package freenet.client.async;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import freenet.client.FetchContext;
import freenet.crypt.RandomSource;
import freenet.keys.ClientKey;
import freenet.keys.Key;
import freenet.node.BaseSendableGet;
import freenet.node.KeysFetchingLocally;
import freenet.node.Node;
import freenet.node.RequestClient;
import freenet.node.RequestScheduler;
import freenet.node.RequestStarter;
import freenet.node.SendableGet;
import freenet.node.SendableInsert;
import freenet.node.SendableRequest;
import freenet.node.SendableRequestItem;
import freenet.node.SendableRequestItemKey;
/** The global request queue. Both transient and persistent requests are kept on this in-RAM
* structure, which supports choosing a request to run. See KeyListenerTracker for the code
* that matches up a fetched block with whoever was waiting for it, which needs to be separate for
* various reasons. This class is not persistent.
* COOLDOWN TRACKER AND WAKEUP TIMES: Each node in the tree (priority, client, request) keeps a
* "wakeup time". This indicates that until the time given there is no point checking the requests
* below that node. This happens either because all the keys are being fetched (in which case the
* wakeup time is Long.MAX_VALUE) or because a key has been fetched repeatedly and has entered
* a cooldown period, meaning it will be fetchable in 30 minutes.
* LOCKING: Consequently we need to lock the entire tree whenever we access either the tree or the
* cooldown tracker (which really should be part of the tree, TODO!): When a request completes, we
* start at the request itself and go up the tree until we stop updating the wakeup times. However
* when we choose a request to send, we start at the top and go down (and update the cooldown times
* when backtracking back up the tree if we don't find anything).
* **We lock on ClientRequestSelector** when using the tree, including the cooldown times.
* REDFLAG LOCKING: Actually in the completion case we could find the top and then lock the whole
* tree, and then update the cooldowns; and/or we could avoid updating the cooldowns during request
* selection, e.g. by making sure that each structure always does a bottom-up update when something
* changes, although that would not help with locking...
* FIXME: More seriously, we should really combine the cooldown tracker and the RGAs. The RGAs and
* SRGAs should contain their own wakeup times. This could significantly simplify the code.
* CooldownTracker is left over from the DB4O era.
public class ClientRequestSelector implements KeysFetchingLocally {
final boolean isInsertScheduler;
final boolean isSSKScheduler;
final boolean isRTScheduler;
final ClientRequestScheduler sched;
// Root: SRGA of SRGAs (for a priority), descend by RequestClient.
// Layer 1: SRGA of RGAs (for a RequestClient), descend by ClientRequestSchedulerGroup.
// Layer 2: RGAs (for a ClientRequestSchedulerGroup), contain SendableRequest's.
// Layer 3: SendableRequest's.
static class ClientRequestRGANode extends SectoredRandomGrabArraySimple<RequestClient,ClientRequestSchedulerGroup> {
public ClientRequestRGANode(RequestClient object, RemoveRandomParent parent,
ClientRequestSelector root) {
super(object, parent, root);
static class RequestClientRGANode extends SectoredRandomGrabArray<RequestClient,ClientRequestRGANode> {
public RequestClientRGANode(RemoveRandomParent parent, ClientRequestSelector root) {
super(parent, root);
* The base of the tree.
protected RequestClientRGANode[] priorities;
protected final Deque<BaseSendableGet>recentSuccesses;
ClientRequestSelector(boolean isInsertScheduler, boolean isSSKScheduler, boolean isRTScheduler, ClientRequestScheduler sched) {
this.sched = sched;
this.isInsertScheduler = isInsertScheduler;
this.isSSKScheduler = isSSKScheduler;
this.isRTScheduler = isRTScheduler;
if(!isInsertScheduler) {
keysFetching = new HashSet<Key>();
transientRequestsWaitingForKeysFetching = new HashMap<Key, WeakReference<BaseSendableGet>[]>();
runningInserts = null;
recentSuccesses = new ArrayDeque<BaseSendableGet>();
} else {
keysFetching = null;
runningInserts = new HashSet<SendableRequestItemKey>();
recentSuccesses = null;
priorities = new RequestClientRGANode[RequestStarter.NUMBER_OF_PRIORITY_CLASSES];
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
static {
Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback() {
public void shouldUpdate() {
logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this);
* All Key's we are currently fetching.
