package net.agkn.hll;
* Copyright 2013 Aggregate Knowledge, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ByteOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongOpenHashSet;
import net.agkn.hll.serialization.HLLMetadata;
import net.agkn.hll.serialization.IHLLMetadata;
import net.agkn.hll.serialization.ISchemaVersion;
import net.agkn.hll.serialization.IWordDeserializer;
import net.agkn.hll.serialization.IWordSerializer;
import net.agkn.hll.serialization.SerializationUtil;
import net.agkn.hll.util.BitVector;
import net.agkn.hll.util.BitUtil;
import net.agkn.hll.util.HLLUtil;
import net.agkn.hll.util.LongIterator;
import net.agkn.hll.util.NumberUtil;
* A probabilistic set of hashed <code>long</code> elements. Useful for computing
* the approximate cardinality of a stream of data in very small storage.<p/>
* A modified version of the <a href="">
* 'HyperLogLog' data structure and algorithm</a> is used, which combines both
* probabilistic and non-probabilistic techniques to improve the accuracy and
* storage requirements of the original algorithm.<p/>
* More specifically, initializing and storing a new {@link HLL} will
* allocate a sentinel value symbolizing the empty set ({@link HLLType#EMPTY}).
* After adding the first few values, a sorted list of unique integers is
* stored in a {@link HLLType#EXPLICIT} hash set. When configured, accuracy can
* be sacrificed for memory footprint: the values in the sorted list are
* "promoted" to a "{@link HLLType#SPARSE}" map-based HyperLogLog structure.
* Finally, when enough registers are set, the map-based HLL will be converted
* to a bit-packed "{@link HLLType#FULL}" HyperLogLog structure.<p/>
* This data structure is interoperable with the implementations found at:
* <ul>
* <li><a href="">postgresql-hll</a>, and</li>
* <li><a href="">js-hll</a></li>
* </ul>
* when <a href="">properly serialized</a>.
* @author timon
public class HLL implements Cloneable {
// minimum and maximum values for the log-base-2 of the number of registers
// in the HLL
public static final int MINIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM = 4;
public static final int MAXIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM = 30;
// minimum and maximum values for the register width of the HLL
public static final int MINIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM = 1;
public static final int MAXIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM = 8;
// minimum and maximum values for the 'expthresh' parameter of the
// constructor that is meant to match the PostgreSQL implementation's
// constructor and parameter names
public static final int MINIMUM_EXPTHRESH_PARAM = -1;
public static final int MAXIMUM_EXPTHRESH_PARAM = 18;
public static final int MAXIMUM_EXPLICIT_THRESHOLD = (1 << (MAXIMUM_EXPTHRESH_PARAM - 1)/*per storage spec*/);
// ************************************************************************
// Storage
// storage used when #type is EXPLICIT, null otherwise
private LongOpenHashSet explicitStorage;
// storage used when #type is SPARSE, null otherwise
private Int2ByteOpenHashMap sparseProbabilisticStorage;
// storage used when #type is FULL, null otherwise
private BitVector probabilisticStorage;
// current type of this HLL instance, if this changes then so should the
// storage used (see above)
private HLLType type;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Characteristic parameters
// NOTE: These members are named to match the PostgreSQL implementation's
// parameters.
// log2(the number of probabilistic HLL registers)
private final int log2m;
// the size (width) each register in bits
private final int regwidth;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Computed constants
// ........................................................................
// EXPLICIT-specific constants
// flag indicating if the EXPLICIT representation should NOT be used
private final boolean explicitOff;
// flag indicating that the promotion threshold from EXPLICIT should be
// computed automatically
// NOTE: this only has meaning when 'explicitOff' is false
private final boolean explicitAuto;
// threshold (in element count) at which a EXPLICIT HLL is converted to a
// SPARSE or FULL HLL, always greater than or equal to zero and always a
// power of two OR simply zero
// NOTE: this only has meaning when 'explicitOff' is false
private final int explicitThreshold;
// ........................................................................
// SPARSE-specific constants
// the computed width of the short words
private final int shortWordLength;
// flag indicating if the SPARSE representation should not be used
private final boolean sparseOff;
// threshold (in register count) at which a SPARSE HLL is converted to a
// FULL HLL, always greater than zero
private final int sparseThreshold;
// ........................................................................
