* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package flex2.compiler.css;
import flex2.compiler.CompilationUnit;
import flex2.compiler.ResourceContainer;
import flex2.compiler.Source;
import flex2.compiler.SymbolTable;
import flex2.compiler.common.PathResolver;
import flex2.compiler.io.FileUtil;
import flex2.compiler.io.TextFile;
import flex2.compiler.io.VirtualFile;
import flex2.compiler.io.VirtualZipFile;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.MxmlCompiler;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.MxmlConfiguration;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.SourceCodeBuffer;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.gen.VelocityUtil;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.StandardDefs;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.reflect.Type;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.reflect.TypeTable;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.rep.AtEmbed;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.rep.MxmlDocument;
import flex2.compiler.util.CompilerMessage.CompilerError;
import flex2.compiler.util.CompilerMessage.CompilerWarning;
import flex2.compiler.util.CompilerMessage;
import flex2.compiler.util.MimeMappings;
import flex2.compiler.util.NameFormatter;
import flex2.compiler.util.NameMappings;
import flex2.compiler.util.QName;
import flex2.compiler.util.ThreadLocalToolkit;
import flex2.compiler.util.VelocityException;
import flex2.compiler.util.VelocityManager;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import flash.css.MediaList;
import flash.css.StyleDeclaration;
import flash.css.StyleDeclarationBlock;
import flash.css.StyleProperty;
import flash.css.StyleSelector;
import flash.css.StyleSheet;
import flash.fonts.FontManager;
import flash.util.Trace;
import macromedia.asc.util.ContextStatics;
import org.apache.velocity.Template;
import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext;
* This class is an MXML document specific override of StyleModule. It provides
* a context that manages style declarations for both default styles/themes
* and document style nodes.
* @author Paul Reilly
* @author Pete Farland
public class StylesContainer extends StyleModule
private static final String TEMPLATE_PATH = "flex2/compiler/css/";
private static final String ATEMBEDS_KEY = "atEmbeds";
private static final String CLASSNAME_KEY = "className";
//private static final String PACKAGENAME_KEY = "packageName"; TODO: get packageName working
private static final String STYLEDEFLIST_KEY = "styleDefList";
private static final String _FONTFACERULES = "_FontFaceRules";
protected MxmlDocument mxmlDocument;
private QName mxmlDocumentQName;
protected MxmlConfiguration mxmlConfiguration;
protected CompilationUnit compilationUnit;
protected Set<String> localStyleTypeNames = new HashSet<String>();
protected List<VirtualFile> implicitIncludes = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>();
protected StyleDefList lastStyleDefList; // prevent generating the styles source unnecessarily
* Called by PreLink to load style declarations from defaults.css and
* themes from SWCs.
* Also, called by MxmlDocument in preparation for local
* StyleNodes. DocumentBuilder.analyze(StyleNode) will call
* extractStyles().
* @param mxmlConfiguration
* @param compilationUnit
* @param perCompileData
public StylesContainer(MxmlConfiguration mxmlConfiguration,
CompilationUnit compilationUnit,
ContextStatics perCompileData)
super(compilationUnit.getSource(), perCompileData);
this.mxmlConfiguration = mxmlConfiguration;
this.compilationUnit = compilationUnit;
if (mxmlConfiguration != null)
if (mxmlConfiguration.getCompatibilityVersion() <= flex2.compiler.common.MxmlConfiguration.VERSION_3_0)
// Properties - MXML
MxmlDocument getMxmlDocument()
return mxmlDocument;
public void setMxmlDocument(MxmlDocument doc)
mxmlDocument = doc;
// Store the QName, so that we can use it during validation.
// ImplementationCompiler.parse1() nulls out the mxmlDocument.
if (mxmlDocument != null)
mxmlDocumentQName = mxmlDocument.getQName();
// Methods - Public Entry Points
* Generate style classes for components which we want to link in. Called
* from PreLink.processMainUnit() Update for Flex4: Put all the style defs
* in one class instead of one class for each style def.
* @param defNames
* @param resources
* @param packageName - package the className lives in. May be null for the default package.
* @param className - name of the application class with the package. This
* becomes the base of the generated style class name. If the class name if
* null, then no sources will be generated.
