Part of the GUI for Processing library
Copyright (c) 2008-12 Peter Lager
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package g4p_controls;
import g4p_controls.HotSpot.HSrect;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PGraphicsJava2D;
import processing.event.MouseEvent;
* A component that can be used to group GUI components that can be
* dragged, collapsed (leaves title tab only) and un-collapsed.
* When created the Panel is collapsed by default. To open the panel
* use setCollapsed(true); after creating it. <br>
* Once a component has been added the x/y coordinates of the control are
* calculated to be the centre of the panel to the centre of the control. This
* is to facilitate rotating of controls on panels
* @author Peter Lager
public class GPanel extends GTextBase {
static protected int COLLAPSED_BAR_SPOT = 1;
static protected int EXPANDED_BAR_SPOT = 2;
static protected int SURFACE_SPOT = 0;
/** Whether the panel is displayed in full or tab only */
protected boolean tabOnly = false;
/** The height of the tab calculated from font height + padding */
protected int tabHeight, tabWidth;
/** Used to restore position when closing panel */
protected float dockX, dockY;
// Defines the area that the panel must fit inside.
protected float lowX, highX, lowY, highY;
/** true if the panel is being dragged */
protected boolean beingDragged = false;
protected boolean draggable = true;
protected boolean collapsible = true;
* Create a Panel that comprises of 2 parts the tab which is used to
* select and move the panel and the container window below the tab which
* is used to hold other components. <br>
* If the panel fits inside the display window then its position will be
* constrained so that it can't be dragged outside the viewable area.
* Otherwise no constraint is applied.
* @param theApplet the PApplet reference
* @param p0 horizontal position
* @param p1 vertical position
* @param p2 width of the panel
* @param p3 height of the panel (excl. tab)
public GPanel(PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3) {
this(theApplet, p0, p1, 2, p3, "Panel");
* Create a Panel that comprises of 2 parts the tab which is used to
* select and move the panel and the container window below the tab which
* is used to hold other components. <br>
* If the panel fits inside the display window then its position will be
* constrained so that it can't be dragged outside the viewable area.
* Otherwise no constraint is applied.
* @param theApplet the PApplet reference
* @param p0 horizontal position
* @param p1 vertical position
* @param p2 width of the panel
* @param p3 height of the panel (excl. tab)
* @param text to appear on tab
public GPanel(PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, String text) {
super(theApplet, p0, p1, p2, p3);
// Set the values used to constrain movement of the panel
if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x + width > winApp.width || y+ height > winApp.height)
// Create the list of children
children = new LinkedList<GAbstractControl>();
// The image buffer is just for the tab area
buffer = (PGraphicsJava2D) winApp.createGraphics((int)width, (int)height, PApplet.JAVA2D);
opaque = true;
dockX = x;
dockY = y;
z = Z_PANEL;
createEventHandler(G4P.sketchApplet, "handlePanelEvents",
new Class<?>[]{ GPanel.class, GEvent.class },
new String[]{ "panel", "event" }
registeredMethods = DRAW_METHOD | MOUSE_METHOD;
cursorOver = HAND;
* This needs to be called if the tab text is changed
private void calcHotSpots(){
hotspots = new HotSpot[]{
new HSrect(COLLAPSED_BAR_SPOT, 0, 0, tabWidth, tabHeight), // tab text area
new HSrect(EXPANDED_BAR_SPOT, 0, 0, width, tabHeight), // tab non-text area
new HSrect(SURFACE_SPOT, 0, tabHeight, width, height - tabHeight) // panel content surface
* This panel is being added to another additional changes that need to be made this control
* is added to another. <br>
* In this case we need to set the constraint limits to keep inside the parent.
* @param p the parent
protected void addToParent(GAbstractControl p){
// Will this fit inside the parent panel
if(width > p.width || height > p.height){ //No
draggable = false;
else {
lowX = -p.width/2;
highX = p.width/2;
lowY = -p.height/2;
highY = p.height/2;
public void setText(String text){
tabHeight = (int) (stext.getMaxLineHeight() + 4);
tabWidth = (int) (stext.getMaxLineLength() + 8);
bufferInvalid = true;
public void setFont(Font font) {
if(font != null)
localFont = font;
tabHeight = (int) (1.2f * localFont.getSize() + 2);
bufferInvalid = true;
bufferInvalid = true;
* What to do when the FPanel loses focus.
protected void loseFocus(GAbstractControl grabber){
focusIsWith = null;
beingDragged = false;
* Draw the panel.
* If tabOnly == true
* then display the tab only
* else
* draw tab and all child (added) components
public void draw(){
if(!visible) return;
// Update buffer if invalid
// Perform the rotation
winApp.translate(cx, cy);
// If opaque draw the panel tab and back
// Move matrix to line up with top-left corner
winApp.translate(-halfWidth, -halfHeight);
// Draw buffer
if(alphaLevel < 255)
winApp.tint(TINT_FOR_ALPHA, alphaLevel);
winApp.image(buffer, 0, 0);
// Draw the children
if(children != null){
for(GAbstractControl c : children)
protected void updateBuffer(){
if(bufferInvalid) {
Graphics2D g2d = buffer.g2;
buffer.rect(0, 0, tabWidth, tabHeight);
else {
buffer.rect(0, 0, width, tabHeight);
TextLayout tl = stext.getTLIforLineNo(0).layout;
tl.draw(g2d, 4, 2 + tl.getAscent());
buffer.rect(0, tabHeight, width, height - tabHeight);
* Determines if a particular pixel position is over the panel taking
* into account whether it is collapsed or not.