// Probabilistic algorithm constants
// the number of registers, will always be a power of 2
private final int m;
// a mask of the log2m bits set to one and the rest to zero
private final int mBitsMask;
// a mask as wide as a register (see #fromBytes())
private final int valueMask;
// mask used to ensure that p(w) does not overflow register (see #Constructor() and #addRaw())
private final long pwMaxMask;
// alpha * m^2 (the constant in the "'raw' HyperLogLog estimator")
private final double alphaMSquared;
// the cutoff value of the estimator for using the "small" range cardinality
// correction formula
private final double smallEstimatorCutoff;
// the cutoff value of the estimator for using the "large" range cardinality
// correction formula
private final double largeEstimatorCutoff;
// ========================================================================
* NOTE: Arguments here are named and structured identically to those in the
* PostgreSQL implementation, which can be found
* <a href="">here</a>.
* @param log2m log-base-2 of the number of registers used in the HyperLogLog
* algorithm. Must be at least 4 and at most 30.
* @param regwidth number of bits used per register in the HyperLogLog
* algorithm. Must be at least 1 and at most 8.
* @param expthresh tunes when the {@link HLLType#EXPLICIT} to
* {@link HLLType#SPARSE} promotion occurs,
* based on the set's cardinality. Must be at least -1 and at most 18.
* <table>
* <thead><tr><th><code>expthresh</code> value</th><th>Meaning</th></tr></thead>
* <tbody>
* <tr>
* <td>-1</td>
* <td>Promote at whatever cutoff makes sense for optimal memory usage. ('auto' mode)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>0</td>
* <td>Skip <code>EXPLICIT</code> representation in hierarchy.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1-18</td>
* <td>Promote at 2<sup>expthresh - 1</sup> cardinality</td>
* </tr>
* </tbody>
* </table>
* @param sparseon Flag indicating if the {@link HLLType#SPARSE}
* representation should be used.
* @param type the type in the promotion hierarchy which this instance should
* start at. This cannot be <code>null</code>.
public HLL(final int log2m, final int regwidth, final int expthresh, final boolean sparseon, final HLLType type) {
this.log2m = log2m;
if((log2m < MINIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM) || (log2m > MAXIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'log2m' must be at least " + MINIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM + " and at most " + MAXIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM + " (was: " + log2m + ")");
this.regwidth = regwidth;
if((regwidth < MINIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM) || (regwidth > MAXIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'regwidth' must be at least " + MINIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM + " and at most " + MAXIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM + " (was: " + regwidth + ")");
this.m = (1 << log2m);
this.mBitsMask = m - 1;
this.valueMask = (1 << regwidth) - 1;
this.pwMaxMask = HLLUtil.pwMaxMask(regwidth);
this.alphaMSquared = HLLUtil.alphaMSquared(m);
this.smallEstimatorCutoff = HLLUtil.smallEstimatorCutoff(m);
this.largeEstimatorCutoff = HLLUtil.largeEstimatorCutoff(log2m, regwidth);
if(expthresh == -1) {
this.explicitAuto = true;
this.explicitOff = false;
// NOTE: This math matches the size calculation in the PostgreSQL impl.
final long fullRepresentationSize = (this.regwidth * (long)this.m + 7/*round up to next whole byte*/)/Byte.SIZE;
final int numLongs = (int)(fullRepresentationSize / 8/*integer division to round down*/);
this.explicitThreshold = MAXIMUM_EXPLICIT_THRESHOLD;
} else {
this.explicitThreshold = numLongs;
} else if(expthresh == 0) {
this.explicitAuto = false;
this.explicitOff = true;
this.explicitThreshold = 0;
} else if((expthresh > 0) && (expthresh <= MAXIMUM_EXPTHRESH_PARAM)){
this.explicitAuto = false;
this.explicitOff = false;
this.explicitThreshold = (1 << (expthresh - 1));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'expthresh' must be at least " + MINIMUM_EXPTHRESH_PARAM + " and at most " + MAXIMUM_EXPTHRESH_PARAM + " (was: " + expthresh + ")");
this.shortWordLength = (regwidth + log2m);
this.sparseOff = !sparseon;
if(this.sparseOff) {
this.sparseThreshold = 0;
} else {
// TODO improve this cutoff to include the cost overhead of Java
// members/objects
final int largestPow2LessThanCutoff =
(int)NumberUtil.log2((this.m * this.regwidth) / this.shortWordLength);
this.sparseThreshold = (1 << largestPow2LessThanCutoff);
* Construct an empty HLL with the given {@code log2m} and {@code regwidth}.<p/>
* This is equivalent to calling <code>HLL(log2m, regwidth, -1, true, HLLType.EMPTY)</code>.
