* Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
* Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
* "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
* or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
* License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
* Notice in each file and include the License file at
* nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
* accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
* License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* Contributor(s): Alexandre Iline.
* The Original Software is the Jemmy library.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Software is Alexandre Iline.
* All Rights Reserved.
* If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
* or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
* "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
* under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
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* to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
* However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
* Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
* made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
* $Id$ $Revision$ $Date$
package org.netbeans.jemmy;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.drivers.APIDriverInstaller;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.drivers.DefaultDriverInstaller;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.drivers.DriverInstaller;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.drivers.InputDriverInstaller;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.explorer.GUIBrowser;
* Keeps default Jemmy properties.
* @author Alexandre Iline (alexandre.iline@sun.com)
public class JemmyProperties {
* The event queue model mask.
* @see #getCurrentDispatchingModel()
* @see #setCurrentDispatchingModel(int)
public static int QUEUE_MODEL_MASK = 1;
* The robot using model mask.
* @see #getCurrentDispatchingModel()
* @see #setCurrentDispatchingModel(int)
public static int ROBOT_MODEL_MASK = 2;
* Event shorcutting model mask. Should not be used
* together with robot mask.
* @see #getCurrentDispatchingModel()
* @see #setCurrentDispatchingModel(int)
public static int SHORTCUT_MODEL_MASK = 4;
* The robot using model mask.
* @see #getCurrentDispatchingModel()
* @see #setCurrentDispatchingModel(int)
public static int SMOOTH_ROBOT_MODEL_MASK = 8;
private static final int DEFAULT_DRAG_AND_DROP_STEP_LENGTH = 100;
private static Stack propStack = null;
Hashtable properties;
protected JemmyProperties() {
properties = new Hashtable();
setProperty("timeouts", new Timeouts());
setProperty("output", new TestOut());
setProperty("resources", new BundleManager());
setProperty("binding.map", new DefaultCharBindingMap());
setProperty("dispatching.model", new Integer(getDefaultDispatchingModel()));
setProperty("drag_and_drop.step_length", new Integer(DEFAULT_DRAG_AND_DROP_STEP_LENGTH));
* Returns major version (like 1.0).
* @return a String representing the major version value.
public static String getMajorVersion() {
* Returns minor version (like 1).
* @return a String representing the minor version value.
public static String getMinorVersion() {
* Returns build (like 20011231 (yyyymmdd)).
* @return a String representing the build value.
public static String getBuild() {
* Returns full version string (like 1.0.1-20011231).
* @return a String representing the full version value.
public static String getFullVersion() {
return(getMajorVersion() + "." +
getMinorVersion() + "-" +
* Returns version string (like 1.0.1).
* @return a String representing the short version value.
public static String getVersion() {
return(getMajorVersion() + "." +
* Creates a copy of the current JemmyProperties object
* and pushes it into the properties stack.
* @return New current properties.
public static JemmyProperties push() {
* Pops last pushed properties from the properties stack.
* If stack has just one element, does nothing.
* @return Poped properties.
public static JemmyProperties pop() {
JemmyProperties result = (JemmyProperties)propStack.pop();
if(propStack.isEmpty()) {
* Just like getProperties().getProperty(propertyName).
* @param propertyName a property key
* @return a property value
* @see #setCurrentProperty
* @see #setCurrentTimeout
public static Object getCurrentProperty(String propertyName) {
* Just like getProperties().setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue).
* @param propertyName a property key
* @param propertyValue a property value
* @return previous property value
* @see #getCurrentProperty
* @see #getCurrentTimeout
public static Object setCurrentProperty(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) {
return(getProperties().setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue));
* Removes a property from current properties list.
* @param propertyName a property key.
* @return previous property value
public static Object removeCurrentProperty(String propertyName) {
* Returns the current key values.
* @return an array of Strings representing the current key values
public static String[] getCurrentKeys() {
* Just like getProperties().getTimeouts().
* @return a Timeouts object representing the current timeouts.
* @see #setCurrentTimeouts
public static Timeouts getCurrentTimeouts() {
* Just like getProperties().setTimeouts(to).
* @param to New timeouts
* @return old timeouts.
