* Copyright 2013 LinkedIn, Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package voldemort.tools;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import voldemort.cluster.Cluster;
import voldemort.cluster.Node;
import voldemort.routing.StoreRoutingPlan;
import voldemort.store.StoreDefinition;
import voldemort.utils.Pair;
import voldemort.utils.PartitionBalanceUtils;
import voldemort.utils.StoreDefinitionUtils;
import voldemort.utils.Utils;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
public class PartitionBalance {
* Multiplier in utility method to weight the balance of "IOPS" (get QPS &
* pseudo-master put QPS) relative to "CAPACITY".
private final static int UTILITY_MULTIPLIER_IOPS = 1;
* Multiplier in utility method to weight the balance of "CAPACITY" (put QPS
* and therefore amount of data stored) relative to "IOPS".
* Currently, we bias towards balancing capacity over iops.
private final static int UTILITY_MULTIPLIER_CAPACITY = 2;
private final Cluster cluster;
private final double primaryMaxMin;
private final double zonePrimaryMaxMin;
private final double naryMaxMin;
private final String verbose;
private final Map<Integer, Integer> primaryAggNodeIdToPartitionCount;
private final Map<Integer, Integer> aggNodeIdToZonePrimaryCount;
private final Map<Integer, Integer> allAggNodeIdToPartitionCount;
private final Map<Integer, Integer> zoneIdToPartitionStoreCount;
public PartitionBalance(Cluster cluster, List<StoreDefinition> storeDefs) {
this.cluster = cluster;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
HashMap<StoreDefinition, Integer> uniqueStores = StoreDefinitionUtils.getUniqueStoreDefinitionsWithCounts(storeDefs);
Set<Integer> nodeIds = cluster.getNodeIds();
Set<Integer> zoneIds = cluster.getZoneIds();
builder.append("PARTITION DUMP\n");
this.primaryAggNodeIdToPartitionCount = Maps.newHashMap();
for(Integer nodeId: nodeIds) {
primaryAggNodeIdToPartitionCount.put(nodeId, 0);
this.aggNodeIdToZonePrimaryCount = Maps.newHashMap();
for(Integer nodeId: nodeIds) {
aggNodeIdToZonePrimaryCount.put(nodeId, 0);
this.allAggNodeIdToPartitionCount = Maps.newHashMap();
for(Integer nodeId: nodeIds) {
allAggNodeIdToPartitionCount.put(nodeId, 0);
this.zoneIdToPartitionStoreCount = Maps.newHashMap();
for(Integer zoneId: zoneIds) {
zoneIdToPartitionStoreCount.put(zoneId, 0);
for(StoreDefinition storeDefinition: uniqueStores.keySet()) {
StoreRoutingPlan storeRoutingPlan = new StoreRoutingPlan(cluster, storeDefinition);
// High level information about the store def exemplar
.append("Store exemplar: " + storeDefinition.getName())
.append("\tReplication factor: " + storeDefinition.getReplicationFactor())
.append("\tRouting strategy: " + storeDefinition.getRoutingStrategyType())
.append("\tThere are " + uniqueStores.get(storeDefinition)
+ " other similar stores.")
// Detailed dump of partitions on nodes
// Per-node counts of various partition types (primary,
// zone-primary, and n-ary)
Map<Integer, Integer> nodeIdToPrimaryCount = getNodeIdToPrimaryCount(cluster);
Map<Integer, Integer> nodeIdToZonePrimaryCount = getNodeIdToZonePrimaryCount(cluster,
Map<Integer, Integer> nodeIdToNaryCount = getNodeIdToNaryCount(cluster,
builder.append("\tSummary of NAry counts:").append(Utils.NEWLINE);
for(Integer nodeId: nodeIds) {
builder.append("\tNode ID: " + nodeId + " : " + nodeIdToNaryCount.get(nodeId)
+ "\n");
+ (nodeIdToPrimaryCount.get(nodeId) * uniqueStores.get(storeDefinition)));
aggNodeIdToZonePrimaryCount.put(nodeId, aggNodeIdToZonePrimaryCount.get(nodeId)
+ nodeIdToZonePrimaryCount.get(nodeId)
* uniqueStores.get(storeDefinition));
+ (nodeIdToNaryCount.get(nodeId) * uniqueStores.get(storeDefinition)));
// Count partition-stores per-zone
int zoneId = cluster.getNodeById(nodeId).getZoneId();
+ (nodeIdToNaryCount.get(nodeId) * uniqueStores.get(storeDefinition)));
builder.append("PARTITION-STORES PER-ZONE:").append(Utils.NEWLINE);
for(Integer zoneId: zoneIds) {
builder.append("\tZone ID: " + zoneId + " : " + zoneIdToPartitionStoreCount.get(zoneId))
Pair<Double, String> summary = summarizeBalance(primaryAggNodeIdToPartitionCount,
this.primaryMaxMin = summary.getFirst();
summary = summarizeBalance(aggNodeIdToZonePrimaryCount,
this.zonePrimaryMaxMin = summary.getFirst();
summary = summarizeBalance(allAggNodeIdToPartitionCount,
"AGGREGATE NARY-PARTITION COUNT (across all stores)");
this.naryMaxMin = summary.getFirst();
builder.append("Utility value " + getUtility()).append(Utils.NEWLINE);
this.verbose = builder.toString();
* Go through all nodes and determine how many partition Ids each node
* hosts.
* @param cluster
* @return map of nodeId to number of primary partitions hosted on node.
private Map<Integer, Integer> getNodeIdToPrimaryCount(Cluster cluster) {
Map<Integer, Integer> nodeIdToPrimaryCount = Maps.newHashMap();
for(Node node: cluster.getNodes()) {
nodeIdToPrimaryCount.put(node.getId(), node.getPartitionIds().size());
return nodeIdToPrimaryCount;
* Go through all partition IDs and determine which node is "first" in the
* replicating node list for every zone. This determines the number of
* "zone primaries" each node hosts.
* @return map of nodeId to number of zone-primaries hosted on node.
private Map<Integer, Integer> getNodeIdToZonePrimaryCount(Cluster cluster,
StoreRoutingPlan storeRoutingPlan) {
Map<Integer, Integer> nodeIdToZonePrimaryCount = Maps.newHashMap();
for(Integer nodeId: cluster.getNodeIds()) {
return nodeIdToZonePrimaryCount;
* Go through all node IDs and determine which node
* @param cluster
* @param storeRoutingPlan
* @return
private Map<Integer, Integer> getNodeIdToNaryCount(Cluster cluster,
StoreRoutingPlan storeRoutingPlan) {
Map<Integer, Integer> nodeIdToNaryCount = Maps.newHashMap();
for(int nodeId: cluster.getNodeIds()) {
nodeIdToNaryCount.put(nodeId, storeRoutingPlan.getZoneNAryPartitionIds(nodeId).size());
return nodeIdToNaryCount;
* Dumps the partition IDs per node in terms of zone n-ary type.
* @param cluster
* @param storeRoutingPlan
* @return pretty printed string of detailed zone n-ary type.
private String dumpZoneNAryDetails(StoreRoutingPlan storeRoutingPlan) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("\tDetailed Dump (Zone N-Aries):").append(Utils.NEWLINE);
for(Node node: storeRoutingPlan.getCluster().getNodes()) {
int zoneId = node.getZoneId();
int nodeId = node.getId();
sb.append("\tNode ID: " + nodeId + " in zone " + zoneId).append(Utils.NEWLINE);
List<Integer> naries = storeRoutingPlan.getZoneNAryPartitionIds(nodeId);
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> zoneNaryTypeToPartitionIds = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
for(int nary: naries) {
int zoneReplicaType = storeRoutingPlan.getZoneNaryForNodesPartition(zoneId,
if(!zoneNaryTypeToPartitionIds.containsKey(zoneReplicaType)) {
zoneNaryTypeToPartitionIds.put(zoneReplicaType, new ArrayList<Integer>());
for(int replicaType: new TreeSet<Integer>(zoneNaryTypeToPartitionIds.keySet())) {
sb.append("\t\t" + replicaType + " : ");
return sb.toString();
public double getPrimaryMaxMin() {
return primaryMaxMin;
public int getPrimaryPartitionCount(int nodeId) {
return primaryAggNodeIdToPartitionCount.get(nodeId);
public double getZonePrimaryMaxMin() {
return zonePrimaryMaxMin;
public int getZonePrimaryPartitionCount(int nodeId) {
return aggNodeIdToZonePrimaryCount.get(nodeId);
public double getNaryMaxMin() {
return naryMaxMin;
public int getNaryPartitionCount(int nodeId) {
return allAggNodeIdToPartitionCount.get(nodeId);
* Return utility of current partition balance. The utility value ought to
* be minimized.
* In the future, could offer different utility functions (and select
* between them via enumeration value passed into method or constant
* provided to constructor). The exact utility function is a combination of
* this method and of ZoneBalanceStats.getUtility.
* The current utility function is biased towards balancing IOPS (zone
* primary balance) over capacity (Nary partition balance). Such bias
* affects repartitioning algorithms that consider multiple options before
* selecting "the best" option (e.g., greedy repartitioning algorithms for a
* repartitioning and deciding among multiple repartitioning attempts).
* The current utility function can hit local minima if there are two or
* more nodes having the min value for a zone and two or more nodes having
* the max value for a zone. Such a situation means that pair-wise swaps may
* not be sufficient to improve utility. Could consider swapping more than
* two partitions at a time. Could also consider a utility method which has
* "low bits" of the number of nodes that have either min or max value per
* zone. If these low bits are greater than 2, then a partition swap which
* keeps high bits same, but reduces low bits should be kept.
* @return A measure of utility that ought to be minimized.
public double getUtility() {
return (UTILITY_MULTIPLIER_IOPS * getZonePrimaryMaxMin())
public String toString() {
return verbose;
private class ZoneBalanceStats {
int minVal;
int maxVal;
int partitionCount;
int nodeCount;
ZoneBalanceStats() {
minVal = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
maxVal = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
partitionCount = 0;
nodeCount = 0;
public void addPartitions(int partitions) {
if(partitions > maxVal)
maxVal = partitions;
if(partitions < minVal)
minVal = partitions;
partitionCount += partitions;
private double getAvg() {
if(nodeCount > 0) {
return partitionCount / nodeCount;
return 0;
private double getMaxAvgRatio() {
if(getAvg() == 0) {
return maxVal;
return maxVal * 1.0 / getAvg();
private double getMaxMinRatio() {
if(minVal == 0) {
return maxVal;
return maxVal * 1.0 / minVal;
* Determins utility metric to be minimized.
* @return utility metric that ought to be minimized.
public double getUtility() {
return getMaxMinRatio();
public String dumpStats() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("\tMin: " + minVal + "\n");
builder.append("\tAvg: " + getAvg() + "\n");
builder.append("\tMax: " + maxVal + "\n");
builder.append("\t\tMax/Avg: " + getMaxAvgRatio() + "\n");
builder.append("\t\tMax/Min: " + getMaxMinRatio() + "\n");
return builder.toString();
* Summarizes balance for the given nodeId to PartitionCount.
* @param nodeIdToPartitionCount
* @param title for use in pretty string
* @return Pair: getFirst() is utility value to be minimized, getSecond() is
* pretty summary string of balance
private Pair<Double, String>
summarizeBalance(final Map<Integer, Integer> nodeIdToPartitionCount, String title) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("\n" + title + "\n");
Map<Integer, ZoneBalanceStats> zoneToBalanceStats = new HashMap<Integer, ZoneBalanceStats>();
for(Integer zoneId: cluster.getZoneIds()) {
zoneToBalanceStats.put(zoneId, new ZoneBalanceStats());
for(Node node: cluster.getNodes()) {
int curCount = nodeIdToPartitionCount.get(node.getId());
builder.append("\tNode ID: " + node.getId() + " : " + curCount + " (" + node.getHost()
+ ")\n");
// double utilityToBeMinimized = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double utilityToBeMinimized = 0;
for(Integer zoneId: cluster.getZoneIds()) {
builder.append("Zone " + zoneId + "\n");
utilityToBeMinimized += zoneToBalanceStats.get(zoneId).getUtility();
* Another utility function to consider
if(zoneToBalanceStats.get(zoneId).getMaxMinRatio() > utilityToBeMinimized) {
utilityToBeMinimized = zoneToBalanceStats.get(zoneId).getUtility();
return Pair.create(utilityToBeMinimized, builder.toString());