* @return true if a new source was generated
public boolean processDependencies(List<Source> extraSources, Set<String> defNames, ResourceContainer resources,
String packageName, String className)
if (className == null)
return false;
boolean regeneratedStyleSource = false;
if (!fontFaceRules.isEmpty())
// C: mixins in the generated FlexInit class are referred to by
// "name". that's why extraClasses is necessary.
Set<String> processedDefNames = new HashSet<String>();
Iterator<String> defNameIterator = defNames.iterator();
while (defNameIterator.hasNext())
String defName = defNameIterator.next();
if (qualifiedTypeSelectors)
processedDefNames.add(defName.replaceFirst(".*:", ""));
StyleDefList filteredStyleDefs = new StyleDefList();
Iterator<Entry<String, StyleDef>> iterator = styleDefs.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
Entry<String, StyleDef> entry = iterator.next();
String styleName = entry.getKey();
StyleDef styleDef = entry.getValue();
String typeName = StyleDef.dehyphenize(styleName);
if (!styleDef.isTypeSelector() ||
(processedDefNames.contains(typeName) ||
mxmlConfiguration.keepAllTypeSelectors()) ||
if (filteredStyleDefs.size() > 0)
regeneratedStyleSource = true;
className = "_" + className + "_Styles";
// TODO: Get package name working.
// String qualifiedClassName = className;
// if (packageName != null && packageName.length() > 0)
// qualifiedClassName = packageName + "." + className;
// Determine whether we need to regenerate the style source based
// on whether any new style definitions were included
String genFileName = generateStyleSourceName(packageName, className);
Source styleSource = resources.findSource(genFileName);
if (styleSource != null)
if (styleSource.getCompilationUnit() == null)
// if no compilationUnit, then we need to generate source so we can recompile.
styleSource = null;
// If the styles are the same as the last time we generated the source then return
// the existing source. We can get called here multiple times while compiling the same file
// so this check keeps us from generating the same source each time. We will always generate
// a new style file the first time we are called here because lastStyleDefList will be null.
if (lastStyleDefList != null && lastStyleDefList.getStyleDefs().equals(filteredStyleDefs.getStyleDefs()))
regeneratedStyleSource = false;
lastStyleDefList = filteredStyleDefs;
if (regeneratedStyleSource)
styleSource = generateStyleSource(filteredStyleDefs, resources, packageName, className, genFileName);
return regeneratedStyleSource;
* Warn if we have a type selector outside of the root MXML (Application).
private boolean hasNonRootTypeSelectors(String subject, String selector, int lineNumber)
if (!compilationUnit.isRoot() && !StyleDef.UNIVERSAL.equals(subject))
// [preilly] This restriction should be removed once the
// app model supports encapsulation of CSS styles.
ComponentTypeSelectorsNotSupported componentTypeSelectorsNotSupported =
new ComponentTypeSelectorsNotSupported(getSource().getName(),
return true;
return false;
* Check for simple type selectors that were not needed as the associated
* component definition was not used in the Application.
* Called from PreLink.processMainUnit()
public void validate(SymbolTable symbolTable, NameMappings nameMappings,
StandardDefs standardDefs, Set<String> themeNames, Set<String> addedCSSFiles)
Set<String> classNames;
TypeTable typeTable = (TypeTable) symbolTable.getContext().getAttribute(MxmlCompiler.TYPE_TABLE);
if (typeTable == null)
typeTable = new TypeTable(symbolTable, nameMappings, standardDefs, themeNames);
if (qualifiedTypeSelectors)
classNames = symbolTable.getClassNames();
classNames = new HashSet<String>();
for (String className : symbolTable.getClassNames())
if (qualifiedTypeSelectors)
classNames.add(className.replaceFirst(".*:", ""));
// Strip off the leading '[' and trailing ']'.