* @param log2m log-base-2 of the number of registers used in the HyperLogLog
* algorithm. Must be at least 4 and at most 30.
* @param regwidth number of bits used per register in the HyperLogLog
* algorithm. Must be at least 1 and at most 8.
* @see #HLL(int, int, int, boolean, HLLType)
public HLL(final int log2m, final int regwidth) {
this(log2m, regwidth, -1, true, HLLType.EMPTY);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Convenience constructor for testing. Assumes that both {@link HLLType#EXPLICIT}
* and {@link HLLType#SPARSE} representations should be enabled.
* @param log2m log-base-2 of the number of registers used in the HyperLogLog
* algorithm. Must be at least 4 and at most 30.
* @param regwidth number of bits used per register in the HyperLogLog
* algorithm. Must be at least 1 and at most 8.
* @param explicitThreshold cardinality threshold at which the {@link HLLType#EXPLICIT}
* representation should be promoted to {@link HLLType#SPARSE}.
* This must be greater than zero and less than or equal to {@value #MAXIMUM_EXPLICIT_THRESHOLD}.
* @param sparseThreshold register count threshold at which the {@link HLLType#SPARSE}
* representation should be promoted to {@link HLLType#FULL}.
* This must be greater than zero.
* @param type the type in the promotion hierarchy which this instance should
* start at. This cannot be <code>null</code>.
/*package, for testing*/ HLL(final int log2m, final int regwidth, final int explicitThreshold, final int sparseThreshold, final HLLType type) {
this.log2m = log2m;
if((log2m < MINIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM) || (log2m > MAXIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'log2m' must be at least " + MINIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM + " and at most " + MAXIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM + " (was: " + log2m + ")");
this.regwidth = regwidth;
if((regwidth < MINIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM) || (regwidth > MAXIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'regwidth' must be at least " + MINIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM + " and at most " + MAXIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM + " (was: " + regwidth + ")");
this.m = (1 << log2m);
this.mBitsMask = m - 1;
this.valueMask = (1 << regwidth) - 1;
this.pwMaxMask = HLLUtil.pwMaxMask(regwidth);
this.alphaMSquared = HLLUtil.alphaMSquared(m);
this.smallEstimatorCutoff = HLLUtil.smallEstimatorCutoff(m);
this.largeEstimatorCutoff = HLLUtil.largeEstimatorCutoff(log2m, regwidth);
this.explicitAuto = false;
this.explicitOff = false;
this.explicitThreshold = explicitThreshold;
if((explicitThreshold < 1) || (explicitThreshold > MAXIMUM_EXPLICIT_THRESHOLD)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'explicitThreshold' must be at least 1 and at most " + MAXIMUM_EXPLICIT_THRESHOLD + " (was: " + explicitThreshold + ")");
this.shortWordLength = (regwidth + log2m);
this.sparseOff = false;
this.sparseThreshold = sparseThreshold;
* @return the type in the promotion hierarchy of this instance. This will
* never be <code>null</code>.
public HLLType getType() { return type; }
// ========================================================================
// Add
* Adds <code>rawValue</code> directly to the HLL.
