* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.io.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import air.AirCompilerGenerator;
import common.ConversionPlan;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import air.AirFrameworkGenerator;
import air.AirRuntimeGenerator;
import flex.FlexCompilerGenerator;
import flex.FlexFrameworkGenerator;
import flex.FlexRuntimeGenerator;
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: cdutz
* Date: 11.05.12
* Time: 12:03
public class SDKGenerator {
protected void buildAirConversionPlan(ConversionPlan plan, File sdkSourceDirectory) {
final File sdkDirectories[] = sdkSourceDirectory.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
return pathname.isDirectory();
if (sdkDirectories != null) {
for (final File sdkDirectory : sdkDirectories) {
final String sdkVersion = getAirSdkVersion(sdkDirectory);
if(sdkVersion != null) {
plan.addVersion(sdkVersion, sdkDirectory, false);
* All this little helper does is list up all directories in the given base directory and
* trigger the actual import on that. If a flex sdk comes with an air runtime, the structure
* is identical to that of an ordinary air sdk. Therefore the import works if a flex sdk or
* an air sdk directory is passed to this method.
* @param plan conversion plan for converting the air sdks containing the air content
* @param sdkTargetDirectory directory where to copy the content
* @throws Exception
public void generateAllAir(ConversionPlan plan, File sdkTargetDirectory) throws Exception {
for(final String airVersion : plan.getVersionIterator()) {
final File airDirectory = plan.getDirectory(airVersion);
System.out.println("-- Generating Air SDK version: " + airVersion);
generateAir(airDirectory, sdkTargetDirectory, airVersion);
public void generateAir(final File sdkSourceDirectory, final File sdkTargetDirectory, final String sdkVersion) throws Exception {
// Generate the artifacts, needed by the air compiler.
new AirCompilerGenerator().process(sdkSourceDirectory, false, sdkTargetDirectory, sdkVersion, false);
// Generate the artifacts, needed by the flex application.
new AirFrameworkGenerator().process(sdkSourceDirectory, false, sdkTargetDirectory, sdkVersion, false);
// Deploy the FlashPlayer and AIR runtime binaries.
new AirRuntimeGenerator().process(sdkSourceDirectory, false, sdkTargetDirectory, sdkVersion, false);
protected void buildFlexConversionPlan(ConversionPlan plan, File sdkSourceDirectory) {
final File sdkDirectories[] = sdkSourceDirectory.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
return pathname.isDirectory();
if (sdkDirectories != null) {
// Build a sorted set of versions as well as maps for the additional information
// to allow sorted conversion of the Flex SDKs.
for (final File sdkDirectory : sdkDirectories) {
String fdkVersion = getFlexSdkVersion(sdkDirectory);
// Apache FDKs have the version prefix "Apache-"
// So this is what we use in order to determine what type of FDK it is.
final boolean isApache = fdkVersion.startsWith("Apache-");
if (isApache) {
fdkVersion = fdkVersion.substring("Apache-".length());
plan.addVersion(fdkVersion, sdkDirectory, isApache);
public void generateAllFlex(ConversionPlan plan, File sdkTargetDirectory, boolean useApache) throws Exception {
for(final String fdkVersion : plan.getVersionIterator()) {
final File fdkDirectory = plan.getDirectory(fdkVersion);
final boolean isApache = plan.getApacheFlag(fdkVersion);
System.out.println("-- Generating Flex SDK version: " + fdkVersion);
generateFlex(fdkDirectory, isApache, sdkTargetDirectory, fdkVersion, useApache);
public void generateFlex(final File sdkSourceDirectory, final boolean isApache, final File sdkTargetDirectory,
final String sdkVersion, final boolean useApache) throws Exception {
// Generate the artifacts, needed by the flex compiler.
new FlexCompilerGenerator().process(sdkSourceDirectory, isApache, sdkTargetDirectory, sdkVersion, useApache);
// Generate the artifacts, needed by the flex application.
new FlexFrameworkGenerator().process(sdkSourceDirectory, isApache, sdkTargetDirectory, sdkVersion, useApache);
// Deploy the FlashPlayer and AIR runtime binaries.