* Locally originated requests only, avoids some complications with HTL,
* and also has the benefit that we can see stuff that's been scheduled on a SenderThread
* but that thread hasn't started yet. FIXME: Both issues can be avoided: first we'd get
* rid of the SenderThread and start the requests directly and asynchronously, secondly
* we'd move this to node but only track keys we are fetching at max HTL.
* LOCKING: Always lock this LAST.
private transient HashSet<Key> keysFetching;
private transient HashMap<Key, WeakReference<BaseSendableGet>[]> transientRequestsWaitingForKeysFetching;
private transient final HashSet<SendableRequestItemKey> runningInserts;
/** Choose a priority to start requests from.
* @return The priority chosen or the time at which a priority will have requests to send.
* LOCKING: Synchronized because we may create new priorities. Both the cooldown queue and the
* RGA hierarchy, rooted at the priorities, use ClientRequestSelector lock. */
private synchronized long choosePriority(int fuzz, RandomSource random, ClientContext context, long now){
RequestClientRGANode result = null;
long wakeupTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
short iteration = 0, priority;
// we loop to ensure we try every possibilities ( n + 1)
// PRIO will do 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0
// TWEAKED will do rand%6,0,1,2,3,4,5,6
while(iteration++ < RequestStarter.NUMBER_OF_PRIORITY_CLASSES + 1){
priority = fuzz<0 ? tweakedPrioritySelector[random.nextInt(tweakedPrioritySelector.length)] : prioritySelector[Math.abs(fuzz % prioritySelector.length)];
result = priorities[priority];
if(result != null) {
long cooldownTime = result.getWakeupTime(context, now);
if(cooldownTime > 0) {
if(cooldownTime < wakeupTime) wakeupTime = cooldownTime;
if(logMINOR) {
if(cooldownTime == Long.MAX_VALUE)
Logger.minor(this, "Priority "+priority+" is waiting until a request finishes or is empty");
Logger.minor(this, "Priority "+priority+" is in cooldown for another "+(cooldownTime - now)+" "+TimeUtil.formatTime(cooldownTime - now));
result = null;
if(priority > RequestStarter.MINIMUM_FETCHABLE_PRIORITY_CLASS) {
continue; // Don't return because first round may be higher with soft scheduling
if(((result != null) && (!result.isEmpty()))) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "using priority : "+priority);
return priority;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Priority "+priority+" is null (fuzz = "+fuzz+ ')');
//FIXME: implement NONE
return wakeupTime;
/** Choose a request to run and create the ChosenBlock for it. A request chosen by
* chooseRequestInner() may not be runnable (it may return null if the request is already
* running), so we may need to try repeatedly. FIXME this is only necessary because many
* classes only update their cooldown status when choosing a block to send, e.g.
* SplitFileInserter. */
ChosenBlock chooseRequest(int fuzz, RandomSource random, OfferedKeysList offeredKeys, RequestStarter starter, boolean realTime, ClientContext context) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
SelectorReturn r = chooseRequestInner(fuzz, random, offeredKeys, starter, realTime, context, now);
SendableRequest req = null;
if(r != null && r.req != null) req = r.req;
if(req == null) continue;
if(isInsertScheduler && req instanceof SendableGet) {
IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException("removeFirstInner returned a SendableGet on an insert scheduler!!");
req.internalError(e, sched, context, req.persistent());
throw e;
ChosenBlock block = maybeMakeChosenRequest(req, context, now);
if(block != null) return block;
return null;
public ChosenBlock maybeMakeChosenRequest(SendableRequest req, ClientContext context, long now) {
if(req == null) return null;
if(req.isCancelled()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Request is cancelled: "+req);
return null;
if(req.getWakeupTime(context, now) != 0) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Request is in cooldown: "+req);
return null;
SendableRequestItem token = req.chooseKey(this, context);
if(token == null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Choose key returned null: "+req);
