 0 and the second one the number 1. once one hand of them two
* leaves the leap the one hand left has the nr 0. this is implemented like that because the leap
* is loosing track of the id's of hand to easily.
* @param handNr nr of the hand
* @return
public Hand getHand(int handNr) {
Hand returnHand = null;
if (!getHandList().isEmpty()) {
this.lastDetectedHand.put(handNr, getHandList().get(handNr));
// returnHand = lastDetectedHand.get(handNr);
int downCounter = 0;
while (returnHand == null) {
returnHand = this.lastDetectedHand.get(handNr - downCounter);
return returnHand;
* returns a hand by id in the frame you passed.
* @param id
* @param frame
* @return
public Hand getHandById(int id, Frame frame) {
Hand returnHand = null;
for (Hand hand : getHandList(frame)) {
if ( == id) {
returnHand = hand;
return returnHand;
* @return
public float getScaleFactor() {
return getFrame().scaleFactor(getLastFrame());
* @return
public float getScaleFactor(Frame frame) {
return getFrame().scaleFactor(frame);
* returns averaged translation of all points tracked by the leap in comparison to the last frame
* @return
public PVector getTranslation() {
PVector translation = vectorToPVector(getFrame().translation(getLastFrame()));
return translation;
* returns averaged translation of all points tracked by the leap in comparison to the frame you
* passed in the method
* @return
public PVector getTranslation(Frame frame) {
PVector translation = vectorToPVector(getFrame().translation(frame));
return translation;
* returns the pitch of the hand you passed
* @param hand the hand you want the pitch of
* @return a float value containing the pitch of the hand
public float getPitch(Hand hand) {
// return Math.toDegrees(hand.direction().pitch()), 0, 22, 0,
// PConstants.TWO_PI);
return (float) Math.toDegrees(hand.direction().pitch());
* returns the roll of the hand you passed
* @param hand the hand you want the roll of
* @return a float value containing the roll of the hand
public float getRoll(Hand hand) {
// return Math.toDegrees(hand.direction().roll()), 0, 180, 0,
// PConstants.TWO_PI);
return (float) Math.toDegrees(hand.palmNormal().roll());
* returns the yaw of the hand you passed
* @param hand the hand you want the yaw of
* @return a float value containing the yaw of the hand
public float getYaw(Hand hand) {
return (float) Math.toDegrees(hand.direction().yaw());
* returns a PVector containing the direction of the hand
* @param hand the hand you want the direction of
* @return PVector direction of the hand
public PVector getDirection(Hand hand) {
PVector dir = vectorToPVector(hand.direction());
return dir;
* returns a PVector containing the position of the hand
* @param hand the hand you want the position of
* @return PVector position of the hand
public PVector getPosition(Hand hand) {
return vectorToPVector(hand.palmPosition());
* retrusn the normal of the palm of the hand
* @param hand the hand you want the normal of the handpalm of
* @return a PVector containing the normal of thepalm of the hand
public PVector getNormal(Hand hand) {
PVector normal = vectorToPVector(hand.palmNormal());
return normal;
* returns the velocity of the palm of the hand you passed in
* @param hand the hand of which palm you want the velocity of
* @return a PVector containing the velocity of the hand
public PVector getVelocity(Hand hand) {
PVector velo = vectorToPVector(hand.palmVelocity());
return velo;
* access to the acceleration of the hand you passed in.
* @param hand the hand you want the acceleration of
* @return a PVector containing the acceleration of the hand you passed in
public PVector getAcceleration(Hand hand) {
PVector acceleration = null;
Frame currentFrame = getFrame();
Frame lastFrame = getFrameBeforeFrame(currentFrame);
PVector currentVelo = new PVector();
PVector lastVelo = new PVector();
try {
currentVelo = getVelocity(hand);
lastVelo = getVelocity(getHandById(, lastFrame));
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
acceleration = currentVelo;
return acceleration;
* @param hand
* @return
public PVector getSphereCenter(Hand hand) {
return vectorToPVector(hand.sphereCenter());
* @param hand
* @return
public float getSphereRadius(Hand hand) {
return hand.sphereRadius();
* access to all fingers that are currently tracked
* @return ArrayList<Finger> an arraylist containing all currently tracked fingers
public ArrayList<Finger> getFingerList() {
ArrayList<Finger> fingers = new ArrayList<Finger>();
Frame frame = getFrame();
if (frame.hands().isEmpty() == false) {
for (Hand hand : frame.hands()) {
return fingers;
* access to all tracked fingers in the frame you passed in
* @param frame the frame you want all tracked fingers of
* @return an arraylist containing all tracked fingers
public ArrayList<Finger> getFingerList(Frame frame) {
ArrayList<Finger> fingers = new ArrayList<Finger>();
if (frame.hands().isEmpty() == false) {
for (Hand hand : frame.hands()) {
return fingers;
* access to all fingers of the hand you passed in
* @param hand the hand you want all tracked fingers of
* @return an arraylist containing all tracked fingers of the hand
public ArrayList<Finger> getFingerList(Hand hand) {
ArrayList<Finger> fingers = new ArrayList<Finger>();
for (Finger finger : hand.fingers()) {
return fingers;
* returns the finger by number. the fingers are numbered by the occurence in the leap.
