Package net.agkn.hll

Examples of net.agkn.hll.HLL

           throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        for(int log2m=MINIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM; log2m<=16; log2m++) {
            for(int regw=MINIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM; regw<=MAXIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM; regw++) {
                for(int expthr=MINIMUM_EXPTHRESH_PARAM; expthr<=MAXIMUM_EXPTHRESH_PARAM; expthr++ ) {
                    for(final boolean sparse: new boolean[]{true, false}) {
                        HLL hll = new HLL(log2m, regw, expthr, sparse, hllType);
                        for(final Long item: items) {
                        HLL copy = HLL.fromBytes(hll.toBytes());
                        assertEquals(copy.cardinality(), hll.cardinality());
                        assertEquals(copy.getType(), hll.getType());
                        assertEquals(copy.toBytes(), hll.toBytes());

                        HLL clone = hll.clone();
                        assertEquals(clone.cardinality(), hll.cardinality());
                        assertEquals(clone.getType(), hll.getType());
                        assertEquals(clone.toBytes(), hll.toBytes());
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    private static void fullCardinalityCorrectionTest(final ISchemaVersion schemaVersion) throws IOException {
        final FileWriter output = openOutput(schemaVersion, "cardinality_correction", TestType.ADD);

        // the accumulator, starts empty
        final HLL hll = newHLL(HLLType.FULL);
        initLineAdd(output, hll, schemaVersion);

        // run through some values in the small range correction
        for(int i=0; i<((1 << LOG2M) - 1); i++) {
            final long rawValue = constructHLLValue(LOG2M, i, 1);
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        final FileWriter output = openOutput(schemaVersion, "comprehensive_promotion", TestType.ADD);

        final Random random = new Random(SEED);

        // the accumulator, starts empty
        final HLL hll = newHLL(HLLType.EMPTY);
        initLineAdd(output, hll, schemaVersion);

        for(int i=0; i<10000/*arbitrary*/; i++) {
            cumulativeAddLine(output, hll, random.nextLong(), schemaVersion);
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     * - SPARSE U "barely underpopulated" FULL => FULL
    private static void sparseFullRepresentationTest(final ISchemaVersion schemaVersion) throws IOException {
        final FileWriter output = openOutput(schemaVersion, "sparse_full_representation", TestType.UNION);

        final HLL emptyHLL1 = newHLL(HLLType.EMPTY);
        final HLL emptyHLL2 = newHLL(HLLType.EMPTY);

        cumulativeUnionLine(output, emptyHLL1, emptyHLL2, schemaVersion);

        // NOTE:  In this test the sparseReference will be the "expected" value
        //        from the C representation, since it doesn't choose representation
        //        based on original encoding, but rather on the promotion rules
        //        and the declared type of the "receiving" field.
        //        It is the manually-constructed union result.

        // "underpopulated" FULL U EMPTY => SPARSE
        final HLL fullHLL = newHLL(HLLType.FULL);
        fullHLL.addRaw(constructHLLValue(LOG2M, 0/*ix*/, 1/*val*/));

        final HLL sparseHLL = newHLL(HLLType.SPARSE);
        sparseHLL.addRaw(constructHLLValue(LOG2M, 0/*ix*/, 1/*val*/));

        output.write(stringCardinality(fullHLL) + "," + toByteA(fullHLL, schemaVersion) + "," + stringCardinality(sparseHLL) + "," + toByteA(sparseHLL, schemaVersion) + "\n");

        // "underpopulated" FULL (small) U SPARSE (small) => SPARSE
        final HLL fullHLL2 = newHLL(HLLType.FULL);
        fullHLL2.addRaw(constructHLLValue(LOG2M, 1/*ix*/, 1/*val*/));

        sparseHLL.addRaw(constructHLLValue(LOG2M, 1/*ix*/, 1/*val*/));

        output.write(stringCardinality(fullHLL2) + "," + toByteA(fullHLL2, schemaVersion) + "," + stringCardinality(sparseHLL) + "," + toByteA(sparseHLL, schemaVersion) + "\n");

