* Copyright 2009 David Jurgens
* This file is part of the S-Space package and is covered under the terms and
* conditions therein.
* The S-Space package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation and distributed hereunder to you.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.ucla.sspace.purandare;
import edu.ucla.sspace.clustering.Assignment;
import edu.ucla.sspace.clustering.Assignments;
import edu.ucla.sspace.clustering.ClutoClustering;
import edu.ucla.sspace.common.SemanticSpace;
import edu.ucla.sspace.common.Similarity.SimType;
import edu.ucla.sspace.common.Statistics;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.AtomicGrowingMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.AtomicMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.GrowingSparseMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.Matrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.MatrixIO;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.MatrixIO.Format;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.SparseMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.SparseRowMaskedMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.YaleSparseMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.SparseOnDiskMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.text.IteratorFactory;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.SparseArray;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.SparseHashArray;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.WorkerThread;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.CompactSparseVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.SparseDoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.SparseHashDoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.DoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.VectorMath;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.Vectors;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOError;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* An implementation of the word sense induction algorithm described by
* Purandare and Pedersen. This implementation is based on the following
* paper: <ul>
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif"> Amruta Purandare and Ted
* Pedersen. (2004) Word Sense Discrimination by Clustering Contexts in
* Vector and Similarity Spaces. <i>Proceedings of Conference on
* Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)</i>, pp. 41-48, May 6-7,
* 2004, Boston, MA.</li>
* </ul>
* This class offers one configurable parameter.
* <dl style="margin-left: 1em">
* <dt> <i>Property:</i> <code><b>{@value #MAX_CONTEXT_PER_WORD}
* </b></code> <br>
* <i>Default:</i> {@link Integer.MAX_VALUE}
* <dd style="padding-top: .5em">This property sets the upper-bound on the
* maximum number of contexts to be clustered for a single word. If there
* are fewer of contexts than this value, all of the contexts will be used.
* Users should consider setting this value if a large corpus is to be
* used, or if the corpus contains many frequently used words after
* filtering.<p>
* </dl></p>
* @author David Jurgens
public class PurandareFirstOrder implements SemanticSpace {
private static final Logger LOGGER =
private static final String PROPERTY_PREFIX =
* The property to set the upper-bound on the maximum number of contexts to
* be clustered for a single word.
public static final String MAX_CONTEXTS_PER_WORD =
PROPERTY_PREFIX + ".maxContexts";
* Map that pairs the word with its position in the original term-document
* matrix.
private final Map<String,Integer> termToIndex;
* A mapping from term to the sense-induced semantic vectors. The first
* sense of the term will be the token itself, while addition senses will be
* denoted with a "-" and a sense number appended to the token.
private final Map<String,DoubleVector> termToVector;
* The window size for identifying co-occurence words that have the
* potential to be features.
private final int windowSize;
* The window size used for generating feature vectors.
private final int contextWindowSize;
* The matrix used for storing weight co-occurrence statistics of those
* words that occur both before and after.
private final AtomicMatrix cooccurrenceMatrix;
* A count for how many times each term appears in the corpus.
private final List<AtomicInteger> termCounts;
* A compressed version of the corpus that is built as the text version is
* being processed. The file contains documents represented as an integer
* for the number of tokens in that document followed by the indices for all
* of the tokens in the order that they appeared.
* @see #processIntDocument(int[],Matrix,int,BitSet[],Set[])
private File compressedDocuments;
* The output stream used to the write the {@link #compressedDocuments} file
* as the text documents are being processed.
private DataOutputStream compressedDocumentsWriter;
* A counter for the number of documents seen in the corpus.
private final AtomicInteger documentCounter;
* The maximum number of contexts allowable for any word.
