* of partition-stores to be moved to the node.
* @return pretty printed string summary of storage overhead.
private String storageOverhead(Map<Integer, Integer> finalNodeToOverhead) {
double maxOverhead = Double.MIN_VALUE;
PartitionBalance pb = new PartitionBalance(currentCluster, currentStoreDefs);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Per-node store-overhead:").append(Utils.NEWLINE);
DecimalFormat doubleDf = new DecimalFormat("####.##");
for(int nodeId: finalCluster.getNodeIds()) {
Node node = finalCluster.getNodeById(nodeId);
String nodeTag = "Node " + String.format("%4d", nodeId) + " (" + node.getHost() + ")";
int initialLoad = 0;
if(currentCluster.getNodeIds().contains(nodeId)) {
initialLoad = pb.getNaryPartitionCount(nodeId);
int toLoad = 0;
if(finalNodeToOverhead.containsKey(nodeId)) {
toLoad = finalNodeToOverhead.get(nodeId);