        // "underpopulated" FULL (just on edge) U SPARSE (small) => FULL
        final HLL fullHLL3 = newHLL(HLLType.FULL);
        for(int i=2; i<(SPARSE_THRESHOLD + 1); i++) {
            fullHLL3.addRaw(constructHLLValue(LOG2M, i/*ix*/, 1/*val*/));
            sparseHLL.addRaw(constructHLLValue(LOG2M, i/*ix*/, 1/*val*/));

        output.write(stringCardinality(fullHLL3) + "," + toByteA(fullHLL3, schemaVersion) + "," + stringCardinality(sparseHLL) + "," + toByteA(sparseHLL, schemaVersion) + "\n");
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    private static void sparseStepTest(final ISchemaVersion schemaVersion) throws IOException {
        final FileWriter output = openOutput(schemaVersion, "sparse_step", TestType.ADD);

        // the accumulator, starts empty sparse probabilistic
        final HLL hll = newHLL(HLLType.SPARSE);
        initLineAdd(output, hll, schemaVersion);

        for(int i=0; i<SPARSE_THRESHOLD; i++) {
            final long rawValue = constructHLLValue(LOG2M, i, ((i % REGISTER_MAX_VALUE) + 1));
            cumulativeAddLine(output, hll, rawValue, schemaVersion);
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        final FileWriter output = openOutput(schemaVersion, "sparse_random", TestType.ADD);

        final Random random = new Random(SEED);

        // the accumulator, starts empty
        final HLL hll = newHLL(HLLType.SPARSE);
        initLineAdd(output, hll, schemaVersion);

        for(int i=0; i<SPARSE_THRESHOLD; i++) {
            final int registerIndex = Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % REGISTER_COUNT;
            final int registerValue = ((Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % REGISTER_MAX_VALUE) + 1);
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    private static void sparseEdgeTest(final ISchemaVersion schemaVersion) throws IOException {
        final FileWriter output = openOutput(schemaVersion, "sparse_edge", TestType.ADD);

        // the accumulator, starts empty
        final HLL hll = newHLL(HLLType.SPARSE);
        initLineAdd(output, hll, schemaVersion);

        final long firstValue = constructHLLValue(LOG2M, 0, 2);
        cumulativeAddLine(output, hll, firstValue, schemaVersion);

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        final FileWriter output = openOutput(schemaVersion, "explicit_promotion", TestType.UNION);

        final Random random = new Random(SEED);

        // the accumulator, starts empty
        final HLL hll = newHLL(HLLType.EMPTY);
        final HLL emptyHLL = newHLL(HLLType.EMPTY);
        cumulativeUnionLine(output, hll, emptyHLL, schemaVersion);

        for(int i=0; i<(EXPLICIT_THRESHOLD+500)/*should be greater than promotion cutoff*/; i++) {
            // make an EXPLICIT set and populate with cardinality 1
            final HLL explicitHLL = newHLL(HLLType.EXPLICIT);

            cumulativeUnionLine(output, hll, explicitHLL, schemaVersion);

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        final FileWriter output = openOutput(schemaVersion, "sparse_promotion", TestType.UNION);

        final Random random = new Random(SEED);

        // the accumulator, starts empty
        final HLL hll = newHLL(HLLType.EMPTY);
        final HLL emptyHLL = newHLL(HLLType.EMPTY);
        cumulativeUnionLine(output, hll, emptyHLL, schemaVersion);

        for(int i=0; i<(SPARSE_THRESHOLD + 1000)/*should be greater than promotion cutoff*/; i++) {
            // make a SPARSE set and populate with cardinality 1
            final HLL sparseHLL = newHLL(HLLType.SPARSE);

            final int registerIndex = Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % REGISTER_COUNT;
            final int registerValue = ((Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % REGISTER_MAX_VALUE) + 1);
            final long rawValue = constructHLLValue(LOG2M, registerIndex, registerValue);

            cumulativeUnionLine(output, hll, sparseHLL, schemaVersion);

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        final FileWriter output = openOutput(schemaVersion, "explicit_explicit", TestType.UNION);

        final Random random = new Random(SEED);

        // the accumulator, starts empty
        final HLL hll = newHLL(HLLType.EMPTY);
        final HLL emptyHLL = newHLL(HLLType.EMPTY);

        cumulativeUnionLine(output, hll, emptyHLL, schemaVersion);

        for(int i=0; i<EXPLICIT_THRESHOLD; i++) {
            // make an EXPLICIT set and populate with cardinality 1
            final HLL explicitHLL = newHLL(HLLType.EXPLICIT);

            // union it into the accumulator twice, to test overlap (cardinality should not change)
            cumulativeUnionLine(output, hll, explicitHLL, schemaVersion);
            cumulativeUnionLine(output, hll, explicitHLL, schemaVersion);
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Related Classes of net.agkn.hll.HLL

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