* @param rawValue the value to be added. It is very important that this
* value <em>already be hashed</em> with a strong (but not
* necessarily cryptographic) hash function. For instance, the
* Murmur3 implementation in
* <a href="">
* Google's Guava</a> library is an excellent hash function for this
* purpose and, for seeds greater than zero, matches the output
* of the hash provided in the PostgreSQL implementation.
public void addRaw(final long rawValue) {
switch(type) {
case EMPTY: {
// NOTE: EMPTY type is always promoted on #addRaw()
if(explicitThreshold > 0) {
} else if(!sparseOff) {
} else {
case EXPLICIT: {
// promotion, if necessary
if(explicitStorage.size() > explicitThreshold) {
if(!sparseOff) {
for(final long value : explicitStorage) {
} else {
for(final long value : explicitStorage) {
explicitStorage = null;
case SPARSE: {
// promotion, if necessary
if(sparseProbabilisticStorage.size() > sparseThreshold) {
for(final int registerIndex : sparseProbabilisticStorage.keySet()) {
final byte registerValue = sparseProbabilisticStorage.get(registerIndex);
probabilisticStorage.setMaxRegister(registerIndex, registerValue);
sparseProbabilisticStorage = null;
case FULL:
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported HLL type " + type);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #addRaw(..) helpers
* Adds the raw value to the {@link #sparseProbabilisticStorage}.
* {@link #type} must be {@link HLLType#SPARSE}.
* @param rawValue the raw value to add to the sparse storage.
private void addRawSparseProbabilistic(final long rawValue) {
// p(w): position of the least significant set bit (one-indexed)
// By contract: p(w) <= 2^(registerValueInBits) - 1 (the max register value)
// By construction of pwMaxMask (see #Constructor()),
// lsb(pwMaxMask) = 2^(registerValueInBits) - 2,
// thus lsb(any_long | pwMaxMask) <= 2^(registerValueInBits) - 2,
// thus 1 + lsb(any_long | pwMaxMask) <= 2^(registerValueInBits) -1.
final long substreamValue = (rawValue >>> log2m);
final byte p_w;
if(substreamValue == 0L) {
// The paper does not cover p(0x0), so the special value 0 is used.
// 0 is the original initialization value of the registers, so by
// doing this the multiset simply ignores it. This is acceptable
// because the probability is 1/(2^(2^registerSizeInBits)).
p_w = 0;
} else {
p_w = (byte)(1 + BitUtil.leastSignificantBit(substreamValue| pwMaxMask));
// Short-circuit if the register is being set to zero, since algorithmically
// this corresponds to an "unset" register, and "unset" registers aren't
// stored to save memory. (The very reason this sparse implementation
// exists.) If a register is set to zero it will break the #algorithmCardinality
// code.
if(p_w == 0) {
// NOTE: no +1 as in paper since 0-based indexing
final int j = (int)(rawValue & mBitsMask);
final byte currentValue = sparseProbabilisticStorage.get(j);
if(p_w > currentValue) {
sparseProbabilisticStorage.put(j, p_w);
* Adds the raw value to the {@link #probabilisticStorage}.
* {@link #type} must be {@link HLLType#FULL}.
* @param rawValue the raw value to add to the full probabilistic storage.
private void addRawProbabilistic(final long rawValue) {
// p(w): position of the least significant set bit (one-indexed)
// By contract: p(w) <= 2^(registerValueInBits) - 1 (the max register value)
// By construction of pwMaxMask (see #Constructor()),
// lsb(pwMaxMask) = 2^(registerValueInBits) - 2,
// thus lsb(any_long | pwMaxMask) <= 2^(registerValueInBits) - 2,
// thus 1 + lsb(any_long | pwMaxMask) <= 2^(registerValueInBits) -1.
final long substreamValue = (rawValue >>> log2m);
final byte p_w;
if (substreamValue == 0L) {
// The paper does not cover p(0x0), so the special value 0 is used.
// 0 is the original initialization value of the registers, so by
// doing this the multiset simply ignores it. This is acceptable
// because the probability is 1/(2^(2^registerSizeInBits)).
p_w = 0;
} else {
p_w = (byte)(1 + BitUtil.leastSignificantBit(substreamValue| pwMaxMask));
// Short-circuit if the register is being set to zero, since algorithmically
// this corresponds to an "unset" register, and "unset" registers aren't
// stored to save memory. (The very reason this sparse implementation
// exists.) If a register is set to zero it will break the #algorithmCardinality
// code.
if(p_w == 0) {
// NOTE: no +1 as in paper since 0-based indexing
final int j = (int)(rawValue & mBitsMask);
probabilisticStorage.setMaxRegister(j, p_w);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storage helper
* Initializes storage for the specified {@link HLLType} and changes the
* instance's {@link #type}.
