* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package flex2.tools;
import flash.css.StyleCondition;
import flash.css.StyleDeclaration;
import flash.css.StyleDeclarationBlock;
import flash.css.StyleProperty;
import flash.css.StyleSelector;
import flash.swf.tags.DefineFont;
import flash.swf.tags.DefineTag;
import flash.util.FileUtils;
import flash.util.StringJoiner;
import flash.util.Trace;
import flex.messaging.config.ServicesDependencies;
import flex2.compiler.*;
import flex2.compiler.abc.AbcClass;
import flex2.compiler.as3.binding.ClassInfo;
import flex2.compiler.as3.binding.TypeAnalyzer;
import flex2.compiler.css.StyleDef;
import flex2.compiler.common.CompilerConfiguration;
import flex2.compiler.common.Configuration;
import flex2.compiler.common.FramesConfiguration;
import flex2.compiler.common.MxmlConfiguration;
import flex2.compiler.common.RuntimeSharedLibrarySettingsConfiguration;
import flex2.compiler.common.Configuration.RslPathInfo;
import flex2.compiler.common.FramesConfiguration.FrameInfo;
import flex2.compiler.css.StylesContainer;
import flex2.compiler.extensions.ExtensionManager;
import flex2.compiler.extensions.IPreLinkExtension;
import flex2.compiler.i18n.I18nUtils;
import flex2.compiler.io.FileUtil;
import flex2.compiler.io.TextFile;
import flex2.compiler.io.VirtualFile;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.StandardDefs;
import flex2.compiler.swc.Digest;
import flex2.compiler.swc.Swc;
import flex2.compiler.swc.SwcScript;
import flex2.compiler.util.CompilerMessage;
import flex2.compiler.util.MimeMappings;
import flex2.compiler.util.Name;
import flex2.compiler.util.NameFormatter;
import flex2.compiler.util.SwcDependencyUtil;
import flex2.compiler.util.NameMappings;
import flex2.compiler.util.QName;
import flex2.compiler.util.ThreadLocalToolkit;
import flex2.compiler.util.VelocityException;
import flex2.linker.CULinkable;
import flex2.linker.DependencyWalker.LinkState;
import flex2.linker.LinkerException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
* A flex2.compiler.PreLink implementation, which creates the FlexInit
* and SystemManager subclass.
* @author Clement Wong
* @author Roger Gonzalez (mixin, flexinit, bootstrap)
* @author Basil Hosmer (service config)
* @author Brian Deitte (font)
* @author Cathy Murphy (accessibility)
* @author Gordon Smith (i18n)
public class PreLink implements flex2.compiler.PreLink
private final static String DEFAULTS_CSS = "defaults.css";
private final static String DEFAULTS_DASH = "defaults-";
private final static String DOT_CSS = ".css";
public boolean run(List<Source> sources, List<CompilationUnit> units,
FileSpec fileSpec, SourceList sourceList, SourcePath sourcePath, ResourceBundlePath bundlePath,
ResourceContainer resources, SymbolTable symbolTable, CompilerSwcContext swcContext,
NameMappings nameMappings, Configuration configuration)
int initialSourceCount = sources.size();
Set<IPreLinkExtension> extensions =
ExtensionManager.getPreLinkExtensions( configuration.getCompilerConfiguration().getExtensionsConfiguration().getExtensionMappings() );
for ( IPreLinkExtension extension : extensions )
if(ThreadLocalToolkit.errorCount() == 0) {
extension.run( sources, units, fileSpec, sourceList, sourcePath, bundlePath, resources, symbolTable,
swcContext, configuration );
boolean reRunPrelink = processMainUnit(sources, units, resources, symbolTable, nameMappings, configuration);
// Check if additional sources were generated after processing the
// main compilation unit. The compiler will need to re-run pre-link.
if (sources.size() > initialSourceCount || reRunPrelink)
return true;
return false;
* generate sources for units which require complete set of original units as type context
public void postRun(List<Source> sources, List<CompilationUnit> units,
ResourceContainer resources,
SymbolTable symbolTable,
CompilerSwcContext swcContext,
NameMappings nameMappings,
Configuration configuration)
LinkedList<Source> extraSources = new LinkedList<Source>();
LinkedList<String> mixins = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<DefineTag> fonts = new LinkedList<DefineTag>();
Set<String> contributingSwcs = new HashSet<String>();
// Build a set, such as { "core", "controls" }, of the names
// of all resource bundles used in all compilation units.
// This will be used to set the compiledResourceBundleNames
// property of the module factory's info() Object
// and the compileResourceBundleNames property
// of the _CompileResourceBundleInfo class.
processResourceBundleNames(units, configuration);
// TODO - factor out the unit iteration / list discovery to a more clear separate step
// Autogenerate the _MyApp_FlexInit class.
processInitClass(units, configuration, extraSources, mixins, fonts, contributingSwcs, swcContext);
// Autogenerate the _MyApp_mx_managers_SystemManager class.
boolean generatedLoaderClass = processLoaderClass(units, configuration, extraSources,
mixins, fonts, contributingSwcs,
// Autogenerate the _CompiledResourceBundleInfo class if we didn't autogenerate a loader class.
// This enables non-framework apps which simply extend Sprite to use the ResourceManager.
if (!generatedLoaderClass)
processCompiledResourceBundleInfoClass(units, configuration, extraSources, mixins, fonts, swcContext);
// Add the autogenerated sources to the ResourceContainer, so
// they can be resolved in subsequent incremental compilations,
// where the main unit doesn't require recompilation.
for (Source extraSource : extraSources)
CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration = configuration.getCompilerConfiguration();
int compatibilityVersion = compilerConfiguration.getCompatibilityVersion();
StandardDefs standardDefs = ThreadLocalToolkit.getStandardDefs();
TypeAnalyzer typeAnalyzer = symbolTable.getTypeAnalyzer();
assert(typeAnalyzer != null);
for (int i = 0, length = units.size(); i < length; i++)
CompilationUnit u = (CompilationUnit) units.get(i);
if (u.isRoot())
StylesContainer stylesContainer =
(StylesContainer) symbolTable.getContext().getAttribute(StylesContainer.class.getName());
StylesContainer rootStylesContainer = u.getStylesContainer();
// If the backgroundColor wasn't specified inline, go looking for it in CSS.
if ((u.swfMetaData == null) || (u.swfMetaData.getValue("backgroundColor") == null))
QName qName = u.topLevelDefinitions.last();
if (qName != null)
String def = qName.toString();
lookupBackgroundColor(stylesContainer, rootStylesContainer, u.styleName,
NameFormatter.toDot(def), symbolTable, configuration);
if (rootStylesContainer != null)
// Swap in root's Logger, so warnings get associated correctly.
Logger originalLogger = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLogger();
rootStylesContainer.validate(symbolTable, nameMappings, u.getStandardDefs(),
compilerConfiguration.getThemeNames(), null);
Source source = u.getSource();
// Now that we're done validating the StyleContainer,
// we can disconnect the root's logger.
// Clear the root's path resolver, so the
// CompilationUnit doesn't hold onto the global path
// resolver, which has strong references to things
// like the SourcePath, which we want freed up at the
// end of a compilation. All the other
// CompilationUnit's have their PathResolver cleared
// when they reach the ABC state. We hold onto the
// root's path resolver until now, because of the
// styles
// C: we don't need the styles container anymore
else if (generatedLoaderClass && !u.getSource().isInternal() && !u.getSource().isSwcScriptOwner())
// Check if the source is a module or an application. If it is and we know it
// is not the root then generate a warning.
if (typeAnalyzer != null)
for (QName qName : u.topLevelDefinitions)
ClassInfo info = typeAnalyzer.getClassInfo(qName.toString());
checkForModuleOrApplication(standardDefs, typeAnalyzer, info, qName, configuration);
// Only check the dependencies of hand written compilation units.
if (!u.getSource().isSwcScriptOwner() && compilerConfiguration.enableSwcVersionFiltering())
Set<Name> dependencies = new HashSet<Name>();
for (Name name : dependencies)
if (name instanceof QName)
Source dependent = symbolTable.findSourceByQName((QName) name);
if (dependent.isSwcScriptOwner())
SwcScript swcScript = (SwcScript) dependent.getOwner();
Swc swc = swcScript.getLibrary().getSwc();
// Make sure each dependency's minimum
// supported version is less than or equal to
// the compatibility version.
if (compatibilityVersion < swc.getVersions().getMinimumVersion())
DependencyNotCompatible message =
new DependencyNotCompatible(swcScript.getName().replace('/', '.'),
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(message, u.getSource());
* Determine if the class is a module or an application.
* @param standardDefs
* @param typeAnalyzer
* @param info - ClassInfo of the class being check.
* @param root - CompilationUnit of the root, may not be null.
* @param qName - qName of the class being checked.
* @param configuration
private void checkForModuleOrApplication(StandardDefs standardDefs, TypeAnalyzer typeAnalyzer,
ClassInfo info, QName qName, Configuration configuration)
if (info != null)
// Does the class implement IModule or extend one of the Application classes.
if (info.implementsInterface(standardDefs.getModulesPackage(),
info.extendsClass(StandardDefs.CLASS_APPLICATION) ||
// Now test that the root does not extend or implement this class before we generate a
// warning.