return null;
} else {
Key key;
ClientKey ckey;
if(isInsertScheduler) {
key = null;
ckey = null;
} else {
key = ((BaseSendableGet)req).getNodeKey(token);
if(req instanceof SendableGet)
ckey = ((SendableGet)req).getKey(token);
ckey = null;
ChosenBlock ret;
if(key != null && key.getRoutingKey() == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
boolean localRequestOnly;
boolean ignoreStore;
boolean canWriteClientCache;
boolean forkOnCacheable;
boolean realTimeFlag;
if(req instanceof SendableGet) {
SendableGet sg = (SendableGet) req;
FetchContext ctx = sg.getContext();
localRequestOnly = ctx.localRequestOnly;
ignoreStore = ctx.ignoreStore;
canWriteClientCache = ctx.canWriteClientCache;
realTimeFlag = sg.realTimeFlag();
forkOnCacheable = false;
} else {
localRequestOnly = false;
if(req instanceof SendableInsert) {
canWriteClientCache = ((SendableInsert)req).canWriteClientCache();
forkOnCacheable = ((SendableInsert)req).forkOnCacheable();
localRequestOnly = ((SendableInsert)req).localRequestOnly();
realTimeFlag = ((SendableInsert)req).realTimeFlag();
} else {
canWriteClientCache = false;
localRequestOnly = false;
realTimeFlag = false;
ignoreStore = false;
ret = new ChosenBlockImpl(req, token, key, ckey, localRequestOnly, ignoreStore, canWriteClientCache, forkOnCacheable, realTimeFlag, sched, req.persistent());
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Created "+ret+" for "+req);
return ret;
public class SelectorReturn {
public final SendableRequest req;
public final long wakeupTime;
SelectorReturn(SendableRequest req) {
this.req = req;
this.wakeupTime = -1;
SelectorReturn(long wakeupTime) {
this.wakeupTime = wakeupTime;
this.req = null;
/** Choose a request to run. Does not check whether the SendableRequest is actually runnable at
* the moment. The cooldown mechanism on the RGAs and SRGAs should ensure that it is usable
* most of the time.
* @return Either a chosen request or the time at which we should try again if all priorities
* are waiting for requests to finish / cooldown periods to expire. */
SelectorReturn chooseRequestInner(int fuzz, RandomSource random, OfferedKeysList offeredKeys, RequestStarter starter, boolean realTime, ClientContext context, long now) {
// Priorities start at 0
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "removeFirst()");
boolean tryOfferedKeys = offeredKeys != null && random.nextBoolean();
if(tryOfferedKeys) {
if(offeredKeys.getWakeupTime(context, now) == 0)
return new SelectorReturn(offeredKeys);
long l = choosePriority(fuzz, random, context, now);
if(l > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No priority available for the next "+TimeUtil.formatTime(l - now));
return null;
int choosenPriorityClass = (int)l;
if(choosenPriorityClass == -1) {
if(!tryOfferedKeys) {
if(offeredKeys != null && offeredKeys.getWakeupTime(context, now) == 0)
return new SelectorReturn(offeredKeys);
Logger.minor(this, "Nothing to do");
return null;
long wakeupTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
outer: for(;choosenPriorityClass <= RequestStarter.MINIMUM_FETCHABLE_PRIORITY_CLASS;choosenPriorityClass++) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Using priority "+choosenPriorityClass);
RequestClientRGANode chosenTracker = priorities[choosenPriorityClass];
if(chosenTracker == null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No requests to run: chosen priority empty");
continue; // Try next priority
while(true) {
long cooldownTime = chosenTracker.getWakeupTime(context, now);
if(cooldownTime > 0) {
if(cooldownTime < wakeupTime) wakeupTime = cooldownTime;
Logger.normal(this, "Priority "+choosenPriorityClass+" is in cooldown for another "+(cooldownTime - now)+" "+TimeUtil.formatTime(cooldownTime - now));
continue outer;
Logger.minor(this, "Got priority tracker "+chosenTracker);
RemoveRandomReturn val;
synchronized(this) {
// We must hold the overall lock, just as in addToGrabArrays.
// This is important for keeping the cooldown tracker consistent amongst other
// things: We can get a race condition between thread A reading the tree,
// finding nothing and setCachedWakeup(), and thread B waking up a request,
// resulting in the request not being accessible.