* @param type the {@link HLLType} to initialize storage for. This cannot be
* <code>null</code> and must be an instantiable type. (For instance,
* it cannot be {@link HLLType#UNDEFINED}.)
private void initializeStorage(final HLLType type) {
this.type = type;
switch(type) {
case EMPTY:
// nothing to be done
this.explicitStorage = new LongOpenHashSet();
case SPARSE:
this.sparseProbabilisticStorage = new Int2ByteOpenHashMap();
case FULL:
this.probabilisticStorage = new BitVector(regwidth, m);
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported HLL type " + type);
// ========================================================================
// Cardinality
* Computes the cardinality of the HLL.
* @return the cardinality of HLL. This will never be negative.
public long cardinality() {
switch(type) {
case EMPTY:
return 0/*by definition*/;
return explicitStorage.size();
case SPARSE:
return (long)Math.ceil(sparseProbabilisticAlgorithmCardinality());
case FULL:
return (long)Math.ceil(fullProbabilisticAlgorithmCardinality());
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported HLL type " + type);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cardinality helpers
* Computes the exact cardinality value returned by the HLL algorithm when
* represented as a {@link HLLType#SPARSE} HLL. Kept
* separate from {@link #cardinality()} for testing purposes. {@link #type}
* must be {@link HLLType#SPARSE}.
* @return the exact, unrounded cardinality given by the HLL algorithm
/*package, for testing*/ double sparseProbabilisticAlgorithmCardinality() {
final int m = this.m/*for performance*/;
// compute the "indicator function" -- sum(2^(-M[j])) where M[j] is the
// 'j'th register value
double sum = 0;
int numberOfZeroes = 0/*"V" in the paper*/;
for(int j=0; j<m; j++) {
final long register = sparseProbabilisticStorage.get(j);
sum += 1.0 / (1L << register);
if(register == 0L) numberOfZeroes++;
// apply the estimate and correction to the indicator function
final double estimator = alphaMSquared / sum;
if((numberOfZeroes != 0) && (estimator < smallEstimatorCutoff)) {
return HLLUtil.smallEstimator(m, numberOfZeroes);
} else if(estimator <= largeEstimatorCutoff) {
return estimator;
} else {
return HLLUtil.largeEstimator(log2m, regwidth, estimator);
* Computes the exact cardinality value returned by the HLL algorithm when
* represented as a {@link HLLType#FULL} HLL. Kept
* separate from {@link #cardinality()} for testing purposes. {@link #type}
* must be {@link HLLType#FULL}.
* @return the exact, unrounded cardinality given by the HLL algorithm
/*package, for testing*/ double fullProbabilisticAlgorithmCardinality() {
final int m = this.m/*for performance*/;
// compute the "indicator function" -- sum(2^(-M[j])) where M[j] is the
// 'j'th register value
double sum = 0;
int numberOfZeroes = 0/*"V" in the paper*/;
final LongIterator iterator = probabilisticStorage.registerIterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
final long register =;
sum += 1.0 / (1L << register);
if(register == 0L) numberOfZeroes++;
// apply the estimate and correction to the indicator function
final double estimator = alphaMSquared / sum;
if((numberOfZeroes != 0) && (estimator < smallEstimatorCutoff)) {
return HLLUtil.smallEstimator(m, numberOfZeroes);
} else if(estimator <= largeEstimatorCutoff) {
return estimator;
} else {
return HLLUtil.largeEstimator(log2m, regwidth, estimator);
// ========================================================================
// Clear
* Clears the HLL. The HLL will have cardinality zero and will act as if no
* elements have been added.<p/>
* NOTE: Unlike {@link #addRaw(long)}, <code>clear</code> does NOT handle
* transitions between {@link HLLType}s - a probabilistic type will remain
* probabilistic after being cleared.
public void clear() {
switch(type) {
case EMPTY:
return /*do nothing*/;
case SPARSE:
case FULL:
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported HLL type " + type);
// ========================================================================
// Union
* Computes the union of HLLs and stores the result in this instance.