ClassInfo rootInfo = typeAnalyzer.getClassInfo(configuration.getMainDefinition());
if (rootInfo != null &&
!rootInfo.implementsInterface(qName.getNamespace(), qName.getLocalPart()) &&
ThreadLocalToolkit.getLogger().log(new CompiledAsAComponent(qName.toString(),
private void locateStyleDefaults(List<CompilationUnit> units, CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration)
Set<VirtualFile> defaultsCssFiles = new HashSet<VirtualFile>();
String versionDefaultsCssFileName = null;
if (compilerConfiguration.getCompatibilityVersionString() != null)
versionDefaultsCssFileName = DEFAULTS_DASH + compilerConfiguration.getCompatibilityVersionString() + DOT_CSS;
for (int i = 0, length = units.size(); i < length; i++)
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = (CompilationUnit) units.get(i);
assert compilationUnit != null : "Must have missed a forcedToStop() check after the most recent batch()";
Source source = compilationUnit.getSource();
if (source.isSwcScriptOwner())
SwcScript swcScript = (SwcScript) source.getOwner();
Swc swc = swcScript.getLibrary().getSwc();
VirtualFile defaultsCssFile = null;
if (versionDefaultsCssFileName != null)
defaultsCssFile = swc.getFile(versionDefaultsCssFileName);
if (defaultsCssFile == null)
defaultsCssFile = swc.getFile(DEFAULTS_CSS);
if (defaultsCssFile != null)
// TODO: figure out how to get these into the correct order
private boolean processMainUnit(List<Source> sources, List<CompilationUnit> units, ResourceContainer resources,
SymbolTable symbolTable, NameMappings nameMappings, Configuration configuration)
boolean generatedSources = false;
for (int i = 0, length = units.size(); i < length; i++)
CompilationUnit u = (CompilationUnit) units.get(i);
if (u.isRoot())
swfmetadata(u, configuration);
if (u.loaderClass != null)
// set the last top level definition as the main definition. Setting the last one allows
// for Embed classes at the top of the file
QName qName = u.topLevelDefinitions.last();
if (qName != null)
String def = qName.toString();
u.getContext().setAttribute("mainDefinition", def);
// i.e. isApplication... need loader class for styles.
// We also need styles for an AS file that subclasses Application or Module.
if (u.loaderClass != null || u.loaderClassBase != null)
CompilerConfiguration compilerConfig = configuration.getCompilerConfiguration();
StylesContainer stylesContainer =
(StylesContainer) symbolTable.getContext().getAttribute(StylesContainer.class.getName());
if (stylesContainer == null)
stylesContainer = new StylesContainer(compilerConfig, u, symbolTable.perCompileData);
symbolTable.getContext().setAttribute(StylesContainer.class.getName(), stylesContainer);
// locate style defaults each time through,
// because new dependencies could have brought
// in new SWC files with a defaults.css file.
List<VirtualFile> cssFiles = compilerConfig.getDefaultsCssFiles();
Set<String> cssFilesSet = new HashSet<String>();
for (VirtualFile cssFile : cssFiles )
locateStyleDefaults(units, compilerConfig);
cssFiles = compilerConfig.getDefaultsCssFiles();
Set<String> addedCssFilesSet = null;
if (!cssFilesSet.isEmpty())
Set<String> secondCssFilesSet = new HashSet<String>();
for (VirtualFile cssFile : cssFiles )
addedCssFilesSet = new HashSet<String>();
for (String cssName : secondCssFilesSet )
if (!cssFilesSet.contains(cssName))
stylesContainer.validate(symbolTable, nameMappings, u.getStandardDefs(), compilerConfig.getThemeNames(), addedCssFilesSet);
List<CULinkable> linkables = new LinkedList<CULinkable>();
for (Iterator it2 = units.iterator(); it2.hasNext();)
linkables.add( new CULinkable( (CompilationUnit) it2.next() ) );
LinkState state = new LinkState(linkables, new HashSet(), configuration.getIncludes(), new HashSet<String>());
// C: generate style classes for components which we want to link in.
List<Source> styleSources = new ArrayList<Source>();
generatedSources = stylesContainer.processDependencies(styleSources, state.getDefNames(), resources,
u.getSource().getRelativePath().replace('/', '.'),
// Sweep through and remove any previous style sources.
Iterator<Source> iterator = sources.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
Source source = iterator.next();
for (Source styleSource : styleSources)
if (source.getName().equals(styleSource.getName()))
// Now add the new style sources.
catch (LinkerException e)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log( e );
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new NoExternalVisibleDefinition(), u.getSource());
return generatedSources;
* Looks up the backgroundColor. The first time through, if an
* inline styleName from the MXML tag is available, it is used to
* lookup a class selector. Otherwise, we look for a styleName in
* the local StylesContainer and then the global StylesContainer.
* If found, we use it to lookup a class selector. If a class
* selector is found, we look for a backgroundColor style
* property. If a backgroundColor style property is not found, we
* look for a type selector in the local StylesContainer and then
* the global StylesContainer. If found, we look for a
* backgroundColor style property. If the backgroundColor is
* still not found, we recursively call lookupBackgroundColor()
* using the super type. If the backgroundColor is still not
* found, we look for the backgroundColor in the global selector.
private static void lookupBackgroundColor(StylesContainer globalStylesContainer,
StylesContainer localStylesContainer,
String inlineStyleName,
String className,
SymbolTable symbolTable,
Configuration configuration)
assert NameFormatter.toDot(className).equals(className);
String styleName = inlineStyleName;
if ((styleName == null) && (localStylesContainer != null))
styleName = lookupStyleName(localStylesContainer, className);
if ((styleName == null) && (globalStylesContainer != null))
styleName = lookupStyleName(globalStylesContainer, className);
int backgroundColor = -1;
if ((styleName != null) && (localStylesContainer != null))
backgroundColor = lookupClassSelectorBackgroundColor(localStylesContainer, styleName);
if ((backgroundColor == -1) && (styleName != null) && (globalStylesContainer != null))
backgroundColor = lookupClassSelectorBackgroundColor(globalStylesContainer, styleName);
if ((backgroundColor == -1) && (localStylesContainer != null))
backgroundColor = lookupTypeSelectorBackgroundColor(localStylesContainer, className);
if ((backgroundColor == -1) && (globalStylesContainer != null))
backgroundColor = lookupTypeSelectorBackgroundColor(globalStylesContainer, className);
if (backgroundColor == -1)
AbcClass abcClass = symbolTable.getClass(NameFormatter.toColon(className));
if (abcClass != null)
String superTypeName = abcClass.getSuperTypeName();
if (superTypeName != null)
// The styleName is intentionally not passed in,
// because we've already tried doing a lookup with it.
lookupBackgroundColor(globalStylesContainer, localStylesContainer, null,
symbolTable, configuration);
// A null superTypeName means that we've gone up
// the whole inheritance chain, so try the global
// selector.
if (localStylesContainer != null)
backgroundColor = lookupTypeSelectorBackgroundColor(localStylesContainer, "global");
if ((backgroundColor == -1) && (globalStylesContainer != null))
backgroundColor = lookupTypeSelectorBackgroundColor(globalStylesContainer, "global");
if (backgroundColor != -1)
* Looks for the backgroundColor in a type selector in the
* StylesContainer.
private static int lookupTypeSelectorBackgroundColor(StylesContainer stylesContainer, String className)
int result = -1;
StyleDef styleDef = stylesContainer.getStyleDef(className);
if (styleDef != null)
Map<String, StyleDeclaration> declarations = styleDef.getDeclarations();
if (declarations != null)
for (StyleDeclaration styleDeclaration : declarations.values())
Collection<StyleDeclarationBlock> blocks = styleDeclaration.getDeclarationBlocks();
for (StyleDeclarationBlock block : blocks)
StyleProperty styleProperty = block.getProperties().get("backgroundColor");
if (styleProperty != null)
Object value = styleProperty.getValue();
if (value instanceof String)
String backgroundColor = (String) value;
result = Integer.decode(backgroundColor).intValue();
catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatException)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new InvalidBackgroundColor(backgroundColor),
// If value is not a String an error will have been reported upstream.
return result;
* Looks for the backgroundColor in a class selector in the
* StylesContainer.
private static int lookupClassSelectorBackgroundColor(StylesContainer stylesContainer, String styleName)
int result = -1;
StyleDef styleDef = stylesContainer.getStyleDef("global");
if (styleDef != null)
Map<String, StyleDeclaration> declarations = styleDef.getDeclarations();
if (declarations != null)
for (StyleDeclaration styleDeclaration : declarations.values())
StyleSelector styleSelector = styleDeclaration.getSelector();
if (styleSelector != null)
List<StyleCondition> conditions = styleSelector.getConditions();
if (conditions != null)
for (StyleCondition styleCondition : conditions)
if ((styleCondition.getKind() == StyleCondition.CLASS_CONDITION) &&
Collection<StyleDeclarationBlock> blocks = styleDeclaration.getDeclarationBlocks();
for (StyleDeclarationBlock block : blocks)
StyleProperty styleProperty = block.getProperties().get("backgroundColor");
if (styleProperty != null)
Object value = styleProperty.getValue();
if (value instanceof String)
String backgroundColor = (String) value;
result = Integer.decode(backgroundColor).intValue();
catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatException)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new InvalidBackgroundColor(backgroundColor),
// If value is not a String an error will have been reported upstream.
// The id attribute is not allowed on the
// root tag, so we don't need to handle
// StyleCondition.ID_CONDITION here.
