// When generating the fdks the generator tries to figure out the flashplayer-version and air-version
// by comparing the hash of the playerglobal.swc and airglobal.swc with some hashes. This list of
// hashes has to be created first. Therefore the Generator generates air artifacts by processing air
// sdk directories and then by extracting the needed artifacts from the flex fdks.
final SDKGenerator generator = new SDKGenerator();
final ConversionPlan airPlan = new ConversionPlan();
generator.buildAirConversionPlan(airPlan, new File(sdkSourceDirectory, "air"));
generator.buildAirConversionPlan(airPlan, new File(sdkSourceDirectory, "flex"));
generator.generateAllAir(airPlan, sdkTargetDirectory);
// After the air artifacts are generated and
final ConversionPlan flexPlan = new ConversionPlan();
generator.buildFlexConversionPlan(flexPlan, new File(sdkSourceDirectory, "flex"));
generator.generateAllFlex(flexPlan, sdkTargetDirectory, useApache);