private final int maxContextsPerWord;
* The number that keeps track of the index values of words
private int wordIndexCounter;
* Creates a new instance of {@code PurandareFirstOrder} using the system
* properties for configuration
public PurandareFirstOrder() {
* Creates a new instance of {@code PurandareFirstOrder} using the provided
* properties for configuration
public PurandareFirstOrder(Properties props) {
cooccurrenceMatrix = new AtomicGrowingMatrix();
termToIndex = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,Integer>();
termToVector = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,DoubleVector>();
termCounts = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<AtomicInteger>();
windowSize = 5;
contextWindowSize = 20;
documentCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
String maxContextsProp = props.getProperty(MAX_CONTEXTS_PER_WORD);
if (maxContextsProp == null)
maxContextsPerWord = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else {
int i = Integer.parseInt(maxContextsProp);
if (i <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The number of contexts must be a positive number");
maxContextsPerWord = i;
try {
compressedDocuments =
compressedDocumentsWriter = new DataOutputStream(
new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(compressedDocuments)));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new IOError(ioe);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void processDocument(BufferedReader document) throws IOException {
Queue<String> nextWords = new ArrayDeque<String>();
Queue<String> prevWords = new ArrayDeque<String>();
Iterator<String> documentTokens =
String focus = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream compressedDocument =
new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096);
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(compressedDocument);
int tokens = 0; // count how many are in this document
int unfilteredTokens = 0;
//Load the first windowSize words into the Queue
for(int i = 0; i < windowSize && documentTokens.hasNext(); i++)
while(!nextWords.isEmpty()) {
// Load the top of the nextWords Queue into the focus word
focus = nextWords.remove();
// Add the next word to nextWords queue (if possible)
if (documentTokens.hasNext()) {
String windowEdge = documentTokens.next();
// If the filter does not accept this word, skip the semantic
// processing, continue with the next word
if (focus.equals(IteratorFactory.EMPTY_TOKEN)) {
// Mark the token as empty using a negative term index in the
// compressed form of the document
// shift the window
if (prevWords.size() > windowSize)
int focusIndex = getIndexFor(focus);
// write the term index into the compressed for the document for
// later corpus reprocessing
// Update the occurrences of this token
// Iterate through the words occurring after and add values
for (String after : nextWords) {
// skip adding co-occurence values for words that are not
// accepted by the filter
if (!after.equals(IteratorFactory.EMPTY_TOKEN)) {
int index = getIndexFor(after);
cooccurrenceMatrix.addAndGet(focusIndex, index, 1);
for (String before : prevWords) {
// skip adding co-occurence values for words that are not
// accepted by the filter
if (!before.equals(IteratorFactory.EMPTY_TOKEN)) {
int index = getIndexFor(before);
cooccurrenceMatrix.addAndGet(focusIndex, index, 1);
// last, put this focus word in the prev words and shift off the
// front if it is larger than the window
if (prevWords.size() > windowSize)
byte[] docAsBytes = compressedDocument.toByteArray();
// Once the document is finished, write the compressed contents to the
// corpus stream
synchronized(compressedDocumentsWriter) {
// Write how many terms were in this document
compressedDocumentsWriter.write(docAsBytes, 0, docAsBytes.length);
* Returns the index in the co-occurence matrix for this word. If the word
* was not previously assigned an index, this method adds one for it and
* returns that index.
private final int getIndexFor(String word) {
Integer index = termToIndex.get(word);
if (index == null) {
synchronized(this) {
// recheck to see if the term was added while blocking
index = termToIndex.get(word);
// if another thread has not already added this word while the
// current thread was blocking waiting on the lock, then add it.
if (index == null) {
int i = wordIndexCounter++;
// Add a new counter for this term. Because the
// wordIndexCounter starts at zero, so the next index will
// be the last index in the termCounts list.
termCounts.add(new AtomicInteger(0));
termToIndex.put(word, i);
return i; // avoid the auto-boxing to assign i to index
return index;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set<String> getWords() {
// If no documents have been processed, it will be empty
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(termToVector.keySet());
* {@inheritDoc}
public DoubleVector getVector(String word) {
return termToVector.get(word);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void processSpace(Properties properties) {
try {
// Wrap the call to avoid having all the code in a try/catch. This
// is for improved readability purposes only.