// Also, StyleCondition.PSEUDO_CONDITION
// does not apply, because the root tag
// can not be in a state.
return result;
* Looks for the styleName in a type selector in the
* StylesContainer.
private static String lookupStyleName(StylesContainer stylesContainer, String className)
String result = null;
StyleDef styleDef = stylesContainer.getStyleDef(className);
if (styleDef != null)
for (StyleDeclaration styleDeclaration : styleDef.getDeclarations().values())
Collection<StyleDeclarationBlock> blocks = styleDeclaration.getDeclarationBlocks();
for (StyleDeclarationBlock block : blocks)
StyleProperty styleProperty = block.getProperties().get("styleName");
if (styleProperty != null)
Object value = styleProperty.getValue();
if (value instanceof String)
result = (String) value;
return result;
private static void swfmetadata(CompilationUnit u, Configuration cfg)
if (u.swfMetaData != null)
String widthString = u.swfMetaData.getValue("width");
if (widthString != null)
String heightString = u.swfMetaData.getValue("height");
if (heightString != null)
String widthPercent = u.swfMetaData.getValue("widthPercent");
if (widthPercent != null)
String heightPercent = u.swfMetaData.getValue("heightPercent");
if (heightPercent != null)
String scriptRecursionLimit = u.swfMetaData.getValue("scriptRecursionLimit");
if (scriptRecursionLimit != null)
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new CouldNotParseNumber(scriptRecursionLimit, "scriptRecursionLimit"));
String scriptTimeLimit = u.swfMetaData.getValue("scriptTimeLimit");
if (scriptTimeLimit != null)
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new CouldNotParseNumber(scriptTimeLimit, "scriptTimeLimit"));
String frameRate = u.swfMetaData.getValue("frameRate");
if (frameRate != null)
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new CouldNotParseNumber(frameRate, "frameRate"));
String backgroundColor = u.swfMetaData.getValue("backgroundColor");
if (backgroundColor != null)
catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatException)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new InvalidBackgroundColor(backgroundColor), u.getSource());
String pageTitle = u.swfMetaData.getValue("pageTitle");
if (pageTitle != null)
String useDirectBlit = u.swfMetaData.getValue("useDirectBlit");
if(useDirectBlit != null)
String useGPU = u.swfMetaData.getValue("useGPU");
if(useGPU != null)
// fixme: error on SWF metadata we don't understand
private SortedSet<String> resourceBundleNames = new TreeSet<String>();
private SortedSet<String> externalResourceBundleNames = new TreeSet<String>();
private void processResourceBundleNames(List units, flex2.compiler.common.Configuration configuration)
Set externs = configuration.getExterns();
for (Iterator it = units.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
CompilationUnit unit = (CompilationUnit) it.next();
if (unit.resourceBundleHistory.size() > 0)
if (externs.contains(unit.topLevelDefinitions.first().toString()))
private String codegenFlexInit(String flexInitClassName, Set<String> accessibilityList,
Map<String, String> remoteClassAliases, Map<String, String> effectTriggers,
Set<String> inheritingStyles, Configuration configuration)
StandardDefs standardDefs = ThreadLocalToolkit.getStandardDefs();
CompilerConfiguration compilerConfig = configuration.getCompilerConfiguration();
ServicesDependencies servicesDependencies = compilerConfig.getServicesDependencies();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("package {\n");
sb.append("import flash.display.DisplayObject;\n");
sb.append("import flash.utils.*;\n");
sb.append("import ").append(standardDefs.INTERFACE_IFLEXMODULEFACTORY_DOT).append(";\n");
sb.append("import ").append(standardDefs.INTERFACE_ISTYLEMANAGER2_DOT).append(";\n");
sb.append("import ").append(standardDefs.CLASS_REQUEST_DOT).append(";\n");
sb.append("import ").append(standardDefs.CLASS_STYLEMANAGERIMPL_DOT).append(";\n");
sb.append("import ").append(standardDefs.CLASS_SYSTEMMANAGERCHILDMANAGER_DOT).append(";\n");
sb.append("import ").append(standardDefs.CLASS_TEXTFIELDFACTORY_DOT).append("; TextFieldFactory;\n");
sb.append(codegenRemoteClassImports( remoteClassAliases ));
sb.append(codegenEffectTriggerImports(effectTriggers, standardDefs));
if (servicesDependencies != null)
sb.append("public class " + flexInitClassName + "\n");
sb.append(" public function " + flexInitClassName + "()\n");
sb.append(" {\n");
sb.append(" super();\n");
sb.append(" }\n");
sb.append(" public static function init(fbs:IFlexModuleFactory):void\n");
sb.append(" {\n");
sb.append(" new ChildManager(fbs);\n");
sb.append(" var styleManager:IStyleManager2;\n");
if ((configuration.getCompatibilityVersion() <= flex2.compiler.common.MxmlConfiguration.VERSION_3_0))
// For backwards compatibility use the top level style manager.
sb.append(" styleManager = StyleManagerImpl.getInstance();\n");
sb.append(" fbs.registerImplementation(\"mx.styles::IStyleManager2\", styleManager);\n");
else if (!configuration.getCompilerConfiguration().getIsolateStyles())
// If this module factory is not creating its own style factory, then use its parent if available.
// Fall back to using the top level style manager.
sb.append(" var request:mx.events.Request = new mx.events.Request(mx.events.Request.GET_PARENT_FLEX_MODULE_FACTORY_REQUEST);\n");
sb.append(" DisplayObject(fbs).dispatchEvent(request);\n");
sb.append(" var moduleFactory:IFlexModuleFactory = request.value as IFlexModuleFactory;\n");
sb.append(" if (moduleFactory)\n");
sb.append(" styleManager = IStyleManager2(moduleFactory.getImplementation(\"mx.styles::IStyleManager2\"));\n\n");
sb.append(" if (!styleManager)\n");
sb.append(" styleManager = StyleManagerImpl.getInstance();\n");
sb.append(" fbs.registerImplementation(\"mx.styles::IStyleManager2\", styleManager);\n");
sb.append(" styleManager = new StyleManagerImpl(fbs);\n");
sb.append(codegenRemoteClassAliases(remoteClassAliases, flexInitClassName, configuration));
if (servicesDependencies != null)
sb.append(" }\n");
if (servicesDependencies != null)
sb.append("} // FlexInit\n");
sb.append("} // package\n");
return sb.toString();
private void processInitClass(List units, Configuration configuration,
List<Source> extraSources, LinkedList<String> mixins,
LinkedList<DefineTag> fonts,
Set<String> contributingSwcs,
CompilerSwcContext swcContext)
Set<String> accessibilityList = null;
Map<String, String> remoteClassAliases = new TreeMap<String, String>()
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8015004853369794727L;
* Override so warning messages can be logged.
public String put(String key, String value)
// check for duplicate values and log a warning if any remote
// classes try to use the same alias.
if (containsValue(value))
Object existingKey = null;
for (Iterator iter = entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)iter.next();
if (value != null && value.equals(entry.getValue()))
existingKey = entry.getKey();
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new ClassesMappedToSameRemoteAlias((String)key, (String)existingKey, (String)value));
return super.put(key, value);
Map<String, String> effectTriggers = new TreeMap<String, String>();
Set<String> inheritingStyles = new HashSet<String>();
CompilationUnit mainUnit = null;
Set externs = swcContext.getExterns();
boolean removeUnusedRSLs = configuration.getRemoveUnusedRsls();
for (int i = 0, size = units.size(); i < size; i++)
CompilationUnit u = (CompilationUnit) units.get(i);
if (u.isRoot())
mainUnit = u;
if (u.hasAssets())
List<DefineFont> fontList = u.getAssets().getFonts();
// don't add font assets for definitions that have been externed.
if (fontList != null && !fontList.isEmpty() &&
!isCompilationUnitExternal(u, externs) &&
fonts.addAll(fontList); // save for later...
remoteClassAliases.putAll( u.remoteClassAliases );
effectTriggers.putAll( u.effectTriggers );
mixins.addAll( u.mixins );
inheritingStyles.addAll( u.styles.getInheritingStyles() );
if (configuration.getCompilerConfiguration().accessible())
Set<String> unitAccessibilityList = u.getAccessibilityClasses();
if (unitAccessibilityList != null)
if (accessibilityList == null)
accessibilityList = new HashSet<String>();
if (removeUnusedRSLs)
// Record which swcs have contributed the scripts. We will use
// this later to figure out which RSLs to load.