String themeNamesString = themeNames.toString();
themeNamesString = themeNamesString.substring(1, themeNamesString.length() - 1);
for (Entry<String, StyleDef> entry : styleDefs.entrySet())
String styleName = entry.getKey();
StyleDef styleDef = entry.getValue();
String typeName = StyleDef.dehyphenize(styleName);
Map<String, StyleDeclaration> declarations = styleDef.getDeclarations();
if (declarations != null)
for (StyleDeclaration styleDeclaration : declarations.values())
Collection<StyleDeclarationBlock> blocks = styleDeclaration.getDeclarationBlocks();
for (StyleDeclarationBlock block : blocks)
Map<String, StyleProperty> styleProperties = block.getProperties();
if (addedCSSFiles == null || addedCSSFiles.contains(styleDeclaration.getPath()))
if (styleDef.isTypeSelector())
if (qualifiedTypeSelectors && mxmlConfiguration.showInvalidCssPropertyWarnings())
Type type = typeTable.getType(NameFormatter.toColon(typeName));
if (type != null)
validateTypeSelectorProperties(styleProperties, type, styleDef,
typeName, themeNamesString);
if (mxmlDocumentQName != null)
// Don't use getType(QName), because that
// tries to lookup the class name in the
// manifest. Use getType(String) instead.
Type mxmlDocumentType = typeTable.getType(mxmlDocumentQName.toString());
assert mxmlDocumentType != null;
validatePropertyReferences(styleProperties, mxmlDocumentType);
if (localStyleTypeNames.contains(styleName) &&
!classNames.contains(NameFormatter.toColon(typeName)) &&
if (mxmlConfiguration.showUnusedTypeSelectorWarnings())
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new UnusedTypeSelector(getPathForReporting(styleDef),
* Validate that each type selector property matches up with a
* defined style with a matching theme in the type selector's
* type.
private void validateTypeSelectorProperties(Map<String, StyleProperty> styleProperties,
Type type, StyleDef styleDef, String typeName,
String themeNamesString)
if (styleProperties != null)
for (StyleProperty styleProperty : styleProperties.values())
String stylePropertyName = styleProperty.getName();
if (type.getStyle(stylePropertyName) == null)
String styleThemes = type.getStyleThemes(stylePropertyName);
if (type.isExcludedStyle(stylePropertyName))
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new ExcludedStyleProperty(styleProperty.getPath(),
else if (styleThemes != null)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new InvalidStyleTheme(styleProperty.getPath(),
else if (mxmlDocument != null)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new InvalidStyleProperty(styleProperty.getPath(),
* Validate that each property reference matches up with a document property.
private void validatePropertyReferences(Map<String, StyleProperty> styleProperties,
Type mxmlDocumentType)
if (styleProperties != null)
for (StyleProperty styleProperty : styleProperties.values())
Object value = styleProperty.getValue();
if (value instanceof Reference)
Reference reference = (Reference) value;
// We only allow property references to document properties. See SDK-22995.
if (!reference.isClassReference() &&
(mxmlDocumentType.getProperty(reference.getValue()) == null))
InvalidPropertyReference invalidPropertyReference =
new InvalidPropertyReference(reference.getValue());
invalidPropertyReference.path = styleProperty.getPath();
invalidPropertyReference.line = styleProperty.getLineNumber();
// Methods - MXML Overrides
* This MXML Specific Override only allows type selectors to be declared
* on the root document.
protected void addSelectorToStyleDef(String subject, StyleDeclaration declaration,
boolean isTypeSelector, boolean isLocal, int lineNumber)
// Only allow type selectors on the root (Application). StyleManager is
// a singleton so type selector overrides in arbitrary custom components
// would be difficult to track down and not behave as expected.
if (isTypeSelector && hasNonRootTypeSelectors(subject, subject, lineNumber))
StyleDef styleDef;
if (isTypeSelector && isLocal)
if (styleDefs.containsKey(subject))
styleDef = styleDefs.get(subject);
styleDef = new StyleDef(subject, isTypeSelector, mxmlDocument, mxmlConfiguration,
compilationUnit.getSource(), lineNumber, perCompileData);
styleDefs.put(subject, styleDef);
if (mxmlDocument != null)
Iterator<Import> iterator = styleDef.getImports().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
Import importObject = iterator.next();
mxmlDocument.addImport(importObject.getValue(), importObject.getLineNumber());
* This MXML Specific Override only allows type selectors to be declared
* on the root document.