* @param fingerNr
* @return
public Finger getFinger(int fingerNr) {
Finger returnFinger = null;
if (getFingerList().size() > fingerNr) {
this.lastDetectedFinger.put(fingerNr, getFingerList().get(fingerNr));
// returnFinger = lastDetectedFinger.get(fingerNr);
int downCounter = 0;
while (returnFinger == null) {
returnFinger = this.lastDetectedFinger.get(fingerNr - downCounter);
return returnFinger;
* @param id
* @param frame
* @return
public Finger getFingerById(int id, Frame frame) {
Finger returnFinger = null;
for (Finger finger : getFingerList(frame)) {
if ( == id) {
returnFinger = finger;
return returnFinger;
* returns the tip position of the passed pointable
* @param pointable the pointable you want the tippoisition of
* @return a PVector containing the position of the tip of the pointable
public PVector getTip(Pointable pointable) {
return convertLeapToScreenDimension(pointable.tipPosition().getX(), pointable.tipPosition()
.getY(), pointable.tipPosition().getZ());
* sets the current screen for gettings the calibrated points. I should rewrite this, but nobody
* is gonna read it anyway. arr.
* @param screenNr
public void setActiveScreen(int screenNr) {
this.activeScreenNr = screenNr;
* to use this utility you have to have the leap calirated to your screen
* @param pointable the finger you want the intersection with your screen from
* @param screenNr the number of the screen you calibrated
* @return
public PVector getTipOnScreen(Pointable pointable) {
PVector pos;
ScreenList sl = this.controller.locatedScreens();
com.leapmotion.leap.Screen calibratedScreen = sl.get(activeScreenNr);
Vector loc = calibratedScreen.intersect(pointable, true);
float _x =, 0, 1, 0, this.p.displayWidth);
_x -= p.getLocationOnScreen().x;
float _y =, 0, 1, this.p.displayHeight, 0);
_y -= p.getLocationOnScreen().y;
pos = new PVector(_x, _y);
return pos;
* returns the velocity of a finger on the screen
* @param pointable
* @return
public PVector getVelocityOnScreen(Pointable pointable) {
Vector loc = new Vector();
Vector oldLoc = new Vector();
try {
oldLoc =
.intersect(getPointableById(, getLastFrame()), true);
loc = this.controller.locatedScreens().get(this.activeScreenNr).intersect(pointable, true);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// dirty dirty hack to keep the programm runing. i like it.
float _x =, 0, 1, 0, this.p.displayWidth);
_x -= this.p.getLocationOnScreen().x;
float _y =, 0, 1, this.p.displayHeight, 0);
_y -= this.p.getLocationOnScreen().y;
float _x2 =, 0, 1, 0, this.p.displayWidth);
_x2 -= this.p.getLocationOnScreen().x;
float _y2 =, 0, 1, this.p.displayHeight, 0);
_y2 -= this.p.getLocationOnScreen().y;
return new PVector(_x - _x2, _y - _y2);
* returns the origin of the pointable. the origin is the place where the pointable leaves the
* body of the hand.
* @param pointable the pointable you want the origin of
* @return a PVector containing the position of the origin of the passed pointable
public PVector getOrigin(Pointable pointable) {
Vector anklePos;
float length = pointable.length();
PVector direction = new PVector();
direction.x = pointable.direction().getX();
direction.y = pointable.direction().getY();
direction.z = pointable.direction().getZ();
anklePos =
new Vector(pointable.tipPosition().getX() - direction.x, pointable.tipPosition().getY()
- direction.y, pointable.tipPosition().getZ() - direction.z);
return vectorToPVector(anklePos);
* returns the velocity of the pointbale
* @param pointable the pointable you want the velocity of
* @return a PVector containing the velocity of the tip of the pointble
public PVector getVelocity(Pointable pointable) {
PVector velo = vectorToPVector(pointable.tipVelocity());
return velo;
* calculates the direction of the passed pointable
* @param pointable the pointable you want the direction of
* @return a PVector containing the direction of the pointable
public PVector getDirection(Pointable pointable) {
return vectorToPVector(pointable.direction());
* passes the length of a pointable though.