val = chosenTracker.removeRandom(starter, context, now);
SendableRequest req;
if(val == null) {
Logger.normal(this, "Priority "+choosenPriorityClass+" returned null - nothing to schedule, should remove priority");
continue outer;
} else if(val.item == null) {
if(val.wakeupTime == -1)
Logger.normal(this, "Priority "+choosenPriorityClass+" returned cooldown time of -1 - nothing to schedule, should remove priority");
else {
Logger.normal(this, "Priority "+choosenPriorityClass+" returned cooldown time of "+(val.wakeupTime - now)+" = "+TimeUtil.formatTime(val.wakeupTime - now));
if(val.wakeupTime > 0 && val.wakeupTime < wakeupTime)
wakeupTime = val.wakeupTime;
continue outer;
} else {
req = (SendableRequest) val.item;
if(req.getPriorityClass() != choosenPriorityClass) {
// Reinsert it : shouldn't happen if we are calling reregisterAll,
// maybe we should ask people to report that error if seen
Logger.normal(this, "In wrong priority class: "+req+" (req.prio="+req.getPriorityClass()+" but chosen="+choosenPriorityClass+ ')');
// Remove it.
ClientRequestRGANode clientGrabber = chosenTracker.getGrabber(req.getClient());
if(clientGrabber != null) {
RandomGrabArray baseRGA = clientGrabber.getGrabber(req.getSchedulerGroup());
if(baseRGA != null) {
// Must synchronize to avoid nasty race conditions with cooldown.
synchronized(this) {
baseRGA.remove(req, context);
} else {
// Okay, it's been removed already. Cool.
} else {
Logger.error(this, "Could not find client grabber for client "+req.getClient()+" from "+chosenTracker);
innerRegister(req, context, null);
// Check recentSuccesses
/** Choose a recently succeeded request.
* 50% chance of using a recently succeeded request, if there is one.
* We keep a list of recently succeeded BaseSendableGet's, because transient
* requests are chosen individually. */
if(!isInsertScheduler) {
BaseSendableGet altReq = null;
synchronized(recentSuccesses) {
if(!recentSuccesses.isEmpty()) {
if(random.nextBoolean()) {
altReq = recentSuccesses.poll();
if(altReq != null && (altReq.isCancelled())) {
Logger.minor(this, "Ignoring cancelled recently succeeded item "+altReq);
altReq = null;
if(altReq != null && (l = altReq.getWakeupTime(context, now)) != 0) {
if(logMINOR) {
Logger.minor(this, "Ignoring recently succeeded item, cooldown time = "+l+((l > 0) ? " ("+TimeUtil.formatTime(l - now)+")" : ""));
altReq = null;
if (altReq != null && altReq != req) {
int prio = altReq.getPriorityClass();
if(prio <= choosenPriorityClass) {
// Use the recent one instead
Logger.minor(this, "Recently succeeded (transient) req "+altReq+" (prio="+altReq.getPriorityClass()+") is better than "+req+" (prio="+req.getPriorityClass()+"), using that");
// Don't need to reregister, because removeRandom doesn't actually remove!
req = altReq;
} else {
// Don't use the recent one
Logger.minor(this, "Chosen req "+req+" is better, reregistering recently succeeded "+altReq);
synchronized(recentSuccesses) {
// Now we have chosen a request.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "removeFirst() returning "+req+" (prio "+
req.getPriorityClass()+", client "+req.getClient()+", client-req "+req.getClientRequest()+ ')');
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "removeFirst() returning "+req+" of "+req.getClientRequest());
assert(req.realTimeFlag() == realTime);
return new SelectorReturn(req);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No requests to run");
return null;
private static final short[] tweakedPrioritySelector = {
private static final short[] prioritySelector = {
* @return True unless the key was already present.
public boolean addToFetching(Key key) {
synchronized(keysFetching) {
boolean retval = keysFetching.add(key);
if(!retval) {
Logger.normal(this, "Already in keysFetching: "+key);
} else {
Logger.minor(this, "Added to keysFetching: "+key);
return retval;
public boolean hasKey(Key key, BaseSendableGet getterWaiting) {
if(keysFetching == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
synchronized(keysFetching) {
boolean ret = keysFetching.contains(key);
if(!ret) return ret;
// It is being fetched. Add the BaseSendableGet to the wait list so it gets woken up when the request finishes.