* @param other the other {@link HLL} instance to union into this one. This
* cannot be <code>null</code>.
public void union(final HLL other) {
// TODO: verify HLLs are compatible
final HLLType otherType = other.getType();
if(type.equals(otherType)) {
} else {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Union helpers
* Computes the union of two HLLs, of different types, and stores the
* result in this instance.
* @param other the other {@link HLL} instance to union into this one. This
* cannot be <code>null</code>.
/*package, for testing*/ void heterogenousUnion(final HLL other) {
* The logic here is divided into two sections: unions with an EMPTY
* HLL, and unions between EXPLICIT/SPARSE/FULL
* HLL.
* Between those two sections, all possible heterogeneous unions are
* covered. Should another type be added to HLLType whose unions
* are not easily reduced (say, as EMPTY's are below) this may be more
* easily implemented as Strategies. However, that is unnecessary as it
* stands.
// ....................................................................
// Union with an EMPTY
if(HLLType.EMPTY.equals(type)) {
// NOTE: The union of empty with non-empty HLL is just a
// clone of the non-empty.
switch(other.getType()) {
case EXPLICIT: {
// src: EXPLICIT
// dest: EMPTY
if(other.explicitStorage.size() <= explicitThreshold) {
type = HLLType.EXPLICIT;
explicitStorage = other.explicitStorage.clone();
} else {
if(!sparseOff) {
} else {
for(final long value : other.explicitStorage) {
case SPARSE: {
// src: SPARSE
// dest: EMPTY
if(!sparseOff) {
type = HLLType.SPARSE;
sparseProbabilisticStorage = other.sparseProbabilisticStorage.clone();
} else {
for(final int registerIndex : other.sparseProbabilisticStorage.keySet()) {
final byte registerValue = other.sparseProbabilisticStorage.get(registerIndex);
probabilisticStorage.setMaxRegister(registerIndex, registerValue);
default/*case FULL*/: {
// src: FULL
// dest: EMPTY
type = HLLType.FULL;
probabilisticStorage = other.probabilisticStorage.clone();
} else if (HLLType.EMPTY.equals(other.getType())) {
// source is empty, so just return destination since it is unchanged
} /* else -- both of the sets are not empty */
// ....................................................................
// NOTE: Since EMPTY is handled above, the HLLs are non-EMPTY below
switch(type) {
case EXPLICIT: {
// dest: EXPLICIT
// "Storing into destination" cannot be done (since destination
// is by definition of smaller capacity than source), so a clone
// of source is made and values from destination are inserted
// into that.
// Determine source and destination storage.
// NOTE: destination storage may change through promotion if
// source is SPARSE.
if(HLLType.SPARSE.equals(other.getType())) {
if(!sparseOff) {
type = HLLType.SPARSE;
sparseProbabilisticStorage = other.sparseProbabilisticStorage.clone();
} else {
for(final int registerIndex : other.sparseProbabilisticStorage.keySet()) {
final byte registerValue = other.sparseProbabilisticStorage.get(registerIndex);
probabilisticStorage.setMaxRegister(registerIndex, registerValue);
} else /*source is HLLType.FULL*/ {
type = HLLType.FULL;
probabilisticStorage = other.probabilisticStorage.clone();
for(final long value : explicitStorage) {
explicitStorage = null;
case SPARSE: {
if(HLLType.EXPLICIT.equals(other.getType())) {
// src: EXPLICIT
// dest: SPARSE
// Add the raw values from the source to the destination.
for(final long value : other.explicitStorage) {
// NOTE: addRaw will handle promotion cleanup
} else /*source is HLLType.FULL*/ {
// src: FULL
// dest: SPARSE
// "Storing into destination" cannot be done (since destination
// is by definition of smaller capacity than source), so a
// clone of source is made and registers from the destination
// are merged into the clone.
type = HLLType.FULL;
probabilisticStorage = other.probabilisticStorage.clone();
for(final int registerIndex : sparseProbabilisticStorage.keySet()) {
final byte registerValue = sparseProbabilisticStorage.get(registerIndex);
probabilisticStorage.setMaxRegister(registerIndex, registerValue);
sparseProbabilisticStorage = null;
default/*destination is HLLType.FULL*/: {
if(HLLType.EXPLICIT.equals(other.getType())) {
// src: EXPLICIT
// dest: FULL
// Add the raw values from the source to the destination.