* @param pointable
* @return
public float getLength(Pointable pointable) {
return pointable.length();
* passes the width of a pointable through
* @param pointable
* @return
public float getWidth(Pointable pointable) {
return pointable.width();
* calculates the acceleration of the pointable according to the velocity of the curent and the
* last frame
* @param pointable the pointable you want the acceleration of
* @return a PVector containing the acceleration of the tip of the passed pointable
public PVector getAcceleration(Pointable pointable) {
PVector acceleration = null;
Frame currentFrame = getFrame();
Frame lastFrame = getFrameBeforeFrame(currentFrame);
PVector currentVelo = new PVector();
PVector lastVelo = new PVector();
try {
currentVelo = getVelocity(pointable);
lastVelo = getVelocity(getPointableById(, lastFrame));
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
acceleration = currentVelo;
return acceleration;
* returns all pointables in the current frame
* @return ArrayList<Pointable> an arraylist containing all currently tracked pointables
public ArrayList<Pointable> getPointableList() {
ArrayList<Pointable> pointables = new ArrayList<Pointable>();
Frame frame = getFrame();
if (frame.hands().isEmpty() == false) {
for (Hand hand : frame.hands()) {
return pointables;
* returns all pointables of the passed framre
* @return ArrayList<Pointable> an arraylist containing all currently tracked pointables
public ArrayList<Pointable> getPointableList(Frame frame) {
ArrayList<Pointable> pointables = new ArrayList<Pointable>();
if (frame.hands().isEmpty() == false) {
for (Hand hand : frame.hands()) {
return pointables;
* returns all pointables of the passed hand
* @param hand the hand you want the pointables of
* @return an arraylist containing the pointables of the passed hand
public ArrayList<Pointable> getPointableList(Hand hand) {
ArrayList<Pointable> pointables = new ArrayList<Pointable>();
for (Pointable pointable : hand.pointables()) {
return pointables;
* returns a pointable by its number. look up to the equivalent methods for hand/finger for
* documentation
* @param pointableNr the number of the pointable
* @return
public Pointable getPointable(int pointableNr) {
Pointable returnPointable = null;
if (!getPointableList().isEmpty()) {
this.lastDetectedPointable.put(pointableNr, getPointableList().get(pointableNr));
// returnPointable = lastDetectedPointable.get(pointableNr);
int downCounter = 0;
while (returnPointable == null) {
returnPointable = this.lastDetectedPointable.get(pointableNr - downCounter);
return returnPointable;
* returns a pointable by id in the passed frame
* @param id the if of the pointbale
* @param frame the frame where to look for the pointable
* @return
public Pointable getPointableById(int id, Frame frame) {
Pointable returnPointable = null;
for (Pointable pointable : getPointableList(frame)) {
if ( == id) {
returnPointable = pointable;
return returnPointable;
* calculates an arraylist containing all tools in the current frame
* @return
public ArrayList<Tool> getToolList() {
ArrayList<Tool> tools = new ArrayList<Tool>();
Frame frame = getFrame();
if (frame.hands().isEmpty() == false) {
for (Hand hand : frame.hands()) {
return tools;
* calculates an arraylist containing all tools in the passed frame
* @return
public ArrayList<Tool> getToolList(Frame frame) {
ArrayList<Tool> tools = new ArrayList<Tool>();
if (frame.hands().isEmpty() == false) {
for (Hand hand : frame.hands()) {
return tools;
* returns a arraylist of tools attached to the passed hand
* @param hand
* @return
public ArrayList<Tool> getToolList(Hand hand) {
ArrayList<Tool> tools = new ArrayList<Tool>();
for (Tool tool : {
return tools;
* returns a tool by its number
* @param toolNr
* @return
public Tool getTool(int toolNr) {
Tool returnTool = null;
if (!getToolList().isEmpty()) {
this.lastDetectedTool.put(toolNr, getToolList().get(toolNr));
// returnTool = lastDetectedTool.get(toolNr);
int downCounter = 0;
while (returnTool == null) {
returnTool = this.lastDetectedTool.get(toolNr - downCounter);
return returnTool;
* calculates a proper timestamp of the passed frame
* @param frame the frame you want the timestamp of
* @return Date containing the timestamp when the frame was taken
public Date getTimestamp(Frame frame) {
Date date = null;
Set<Entry<Date, Frame>> lastFramesInclDates = this.lastFramesInclProperTimestamps.entrySet();
Iterator<Entry<Date, Frame>> i = lastFramesInclDates.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Entry<Date, Frame> entry =;
String stringOfTimestampInMap = entry.getValue().timestamp() + "";
String stringOfTimestampPassedParameter = frame.timestamp() + "";
if (stringOfTimestampInMap.equals(stringOfTimestampPassedParameter)) {
date = entry.getKey();
return date;