protected void addAdvancedSelectorToStyleDef(StyleDeclaration declaration,
MediaList mediaList, boolean isLocal, int lineNumber)
String subject = declaration.getSubject();
StyleSelector selector = declaration.getSelector();
// Only allow type selectors on the root (Application). StyleManager is
// a singleton so type selector overrides in arbitrary custom components
// would be difficult to track down and not behave as expected.
if (hasNonRootTypeSelectors(subject, selector.toString(), lineNumber))
StyleDef styleDef;
String styleDefKey = subject;
// Treat a "*" subject like Flex's special "global" subject to follow
// mxmlc's distinction of type selectors vs. universal selectors for
// the purposes of code-generation.
if (StyleDef.UNIVERSAL.equals(subject))
styleDefKey = StyleDef.GLOBAL;
// If we have conditions, we can make "*" implied.
if (selector.getConditions() != null && selector.getConditions().size() > 0)
if (styleDefs.containsKey(styleDefKey))
styleDef = styleDefs.get(styleDefKey);
if (isLocal && !StyleDef.GLOBAL.equals(styleDefKey))
styleDef = new StyleDef(subject, mxmlDocument, mxmlConfiguration,
getSource(), lineNumber, perCompileData);
styleDefs.put(styleDefKey, styleDef);
styleDef.addAdvancedDeclaration(declaration, mediaList);
if (mxmlDocument != null)
Iterator<Import> iterator = styleDef.getImports().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
Import importObject = iterator.next();
protected void addAtEmbed(AtEmbed atEmbed)
if (mxmlDocument != null)
else if (!atEmbeds.containsKey(atEmbed.getPropName()))
atEmbeds.put(atEmbed.getPropName(), atEmbed);
// Helper Methods - Font Face Rules
private String generateFontFaceRuleSourceName()
String genFileName;
String genDir = mxmlConfiguration.getGeneratedDirectory();
if (genDir != null)
genFileName = genDir + File.separatorChar + "_FontFaceRules.as";
genFileName = "_FontFaceRules.as";
return genFileName;
private Source generateFontFaceRules(ResourceContainer resources)
String genFileName = generateFontFaceRuleSourceName();
Source styleSource = resources.findSource(genFileName);
if (styleSource != null)
if (styleSource.getCompilationUnit() == null)
// if no compilationUnit, then we need to generate source so we can recompile.
styleSource = null;
// C: it is safe to return because this method deals with per-app styles, like defaults.css and themes.
// ResourceContainer will not have anything if any of the theme files is touched.
return styleSource;
StandardDefs standardDefs = ThreadLocalToolkit.getStandardDefs();
String fontFaceRulesTemplate = TEMPLATE_PATH + standardDefs.getFontFaceRulesTemplate();
Template template;
template = VelocityManager.getTemplate(fontFaceRulesTemplate);
catch (Exception exception)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new VelocityException.TemplateNotFound(fontFaceRulesTemplate));
return null;
SourceCodeBuffer out = new SourceCodeBuffer();
VelocityUtil util = new VelocityUtil(TEMPLATE_PATH, mxmlConfiguration.debug(), out, null);
VelocityContext vc = VelocityManager.getCodeGenContext(util);
vc.put(ATEMBEDS_KEY, atEmbeds);
template.merge(vc, out);
catch (Exception e)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new VelocityException.GenerateException(compilationUnit.getSource().getRelativePath(),
return null;
return resources.addResource(createSource(genFileName, out, Long.MAX_VALUE));
// Methods - ActionScript Code Generation
private Source createSource(String fileName, SourceCodeBuffer sourceCodeBuffer, long lastModifiedTime)
Source result = null;
if (sourceCodeBuffer.getBuffer() != null)
String sourceCode = sourceCodeBuffer.toString();
if (mxmlConfiguration.keepGeneratedActionScript())
FileUtil.writeFile(fileName, sourceCode);
catch (IOException e)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new VelocityException.UnableToWriteGeneratedFile(fileName, e.getMessage()));
VirtualFile genFile = new TextFile(sourceCode, fileName, null, MimeMappings.AS, lastModifiedTime);
String shortName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.'));
result = new Source(genFile, "", shortName, null, false, false, false);
Iterator<VirtualFile> iterator = implicitIncludes.iterator();