// Promotion is not possible, so don't bother checking.
for(final long value : other.explicitStorage) {
} else /*source is HLLType.SPARSE*/ {
// src: SPARSE
// dest: FULL
// Merge the registers from the source into the destination.
// Promotion is not possible, so don't bother checking.
for(final int registerIndex : other.sparseProbabilisticStorage.keySet()) {
final byte registerValue = other.sparseProbabilisticStorage.get(registerIndex);
probabilisticStorage.setMaxRegister(registerIndex, registerValue);
* Computes the union of two HLLs of the same type, and stores the
* result in this instance.
* @param other the other {@link HLL} instance to union into this one. This
* cannot be <code>null</code>.
private void homogeneousUnion(final HLL other) {
switch(type) {
case EMPTY:
// union of empty and empty is empty
for(final long value : other.explicitStorage) {
// NOTE: #addRaw() will handle promotion, if necessary
case SPARSE:
for(final int registerIndex : other.sparseProbabilisticStorage.keySet()) {
final byte registerValue = other.sparseProbabilisticStorage.get(registerIndex);
final byte currentRegisterValue = sparseProbabilisticStorage.get(registerIndex);
if(registerValue > currentRegisterValue) {
sparseProbabilisticStorage.put(registerIndex, registerValue);
// promotion, if necessary
if(sparseProbabilisticStorage.size() > sparseThreshold) {
for(final int registerIndex : sparseProbabilisticStorage.keySet()) {
final byte registerValue = sparseProbabilisticStorage.get(registerIndex);
probabilisticStorage.setMaxRegister(registerIndex, registerValue);
sparseProbabilisticStorage = null;
case FULL:
for(int i=0; i<m; i++) {
final long registerValue = other.probabilisticStorage.getRegister(i);
probabilisticStorage.setMaxRegister(i, registerValue);
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported HLL type " + type);
// ========================================================================
// Serialization
* Serializes the HLL to an array of bytes in correspondence with the format
* of the default schema version, {@link SerializationUtil#DEFAULT_SCHEMA_VERSION}.
* @return the array of bytes representing the HLL. This will never be
* <code>null</code> or empty.
public byte[] toBytes() {
return toBytes(SerializationUtil.DEFAULT_SCHEMA_VERSION);
* Serializes the HLL to an array of bytes in correspondence with the format
* of the specified schema version.
* @param schemaVersion the schema version dictating the serialization format
* @return the array of bytes representing the HLL. This will never be
* <code>null</code> or empty.
public byte[] toBytes(final ISchemaVersion schemaVersion) {
final byte[] bytes;
switch(type) {
case EMPTY:
bytes = new byte[schemaVersion.paddingBytes(type)];
case EXPLICIT: {
final IWordSerializer serializer =
schemaVersion.getSerializer(type, Long.SIZE, explicitStorage.size());
final long[] values = explicitStorage.toLongArray();
for(final long value : values) {
bytes = serializer.getBytes();
case SPARSE: {
final IWordSerializer serializer =
schemaVersion.getSerializer(type, shortWordLength, sparseProbabilisticStorage.size());
final int[] indices = sparseProbabilisticStorage.keySet().toIntArray();
for(final int registerIndex : indices) {
final long registerValue = sparseProbabilisticStorage.get(registerIndex);
// pack index and value into "short word"
final long shortWord = ((registerIndex << regwidth) | registerValue);
bytes = serializer.getBytes();
case FULL: {
final IWordSerializer serializer = schemaVersion.getSerializer(type, regwidth, m);
bytes = serializer.getBytes();
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported HLL type " + type);
final IHLLMetadata metadata = new HLLMetadata(schemaVersion.schemaVersionNumber(),
schemaVersion.writeMetadata(bytes, metadata);
return bytes;
* Deserializes the HLL (in {@link #toBytes(ISchemaVersion)} format) serialized
* into <code>bytes</code>.<p/>
* @param bytes the serialized bytes of new HLL
* @return the deserialized HLL. This will never be <code>null</code>.