* @see #getCurrentTimeouts
public static Timeouts setCurrentTimeouts(Timeouts to) {
* Just like getProperties().getTimeouts().setTimeout(name, newValue).
* @param name a timeout name
* @param newValue a timeout value
* @return previous timeout value
* @see #getCurrentTimeout
public static long setCurrentTimeout(String name, long newValue) {
return(getProperties().getTimeouts().setTimeout(name, newValue));
* Just like getProperties().getTimeouts().getTimeout(name).
* @param name a timeout name
* @return a timeout value
* @see #setCurrentTimeout
public static long getCurrentTimeout(String name) {
* Just like getProperties().getTimeouts().initTimeout(name, newValue).
* @param name a timeout name
* @param newValue a timeout value
* @return a timeout value
* @see #setCurrentTimeout
public static long initCurrentTimeout(String name, long newValue) {
return(getProperties().getTimeouts().initTimeout(name, newValue));
* Just like getProperties().getOutput().
* @return a TestOut object representing the current output.
* @see #setCurrentOutput
public static TestOut getCurrentOutput() {
* Just like getProperties().setOutput(out).
* @param out new output
* @return a TestOut object representing the current output.
* @see #getCurrentOutput
public static TestOut setCurrentOutput(TestOut out) {
* Just like getProperties().getBundleManager().
* @return a BundleManager object representing the current bundle manager.
* @see #setCurrentBundleManager
public static BundleManager getCurrentBundleManager() {
* Just like getProperties().setBundleManager(resources).
* @param resources new BundleManager
* @return a BundleManager object representing the current bundle manager.
* @see #getCurrentBundleManager
public static BundleManager setCurrentBundleManager(BundleManager resources) {
* Just like getProperties().getBundleManager().getResource(key).
* @param key a resource key.
* @return a resource value
public static String getCurrentResource(String key) {
* Just like getProperties().getBundleManager().getResource(bundleID, key).
* @param key a resource key.
* @param bundleID a bundle ID
* @return a resource value
public static String getCurrentResource(String bundleID, String key) {
return(getProperties().getBundleManager().getResource(bundleID, key));
* Just like getProperties().getCharBindingMap().
* @return a CharBindingMap object representing the current char binding map.
* @see #setCurrentCharBindingMap
public static CharBindingMap getCurrentCharBindingMap() {
* Just like getProperties().setCharBindingMap(map).
* @param map new CharBindingMap.
* @return old CharBindingMap object.
* @see #getCurrentCharBindingMap
public static CharBindingMap setCurrentCharBindingMap(CharBindingMap map) {
* Returns the current dispatching model.
* @return Event dispatching model.
* @see #getDispatchingModel()
* @see #setCurrentDispatchingModel(int)
public static int getCurrentDispatchingModel() {
* Defines event dispatching model.
* If (model & ROBOT_MODEL_MASK) != 0 java.awt.Robot class
* is used to reproduce user actions, otherwise actions
* are reproduced by event posting.
* If (model & QUEUE_MODEL_MASK) != 0 actions are reproduced through
* event queue.
* @param model New dispatching model value.
* @return Previous dispatching model value.
* @see #setDispatchingModel(int)
* @see #getCurrentDispatchingModel()
* @see #initDispatchingModel(boolean, boolean)
* @see #initDispatchingModel()
public static int setCurrentDispatchingModel(int model) {
* Returns default event dispatching model.
* @see #setCurrentDispatchingModel(int)
public static int getDefaultDispatchingModel() {
* Returns the current drag and drop step length value.
* @return Pixel count to move mouse during one drag'n'drop step.
* @see #getDragAndDropStepLength()
* @see #setCurrentDragAndDropStepLength(int)
public static int getCurrentDragAndDropStepLength() {
* Specifies the current drag and drop step length value.
* @param model Pixel count to move mouse during one drag'n'drop step.
* @return Previous value.
* @see #setDragAndDropStepLength(int)
* @see #getCurrentDragAndDropStepLength()
public static int setCurrentDragAndDropStepLength(int model) {
* Peeks upper JemmyProperties instance from stack.
* @return a JemmyProperties object representing the properties value.
public static JemmyProperties getProperties() {
if(propStack == null) {
propStack = new Stack();
if(propStack.empty()) {
propStack.add(new JemmyProperties());
* Prints full version into satndart output.