new FlexRuntimeGenerator().process(sdkSourceDirectory, isApache, sdkTargetDirectory, sdkVersion, useApache);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 3) {
System.out.println("Usage: SDKGenerator {source-directory} {target-directory} {use-apache-gid}");
final String sdkSourceDirectoryName = args[0];
final String sdkTargetDirectoryName = args[1];
final boolean useApache = Boolean.valueOf(args[2]);
final File sdkSourceDirectory = new File(sdkSourceDirectoryName);
final File sdkTargetDirectory = new File(sdkTargetDirectoryName);
// When generating the fdks the generator tries to figure out the flashplayer-version and air-version
// by comparing the hash of the playerglobal.swc and airglobal.swc with some hashes. This list of
// hashes has to be created first. Therefore the Generator generates air artifacts by processing air
// sdk directories and then by extracting the needed artifacts from the flex fdks.
final SDKGenerator generator = new SDKGenerator();
final ConversionPlan airPlan = new ConversionPlan();
generator.buildAirConversionPlan(airPlan, new File(sdkSourceDirectory, "air"));
generator.buildAirConversionPlan(airPlan, new File(sdkSourceDirectory, "flex"));
generator.generateAllAir(airPlan, sdkTargetDirectory);
// After the air artifacts are generated and
final ConversionPlan flexPlan = new ConversionPlan();
generator.buildFlexConversionPlan(flexPlan, new File(sdkSourceDirectory, "flex"));
generator.generateAllFlex(flexPlan, sdkTargetDirectory, useApache);
* The only place I found where to extract the version of an Air SDK was the "AIR SDK Readme.txt" file.
* In order to get the version we need to cut out the version-part from the title-row of that text file.
* This file is present in the root of a pure air sdk or in the root of a flex sdk, therefore the same
* algorithm works if sdkSourceDirectory points to a flex sdk or an air sdk.
* @param sdkSourceDirectory directory in which to look for the sdk descriptor file of an air sdk
* @return version of the sdk in th given directory
public static String getAirSdkVersion(final File sdkSourceDirectory) {
final File sdkDescriptor = new File(sdkSourceDirectory, "AIR SDK Readme.txt");
if (sdkDescriptor.exists()) {
DataInputStream in = null;
try {
final FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(sdkDescriptor);
in = new DataInputStream(fstream);
final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
final String strLine = br.readLine();
return strLine.substring("Adobe AIR ".length(), strLine.indexOf(" ", "Adobe AIR ".length()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (in != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Ignore.
return null;
* The Flex SDK version is contained in the flex-sdk-description.xml file.
* @param sdkSourceDirectory directory where to look for the fdk descriptor file
* @return version string of the fdk
public static String getFlexSdkVersion(final File sdkSourceDirectory) {
final File sdkDescriptor = new File(sdkSourceDirectory, "flex-sdk-description.xml");
final DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
try {
// Parse the document
final DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
final Document dom = db.parse(sdkDescriptor);
// Get name, version and build nodes
final Element root = dom.getDocumentElement();
final String name = root.getElementsByTagName("name").item(0).getTextContent();
final String version = root.getElementsByTagName("version").item(0).getTextContent();
final String build = root.getElementsByTagName("build").item(0).getTextContent();
// In general the version consists of the content of the version element with an appended build-number.
String sdkVersion = (build.equals("0")) ? version + "-SNAPSHOT" : version + "." + build;
// Deal with the patched re-releases of all older SDKs:
// The patched versions have A or B appended to their name and not a modified version or build number.
// In order to differentiate the patched versions from the un-patched ones, we appnd A or B to the
// version string.
if (name.endsWith("A")) {
sdkVersion += "A";
} else if (name.endsWith("B")) {
sdkVersion += "B";
// If the name contains "Apache", we prefix the version with "Apache-". This is cut off
// again later on.
if (name.contains("Apache")) {
sdkVersion = "Apache-" + sdkVersion;
return sdkVersion;
} catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
throw new RuntimeException(pce);
} catch (SAXException se) {
throw new RuntimeException(se);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new RuntimeException(ioe);