public boolean isOver(float x, float y){
calcTransformedOrigin(winApp.mouseX, winApp.mouseY);
currSpot = whichHotSpot(ox, oy);
return (tabOnly)? currSpot == COLLAPSED_BAR_SPOT : currSpot == EXPANDED_BAR_SPOT | currSpot == COLLAPSED_BAR_SPOT;
* All GUI components are registered for mouseEvents
public void mouseEvent(MouseEvent event){
if(!visible || !enabled || !available) return;
calcTransformedOrigin(winApp.mouseX, winApp.mouseY);
currSpot = whichHotSpot(ox, oy);
// Is mouse over the panel tab (taking into account extended with when not collapsed)
boolean mouseOver = (tabOnly)? currSpot == COLLAPSED_BAR_SPOT : currSpot == EXPANDED_BAR_SPOT | currSpot == COLLAPSED_BAR_SPOT;
if(mouseOver || focusIsWith == this)
cursorIsOver = this;
else if(cursorIsOver == this)
cursorIsOver = null;
case MouseEvent.PRESS:
if(focusIsWith != this && mouseOver && z >= focusObjectZ()){
beingDragged = false;
case MouseEvent.CLICK:
if(focusIsWith == this && collapsible){
tabOnly = !tabOnly;
// Perform appropriate action depending on collapse state
x = dockX;
y = dockY;
else {
dockX = x;
dockY = y;
// Open panel move on screen if needed
if(y + height > winApp.getHeight())
y = winApp.getHeight() - height;
if(x + width > winApp.getWidth())
x = winApp.getWidth() - width;
// Maintain centre for drawing purposes
cx = x + width/2;
cy = y + height/2;
fireEvent(this, GEvent.COLLAPSED);
fireEvent(this, GEvent.EXPANDED);
beingDragged = false;
// This component does not keep the focus when clicked
case MouseEvent.RELEASE: // After dragging NOT clicking
if(focusIsWith == this){
// Remember the dock position when the mouse has
// been released after the panel has been dragged
dockX = x;
dockY = y;
beingDragged = false;
case MouseEvent.DRAG:
if(focusIsWith == this && draggable ){//&& parent == null){
// Maintain centre for drawing purposes
cx += (winApp.mouseX - winApp.pmouseX);
cy += (winApp.mouseY - winApp.pmouseY);
// Update x and y positions
x = cx - width/2;
y = cy - height/2;
beingDragged = true;
fireEvent(this, GEvent.DRAGGED);
* Determines whether to show the tab and panel back colour. If the
* parameter is the same as the current state then no changes will
* be made. <br>
* If the parameter is false then the panel will be <br>
* <ul>
* <li>expanded</li>
* <li>made non-collasible</li>
* <li>made unavailable to mouse control (so can't be dragged)</li>
* </ul>
* If the parameter is true then the panel will remain non-collapsible
* and the user must change this if required. <br>
* @param opaque
public void setOpaque(boolean opaque){
if(this.opaque == opaque)
return; // no change
available = opaque;
this.opaque = opaque;
* This method is used to discover whether the panel is being
* dragged to a new position on the screen.
* @return true if being dragged to a new position
public boolean isDragging(){
return beingDragged;
* Sets whether the panel can be dragged by the mouse or not.
* @param draggable
public void setDraggable(boolean draggable){
this.draggable = draggable;
* Can we drag this panel with the mouse?
* @return true if draggable
public boolean isDraggable(){
return draggable;
* Collapse or open the panel
* @param collapse
public void setCollapsed(boolean collapse){
tabOnly = collapse;
// If we open the panel make sure it fits on the screen but if we collapse
// the panel disable the panel controls but leave the panel available
available = true; // Needed so we can click on the title bar
else {
* Find out if the panel is collapsed
* @return true if collapsed
public boolean isCollapsed(){
return tabOnly;
* Determine whether the panel can be collapsed when the title bar is clicked. <br>
* If this is set to false then the panel will be expanded and it will
* not be possible to collapse it until set back to true.
public void setCollapsible(boolean c){
collapsible = c;
if(c == false){
tabOnly = false;
* Is this panel collapsible
public boolean isCollapsible(){
return collapsible;
public int getTabHeight(){
return tabHeight;
* Provided the panel is physically small enough this method will set the area
* within which the panel can be dragged and move the panel inside the area if
* not already inside. <br>
* @param xMin
* @param yMin
* @param xMax
* @param yMax
* @return true if the constraint was applied successfully else false
public boolean setDragArea(float xMin, float yMin, float xMax, float yMax){
if(xMax - xMin < width || yMax - yMin < height){
System.out.println("The constraint area is too small for this panel - request ignored");
return false;
lowX = xMin;
lowY = yMin;
highX = xMax;
highY = yMax;
return true;
* Provided the panel is small enough to fit inside the display area then
* the panel will be constrained to fit inside the display area.
* @return true if the constraint was applied successfully else false
public boolean setDragArea(){
return setDragArea(0, 0, winApp.width, winApp.height);
* Remove any drag constraint from this panel.
public void clearDragArea(){
lowX = lowY = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
highX = highY = Float.MAX_VALUE;
* Ensures that the panel tab and panel body if open does not
* extend off the screen.
private void constrainPanelPosition(){
// Calculate the size of the visible part of the panel
int w = (int) ((tabOnly)? tabWidth : width);
int h = (int) ((tabOnly)? tabHeight : height);
// Constrain horizontally
if(x < lowX)
x = lowX;
else if(x + w > highX)
x = (int) (highX - w);
// Constrain vertically
if(y < lowY)
y = lowY;
else if(y + h > highY)
y = highY - h;
// Maintain centre for
cx = x + width/2;
cy = y + height/2;
public String toString(){
return tag + " [" + x + ", " + y+"]" + " [" + cx + ", " + cy+"]"+ " [" + dockX + ", " + dockY+"]";