while ( iterator.hasNext() )
VirtualFile virtualFile = iterator.next();
return result;
private Source generateStyleSource(StyleDefList styleDefList, ResourceContainer resources,
String packageName, String className, String genFileName)
// load template
Template template;
StandardDefs standardDefs = ThreadLocalToolkit.getStandardDefs();
String styleDefTemplate = TEMPLATE_PATH + standardDefs.getStyleDefTemplate();
template = VelocityManager.getTemplate(styleDefTemplate);
catch (Exception exception)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new VelocityException.TemplateNotFound(styleDefTemplate));
return null;
SourceCodeBuffer out = new SourceCodeBuffer();
VelocityUtil util = new VelocityUtil(TEMPLATE_PATH, mxmlConfiguration.debug(), out, null);
VelocityContext vc = VelocityManager.getCodeGenContext(util);
vc.put(STYLEDEFLIST_KEY, styleDefList);
// vc.put(PACKAGENAME_KEY, packageName); TODO: get packagename working
vc.put(CLASSNAME_KEY, className);
template.merge(vc, out);
catch (Exception e)
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new VelocityException.GenerateException(compilationUnit.getSource().getRelativePath(),
return null;
// Set a last modified time so the old compilation unit will be thrown
// out when we add our new source.
return resources.addResource(createSource(genFileName, out, System.currentTimeMillis()));
private String generateStyleSourceName(String packageName, String className)
String genFileName;
String genDir = mxmlConfiguration.getGeneratedDirectory();
if (genDir != null)
genFileName = genDir + File.separatorChar + className + ".as";
// TODO: get packageName working
// File.separatorChar +
// packageName.replace('.', File.separatorChar ) +
// File.separatorChar + className + ".as";
genFileName = className + ".as";
// TODO: get packageName working
// packageName.replace('.', File.separatorChar) +
// File.separatorChar + className + ".as";
return genFileName;
// Initialization and defaults.css
public void loadDefaultStyles()
VirtualFile defaultsCSSFile = resolveDefaultsCssFile();
// Load the per SWC default styles first
for (VirtualFile swcDefaultsCssFile : mxmlConfiguration.getDefaultsCssFiles())
// Make sure that we resolve things relative to the SWC.
ThreadLocalToolkit.getPathResolver().addSinglePathResolver(0, swcDefaultsCssFile);
// Load the default styles next, so they can override the SWC defaults
if (defaultsCSSFile != null)
// Only load the defaults if it's not from a SWC.
// Defaults from a SWC will have already been loaded if a
// component from the SWC has been used in the compilation.
if (!(defaultsCSSFile instanceof VirtualZipFile))
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new DefaultCSSFileNotFound());
// Load the theme styles next, so they can override the defaults
for (Iterator<VirtualFile> it = mxmlConfiguration.getThemeCssFiles().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
VirtualFile themeCssFile = it.next();
// Make sure that we resolve things in the theme relative
// to the theme SWC first.
ThreadLocalToolkit.getPathResolver().addSinglePathResolver(0, themeCssFile);
private VirtualFile resolveDefaultsCssFile()
VirtualFile defaultsCSSFile = mxmlConfiguration.getDefaultsCssUrl();
if (defaultsCSSFile == null)
PathResolver resolver = ThreadLocalToolkit.getPathResolver();
String version = mxmlConfiguration.getCompatibilityVersionString();
if (version != null)
defaultsCSSFile = resolver.resolve("defaults-" + version + ".css");
if (defaultsCSSFile == null)
defaultsCSSFile = resolver.resolve("defaults.css");
return defaultsCSSFile;
private void processStyleSheet(VirtualFile cssFile)
InputStream cssFileStream = null;
FontManager fontManager = mxmlConfiguration.getFontsConfiguration().getTopLevelManager();
StyleSheet styleSheet = new StyleSheet();
cssFileStream = cssFile.getInputStream();
styleSheet.parse(cssFile.getName(), cssFileStream, ThreadLocalToolkit.getLogger(), fontManager);
extractStyles(styleSheet, false);
catch (Exception exception)
CompilerMessage m = new ParseError(exception.getLocalizedMessage());
if (cssFileStream != null)
catch (IOException e)
// print the stack trace so we know we had a failure but
// otherwise ignore.