Source source = u.getSource();
if (!source.isInternal() && source.isSwcScriptOwner())
SwcScript script = (SwcScript)source.getOwner();
String flexInitClass = null;
if (mainUnit != null)
for (Iterator it = mainUnit.extraClasses.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
String extraClass = (String) it.next();
// FIXME - Depending on the contents of the classname is not the solution we want.
if (extraClass.indexOf("FlexInit") != -1)
flexInitClass = extraClass;
if (flexInitClass != null)
String code = codegenFlexInit(flexInitClass, accessibilityList, remoteClassAliases,
effectTriggers, inheritingStyles, configuration);
String name = flexInitClass + "-generated.as";
if (configuration.getCompilerConfiguration().keepGeneratedActionScript())
saveGenerated(name, code, configuration.getCompilerConfiguration().getGeneratedDirectory());
Source s = new Source(new TextFile(code, name, null, MimeMappings.getMimeType(name)), "", flexInitClass, null, false, false, false);
// C: It doesn't look like this Source needs any path resolution. null is fine...
mixins.addFirst( flexInitClass ); // we already iterated, lets put this one at the head in any case
* @param unit compilation unit, may not be null
* @param externs - list of externs, may not be null
* @return true if the compilation unit, u, has any definitions that are in the list of
* interns.
public static boolean isCompilationUnitExternal(CompilationUnit unit, Set externs)
for (int i = 0, size = unit == null ? 0 : unit.topLevelDefinitions.size(); i < size; i++)
if (externs.contains(unit.topLevelDefinitions.get(i).toString()))
return true;
return false;
private boolean processLoaderClass(List units,
Configuration configuration,
List<Source> sources,
List<String> mixins,
List<DefineTag> fonts,
Set<String> contributingSwcs,
CompilerSwcContext swcContext)
if (!configuration.generateFrameLoader)
return false;
LinkedList<FrameInfo> frames = new LinkedList<FrameInfo>();
frames.addAll( configuration.getFrameList() );
CompilationUnit mainUnit = null;
for (Iterator it = units.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
CompilationUnit unit = (CompilationUnit) it.next();
if (unit.isRoot())
mainUnit = unit;
if (mainUnit == null)
return false;
// If we built the main unit from source on this pass, we will have saved
// off information that will help us determine whether we need to generate
// an IFlexModuleFactory derivative.
// IMPORTANT: Having frame metadata is NOT the indicator! We only generate
// a system manager in sync with compiling a MXML application from source;
// otherwise, the generated class is assumed to already exist!
String generateLoaderClass = null;
String baseLoaderClass = null;
String windowClass = null;
//String preloaderClass = null;
Map<String, Object> rootAttributes = null;
Map<String, Object> rootAttributeEmbedVars = null;
Map<String, Object> rootAttributeEmbedNames = null;
//boolean usePreloader = false;
List<RslPathInfo> cdRsls = configuration.getRslPathInfo();
List<String> rsls = configuration.getRuntimeSharedLibraries();
String[] locales = configuration.getCompilerConfiguration().getLocales();
// Generate a loader class iff all the below are true:
// 1a. We compiled MXML on this compilation run.
// or
// 1b. We were not MXML but the base class does know a loader.
// 2. We found Frame loaderClass metadata in a superclass
// 3. We did not find Frame loaderClass metadata in the app
if ((mainUnit.loaderClass != null) && (mainUnit.auxGenerateInfo != null))
generateLoaderClass = (String) mainUnit.auxGenerateInfo.get("generateLoaderClass");
baseLoaderClass = (String) mainUnit.auxGenerateInfo.get("baseLoaderClass");
windowClass = (String) mainUnit.auxGenerateInfo.get("windowClass");
//preloaderClass = (String) mainUnit.auxGenerateInfo.get("preloaderClass");
//Boolean b = (Boolean) mainUnit.auxGenerateInfo.get("usePreloader");
Map<String, Object> tmpRootAttributes = (Map<String, Object>) mainUnit.auxGenerateInfo.get("rootAttributes");
rootAttributes = tmpRootAttributes;
Map<String, Object> tmpRootAttributeEmbedVars = (Map<String, Object>) mainUnit.auxGenerateInfo.get("rootAttributeEmbedVars");
rootAttributeEmbedVars = tmpRootAttributeEmbedVars;
Map<String, Object> tmpRootAttributeEmbedNames = (Map<String, Object>) mainUnit.auxGenerateInfo.get("rootAttributeEmbedNames");
rootAttributeEmbedNames = tmpRootAttributeEmbedNames;
// mainUnit.auxGenerateInfo = null; // All done, thanks!
assert generateLoaderClass != null;
//usePreloader = ((b == null) || b.booleanValue());
//assert usePreloader || (preloaderClass != null);
// Is there any way we can eliminate having default class here?
// Seems like this should be in SystemManager, not the compiler.
//if (usePreloader && (preloaderClass == null)) //
// preloaderClass = "mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar";
else if ((mainUnit.loaderClass == null) && (mainUnit.loaderClassBase != null))
// AS project, but the base class knows of a loader.
baseLoaderClass = mainUnit.loaderClassBase;
windowClass = mainUnit.topLevelDefinitions.last().toString();
generateLoaderClass = (windowClass + "_" + mainUnit.loaderClassBase).replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "_");
mainUnit.loaderClass = generateLoaderClass;
else if ((mainUnit.loaderClass == null) &&
((rsls.size() > 0) || (cdRsls.size() > 0)))
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new MissingFactoryClassInFrameMetadata(), mainUnit.getSource());
return false;
return false;
String generatedLoaderCode = codegenModuleFactory(baseLoaderClass.replace(':', '.'),
generateLoaderClass.replace(':', '.'),
windowClass.replace(':', '.'),
String generatedLoaderFile = generateLoaderClass + ".as";
TextFile genSource = new TextFile(generatedLoaderCode,
Source s = new Source(genSource, mainUnit.getSource(), generateLoaderClass, false, false);
if (configuration.getCompilerConfiguration().keepGeneratedActionScript())
saveGenerated(generatedLoaderFile, generatedLoaderCode, configuration.getCompilerConfiguration().getGeneratedDirectory());
return true;
private String codegenAccessibilityImports(Set<String> accessibilityImplementations)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("import flash.system.*\n");
if (accessibilityImplementations != null)
for (Iterator<String> it = accessibilityImplementations.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
sb.append("import " + it.next() + ";\n");
return sb.toString();
// TODO save to alt location instead of mangling name, to keep code compilable under OPD
// TODO make sure code generators obey OPD in name <-> code
public static void saveGenerated(String name, String code, String dir)
final String suffix = "-generated.as";
final String as3ext = ".as";
if (!name.endsWith(suffix) && name.endsWith(as3ext))
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - as3ext.length()) + suffix;
name = FileUtils.addPathComponents( dir, name, File.separatorChar );
FileUtil.writeFile(name, code);
catch (IOException e)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new VelocityException.UnableToWriteGeneratedFile(name, e.getLocalizedMessage()));
* Codegen the cdRsls and placeholderRsls arrays.
* @param cdRsls List of cross-domain rsls in the configuration.
* @param requiredRsls true if we are writing out required rsls (cdRsls).
* @param unusedRsls set of RSL that are not used by the application.
* @param configuration
* @param swcContext
* @return
private static String codegenCdRslList(List<RslPathInfo> cdRsls,
boolean requiredRsls,
Set<String> unusedRsls,
Configuration configuration,
CompilerSwcContext swcContext)
// ignore -rslp option if -static-rsls is set
if (configuration.getStaticLinkRsl()) {
return "[]";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0; // keep track of rsl index;
for (Iterator<Configuration.RslPathInfo> iter = cdRsls.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++)
Configuration.RslPathInfo info = (Configuration.RslPathInfo)iter.next();
// skip if the associated swc is filtered from our context.
if (swcContext.getSwc(info.getSwcVirtualFile().getName()) == null)
String swcPath = info.getSwcVirtualFile().getName();
// Write out either the required rsls (to cdRsls) or the
// unused rsls (to placeholderRsls).
if (requiredRsls && unusedRsls.contains(swcPath) ||
!requiredRsls && !unusedRsls.contains(swcPath))
// output message about rsl urls.
if (requiredRsls)
List<String>rslUrls = info.getRslUrls();
switch (rslUrls.size())
case 0:
assert false; // One RSL URL is required.
case 1:
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new RequiredRslUrl(rslUrls.get(0)));
case 2:
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new RequiredRslUrlWithFailover(rslUrls.get(0)));
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new RequiredRslUrlWithMultipleFailovers(
rslUrls.size() - 1));
// Write out the rsl info and fail over info into an array of rsl objects.
codegenRslInfoObject(swcContext, configuration, info, unusedRsls, buf);
if (iter.hasNext())
// end of all rsls
return buf.toString();
* Figure out which rsls we can remove. The tricky part is we may need to load
* an unused rsl because a downstream rsl has inheritance dependencies on it.
* @param cdRsls
* @param contributingSwcs
* @param configuration
* @param swcContext
* @return Set of Strings where each string is the location of a swc file.
private static Set<String> calculateUnusedRsls(List<RslPathInfo> cdRsls,
Set<String> contributingSwcs,
Configuration configuration,
CompilerSwcContext swcContext)
if (!configuration.getRemoveUnusedRsls())
return Collections.emptySet();
Set<String> forceRsls = configuration.
List<String> unusedRsls = new LinkedList<String>(); // running list of unused rsls
Set<String>downstreamRsls = new HashSet<String>(); // loaded rsls downstream from first unused rsl
boolean addDownstreamRsl = false;
// Get unused RSLs and verify that there are no downstream RSLs that have
// and inheritance dependency on them.
for (RslPathInfo info : cdRsls)
// skip if the associated swc is filtered from our context.
if (swcContext.getSwc(info.getSwcVirtualFile().getName()) == null)
// skip loading the RSL if it does not contribute any classes to
// the application and it is not forced.
String swcPath = info.getSwcVirtualFile().getName();
if (!contributingSwcs.contains(swcPath) &&
addDownstreamRsl = true;
else if (addDownstreamRsl)
if (unusedRsls.size() == 0)
return Collections.emptySet();
Set<String> requiredInheritanceRsls = SwcDependencyUtil.
if (!requiredInheritanceRsls.isEmpty())
return new HashSet<String>(unusedRsls);
* Append a rsl info to the cross-domain startup info.