* @param argv Application args.
public static void main(String[] argv) {
if(argv.length == 0) {
System.out.println("Jemmy version : " + getVersion());
} else if(argv.length == 1 &&
argv[0].equals("-f")) {
System.out.println("Jemmy full version : " + getFullVersion());
} else if(argv.length > 0 &&
argv[0].equals("-e")) {
String[] newArgv = new String[argv.length -1];
for(int i = 1; i < argv.length; i++) {
newArgv[i-1] = argv[i];
} else {
System.out.println("Parameters: ");
System.out.println("<no parameters> - report Jemmy version.");
System.out.println("\"-f\" - report full jemmy version.");
* Pushes properties stack.
* @param props a JemmyProperties instance to put into the stack head.
* @return a JemmyProperties object.
protected static JemmyProperties push(JemmyProperties props) {
static {
* Method to initialize timeouts and resources.
* @param prop_file File to get filenames from. <BR>
* Can contain definition of variables TIMEOUTS_FILE - full path to timeouts file, <BR>
* RESOURCE_FILE - full path to resource file.
* @see org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties#initProperties()
public void initProperties(String prop_file) {
try {
getOutput().printLine("Loading properties from " + prop_file + " file");
Properties props = new Properties();
props.load(new FileInputStream(prop_file));
if(props.getProperty("TIMEOUTS_FILE") != null &&
!props.getProperty("TIMEOUTS_FILE").equals("")) {
getOutput().printLine("Loading timeouts from " + props.getProperty("TIMEOUTS_FILE") +
" file");
if(props.getProperty("RESOURCE_FILE") != null &&
!props.getProperty("RESOURCE_FILE").equals("")) {
getOutput().printLine("Loading resources from " + props.getProperty("RESOURCE_FILE") +
" file");
getBundleManager().loadBundleFromFile(props.getProperty("RESOURCE_FILE"), "");
} catch(IOException e) {
* Method to initialize timeouts and resources. <BR>
* Uses jemmy.properties system property to find file.
* @see org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties#initProperties(String)
public void initProperties() {
if(System.getProperty("jemmy.properties") != null &&
!System.getProperty("jemmy.properties").equals("")) {
} else {
try {
} catch(IOException e) {
* Initializes dispatching model.
* @param queue Notifies that event queue dispatching should be used.
* @param robot Notifies that robot dispatching should be used.
* @param shortcut Notifies that event shorcutting should be used.
public void initDispatchingModel(boolean queue, boolean robot, boolean shortcut) {
initDispatchingModel(queue, robot, shortcut, false);
* Initializes dispatching model.
* @param queue Notifies that event queue dispatching should be used.
* @param robot Notifies that robot dispatching should be used.
* @param shortcut Notifies that event shorcutting should be used.
public void initDispatchingModel(boolean queue, boolean robot, boolean shortcut, boolean smooth) {
int model = getDefaultDispatchingModel();
getOutput().print("Reproduce user actions ");
if(queue) {
getOutput().printLine("through event queue.");
} else {
model = model - (model & QUEUE_MODEL_MASK);
getOutput().print("Use ");
if(robot) {
model = model | ROBOT_MODEL_MASK;
getOutput().print("java.awt.Robot class");
} else {
model = model - (model & ROBOT_MODEL_MASK);
getOutput().print("event dispatching");
if(smooth) {
model = model | SMOOTH_ROBOT_MODEL_MASK;
} else {
model = model - (model & SMOOTH_ROBOT_MODEL_MASK);
getOutput().printLine(" to reproduce user actions");
if(shortcut) {
model = model | SHORTCUT_MODEL_MASK;
} else {
model = model - (model & SHORTCUT_MODEL_MASK);
getOutput().printLine(" test events");
* Initializes dispatching model.
* @param queue Notifies that event queue dispatching should be used.
* @param robot Notifies that robot dispatching should be used.
public void initDispatchingModel(boolean queue, boolean robot) {
this.initDispatchingModel(queue, robot, false);
* Initializes dispatching model.
* Uses "jemmy.queue_dispatching" and "jemmy.robot_dispatching" system properties
* to determine what model should be used.
