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* Copyright 2008 The Closure Compiler Authors.
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import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

* A flow scope that tries to store as little symbol information as possible,
* instead delegating to its parents. Optimized for low memory use.
* @author (Nick Santos)
class LinkedFlowScope implements FlowScope {
  // The closest flow scope cache.
  private final FlatFlowScopeCache cache;

  // The parent flow scope.
  private final LinkedFlowScope parent;

  // The distance between this flow scope and the closest flat flow scope.
  private int depth;

  static final int MAX_DEPTH = 250;

  // A FlatFlowScopeCache equivalent to this scope.
  private FlatFlowScopeCache flattened;

  // Flow scopes assume that all their ancestors are immutable.
  // So once a child scope is created, this flow scope may not be modified.
  private boolean frozen = false;

  // The last slot defined in this flow instruction, and the head of the
  // linked list of slots.
  private LinkedFlowSlot lastSlot;

  private LinkedFlowScope(FlatFlowScopeCache cache,
      LinkedFlowScope directParent) {
    this.cache = cache;
    if (directParent == null) {
      this.lastSlot = null;
      this.depth = 0;
      this.parent = cache.linkedEquivalent;
    } else {
      this.lastSlot = directParent.lastSlot;
      this.depth = directParent.depth + 1;
      this.parent = directParent;

  LinkedFlowScope(FlatFlowScopeCache cache) {
    this(cache, null);

  LinkedFlowScope(LinkedFlowScope directParent) {
    this(directParent.cache, directParent);

  /** Gets the function scope for this flow scope. */
  private Scope getFunctionScope() {
    return cache.functionScope;

  /** Whether this flows from a bottom scope. */
  private boolean flowsFromBottom() {
    return getFunctionScope().isBottom();

   * Creates an entry lattice for the flow.
  public static LinkedFlowScope createEntryLattice(Scope scope) {
    return new LinkedFlowScope(new FlatFlowScopeCache(scope));

  public void inferSlotType(String symbol, JSType type) {
    lastSlot = new LinkedFlowSlot(symbol, type, lastSlot);

  public void inferQualifiedSlot(String symbol, JSType bottomType,
      JSType inferredType) {
    Scope functionScope = getFunctionScope();
    if (functionScope.isLocal()) {
      if (functionScope.getVar(symbol) == null && !functionScope.isBottom()) {
        // When we enter a local scope, many qualified names are
        // already defined even if they haven't been declared in the Scope
        // object. If the name has not yet been defined in this scope, we
        // need to define it now before we refine it.
        functionScope.declare(symbol, null, bottomType, null);

      inferSlotType(symbol, inferredType);

  public JSType getTypeOfThis() {
    return cache.functionScope.getTypeOfThis();

  public Node getRootNode() {
    return getFunctionScope().getRootNode();

  public StaticScope<JSType> getParentScope() {
    return getFunctionScope().getParentScope();

   * Get the slot for the given symbol.
  public StaticSlot<JSType> getSlot(String name) {
    if (cache.dirtySymbols.contains(name)) {
      for (LinkedFlowSlot slot = lastSlot;
           slot != null; slot = slot.parent) {
        if (slot.getName().equals(name)) {
          return slot;
    return cache.getSlot(name);

  public StaticSlot<JSType> getOwnSlot(String name) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  public FlowScope createChildFlowScope() {
    frozen = true;

    if (depth > MAX_DEPTH) {
      if (flattened == null) {
        flattened = new FlatFlowScopeCache(this);
      return new LinkedFlowScope(flattened);

    return new LinkedFlowScope(this);

   * Iterate through all the linked flow scopes before this one.
   * If there's one and only one slot defined between this scope
   * and the blind scope, return it.
  public StaticSlot<JSType> findUniqueRefinedSlot(FlowScope blindScope) {
    StaticSlot<JSType> result = null;

    for (LinkedFlowScope currentScope = this;
         currentScope != blindScope;
         currentScope = currentScope.parent) {
      for (LinkedFlowSlot currentSlot = currentScope.lastSlot;
           currentSlot != null &&
           (currentScope.parent == null ||
            currentScope.parent.lastSlot != currentSlot);
           currentSlot = currentSlot.parent) {
        if (result == null) {
          result = currentSlot;
        } else if (!currentSlot.getName().equals(result.getName())) {
          return null;

    return result;

   * Look through the given scope, and try to find slots where it doesn't
   * have enough type information. Then fill in that type information
   * with stuff that we've inferred in the local flow.
  public void completeScope(Scope scope) {
    for (Iterator<Var> it = scope.getVars(); it.hasNext();) {
      Var var =;
      if (var.isTypeInferred()) {
        JSType type = var.getType();
        if (type == null || type.isUnknownType()) {
          JSType flowType = getSlot(var.getName()).getType();