* @see #toBytes(ISchemaVersion)
public static HLL fromBytes(final byte[] bytes) {
final ISchemaVersion schemaVersion = SerializationUtil.getSchemaVersion(bytes);
final IHLLMetadata metadata = schemaVersion.readMetadata(bytes);
final HLLType type = metadata.HLLType();
final int regwidth = metadata.registerWidth();
final int log2m = metadata.registerCountLog2();
final boolean sparseon = metadata.sparseEnabled();
final int expthresh;
if(metadata.explicitAuto()) {
expthresh = -1;
} else if(metadata.explicitOff()) {
expthresh = 0;
} else {
// NOTE: take into account that the postgres-compatible constructor
// subtracts one before taking a power of two.
expthresh = metadata.log2ExplicitCutoff() + 1;
final HLL hll = new HLL(log2m, regwidth, expthresh, sparseon, type);
// Short-circuit on empty, which needs no other deserialization.
if(HLLType.EMPTY.equals(type)) {
return hll;
final int wordLength;
switch(type) {
wordLength = Long.SIZE;
case SPARSE:
wordLength = hll.shortWordLength;
case FULL:
wordLength = hll.regwidth;
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported HLL type " + type);
final IWordDeserializer deserializer =
schemaVersion.getDeserializer(type, wordLength, bytes);
switch(type) {
// NOTE: This should not exceed expthresh and this will always
// be exactly the number of words that were encoded,
// because the word length is at least a byte wide.
// SEE: IWordDeserializer#totalWordCount()
for(int i=0; i<deserializer.totalWordCount(); i++) {
case SPARSE:
// NOTE: If the shortWordLength were smaller than 8 bits
// (1 byte) there would be a possibility (because of
// padding arithmetic) of having one or more extra
// registers read. However, this is not relevant as the
// extra registers will be all zeroes, which are ignored
// in the sparse representation.
for(int i=0; i<deserializer.totalWordCount(); i++) {
final long shortWord = deserializer.readWord();
final byte registerValue = (byte)(shortWord & hll.valueMask);
// Only set non-zero registers.
if (registerValue != 0) {
hll.sparseProbabilisticStorage.put((int)(shortWord >>> hll.regwidth), registerValue);
case FULL:
// NOTE: Iteration is done using m (register count) and NOT
// deserializer#totalWordCount() because regwidth may be
// less than 8 and as such the padding on the 'last' byte
// may be larger than regwidth, causing an extra register
// to be read.
// SEE: IWordDeserializer#totalWordCount()
for(long i=0; i<hll.m; i++) {
hll.probabilisticStorage.setRegister(i, deserializer.readWord());
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported HLL type " + type);
return hll;
* Create a deep copy of this HLL.
* @see java.lang.Object#clone()
public HLL clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
// NOTE: Since the package-only constructor assumes both explicit and
// sparse are enabled, the easiest thing to do here is to re-derive
// the expthresh parameter and create a new HLL with the public
// constructor.
// TODO: add a more sensible constructor to make this less obfuscated
final int copyExpthresh;
if(explicitAuto) {
copyExpthresh = -1;
} else if(explicitOff) {
copyExpthresh = 0;
} else {
// explicitThreshold is defined as:
// this.explicitThreshold = (1 << (expthresh - 1));
// Since explicitThreshold is a power of two and only has a single
// bit set, finding the LSB is the same as finding the inverse
copyExpthresh = BitUtil.leastSignificantBit(explicitThreshold) + 1;
final HLL copy = new HLL(log2m, regwidth, copyExpthresh, !sparseOff/*sparseOn*/, type);
switch(type) {
case EMPTY:
// nothing to be done
copy.explicitStorage = this.explicitStorage.clone();
case SPARSE:
copy.sparseProbabilisticStorage = this.sparseProbabilisticStorage.clone();
case FULL:
copy.probabilisticStorage = this.probabilisticStorage.clone();
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported HLL type " + type);
return copy;