if(getterWaiting != null) {
WeakReference<BaseSendableGet>[] waiting = transientRequestsWaitingForKeysFetching.get(key);
if(waiting == null) {
transientRequestsWaitingForKeysFetching.put(key, new WeakReference[] { new WeakReference<BaseSendableGet>(getterWaiting) });
} else {
for(WeakReference<BaseSendableGet> ref : waiting) {
if(ref.get() == getterWaiting) return true;
WeakReference<BaseSendableGet>[] newWaiting = Arrays.copyOf(waiting, waiting.length+1);
newWaiting[waiting.length] = new WeakReference<BaseSendableGet>(getterWaiting);
transientRequestsWaitingForKeysFetching.put(key, newWaiting);
return true;
/** LOCKING: Caller should hold as few locks as possible */
public void removeFetchingKey(final Key key) {
WeakReference<BaseSendableGet>[] transientWaiting;
Logger.minor(this, "Removing from keysFetching: "+key);
if(key != null) {
synchronized(keysFetching) {
transientWaiting = this.transientRequestsWaitingForKeysFetching.remove(key);
if(transientWaiting != null) {
if(transientWaiting != null) {
for(WeakReference<BaseSendableGet> ref : transientWaiting) {
BaseSendableGet get = ref.get();
if(get == null) continue;
public boolean hasInsert(SendableRequestItemKey token) {
synchronized(runningInserts) {
return runningInserts.contains(token);
public boolean addRunningInsert(SendableRequestItemKey token) {
synchronized(runningInserts) {
boolean retval = runningInserts.add(token);
if(!retval) {
// This shouldn't happen often, because the chooseBlock()'s should check for it...
Logger.error(this, "Already in runningInserts: "+token);
} else {
Logger.minor(this, "Added to runningInserts: "+token);
return retval;
public void removeRunningInsert(SendableRequestItemKey token) {
Logger.minor(this, "Removing from runningInserts: "+token);
synchronized(runningInserts) {
public long checkRecentlyFailed(Key key, boolean realTime) {
Node node = sched.getNode();
return node.clientCore.checkRecentlyFailed(key, realTime);
/** Add a request (or insert) to the request selection tree.
* @param priorityClass The priority of the request.
* @param client Label object indicating which larger group of requests this request belongs to
* (e.g. the global queue, or an FCP client), and whether it is persistent.
* @param cr The high-level request that this single block request is part of. E.g. a fetch for
* a single key may download many blocks in a splitfile; an insert for a large freesite is
* considered a single @see ClientRequester.
* @param req A single SendableRequest object which is one or more low-level requests. E.g. it
* can be an insert of a single block, or it can be a request or insert for a single segment
* within a splitfile.
* @param container The database handle, if the request is persistent, in which case this will
* be a ClientRequestSchedulerCore. If so, this method must be called on the database thread.
* @param context The client context object, which contains links to all the important objects
* that are not persisted in the database, e.g. executors, temporary filename generator, etc.
void addToGrabArray(short priorityClass, RequestClient client, ClientRequestSchedulerGroup cr, SendableRequest req, ClientContext context) {
if((priorityClass > RequestStarter.PAUSED_PRIORITY_CLASS) || (priorityClass < RequestStarter.MAXIMUM_PRIORITY_CLASS))
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid priority: "+priorityClass+" - range is "+RequestStarter.MAXIMUM_PRIORITY_CLASS+" (most important) to "+RequestStarter.PAUSED_PRIORITY_CLASS+" (least important)");
// Client
synchronized(this) {
ClientRequestRGANode requestGrabber = makeSRGAForClient(priorityClass, client, context);
requestGrabber.add(cr, req, context);
private ClientRequestRGANode makeSRGAForClient(short priorityClass,
RequestClient client, ClientContext context) {
RequestClientRGANode clientGrabber = priorities[priorityClass];
if(clientGrabber == null) {
clientGrabber = new RequestClientRGANode(null, this);
priorities[priorityClass] = clientGrabber;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Registering client tracker for priority "+priorityClass+" : "+clientGrabber);
// Request
ClientRequestRGANode requestGrabber = clientGrabber.getGrabber(client);
if(requestGrabber == null) {
requestGrabber = new ClientRequestRGANode(client, clientGrabber, this);
Logger.minor(this, "Creating new grabber: "+requestGrabber+" for "+client+" from "+clientGrabber+" : prio="+priorityClass);
clientGrabber.addGrabber(client, requestGrabber, context);
return requestGrabber;
public void reregisterAll(ClientRequester request, RequestScheduler lock, ClientContext context, short oldPrio) {
RequestClient client = request.getClient();