* Possible values for the both properties: <BR>
* "off" - switch mode off. <BR>
* "on" - switch mode on. <BR>
* "" - use default value.
* @see #getDefaultDispatchingModel()
public void initDispatchingModel() {
boolean qmask = ((getDefaultDispatchingModel() & QUEUE_MODEL_MASK) != 0);
boolean rmask = ((getDefaultDispatchingModel() & ROBOT_MODEL_MASK) != 0);
boolean srmask = ((getDefaultDispatchingModel() & SMOOTH_ROBOT_MODEL_MASK) != 0);
boolean smask = ((getDefaultDispatchingModel() & SHORTCUT_MODEL_MASK) != 0);
if( System.getProperty("jemmy.queue_dispatching") != null &&
!System.getProperty("jemmy.queue_dispatching").equals("")) {
qmask = System.getProperty("jemmy.queue_dispatching").equals("on");
if( System.getProperty("jemmy.robot_dispatching") != null &&
!System.getProperty("jemmy.robot_dispatching").equals("")) {
rmask = System.getProperty("jemmy.robot_dispatching").equals("on");
if( System.getProperty("jemmy.smooth_robot_dispatching") != null &&
!System.getProperty("jemmy.smooth_robot_dispatching").equals("")) {
srmask = System.getProperty("jemmy.smooth_robot_dispatching").equals("on");
if( System.getProperty("jemmy.shortcut_events") != null &&
!System.getProperty("jemmy.shortcut_events").equals("")) {
smask = System.getProperty("jemmy.shortcut_events").equals("on");
initDispatchingModel(qmask, rmask, smask, srmask);
* Inits properties and dispatching model from system environment variables.
* @see #initProperties()
* @see #initDispatchingModel()
public void init() {
* Returns timeouts.
* @return the Timeouts value.
* @see #setTimeouts
public Timeouts getTimeouts() {
* Changes timeouts.
* @param to new timeouts.
* @return old timeouts.
* @see #getTimeouts
public Timeouts setTimeouts(Timeouts to) {
return((Timeouts)setProperty("timeouts", to));
* Changes a timeouts value.
* @param name Timeout name
* @param newValue New timeout value
* @return previous timeout value
* @see #getTimeout
public long setTimeout(String name, long newValue) {
return(getTimeouts().setTimeout(name, newValue));
* Returns a timeouts value.
* @param name Timeout name
* @return a timeout value
* @see #setTimeout
public long getTimeout(String name) {
* Inits a timeouts value.
* @param name Timeout name
* @param newValue New timeout value
* @return a timeout value
public long initTimeout(String name, long newValue) {
return(getTimeouts().initTimeout(name, newValue));
* Returns output.
* @return a TestOut object representing the output value
* @see #setOutput
public TestOut getOutput() {
* Changes output.
* @param out new output.
* @return old output.
* @see #getOutput
public TestOut setOutput(TestOut out) {
return((TestOut)setProperty("output", out));
* Returns bundle manager.
* @return a BundleManager object representing the bundle manager value.
* @see #setBundleManager
public BundleManager getBundleManager() {
* Changes bundle manager.
* @param resources new bundle manager.
* @return old bundle manager
* @see #getBundleManager
public BundleManager setBundleManager(BundleManager resources) {
return((BundleManager)setProperty("resources", resources));
* Returns resource value.
* @param key Resource key.
* @return resource value
public String getResource(String key) {
* Returns resource value from the specified bundle.
* @param bundleID Id of a bundle to get resource from.
* @param key Resource key.
* @return resource value
public String getResource(String bundleID, String key) {
return(getBundleManager().getResource(bundleID, key));
* Returns char binding map.
* @return the char binding map.
* @see #setCharBindingMap
public CharBindingMap getCharBindingMap() {
* Changes char binding map.
* @param map new char binding map.
* @return old char binding map.
* @see #getCharBindingMap
public CharBindingMap setCharBindingMap(CharBindingMap map) {
return((CharBindingMap)setProperty("binding.map", map));
* Returns the dispatching model.
* @return Event dispatching model.