* This is all the properties of the primary rsl and
* its fail overs.
* @param swcContext
* @param info cross-domain rsl info
* @param index chooses the rsl info from the primary rsl and fail overs.
* @param buf StringBuilder to append info to
private static void codegenRslInfoObject(CompilerSwcContext swcContext,
Configuration configuration,
Configuration.RslPathInfo info,
Set<String> unusedRsls,
StringBuilder buf) {
List<String>rslUrls = info.getRslUrls();
RuntimeSharedLibrarySettingsConfiguration rslSettingsConfig =
for (int i = 0; i < rslUrls.size(); i++)
// start new object
buf.append("new RSLData(");
String url = rslUrls.get(i);
buf.append("\"" + url + "\",\n");
// write policy url
buf.append("\"" +
info.getPolicyFileUrls().get(i) +
// get the swc for current rsl
String swcPath = info.getSwcVirtualFile().getName();
Swc swc = swcContext.getSwc(swcPath);
// write digest for each rsl in the list
boolean secureRsls = configuration.getVerifyDigests();
Boolean isSigned = (Boolean)info.getSignedFlags().get(i);
Digest digest = swc.getDigest(Swc.LIBRARY_SWF,
if (digest == null || !digest.hasDigest())
// if the digest is not available then throw an exception,
// "No digest found in catalog.xml. Either compile the application with
// the -verify-digests=false or compile the library with
// -create-digest=true"
if (isSigned.booleanValue()) {
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new MissingSignedLibraryDigest(swc.getLocation()));
else {
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new MissingUnsignedLibraryDigest(swc.getLocation()));
buf.append("\"" + digest.getValue() + "\",\n");
buf.append("\"" + digest.getType() + "\",");
buf.append(info.getSignedFlags().get(i) + ",");
buf.append(secureRsls + ",");
buf.append("\"" + rslSettingsConfig.getApplicationDomain(swcPath) + "\"");
// end of one object in the array
if (i + 1 < rslUrls.size())
private static String codegenRslList(List<String> rsls)
if ((rsls != null) && (rsls.size() > 0))
StringBuilder rb = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator<String> it = rsls.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
String rslUrl = (String)it.next();
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new RequiredRslUrl(rslUrl));
rb.append("{url: \"" + rslUrl + "\", size: -1}");
if (it.hasNext())
rb.append(", ");
return rb.toString();
return "[]";
private static String codegenMixinList(List<String> mixins)
assert mixins != null && mixins.size() > 0;
StringJoiner.ItemStringer itemStringer = new StringJoiner.ItemQuoter();
return "[ " + StringJoiner.join(mixins, ", ", itemStringer) + " ]";
private static String codegenFrameClassList(List<FrameInfo> frames)
assert frames != null && frames.size() > 0;
StringBuilder mb = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator<FrameInfo> it = frames.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
FramesConfiguration.FrameInfo frameInfo = it.next();
if (it.hasNext())
mb.append(", ");
return mb.toString();
private static String codegenFontList(List<DefineTag> fonts)
if ((fonts == null) || (fonts.size() == 0))
return "";
class FontInfo
boolean plain;
boolean bold;
boolean italic;
boolean bolditalic;
Map<String, FontInfo> fontMap = new TreeMap<String, FontInfo>();
for (Iterator<DefineTag> it = fonts.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
DefineFont font = (DefineFont) it.next();
FontInfo fi = fontMap.get( font.getFontName() );
if (fi == null)
fi = new FontInfo();
fontMap.put( font.getFontName(), fi );
fi.plain |= (!font.isBold() && !font.isItalic());
fi.bolditalic |= (font.isBold() && font.isItalic());
fi.bold |= font.isBold();
fi.italic |= font.isItalic();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" {\n");
for (Iterator it = fontMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) it.next();
String fontName = (String) e.getKey();
FontInfo fontInfo = (FontInfo) e.getValue();
sb.append("\"" + fontName + "\" : {" +
"regular:" + (fontInfo.plain? "true":"false") +
", bold:" + (fontInfo.bold? "true":"false") +
", italic:" + (fontInfo.italic? "true":"false") +
", boldItalic:" + (fontInfo.bolditalic? "true":"false") + "}\n");
if (it.hasNext())
return sb.toString();
private String codegenAccessibilityList(Set<String> accessibilityImplementations)
if ((accessibilityImplementations == null) || (accessibilityImplementations.size() == 0))
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if ((accessibilityImplementations != null) && (accessibilityImplementations.size() != 0))
sb.append(" // trace(\"Flex accessibility startup: \" + Capabilities.hasAccessibility);\n");
sb.append(" if (Capabilities.hasAccessibility) {\n");
for (Iterator<String> it = accessibilityImplementations.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
sb.append(" " + it.next() + ".enableAccessibility();\n");
sb.append(" }\n");
if (Trace.accessible)
if (sb.length() > 0)
return sb.toString();
private String codegenRemoteClassImports( Map<String, String> remoteClassAliases )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (remoteClassAliases.size() > 0)
sb.append( "import flash.net.registerClassAlias;\nimport flash.net.getClassByAlias;\n" );
sb.append( "import mx.managers.SystemManagerGlobals;\n");
sb.append( "import mx.resources.ResourceManager;\n");
for (Iterator<String> it = remoteClassAliases.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
String className = it.next();
sb.append( "import " + className + ";\n" );
return sb.toString();
private String codegenRemoteClassAliases( Map<String, String> remoteClassAliases,
String initClassName,
Configuration configuration)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : remoteClassAliases.entrySet())
String className = (String) e.getKey();
String alias = (String) e.getValue();
sb.append( " // " + className + "\n");
sb.append( " try \n");
sb.append( " { \n");
sb.append( " if (flash.net.getClassByAlias(\"" + alias + "\") != " + className + ") \n");
sb.append( " { \n");
sb.append( " flash.net.registerClassAlias(\"" + alias + "\", " + className + "); \n");
// Only generate the diagnostic code if compiling for debug.
if (configuration.debug())
sb.append( " if (fbs != SystemManagerGlobals.topLevelSystemManagers[0]) \n");
sb.append( " { \n");
sb.append( " trace(ResourceManager.getInstance().getString( \"core\", \n");
sb.append( " \"remoteClassMemoryLeak\",\n");
sb.append( " [\"" + className + "\",\"" +
configuration.getMainDefinition() + "\",\"" +
initClassName + "\"]));\n");
sb.append( " } \n");
sb.append( " } \n");
sb.append( " } \n");
sb.append( " catch (e:Error) \n");
sb.append( " { \n");
sb.append( " flash.net.registerClassAlias(\"" + alias + "\", " + className + "); \n");
// Only generate the diagnostic code if compiling for debug.
if (configuration.debug())
sb.append( " if (fbs != SystemManagerGlobals.topLevelSystemManagers[0]) \n");
sb.append( " { \n");
sb.append( " trace(ResourceManager.getInstance().getString( \"core\", \n");
sb.append( " \"remoteClassMemoryLeak\",\n");
sb.append( " [\"" + className + "\",\"" +
configuration.getMainDefinition() + "\",\"" +
initClassName + "\"]));\n");
sb.append( " } \n");
sb.append( " } \n\n");
return sb.toString();
private String codegenEffectTriggerImports(Map<String, String> effectTriggers, StandardDefs standardDefs)
if (effectTriggers.size() > 0)
return "import " + standardDefs.CLASS_EFFECTMANAGER_DOT + ";\n" + "import " + standardDefs.NAMESPACE_MX_INTERNAL_DOT + ";\n";
return "";
private String codegenEffectTriggerRegistration( Map<String, String> effectTriggers )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator it = effectTriggers.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) it.next();
String name = (String) e.getKey();
String event = (String) e.getValue();
sb.append( " EffectManager.mx_internal::registerEffectTrigger(\"" + name + "\", \"" + event + "\");\n");
return sb.toString();
private String codegenInheritingStyleRegistration( Set<String> inheritingStyles )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" var styleNames:Array = [");
Iterator<String> iterator = inheritingStyles.iterator();
while ( iterator.hasNext() )
String styleName = iterator.next();
sb.append("\"" + styleName + "\"");
if ( iterator.hasNext() )
sb.append(", ");
StandardDefs standardDefs = ThreadLocalToolkit.getStandardDefs();
sb.append(" for (var i:int = 0; i < styleNames.length; i++)\n");
sb.append(" {\n");
sb.append(" styleManager.registerInheritingStyle(styleNames[i]);\n");
sb.append(" }\n");
return sb.toString();
* Returns a string like
* [ "en_US", "ja_JP" ]
private static String codegenCompiledLocales( String[] locales )
StringJoiner.ItemStringer itemStringer = new StringJoiner.ItemQuoter();
return "[ " + StringJoiner.join(locales, ", ", itemStringer) + " ]";
* Returns a string like
* [ "core", "controls", "MyApp" ]
private static String codegenCompiledResourceBundleNames( SortedSet<String> bundleNames )
StringJoiner.ItemStringer itemStringer = new StringJoiner.ItemQuoter();
return "[ " + StringJoiner.join(bundleNames, ", ", itemStringer) + " ]";
private static String codegenCompatibilityCall(Configuration configuration)
String compatibilityCall;
String compatibilityVersionString = configuration.getCompatibilityVersionString();
if (configuration.getCompatibilityVersion() == MxmlConfiguration.CURRENT_VERSION ||
compatibilityVersionString == null)
compatibilityCall = "";
compatibilityCall = " FlexVersion.compatibilityVersionString = \"" + compatibilityVersionString + "\";";
return compatibilityCall;
private static String codegenQualifiedTypeSelectors(Configuration configuration)
// If we're not using qualified type selectors, change the runtime default to false.