if (Trace.error)
// Errors and Warnings
private String getPathForReporting(StyleDef styleDef)
if (styleDef.isAdvanced())
// Return the path of the first StyleDeclaration that refers to
// the subject of this StyleDef
Map<String, StyleDeclaration> declarations = styleDef.getDeclarations();
for (StyleDeclaration decl : declarations.values())
if (decl != null && decl.getPath() != null)
return decl.getPath();
return compilationUnit.getSource().getName();
* Simple class that contains a list of StyleDefs. This class is only used
* to temporary contain a list of style defs that we will pass to the
* StyleDef velocity template to generate the style code. The StyleDef
* template now generates code for a list of styles in one class instead of
* a class for every style. The API is minimal to just add entries to the
* list and to satisfy the needs of StyleDef.vm. For example the is an "add"
* method but no "remove" or "clear". This is because the whole list is
* garbage collected after it is used.
public class StyleDefList
List<StyleDef> styleDefs;
public StyleDefList()
styleDefs = new ArrayList<StyleDef>();
public List<StyleDef> getStyleDefs()
return styleDefs;
public void add(StyleDef styleDef)
public int size()
return styleDefs.size();
public boolean isAdvanced()
for (StyleDef styleDef : styleDefs)
if (styleDef.isAdvanced())
return true;
return false;
public boolean getAllowDuplicateDefaultStyleDeclarations()
for (StyleDef styleDef : styleDefs)
if (styleDef.getAllowDuplicateDefaultStyleDeclarations())
return true;
return false;
* @return imports with duplicates removed.
public Set<Import> getImports()
Set<Import> result = new HashSet<Import>();
for (StyleDef styleDef : styleDefs)
return result;
* @return AtEmbeds with duplicates removed.
public Set<AtEmbed> getAtEmbeds()
Set<AtEmbed> result = new HashSet<AtEmbed>();
for (StyleDef styleDef : styleDefs)
return result;
public static class DefaultCSSFileNotFound extends CompilerWarning
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7274067342526310418L;
public DefaultCSSFileNotFound()
public static class ExcludedStyleProperty extends CompilerWarning
private static final long serialVersionUID = -655374071288180325L;
public String stylePropertyName;
public String typeName;
public ExcludedStyleProperty(String path, int line, String stylePropertyName,
String typeName)
this.path = path;
this.line = line;
this.stylePropertyName = stylePropertyName;
this.typeName = typeName;
public static class InvalidStyleProperty extends CompilerWarning
private static final long serialVersionUID = -655374071288180326L;
public String stylePropertyName;
public String typeName;
public InvalidStyleProperty(String path, int line, String stylePropertyName,
String typeName)
this.path = path;
this.line = line;
this.stylePropertyName = stylePropertyName;
this.typeName = typeName;
public static class InvalidStyleTheme extends CompilerWarning
private static final long serialVersionUID = -655374071288180328L;
public String stylePropertyName;
public String typeName;
public String styleThemes;
public InvalidStyleTheme(String path, int line, String stylePropertyName,
String typeName, String styleThemes)
this.path = path;
this.line = line;
this.stylePropertyName = stylePropertyName;
this.typeName = typeName;
this.styleThemes = styleThemes;
public static class UnusedTypeSelector extends CompilerWarning
private static final long serialVersionUID = -655374071288180326L;
public String styleName;
public UnusedTypeSelector(String path, int line, String styleName)
this.path = path;
this.line = line;
this.styleName = styleName;
public static class ComponentTypeSelectorsNotSupported extends CompilerWarning
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1211821282841071569L;
public String selector;
public ComponentTypeSelectorsNotSupported(String path, int line, String selector)
this.path = path;
this.line = line;
this.selector = selector;
public static class InvalidPropertyReference extends CompilerError
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3730898410175891395L;
public String value;
public InvalidPropertyReference(String value)
this.value = value;