short newPrio = request.getPriorityClass();
if(newPrio == oldPrio) {
Logger.error(this, "Changing priority from "+oldPrio+" to "+newPrio+" for "+request);
ClientRequestSchedulerGroup group = request.getSchedulerGroup();
synchronized(this) {
// First by priority
RequestClientRGANode clientGrabber = priorities[oldPrio];
if(clientGrabber == null) {
// Normal as most of the schedulers aren't relevant to any given insert/request.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Changing priority but request not running "+request, new Exception("debug"));
// Then by RequestClient
ClientRequestRGANode requestGrabber = clientGrabber.getGrabber(client);
if(requestGrabber == null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Changing priority but request not running "+request, new Exception("debug"));
RandomGrabArrayWithObject<ClientRequestSchedulerGroup> rga = requestGrabber.getGrabber(group);
if(rga == null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Changing priority but request not running "+request, new Exception("debug"));
requestGrabber.maybeRemove(rga, context);
requestGrabber = makeSRGAForClient(newPrio, client, context);
if(requestGrabber.getGrabber(group) != null) {
Logger.error(this, "RGA already exists for "+request+" : "+requestGrabber.getGrabber(group)+
" but want to insert "+rga, new Exception("error"));
requestGrabber.maybeRemove(rga, context);
requestGrabber.addGrabber(group, rga, context);
public synchronized long countQueuedRequests(ClientContext context) {
long total = 0;
for(int i=0;i<priorities.length;i++) {
RequestClientRGANode prio = priorities[i];
if(prio == null || prio.isEmpty())
System.out.println("Priority "+i+" : empty");
else {
System.out.println("Priority "+i+" : "+prio.size());
System.out.println("Clients: "+prio.size()+" for "+prio);
for(int k=0;k<prio.size();k++) {
RequestClient client = prio.getClient(k);
System.out.println("Client "+k+" : "+client);
ClientRequestRGANode requestGrabber = prio.getGrabber(client);
System.out.println("SRGA for client: "+requestGrabber);
for(int l=0;l<requestGrabber.size();l++) {
ClientRequestSchedulerGroup cr = requestGrabber.getClient(l);
System.out.println("Request "+l+" : "+cr);
RandomGrabArray rga = requestGrabber.getGrabber(cr);
System.out.println("Queued SendableRequests: "+rga.size()+" on "+rga);
long sendable = 0;
long all = 0;
for(int m=0;m<rga.size();m++) {
SendableRequest req = (SendableRequest) rga.get(m);
if(req == null) continue;
sendable += req.countSendableKeys(context);
all += req.countAllKeys(context);
System.out.println("Sendable keys: "+sendable+" all keys "+all+" diff "+(all-sendable));
total += all;
return total;
* @param req
* @param container
* @param maybeActive Array of requests, can be null, which are being registered
* in this group. These will be ignored for purposes of checking whether stuff
* is activated when it shouldn't be. It is perfectly okay to have req be a
* member of maybeActive.
* FIXME: Either get rid of the debugging code and therefore get rid of maybeActive,
* or make req a SendableRequest[] and register them all at once.
void innerRegister(SendableRequest req, ClientContext context, SendableRequest[] maybeActive) {
if(isInsertScheduler && req instanceof BaseSendableGet)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Adding a SendableGet to an insert scheduler!!");
if((!isInsertScheduler) && req instanceof SendableInsert)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Adding a SendableInsert to a request scheduler!!");
if(isInsertScheduler != req.isInsert())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Request isInsert="+req.isInsert()+" but my isInsertScheduler="+isInsertScheduler+"!!");
short prio = req.getPriorityClass();
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Still registering "+req+" at prio "+prio+" for "+req.getClientRequest()+" ssk="+this.isSSKScheduler+" insert="+this.isInsertScheduler);
addToGrabArray(prio, req.getClient(), req.getSchedulerGroup(), req, context);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Registered "+req+" on prioclass="+prio);
public void succeeded(BaseSendableGet succeeded) {
// Do nothing.
// FIXME: Keep a list of recently succeeded ClientRequester's.
if(isInsertScheduler) return;
if(succeeded.isCancelled()) return;
// Don't bother with getCooldownTime at this point.
Logger.minor(this, "Recording successful fetch from "+succeeded);
synchronized(recentSuccesses) {
while(recentSuccesses.size() >= 8)
public void wakeUp(ClientContext context) {
// Break out of locks. Can be called within RGAs etc!
context.mainExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {