Package freenet.node

Examples of freenet.node.SendableRequest

   * SplitFileInserter. */
  ChosenBlock chooseRequest(int fuzz, RandomSource random, OfferedKeysList offeredKeys, RequestStarter starter, boolean realTime, ClientContext context) {
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
      SelectorReturn r = chooseRequestInner(fuzz, random, offeredKeys, starter, realTime, context, now);
      SendableRequest req = null;
      if(r != null && r.req != null) req = r.req;
      if(req == null) continue;
      if(isInsertScheduler && req instanceof SendableGet) {
        IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException("removeFirstInner returned a SendableGet on an insert scheduler!!");
        req.internalError(e, sched, context, req.persistent());
        throw e;
      ChosenBlock block = maybeMakeChosenRequest(req, context, now);
      if(block != null) return block;
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            // things: We can get a race condition between thread A reading the tree,
            // finding nothing and setCachedWakeup(), and thread B waking up a request,
            // resulting in the request not being accessible.
            val = chosenTracker.removeRandom(starter, context, now);
        SendableRequest req;
        if(val == null) {
          Logger.normal(this, "Priority "+choosenPriorityClass+" returned null - nothing to schedule, should remove priority");
          continue outer;
        } else if(val.item == null) {
          if(val.wakeupTime == -1)
            Logger.normal(this, "Priority "+choosenPriorityClass+" returned cooldown time of -1 - nothing to schedule, should remove priority");
          else {
            Logger.normal(this, "Priority "+choosenPriorityClass+" returned cooldown time of "+(val.wakeupTime - now)+" = "+TimeUtil.formatTime(val.wakeupTime - now));
            if(val.wakeupTime > 0 && val.wakeupTime < wakeupTime)
              wakeupTime = val.wakeupTime;
          continue outer;
        } else {
          req = (SendableRequest) val.item;
        if(req.getPriorityClass() != choosenPriorityClass) {
          // Reinsert it : shouldn't happen if we are calling reregisterAll,
          // maybe we should ask people to report that error if seen
          Logger.normal(this, "In wrong priority class: "+req+" (req.prio="+req.getPriorityClass()+" but chosen="+choosenPriorityClass+ ')');
          // Remove it.
          ClientRequestRGANode clientGrabber = chosenTracker.getGrabber(req.getClient());
          if(clientGrabber != null) {
            RandomGrabArray baseRGA = clientGrabber.getGrabber(req.getSchedulerGroup());
            if(baseRGA != null) {
              // Must synchronize to avoid nasty race conditions with cooldown.
              synchronized(this) {
                baseRGA.remove(req, context);
            } else {
              // Okay, it's been removed already. Cool.
          } else {
            Logger.error(this, "Could not find client grabber for client "+req.getClient()+" from "+chosenTracker);
          innerRegister(req, context, null);
        // Check recentSuccesses
        /** Choose a recently succeeded request.
         * 50% chance of using a recently succeeded request, if there is one.
         * We keep a list of recently succeeded BaseSendableGet's, because transient
         * requests are chosen individually. */
        if(!isInsertScheduler) {
          BaseSendableGet altReq = null;
          synchronized(recentSuccesses) {
            if(!recentSuccesses.isEmpty()) {
              if(random.nextBoolean()) {
                altReq = recentSuccesses.poll();
          if(altReq != null && (altReq.isCancelled())) {
              Logger.minor(this, "Ignoring cancelled recently succeeded item "+altReq);
            altReq = null;
          if(altReq != null && (l = altReq.getWakeupTime(context, now)) != 0) {
            if(logMINOR) {
              Logger.minor(this, "Ignoring recently succeeded item, cooldown time = "+l+((l > 0) ? " ("+TimeUtil.formatTime(l - now)+")" : ""));
              altReq = null;
          if (altReq != null && altReq != req) {
            int prio = altReq.getPriorityClass();
            if(prio <= choosenPriorityClass) {
              // Use the recent one instead
                Logger.minor(this, "Recently succeeded (transient) req "+altReq+" (prio="+altReq.getPriorityClass()+") is better than "+req+" (prio="+req.getPriorityClass()+"), using that");
              // Don't need to reregister, because removeRandom doesn't actually remove!
              req = altReq;
            } else {
              // Don't use the recent one
                Logger.minor(this, "Chosen req "+req+" is better, reregistering recently succeeded "+altReq);
              synchronized(recentSuccesses) {
        // Now we have chosen a request.
        if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "removeFirst() returning "+req+" (prio "+
            req.getPriorityClass()+", client "+req.getClient()+", client-req "+req.getClientRequest()+ ')');
        if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "removeFirst() returning "+req+" of "+req.getClientRequest());
        assert(req.realTimeFlag() == realTime);
        return new SelectorReturn(req);
    if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No requests to run");
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                            RandomGrabArray rga = requestGrabber.getGrabber(cr);
                            System.out.println("Queued SendableRequests: "+rga.size()+" on "+rga);
                            long sendable = 0;
                            long all = 0;
                            for(int m=0;m<rga.size();m++) {
                                SendableRequest req = (SendableRequest) rga.get(m);
                                if(req == null) continue;
                                sendable += req.countSendableKeys(context);
                                all += req.countAllKeys(context);
                            System.out.println("Sendable keys: "+sendable+" all keys "+all+" diff "+(all-sendable));
                            total += all;
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Related Classes of freenet.node.SendableRequest

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