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new IOError(ioe);
* Calculates the first order co-occurrence statics to determine the feature
* set for each term, then clusters the feature vectors for each terms
* contexts and finally induces the sense-specific vectors for each term.
private void processSpace() throws IOException {
// Generate the reverse index-to-term mapping. We will need this for
// assigning specific senses to each term
String[] indexToTerm = new String[termToIndex.size()];
for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> e : termToIndex.entrySet())
indexToTerm[e.getValue()] = e.getKey();
// Compute how many terms were in the corpus. We will need this for
// determining the log-likelihood for all co-occurrences.
int corpusSize = 0;
for (AtomicInteger i : termCounts)
corpusSize += i.get();
final int uniqueTerms = cooccurrenceMatrix.rows();
LOGGER.info("calculating term features");
// Create a set for each term that contains the term indices that are
// determined to be features for the term, i.e. not all co-occurrences
// will count as the features. The feature set for each term is
// determined by computing the log-likelihood for each co-occurrence and
// only keeping those terms whos l-l value is above a certain threshold.
final BitSet[] termFeatures = new BitSet[wordIndexCounter];
for (int termIndex = 0; termIndex < uniqueTerms; ++termIndex) {
String term = indexToTerm[termIndex];
termFeatures[termIndex] = calculateTermFeatures(term, corpusSize);
LOGGER.info("reprocessing corpus to generate feature vectors");
// Set up the concurrent data structures so we can process the documents
// concurrently
final BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue =
new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>();
for (int i = 0; i < Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); ++i) {
Thread t = new WorkerThread(workQueue);
final Semaphore termsProcessed = new Semaphore(0);
for (int termIndex = 0; termIndex < uniqueTerms; ++termIndex) {
final String term = indexToTerm[termIndex];
final int i = termIndex;
workQueue.offer(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
"processing term %6d/%d: %s", i, uniqueTerms,term));
Matrix contexts = getTermContexts(i, termFeatures[i]);
senseInduce(term, contexts);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} finally {
// Wait until all the documents have been processed
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw new Error("interrupted while waiting for terms to " +
"finish reprocessing", ie);
LOGGER.info("finished reprocessing all terms");
private BitSet calculateTermFeatures(String term, int corpusSize) {
int termIndex = termToIndex.get(term);
LOGGER.fine(String.format("Calculating feature set for %6d/%d: %s",
termIndex, cooccurrenceMatrix.rows(), term));
DoubleVector cooccurrences = cooccurrenceMatrix.getRowVector(termIndex);
int termCount = termCounts.get(termIndex).get();
BitSet validFeatures = new BitSet(wordIndexCounter);
// For each of the co-occurring terms, calculate the log-likelikehood
// value for that term's occurrences. Only terms whose value is above
// 3.841 will be counted as features
for (int co = 0; co < cooccurrences.length(); ++co) {
// Form the contingency table:
// a b
// c d
double count = cooccurrences.get(co);
// Don't include words that never co-occur as features
if (count == 0)
// a = the number of times they both co-occur
double a = count;
// b = the number of times co occurs without term
double b = termCounts.get(co).get() - count;
// c = the number of times term occurs without co
double c = termCount - count;
// d = the number of times neither co-occurrence
double d = corpusSize - (a + b + c);
double logLikelihood = logLikelihood(a, b, c, d);
if (logLikelihood > 3.841)
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
LOGGER.fine(term + " had " + validFeatures.cardinality()
+ " features");
return validFeatures;
* For the specified term, reprocesses the entire corpus using the term's
* features to construct a matrix of all the contexts in which the term
* appears. If the term occurs in more contexts than is allowed in the
* {@link #maxContextsPerWord}, the random subset of the contexts is
* returned.