boolean qualified = configuration.getQualifiedTypeSelectors();
return qualified ? "" : " styleManager.qualifiedTypeSelectors = false;\n";
static String codegenModuleFactory(String base,
String rootClassName,
String topLevelWindowClass,
Map<String, Object> rootAttributes,
Map<String, Object> rootAttributeEmbedVars,
Map<String, Object> rootAttributeEmbedNames,
List<RslPathInfo> cdRsls,
List<String> rsls,
List<String> mixins,
List<DefineTag> fonts,
List<FrameInfo> frames,
String[] locales,
SortedSet<String> resourceBundleNames,
SortedSet<String> externalResourceBundleNames,
Configuration configuration,
Set<String> contributingSwcs,
CompilerSwcContext swcContext,
boolean isLibraryCompile)
String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
boolean hasFonts = (fonts == null ? false : fonts.size() > 0);
StandardDefs standardDefs = ThreadLocalToolkit.getStandardDefs();
String[] codePieces = new String[]
"package", lineSep,
"{", lineSep, lineSep,
codegenImports(base, rootAttributes, rootAttributeEmbedVars, fonts, configuration, standardDefs, isLibraryCompile, hasFonts),
codegenResourceBundleMetadata(null /*externalResourceBundleNames*/),
"[ExcludeClass]", lineSep,
"public class ", rootClassName, lineSep,
" extends ", base, lineSep,
" implements IFlexModuleFactory, ISWFContext", lineSep,
"{", lineSep,
codegenLinkInCrossDomainRSLItem(configuration, lineSep, cdRsls, standardDefs),
" public function ", rootClassName, "()", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
codegenCompatibilityCall(configuration), lineSep,
" super();", lineSep,
codegenAddRslCompleteListener(isLibraryCompile, hasFonts, lineSep),
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
* Calls a function in the modules context. Needed for
* ElementFormat.getFontMetrics so we'll generalize in case
* we find a need to do this for some other method.
!isLibraryCompile ?
" override " : "",
" public function callInContext(fn:Function, thisArg:Object, argArray:Array, returns:Boolean=true):*", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" if (returns)", lineSep,
" return fn.apply(thisArg, argArray);", lineSep,
" else", lineSep,
" fn.apply(thisArg, argArray);", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
codegenAddPreloadedRSLStub(isLibraryCompile, lineSep),
codegenGetRegisterImplementationStubs(isLibraryCompile, lineSep),
!isLibraryCompile ?
" override " : "",
" public function create(... params):Object", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
codegenCreateApply(isLibraryCompile, lineSep),
codegenGetMainClassName(topLevelWindowClass, configuration, lineSep),
" var mainClass:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(mainClassName));", lineSep,
" if (!mainClass)", lineSep,
" return null;", lineSep, lineSep,
" var instance:Object = new mainClass();", lineSep,
" if (instance is IFlexModule)", lineSep,
" (IFlexModule(instance)).moduleFactory = this;", lineSep,
codegenRegisterEmbeddedFonts(fonts, lineSep),
" return instance;", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" private var _info:Object;", lineSep, lineSep,
!isLibraryCompile ?
" override" : "",
" public function info():Object", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" if (!_info)", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" _info = {", lineSep,
codegenInfo(topLevelWindowClass, rootAttributes, rootAttributeEmbedNames, cdRsls, rsls, mixins, fonts,
frames, locales, resourceBundleNames, configuration,
contributingSwcs, swcContext),
" }", lineSep,
" }", lineSep,
" return _info;", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
codegenRSLSecurityWrapper(isLibraryCompile, lineSep), lineSep,
codegenModuleFactorySecurityWrapper(isLibraryCompile, hasFonts, lineSep), lineSep,
codegenRslCompleteListener(isLibraryCompile, hasFonts, lineSep),
"}", lineSep, lineSep,
"}", lineSep,
return StringJoiner.join(codePieces, null);
private static String codegenLinkInCrossDomainRSLItem(
Configuration configuration, String lineSep,
List cdRsls, StandardDefs standardDefs)
if (cdRsls == null || cdRsls.isEmpty())
return "";
String[] code = {
" // Cause the CrossDomainRSLItem class to be linked into this application.", lineSep,
" import ", standardDefs.CLASS_CROSSDOMAINRSLITEM_DOT, "; CrossDomainRSLItem;", lineSep, lineSep,
return StringJoiner.join(code, null);
private static String codegenImportEmbeddedFontRegistry(List<DefineTag> fonts,
String lineSep, StandardDefs standardDefs)
if (fonts == null || fonts.size() == 0)
return "";
String[] code = {
"import ", standardDefs.CLASS_EMBEDDEDFONTREGISTRY_DOT, ";", lineSep,
"import ", standardDefs.CLASS_SINGLETON_DOT, ";", lineSep,
return StringJoiner.join(code, null);
private static String codegenRegisterEmbeddedFonts(List<DefineTag> fonts, String lineSep)
if (fonts == null || fonts.size() == 0)
return "";
String[] code = {
" if (params.length == 0) {", lineSep,
" Singleton.registerClass(\"mx.core::IEmbeddedFontRegistry\",", lineSep,
" Class(getDefinitionByName(\"mx.core::EmbeddedFontRegistry\")));", lineSep,
" EmbeddedFontRegistry.registerFonts(info()[\"fonts\"], this);", lineSep,
return StringJoiner.join(code, null);
private static String codegenCreateApply(boolean isLibraryCompile, String lineSep)
if (isLibraryCompile)
return "";
String[] code = {
" if (params.length > 0 && !(params[0] is String))", lineSep,
" return super.create.apply(this, params);", lineSep, lineSep,
return StringJoiner.join(code, null);
private static String codegenGetMainClassName(String topLevelWindowClass, Configuration configuration, String lineSep)
String[] code = {
topLevelWindowClass == null ?
" var mainClassName:String = String(params[0])" :
" var mainClassName:String = params.length == 0 ? \"",
topLevelWindowClass == null ? "" : topLevelWindowClass,
topLevelWindowClass == null ? "" : "\" : String(params[0]);", lineSep,
return StringJoiner.join(code, null);
private static String codegenResourceBundleMetadata(SortedSet<String> resourceBundleNames)
if (resourceBundleNames == null)
return "";
String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
StringBuilder codePieces = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator<String> i = resourceBundleNames.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
codePieces.append("[ResourceBundle(\"" + i.next() + "\")]" + lineSep);
return codePieces.toString();
private static String codegenImports(String base, Map<String, Object> rootAttributes,
Map<String, Object> rootAttributeEmbedVars, List<DefineTag> fonts,
Configuration configuration, StandardDefs standardDefs,
boolean isLibraryCompile, boolean hasFonts)
String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(512);
sb.append(codegenEventImport(isLibraryCompile, hasFonts, lineSep));
sb.append("import flash.display.LoaderInfo;").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import flash.text.Font;").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import flash.text.TextFormat;").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import flash.text.engine.TextBlock;").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import flash.text.engine.TextLine;").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import flash.system.Security").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import flash.utils.Dictionary;").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import flashx.textLayout.compose.ISWFContext;").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import ").append(standardDefs.INTERFACE_IFLEXMODULE_DOT).append(";").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import ").append(standardDefs.INTERFACE_IFLEXMODULEFACTORY_DOT).append(";").append(lineSep);
sb.append(codegenImportEmbeddedFontRegistry(fonts, lineSep, standardDefs));
sb.append("import mx.core.RSLData;").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import mx.events.RSLEvent;").append(lineSep);
if (configuration.getCompatibilityVersionString() != null)
sb.append("import ").append(standardDefs.CLASS_FLEXVERSION_DOT).append(";").append(lineSep);
// If we're not using qualified type selectors, change the runtime default to false.
if (!configuration.getQualifiedTypeSelectors())
sb.append("import ").append(standardDefs.CLASS_STYLEMANAGER_DOT).append(";").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import ").append(standardDefs.NAMESPACE_MX_INTERNAL_DOT).append(";").append(lineSep);
sb.append("import ").append(base).append(";").append(lineSep);
// Import runtimeDPIProvider class if it exists.
String runtimeDPIProviderClass = getRuntimeDPIProviderClass(rootAttributes, configuration);
if (runtimeDPIProviderClass != null)
sb.append("import ").append(runtimeDPIProviderClass).append(";").append(lineSep);
// TODO - eliminate any special handling of preloaderDisplayClass!
String preloader = getPreloaderClass(rootAttributes, configuration);
if (preloader != null)
sb.append("import ").append(preloader).append(";").append(lineSep);
// If the splashScreenImage was specified as a Class and not @Embed, we need to import it here
if (rootAttributes != null && rootAttributes.containsKey("splashScreenImage") &&
(rootAttributeEmbedVars == null || !rootAttributeEmbedVars.containsKey("splashScreenImage")))
String splashImageClass = (String) rootAttributes.get("splashScreenImage");
sb.append("import ").append(splashImageClass).append(";").append(lineSep);
return sb.toString();
private static String getRuntimeDPIProviderClass(Map<String, Object> rootAttributes, Configuration configuration)
// Is dpiMapping attribute defined on the root tag?
if (rootAttributes != null && rootAttributes.containsKey("runtimeDPIProvider"))
return (String)rootAttributes.get("runtimeDPIProvider");
return null;
private static String getPreloaderClass(Map<String, Object> rootAttributes, Configuration configuration)
// Is preloader attribute defined on the root tag?
if (rootAttributes != null && rootAttributes.containsKey("preloader"))
return (String)rootAttributes.get("preloader");
// Is preloader specified in the compiler arguments?