   * Remove flow scopes that add nothing to the flow.
  // NOTE(nicksantos): This function breaks findUniqueRefinedSlot, because
  // findUniqueRefinedSlot assumes that this scope is a direct descendant
  // of blindScope. This is not necessarily true if this scope has been
  // optimize()d and blindScope has not. This should be fixed. For now,
  // we only use optimize() where we know that we won't have to do
  // a findUniqueRefinedSlot on it.
  public LinkedFlowScope optimize() {
    LinkedFlowScope current;
    for (current = this;
         current.parent != null &&
             current.lastSlot == current.parent.lastSlot;
         current = current.parent) {}
    return current;

  /** Join the two FlowScopes. */
  static class FlowScopeJoinOp extends JoinOp.BinaryJoinOp<FlowScope> {
    public FlowScope apply(FlowScope a, FlowScope b) {
      // To join the two scopes, we have to
      LinkedFlowScope linkedA = (LinkedFlowScope) a;
      LinkedFlowScope linkedB = (LinkedFlowScope) b;
      linkedA.frozen = true;
      linkedB.frozen = true;
      if (linkedA.optimize() == linkedB.optimize()) {
        return linkedA.createChildFlowScope();
      return new LinkedFlowScope(new FlatFlowScopeCache(linkedA, linkedB));

  public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (other instanceof LinkedFlowScope) {
      LinkedFlowScope that = (LinkedFlowScope) other;
      if (this.optimize() == that.optimize()) {
        return true;

      // If two flow scopes are in the same function, then they could have
      // two possible function scopes: the real one and the BOTTOM scope.
      // If they have different function scopes, we *should* iterate thru all
      // the variables in each scope and compare. However, 99.9% of the time,
      // they're not equal. And the other .1% of the time, we can pretend
      // they're equal--this just means that data flow analysis will have
      // to propagate the entry lattice a little bit further than it
      // really needs to. Everything will still come out ok.
      if (this.getFunctionScope() != that.getFunctionScope()) {
        return false;

      if (cache == that.cache) {
        // If the two flow scopes have the same cache, then we can check
        // equality a lot faster: by just looking at the "dirty" elements
        // in the cache, and comparing them in both scopes.
        for (String name : cache.dirtySymbols) {
          if (diffSlots(getSlot(name), that.getSlot(name))) {
            return false;

        return true;

      Map<String, StaticSlot<JSType>> myFlowSlots = allFlowSlots();
      Map<String, StaticSlot<JSType>> otherFlowSlots = that.allFlowSlots();

      for (StaticSlot<JSType> slot : myFlowSlots.values()) {
        if (diffSlots(slot, otherFlowSlots.get(slot.getName()))) {
          return false;
      for (StaticSlot<JSType> slot : otherFlowSlots.values()) {
        if (diffSlots(slot, myFlowSlots.get(slot.getName()))) {
          return false;
      return true;
    return false;

   * Determines whether two slots are meaningfully different for the
   * purposes of data flow analysis.
  private boolean diffSlots(StaticSlot<JSType> slotA,
                            StaticSlot<JSType> slotB) {
    boolean aIsNull = slotA == null || slotA.getType() == null;
    boolean bIsNull = slotB == null || slotB.getType() == null;
    if (aIsNull && bIsNull) {
      return false;
    } else if (aIsNull ^ bIsNull) {
      return true;

    // Both slots and types must be non-null.
    return slotA.getType().differsFrom(slotB.getType());

   * Gets all the symbols that have been defined before this point
   * in the current flow. Does not return slots that have not changed during
   * the flow.
   * For example, consider the code:
   * <code>
   * var x = 3;
   * function f() {
   *   var y = 5;
   *   y = 6; // FLOW POINT
   *   var z = y;
   *   return z;
   * }
   * </code>
   * A FlowScope at FLOW POINT will return a slot for y, but not
   * a slot for x or z.
  private Map<String, StaticSlot<JSType>> allFlowSlots() {
    Map<String, StaticSlot<JSType>> slots = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (LinkedFlowSlot slot = lastSlot;
         slot != null; slot = slot.parent) {
      if (!slots.containsKey(slot.getName())) {
        slots.put(slot.getName(), slot);

    for (Map.Entry<String, StaticSlot<JSType>> symbolEntry : cache.symbols.entrySet()) {
      if (!slots.containsKey(symbolEntry.getKey())) {
        slots.put(symbolEntry.getKey(), symbolEntry.getValue());

    return slots;