* @param termIndex the index of the term for which the context matrix
* should be generated
* @param termFeatures the set of term indices that are valid features when
* in the context of {@code termIndex}.
* @return a {@code Matrix} where each row is a different context for the
* term in the corpus
private Matrix getTermContexts(int termIndex, BitSet termFeatures)
throws IOException {
// Reprocess the corpus in binary format to generate the set of context
// with the appropriate feature vectors
DataInputStream corpusReader = new DataInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(compressedDocuments)));
int documents = documentCounter.get();
// Use the number of times the term occurred in the corpus to determine
// how many rows (contexts) in the matrix.
SparseMatrix contextsForCurTerm = new YaleSparseMatrix(
termCounts.get(termIndex).get(), termToIndex.size());
int contextsSeen = 0;
for (int d = 0; d < documents; ++d) {
final int docId = d;
int tokensInDoc = corpusReader.readInt();
int unfilteredTokens = corpusReader.readInt();
// Read in the document
int[] doc = new int[tokensInDoc];
for (int i = 0; i < tokensInDoc; ++i)
doc[i] = corpusReader.readInt();
int contextsInDoc =
processIntDocument(termIndex, doc, contextsForCurTerm,
contextsSeen, termFeatures);
contextsSeen += contextsInDoc;
// If the term is to be processed using fewer than all of its contexts,
// then randomly select the maximum allowable contexts from the matrix
if (maxContextsPerWord < Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
contextsForCurTerm.rows() > maxContextsPerWord) {
BitSet randomContexts = Statistics.randomDistribution(
maxContextsPerWord, contextsForCurTerm.rows());
contextsForCurTerm =
new SparseRowMaskedMatrix(contextsForCurTerm, randomContexts);
return contextsForCurTerm;
* Given a matrix for the term where each row is a different context,
* clusters the rows to identify how many senses the word has.
* @param term the term for which the senses will be discovered
* @param contexts a matrix containing all the contexts in which {@code
* term} appear, with one context per row
private void senseInduce(String term, Matrix contexts) throws IOException {
LOGGER.fine("Clustering " + contexts.rows() + " contexts for " + term);
// For terms with fewer than seven contexts, set the number of potential
// clusters lower
int numClusters = Math.min(7, contexts.rows());
// Cluster each of the rows into seven groups. Note that if the term is
// not purely alphabetic (i.e. contains number of other symbols), don't
// bother clustering it. This is done to reduce the computation time,
// and to avoid clustering non-meaningful terms such as '.' or '''
if (!(term.matches("[a-zA-z]+") && numClusters > 6)) { // special case
SparseDoubleVector meanSenseVector =
new CompactSparseVector(termToIndex.size());
int rows = contexts.rows();
for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
VectorMath.add(meanSenseVector, contexts.getRowVector(row));
termToVector.put(term, meanSenseVector);
Assignments clusterAssignment =
new ClutoClustering().cluster(contexts, numClusters,
LOGGER.fine("Generative sense vectors for " + term);
// For each of the clusters, compute the mean sense vector
int[] clusterSize = new int[numClusters];
// Use CompactSparseVector to conserve memory given the potentially
// large number of sense vectors
SparseDoubleVector[] meanSenseVectors =
new CompactSparseVector[numClusters];
for (int i = 0; i < meanSenseVectors.length; ++i)
meanSenseVectors[i] = new CompactSparseVector(termToIndex.size());
// For each of the contexts, determine which cluster it was in and sum
// it value with the other contexts
for (int row = 0; row < clusterAssignment.size(); ++row) {
// Check whether this row was assigned a cluster
if (clusterAssignment.get(row).assignments().length == 0)
int assignment = clusterAssignment.get(row).assignments()[0];
DoubleVector contextVector = contexts.getRowVector(row);
VectorMath.add(meanSenseVectors[assignment], contextVector);
// For each of the clusters with more than 2% of the contexts, generage
// an average sense vectors. For those clusters with less than that
// amount, discard them.
int senseCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; ++i) {
int size = clusterSize[i];
if (size / (double)(contexts.rows()) > 0.02) {
String termWithSense = (senseCounter == 0)
? term : term + "-" + senseCounter;
LOGGER.fine("Discovered " + senseCounter + " senses for " + term);
* Processes the compressed version of a document where each integer
* indicates that token's index and identifies all the contexts for the
* target word, adding them as new rows to the context matrix.