String preloader = configuration.getCompilerConfiguration().getPreloader();
if (preloader != null)
preloader = preloader.trim();
return preloader.length() == 0 ? null : preloader;
int version = configuration.getCompatibilityVersion();
if (version < MxmlConfiguration.VERSION_4_0)
return "mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar";
return "mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar";
* Add mx.events.Event import to support RSL event handler.
* Only needed when compiling a SWC.
* @param isLibraryCompile
* @param hasFonts
* @param lineSep
* @return
private static String codegenEventImport(boolean isLibraryCompile,
boolean hasFonts, String lineSep)
if (!(isLibraryCompile && hasFonts))
return "";
String[] eventImport = {"import flash.events.Event", lineSep,};
return StringJoiner.join(eventImport, null);
private static String codegenEmbeddedApplicaitonAttributes(Map<String, Object> rootAttributeEmbedVars)
if (rootAttributeEmbedVars == null || rootAttributeEmbedVars.size() == 0)
return "";
String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
return StringJoiner.join(rootAttributeEmbedVars.values(), lineSep) + lineSep;
private static String codegenInfo(String topLevelWindowClass,
Map<String, Object> rootAttributes,
Map<String, Object> rootAttributeEmbedNames,
List<RslPathInfo> cdRsls,
List<String> rsls,
List<String> mixins,
List<DefineTag> fonts,
List<FrameInfo> frames,
String[] locales,
SortedSet<String> resourceBundleNames,
Configuration configuration,
Set<String> contributingSwcs,
CompilerSwcContext swcContext)
// Build a map of the name/value pairs for the info
TreeMap<String, Object> t = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
t.put("currentDomain", "ApplicationDomain.currentDomain");
if (topLevelWindowClass != null)
t.put("mainClassName", "\"" + topLevelWindowClass + "\"");
if (rootAttributes != null)
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> it = rootAttributes.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry<String, Object> e = it.next();
// TODO - eliminate any special handling of preloaderDisplayClass!
if ("preloader".equals(e.getKey()))
// skip, will handle preloader after the loop
else if ("usePreloader".equals(e.getKey()))
t.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
else if ("runtimeDPIProvider".equals(e.getKey()))
// skip, will handle runtimeDPIProvider after the loop
else if ("implements".equals(e.getKey()))
// skip
else if ("backgroundColor".equals(e.getKey()))
t.put(e.getKey(), "\"0x" + Integer.toHexString(configuration.backgroundColor()).toUpperCase() + "\"");
String embedName = null;
if (rootAttributeEmbedNames != null)
embedName = (String) rootAttributeEmbedNames.get(e.getKey());
if (embedName != null)
t.put(e.getKey(), embedName);
else if ("splashScreenImage".equals(e.getKey()))
t.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); // SplashScreenImage is a special attribute of type Class.
t.put(e.getKey(), "\"" + e.getValue() + "\"");
String preloader = getPreloaderClass(rootAttributes, configuration);
if (preloader != null)
// we use the actual class in order to get a link dependency
t.put("preloader", preloader);
String runtimeDPIProvider = getRuntimeDPIProviderClass(rootAttributes, configuration);
if (runtimeDPIProvider != null)
t.put("runtimeDPIProvider", runtimeDPIProvider);
boolean hasCdRsls = (cdRsls != null) && (cdRsls.size() > 0);
boolean hasRsls = (rsls != null) && (rsls.size() > 0);
if (hasCdRsls || hasRsls)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new RequiredRsls()); //log "Required RSLs:" message
if (hasCdRsls)
// The required RSLs are put in "cdRsls", the others are put in "placeholderRsls".
// get the rsls that we can remove.
Set<String> unusedRsls = calculateUnusedRsls(cdRsls, contributingSwcs,
configuration, swcContext);
t.put("cdRsls", codegenCdRslList(cdRsls, true, unusedRsls, configuration, swcContext));
t.put("placeholderRsls", codegenCdRslList(cdRsls, false, unusedRsls, configuration, swcContext));
if (hasRsls)
t.put("rsls", codegenRslList(rsls));
if ((mixins != null) && (mixins.size() > 0))
t.put("mixins", codegenMixinList(mixins));
if ((fonts != null) && (fonts.size() > 0))
t.put("fonts", codegenFontList(fonts) );
if ((frames != null) && (frames.size() > 0))
t.put("frames", codegenFrameClassList(frames));
if (locales != null)
t.put("compiledLocales", codegenCompiledLocales(locales));
if ((resourceBundleNames != null) && (resourceBundleNames.size() > 0))
t.put("compiledResourceBundleNames", codegenCompiledResourceBundleNames(resourceBundleNames));
// Codegen a string from that map.
String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
StringJoiner.ItemStringer itemStringer = new StringJoiner.MapEntryItemWithColon();
return " " +
StringJoiner.join(t.entrySet(), "," + lineSep + " ", itemStringer) +
* Add an RSL complete listener to this RSL.
* @param isLibraryCompile true if we are compiling the library.swf for a swc.
* @param lineSep
* @return ActionScript code to add an RSL complete listener. If we are not compiling
* the library.swf(RSL) of a SWC then no code is added.
private static String codegenAddRslCompleteListener(boolean isLibraryCompile, boolean hasFonts,
String lineSep) {
if (!(isLibraryCompile && hasFonts))
return "";
String[] addCompleteListenerCall = {
" this.root.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, RSLRootCompleteListener);",
lineSep };
return StringJoiner.join(addCompleteListenerCall, null);
* Add an RSL complete listener handler to this RSL.
* @param isLibraryCompile true if we are compiling the library.swf for a swc.
* @param lineSep
* @return ActionScript code to add an RSL complete listener. If we are not compiling
* the library.swf(RSL) of a SWC then no code is added.
private static String codegenRslCompleteListener(boolean isLibraryCompile, boolean hasFonts,
String lineSep)
if (!(isLibraryCompile && hasFonts))
return "";
String[] completeListener = {
" private function RSLRootCompleteListener(event:Event):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" EmbeddedFontRegistry.registerFonts(info()[\"fonts\"], this)", lineSep,
" this.root.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, RSLRootCompleteListener);", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, };
return StringJoiner.join(completeListener, null);
* Implement the allowDomain() and allowInsecureDomain() of the IFlexModuleFactory interface.
* This code is only generated for compiled applications and modules, not for RSLs code in a SWC.
* @param isLibraryCompile true if we are compiling the library.swf for a swc.
* @param lineSep
* @return
private static String codegenModuleFactorySecurityWrapper(boolean isLibraryCompile, boolean hasFonts,
String lineSep)
if (isLibraryCompile && !hasFonts)
return "";
if (isLibraryCompile)
return codegenModuleFactorySecurityWrapperStubs(lineSep);
String[] code = {
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" private var _preloadedRSLs:Dictionary; // key: LoaderInfo, value: Vector.<RSLData>", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" private var _allowDomainParameters:Vector.<Array>;", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" private var _allowInsecureDomainParameters:Vector.<Array>;", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * The RSLs loaded by this system manager before the application", lineSep,
" * starts. RSLs loaded by the application are not included in this list.", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" override public function get preloadedRSLs():Dictionary", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" if (_preloadedRSLs == null)", lineSep,
" _preloadedRSLs = new Dictionary(true);", lineSep,
" return _preloadedRSLs;", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Calls Security.allowDomain() for the SWF associated with this IFlexModuleFactory", lineSep,
" * plus all the SWFs assocatiated with RSLs preLoaded by this IFlexModuleFactory.", lineSep,
" *", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" override public function allowDomain(... domains):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" Security.allowDomain.apply(null, domains);", lineSep, lineSep,
" for (var loaderInfo:Object in _preloadedRSLs)", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" if (loaderInfo.content && (\"allowDomainInRSL\" in loaderInfo.content))", lineSep,
" loaderInfo.content[\"allowDomainInRSL\"].apply(null, domains);", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" if (!_allowDomainParameters)", lineSep,
" _allowDomainParameters = new Vector.<Array>();", lineSep,
" _allowDomainParameters.push(domains);", lineSep, lineSep,
" // Run our handler before the default handlers so the RSL is trusted before the", lineSep,
" // default handlers run.", lineSep,
" addEventListener(RSLEvent.RSL_ADD_PRELOADED, addPreloadedRSLHandler, false, 50);", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Calls Security.allowInsecureDomain() for the SWF associated with this IFlexModuleFactory", lineSep,
" * plus all the SWFs assocatiated with RSLs preLoaded by this IFlexModuleFactory.", lineSep,
" *", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" override public function allowInsecureDomain(... domains):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" Security.allowInsecureDomain.apply(null, domains);", lineSep, lineSep,
" for (var loaderInfo:Object in _preloadedRSLs)", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" if (loaderInfo.content && (\"allowInsecureDomainInRSL\" in loaderInfo.content))", lineSep,
" loaderInfo.content[\"allowInsecureDomainInRSL\"].apply(null, domains);", lineSep,
" }", lineSep,
" if (!_allowInsecureDomainParameters)", lineSep,
" _allowInsecureDomainParameters = new Vector.<Array>();", lineSep,
" _allowInsecureDomainParameters.push(domains);", lineSep, lineSep,
" // Run our handler before the default handlers so the RSL is trusted before the", lineSep,
" // default handlers run.", lineSep,
" addEventListener(RSLEvent.RSL_ADD_PRELOADED, addPreloadedRSLHandler, false, 50);", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" private function addPreloadedRSLHandler(event:RSLEvent):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = event.loaderInfo;", lineSep,
" if (!loaderInfo || !loaderInfo.content)", lineSep,
" return;", lineSep,
" var domains:Array", lineSep,
" if (allowDomainsInNewRSLs && _allowDomainParameters)", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" for each (domains in _allowDomainParameters)", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" if (\"allowDomainInRSL\" in loaderInfo.content)", lineSep,
" loaderInfo.content[\"allowDomainInRSL\"].apply(null, domains);", lineSep,
" }", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" if (allowInsecureDomainsInNewRSLs && _allowInsecureDomainParameters)", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" for each (domains in _allowInsecureDomainParameters)", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" if (\"allowInsecureDomainInRSL\" in loaderInfo.content)", lineSep,
" loaderInfo.content[\"allowInsecureDomainInRSL\"].apply(null, domains);", lineSep,
" }", lineSep,
" }", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
return StringJoiner.join(code, null);
* Generate stubs for the security wrappers of the IFlexModuleFactory interface.