   * A static slot that can be used in a linked list.
  private static class LinkedFlowSlot extends SimpleSlot {
    final LinkedFlowSlot parent;

    LinkedFlowSlot(String name, JSType type, LinkedFlowSlot parent) {
      super(name, type, true);
      this.parent = parent;

   * A map that tries to cache as much symbol table information
   * as possible in a map. Optimized for fast lookup.
  private static class FlatFlowScopeCache {
    // The Scope for the entire function or for the gloal scope.
    private final Scope functionScope;

    // The linked flow scope that this cache represents.
    private final LinkedFlowScope linkedEquivalent;

    // All the symbols defined before this point in the local flow.
    // May not include lazily declared qualified names.
    private Map<String, StaticSlot<JSType>> symbols = Maps.newHashMap();

    // Used to help make lookup faster for LinkedFlowScopes by recording
    // symbols that may be redefined "soon", for an arbitrary definition
    // of "soon". ;)
    // More rigorously, if a symbol is redefined in a LinkedFlowScope,
    // and this is the closest FlatFlowScopeCache, then that symbol is marked
    // "dirty". In this way, we don't waste time looking in the LinkedFlowScope
    // list for symbols that aren't defined anywhere nearby.
    final Set<String> dirtySymbols = Sets.newHashSet();

    // The cache at the bottom of the lattice.
    FlatFlowScopeCache(Scope functionScope) {
      this.functionScope = functionScope;
      symbols = ImmutableMap.of();
      linkedEquivalent = null;

    // A cache in the middle of a long scope chain.
    FlatFlowScopeCache(LinkedFlowScope directParent) {
      FlatFlowScopeCache cache = directParent.cache;

      functionScope = cache.functionScope;
      symbols = directParent.allFlowSlots();
      linkedEquivalent = directParent;

    // A cache at the join of two scope chains.
    FlatFlowScopeCache(LinkedFlowScope joinedScopeA,
        LinkedFlowScope joinedScopeB) {
      linkedEquivalent = null;

      // Always prefer the "real" function scope to the faked-out
      // bottom scope.
      functionScope = joinedScopeA.flowsFromBottom() ?
          joinedScopeB.getFunctionScope() : joinedScopeA.getFunctionScope();

      Map<String, StaticSlot<JSType>> slotsA = joinedScopeA.allFlowSlots();
      Map<String, StaticSlot<JSType>> slotsB = joinedScopeB.allFlowSlots();

      symbols = slotsA;

      // There are 5 different join cases:
      // 1) The type is declared in joinedScopeA, not in joinedScopeB,
      //    and not in functionScope. Just use the one in A.
      // 2) The type is declared in joinedScopeB, not in joinedScopeA,
      //    and not in functionScope. Just use the one in B.
      // 3) The type is declared in functionScope and joinedScopeA, but
      //    not in joinedScopeB. Join the two types.
      // 4) The type is declared in functionScope and joinedScopeB, but
      //    not in joinedScopeA. Join the two types.
      // 5) The type is declared in joinedScopeA and joinedScopeB. Join
      //    the two types.
      Set<String> symbolNames = Sets.newHashSet(symbols.keySet());

      for (String name : symbolNames) {
        StaticSlot<JSType> slotA = slotsA.get(name);
        StaticSlot<JSType> slotB = slotsB.get(name);

        JSType joinedType = null;
        if (slotB == null || slotB.getType() == null) {
          StaticSlot<JSType> fnSlot
              = joinedScopeB.getFunctionScope().getSlot(name);
          JSType fnSlotType = fnSlot == null ? null : fnSlot.getType();
          if (fnSlotType == null) {
            // Case #1 -- already inserted.
          } else {
            // Case #3
            joinedType = slotA.getType().getLeastSupertype(fnSlotType);
        } else if (slotA == null || slotA.getType() == null) {
          StaticSlot<JSType> fnSlot
              = joinedScopeA.getFunctionScope().getSlot(name);
          JSType fnSlotType = fnSlot == null ? null : fnSlot.getType();
          if (fnSlotType == null) {
            // Case #2
            symbols.put(name, slotB);
          } else {
            // Case #4
            joinedType = slotB.getType().getLeastSupertype(fnSlotType);
        } else {
          // Case #5
          joinedType =

        if (joinedType != null) {
          symbols.put(name, new SimpleSlot(name, joinedType, true));

     * Get the slot for the given symbol.
    public StaticSlot<JSType> getSlot(String name) {
      if (symbols.containsKey(name)) {
        return symbols.get(name);
      } else {
        return functionScope.getSlot(name);

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