* @see #getCurrentDispatchingModel()
* @see #setDispatchingModel(int)
public int getDispatchingModel() {
private static DriverInstaller getDriverInstaller(int model) {
String name = System.getProperty("jemmy.drivers.installer");
DriverInstaller installer = null;
try {
if(name != null && !(name.length() == 0)) {
installer = (DriverInstaller)new ClassReference(name).newInstance(null, null);
} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
getCurrentOutput().printLine("Cannot init driver installer:");
} catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
getCurrentOutput().printLine("Cannot init driver installer:");
} catch(NoSuchMethodException e) {
getCurrentOutput().printLine("Cannot init driver installer:");
} catch(InstantiationException e) {
getCurrentOutput().printLine("Cannot init driver installer:");
} catch(InvocationTargetException e) {
getCurrentOutput().printLine("Cannot init driver installer:");
if(installer == null) {
if(System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Mac OS X")) {
installer = new APIDriverInstaller((model & SHORTCUT_MODEL_MASK) != 0);
} else {
installer = new DefaultDriverInstaller((model & SHORTCUT_MODEL_MASK) != 0);
getCurrentOutput().printLine("Using " + installer.getClass().getName() + " driver installer");
* Specifies the dispatching model value.
* @param model New dispatching model value.
* @return Previous dispatching model value.
* @see #setCurrentDispatchingModel(int)
* @see #getDispatchingModel()
public int setDispatchingModel(int model) {
new InputDriverInstaller((model & ROBOT_MODEL_MASK) == 0, (model & SMOOTH_ROBOT_MODEL_MASK) != 0).install();
return(((Integer)setProperty("dispatching.model", new Integer(model))).intValue());
* Returns the drag and drop step length value.
* @return Pixel count to move mouse during one drag'n'drop step.
* @see #getCurrentDragAndDropStepLength()
* @see #setDragAndDropStepLength(int)
public int getDragAndDropStepLength() {
* Specifies the drag and drop step length value.
* @param length Pixel count to move mouse during one drag'n'drop step.
* @return Previous value.
* @see #setCurrentDragAndDropStepLength(int)
* @see #getDragAndDropStepLength()
public int setDragAndDropStepLength(int length) {
return(((Integer)setProperty("drag_and_drop.step_length", new Integer(length))).intValue());
* Checks if "name" propery currently has a value.
* @param name Property name. Should by unique.
* @return true if property was defined.
* @see #setProperty(String, Object)
* @see #getProperty(String)
public boolean contains(String name) {
* Saves object as a static link to be used by other objects.
* @param name Property name. Should by unique.
* @param newValue Property value.
* @return Previous value of "name" property.
* @see #setCurrentProperty(String, Object)
* @see #getProperty(String)
* @see #contains(String)
public Object setProperty(String name, Object newValue) {
Object oldValue = null;
if(contains(name)) {
oldValue = properties.get(name);
properties.put(name, newValue);
* Returns the property value.
* @param name Property name. Should by unique.
* @return Property value stored by setProperty(String, Object) method.
* @see #getCurrentProperty(String)
* @see #setProperty(String, Object)
* @see #contains(String)
public Object getProperty(String name) {
if(contains(name)) {
} else {
* Removes the property.
* @param name A name of the property to be removed.
* @return previous property value
public Object removeProperty(String name) {
if(contains(name)) {
} else {
* Returns the key values.
@return an array of Strings representing the key values.
public String[] getKeys() {
Enumeration keys = properties.keys();
String[] result = new String[properties.size()];
int i = 0;
while(keys.hasMoreElements()) {
result[i] = (String)keys.nextElement();
* Copy all properties from this instance into another.
* @param properties a JemmyProperties instance to copy properties into.
public void copyTo(JemmyProperties properties) {
String[] keys = getKeys();
for(int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
properties.setProperty(keys[i], getProperty(keys[i]));
//some should be cloned
* Creates an exact copy on this instance.
* @return new JemmyProperties object.
protected JemmyProperties cloneThis() {
JemmyProperties result = new JemmyProperties();
private static String extractValue(InputStream stream, String varName) {
try {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
StringTokenizer token;
String nextLine;
while((nextLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
token = new StringTokenizer(nextLine, ":");
String nextToken = token.nextToken();
if(nextToken != null &&
nextToken.trim().equals(varName)) {
} catch(IOException e) {