* @param termIndex the term whose contexts should be extracted
* @param document the document to be processed where each {@code int} is a
* term index
* @param contextMatrix the matrix that will contain all the contexts for
* the term with {@code termIndex} when this method returns
* @param rowStart the next row index in the matrix where a new context can
* be added
* @param featuresForTerm a mapping from term index to the set of other term
* indices that are valid feature for that term
* @return the number of contexts present in this document
private int processIntDocument(int termIndex, int[] document,
Matrix contextMatrix,
int rowStart,
BitSet featuresForTerm) {
int contexts = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < document.length; ++i) {
int curToken = document[i];
// Skip processing tokens that are not the current focus
if (curToken != termIndex)
// Buffer the count of how many times each feature appeared in the
// context.
SparseArray<Integer> contextCounts = new SparseHashArray<Integer>();
// Process all the tokes to the left (prior) to the current token;
for (int left = Math.max(i - contextWindowSize, 0);
left < i; ++left) {
// NOTE: this token value could be -1 if the token's original
// text was filtered out from the corpus, i.e. was EMPTY_TOKEN
int token = document[left];
// Only count co-occurrences that are valid features for the
// current token
if (token >= 0 && featuresForTerm.get(token)) {
Integer count = contextCounts.get(token);
contextCounts.set(token, (count == null) ? 1 : count + 1);
// Process all the tokes to the right (after) to the current token;
int end = Math.min(i + contextWindowSize, document.length);
for (int right = i + 1; right < end; ++right) {
int token = document[right];
// Only count co-occurrences that are valid features for the
// current token
if (token >= 0 && featuresForTerm.get(token)) {
Integer count = contextCounts.get(token);
contextCounts.set(token, (count == null) ? 1 : count + 1);
// Each word in the document represents a new context, so the
// specific context instance can be determined from the current word
// and the number of previously process words
int curContext = rowStart + contexts;
for (int feat : contextCounts.getElementIndices()) {
//System.out.println("setting row: " + curContext + ", col: " + feat);
contextMatrix.set(curContext, feat, contextCounts.get(feat));
// If the current token wasn't skipped, indicate that another
// context was seen
return contexts;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getVectorLength() {
// The vector length is dependent upon the total number of features seen
return termToIndex.size();
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getSpaceName() {
return "purandare-petersen";
* Returns the log-likelihood of the contingency table made up of the four
* values.
private static double logLikelihood(double a, double b,
double c, double d) {
// Table set up as:
// a b
// c d
double col1sum = a + c;
double col2sum = b + d;
double row1sum = a + b;
double row2sum = c + d;
double sum = row1sum + row2sum;
// Calculate the expected values for a, b, c, d
double aExp = (row1sum / sum) * col1sum;
double bExp = (row1sum / sum) * col2sum;
double cExp = (row2sum / sum) * col1sum;
double dExp = (row2sum / sum) * col2sum;
// log(0) = Infinity, which messes up the calcuation. Therefore, check
// whether the value is zero before calculating its contribution.
double aVal = (a == 0) ? 0 : a * Math.log(a / aExp);
double bVal = (b == 0) ? 0 : b * Math.log(b / bExp);
double cVal = (c == 0) ? 0 : c * Math.log(c / cExp);
double dVal = (d == 0) ? 0 : d * Math.log(d / dExp);
return 2 * (aVal + bVal + cVal + dVal);