Package edu.ucla.sspace.clustering

Examples of edu.ucla.sspace.clustering.Assignments

                VectorMath.add(meanSenseVector, contexts.getRowVector(row));
            termToVector.put(term, meanSenseVector);

        Assignments clusterAssignment =
            new ClutoClustering().cluster(contexts, numClusters,
        LOGGER.fine("Generative sense vectors for " + term);
        // For each of the clusters, compute the mean sense vector
        int[] clusterSize = new int[numClusters];

        // Use CompactSparseVector to conserve memory given the potentially
        // large number of sense vectors
        SparseDoubleVector[] meanSenseVectors =
            new CompactSparseVector[numClusters];

        for (int i = 0; i < meanSenseVectors.length; ++i)
            meanSenseVectors[i] = new CompactSparseVector(termToIndex.size());

        // For each of the contexts, determine which cluster it was in and sum
        // it value with the other contexts
        for (int row = 0; row < clusterAssignment.size(); ++row) {
            // Check whether this row was assigned a cluster
            if (clusterAssignment.get(row).assignments().length == 0)
            int assignment = clusterAssignment.get(row).assignments()[0];               

            DoubleVector contextVector = contexts.getRowVector(row);
            VectorMath.add(meanSenseVectors[assignment], contextVector);
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        // Convert the data points to a sparse matrix.
        SparseMatrix contexts = Matrices.asSparseMatrix(contextSet);

        // Cluster the context set."Clustering term: " + senseName);
        Assignments assignments = (numClusters > 0)
            ? clustering.cluster(contexts, numClusters, props)
            : clustering.cluster(contexts, props);"Finished clustering term: " + senseName);

        SparseDoubleVector[] centroids = assignments.getSparseCentroids();

        // Add the centroids to the splitSenses map.
        for (int index = 0; index < centroids.length; ++index) {
            String sense = (index > 0)
                    ? senseName + "-" + index
                    : senseName;
            wordSpace.put(sense, centroids[index]);
        }"Finished creating centroids for term: " + senseName);

        // Empty out the stored contexts to free up memory for later processes.

        // If the reporter is null, avoid making any report.
        if (reporter == null)

        // Generate the secondary context labels for each data point.
        String[] contextLabels = reporter.contextLabels(senseName);
        if (contextLabels.length == 0)
            return;"Making assignment report: " + senseName);
        // Report the assignments for each clustered data point.  Note that some
        // data points might not have been clustered (Cluto based clustering
        // does this on occasion) so we must check for the number of assignments
        // first.
        for (int i = 0; i < assignments.size(); ++i)
            if (assignments.get(i).assignments().length > 0)
                reporter.updateAssignment(senseName, contextLabels[i],
                                          assignments.get(i).assignments()[0]);"Finished making assignment report: " + senseName);
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        Properties props = System.getProperties();
        Assignments assignments = null;
        if (sparseVectors.size() > 0) {
            SparseMatrix matrix = Matrices.asSparseMatrix(sparseVectors);
            assignments = (numClusters > 0)
                ? clustering.cluster(matrix, numClusters, props)
                : clustering.cluster(matrix, props);
        } else {
            Matrix matrix = Matrices.asMatrix(vectors);
            assignments = (numClusters > 0)
                ? clustering.cluster(matrix, numClusters, props)
                : clustering.cluster(matrix, props);

        int a = 0;
        for (String word : words) {
            Assignment assignment = assignments.get(a++);
            System.out.printf("%s ", word);
            for (int i : assignment.assignments())
                System.out.printf("%d ", i);
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