* This code is only generated for RSLs code in a SWC has contains fonts.
* @param lineSep
* @return
private static String codegenModuleFactorySecurityWrapperStubs(String lineSep)
String[] stubs = {
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Stub for RSL", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function get allowDomainsInNewRSLs():Boolean", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" return false;", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Stub for RSL", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function set allowDomainsInNewRSLs(value:Boolean):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Stub for RSL", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function get allowInsecureDomainsInNewRSLs():Boolean", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" return false;", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Stub for RSL", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function set allowInsecureDomainsInNewRSLs(value:Boolean):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Stub for RSL", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function get preloadedRSLs():Dictionary", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" return null;", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Stub for RSL", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function allowDomain(... domains):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Stub for RSL", lineSep,
" *", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function allowInsecureDomain(... domains):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
return StringJoiner.join(stubs, null);
* Generate flash player Security wrapper calls.
* @param lineSep
* @return
static String codegenRSLSecurityWrapper(boolean isLibraryCompile, String lineSep)
if (!isLibraryCompile)
return "";
String[] code = {
" /*", lineSep,
" * Calls Security.allowDomain() for the SWF associated with this RSL", lineSep,
" * @param a list of domains to trust. This parameter is passed to Security.allowDomain().", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function allowDomainInRSL(... domains):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" Security.allowDomain.apply(null, domains);", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /*", lineSep,
" * Calls Security.allowInsecureDomain() for the SWF associated with this RSL", lineSep,
" * @param a list of domains to trust. This parameter is passed to Security.allowInsecureDomain().", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function allowInsecureDomainInRSL(... domains):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" Security.allowInsecureDomain.apply(null, domains);", lineSep,
" }", lineSep,
return StringJoiner.join(code, null);
* Generate stubs for getImplementation() and registerImplemenation() if we are
* compiling a module factory for a SWC, instead of a SWF file. For a SWF file
* use don't override the implementation.
* @param isLibraryCompile true if we are compiling the library.swf for a swc.
* @param lineSep
* @return
private static String codegenGetRegisterImplementationStubs(boolean isLibraryCompile,
String lineSep)
if (!isLibraryCompile)
return "";
String[] code = {
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Stub for RSL", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function getImplementation(interfaceName:String):Object", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" return null;", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Stub for RSL", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function registerImplementation(interfaceName:String,", lineSep,
" impl:Object):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
return StringJoiner.join(code, null);
* Generate stubs for addPreloadedRSL()if we are
* compiling a module factory for a SWC, instead of a SWF file. For a SWF file
* use don't override the implementation.
* @param isLibraryCompile true if we are compiling the library.swf for a swc.
* @param lineSep
* @return
private static String codegenAddPreloadedRSLStub(boolean isLibraryCompile,
String lineSep)
if (!isLibraryCompile)
return "";
String[] code = {
" /**", lineSep,
" * @private", lineSep,
" * Stub for RSL", lineSep,
" */", lineSep,
" public function addPreloadedRSL(loaderInfo:LoaderInfo, rsl:Vector.<RSLData>):void", lineSep,
" {", lineSep,
" }", lineSep, lineSep,
return StringJoiner.join(code, null);
private void processCompiledResourceBundleInfoClass(List units,
Configuration configuration,
List<Source> sources,
List<String> mixins,
List<DefineTag> fonts,
CompilerSwcContext swcContext)
CompilerConfiguration config = configuration.getCompilerConfiguration();
// Don't add the _CompiledResourceBundleInfo class
// if we are compiling in Flex 2 compatibility mode,
// or if there are no locales,
// or if there are no resource bundle names.
int version = config.getCompatibilityVersion();
if (version < MxmlConfiguration.VERSION_3_0)
String[] locales = config.getLocales();
if (locales.length == 0)
if (resourceBundleNames.size() == 0)
String code = I18nUtils.codegenCompiledResourceBundleInfo(locales, resourceBundleNames);
String generatedFileName = className + "-generated.as";
if (config.keepGeneratedActionScript())
saveGenerated(generatedFileName, code, config.getGeneratedDirectory());
Source s = new Source(new TextFile(code, generatedFileName, null,
"", className, null, false, false, false);
// Ensure that this class gets linked in,
// because no other code depends on it.
// (ResourceManager looks it up by name.)
// error messages
public static class DependencyNotCompatible extends CompilerMessage.CompilerError
private static final long serialVersionUID = -917715346261180364L;
public String definition;
public String swc;
public String swcMinimumVersion;
public String compatibilityVersion;
public DependencyNotCompatible(String definition, String swc,
String swcMinimumVersion, String compatibilityVersion)
this.definition = definition;
this.swc = swc;
this.swcMinimumVersion = swcMinimumVersion;
this.compatibilityVersion = compatibilityVersion;
public static class NoExternalVisibleDefinition extends CompilerMessage.CompilerError
private static final long serialVersionUID = -917715346261180363L;
public NoExternalVisibleDefinition()
public static class MissingFactoryClassInFrameMetadata extends CompilerMessage.CompilerWarning
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1064989348731483344L;
public MissingFactoryClassInFrameMetadata()
public static class InvalidBackgroundColor extends CompilerMessage.CompilerError
private static final long serialVersionUID = -623864938378435687L;
public String backgroundColor;
public InvalidBackgroundColor(String backgroundColor)
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
public static class CouldNotParseNumber extends CompilerMessage.CompilerError
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2186380089141871093L;
public CouldNotParseNumber(String num, String attribute)
this.num = num;
this.attribute = attribute;
public String num;
public String attribute;
public static class MissingSignedLibraryDigest extends CompilerMessage.CompilerError
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1865860949469218550L;
public MissingSignedLibraryDigest(String libraryPath)
this.libraryPath = libraryPath;
public String libraryPath;
public static class MissingUnsignedLibraryDigest extends CompilerMessage.CompilerError
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8092666584208136222L;
public MissingUnsignedLibraryDigest(String libraryPath)
this.libraryPath = libraryPath;
public String libraryPath;
* Warn users with [RemoteClass] metadata that ends up mapping more than one class to the same alias.
public static class ClassesMappedToSameRemoteAlias extends CompilerMessage.CompilerWarning
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4365280637418299961L;
public ClassesMappedToSameRemoteAlias(String className, String existingClassName, String alias)
this.className = className;
this.existingClassName = existingClassName;
this.alias = alias;
public String className;
public String existingClassName;
public String alias;
* Tell the user they are making a mistake by compiling a module or application as a component.
public static class CompiledAsAComponent extends CompilerMessage.CompilerWarning
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2874508107726441350L;
public CompiledAsAComponent(String className, String mainDefinition)
this.className = className;
this.mainDefinition = mainDefinition;
public String className;
public String mainDefinition;
* "Required RSLs:" message.
public static class RequiredRsls extends CompilerMessage.CompilerInfo
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2303666861783668660L;
public RequiredRsls()
* Display RSL URL with no failovers.
public static class RequiredRslUrl extends CompilerMessage.CompilerInfo
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2303666861783668660L;
public RequiredRslUrl(String rslUrl)
this.rslUrl = rslUrl;
public String rslUrl;
* Display RSL URL with one failover.
public static class RequiredRslUrlWithFailover extends CompilerMessage.CompilerInfo
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2303666861783668660L;
public RequiredRslUrlWithFailover(String rslUrl)
this.rslUrl = rslUrl;
public String rslUrl;
* Display RSL URL with more than one failovers.
public static class RequiredRslUrlWithMultipleFailovers extends CompilerMessage.CompilerInfo
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2303666861783668660L;
public RequiredRslUrlWithMultipleFailovers(String rslUrl, int failoverCount)
this.rslUrl = rslUrl;
this.failoverCount = failoverCount;
public String rslUrl;
public int failoverCount;