* Copyright 2011 Keith Stevens
* This file is part of the S-Space package and is covered under the terms and
* conditions therein.
* The S-Space package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation and distributed hereunder to you.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.ucla.sspace.clustering;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.Matrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.RowMaskedMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.SparseRowMaskedMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.SparseMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.DenseVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.DoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.ScaledDoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.SparseDoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.Vectors;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.VectorIO;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.VectorMath;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* An abstract class for computing a spectral cut over a data {@link Matrix}
* that represents a set of data points. The spectral cut attempts to find the
* a separation that minimizes the conductance between the two resulting
* regions. Often, this requires computing a complete affinity matrix from the
* data points, which requires O(n^2) time and space complexity. {@link
* SparseMatrix}s are a special case, Instead of computing the full affinity
* matrix, a centroid for the complete data set, and possible divided regions
* can be computed and used to evaluate the conductance (based on the
* transitivity of the dot product).
* </p>
* There are several variations on computing the conductance of a matrix. This
* class does nearly all of the heavy computation, except for computing the
* second eigen vector of an affinity matrix. Subclasses need only implement
* {@link #computeSecondEigenVector}, which should return a dense {@link
* DoubleVector} that represents the eigen values of the affinity matrix.
* Implementations are suggested to avoid explicitly computing the full affinity
* matrix.
* </p>
* This abstract class provides the rest of the needed functionality for {@link
* EigenCut}, such as computing the objective functions, selecting an optimal
* conductance cut accross the affinity matrix, and computing the split
* partitions.
* @author Keith Stevens
public abstract class BaseSpectralCut implements EigenCut {
* The logger used to record all output.
private static final Logger LOGGER =
* The {@link Matrix} containing the data points.
protected Matrix dataMatrix;
* The number of rows in the data matrix. Used as a short hand in
* computations.
protected int numRows;
* The sum similarity values from each data point to all other data points,
* which is equivalent to the simiarltiy between each data point and the
* centroid of the entire data set.
protected DoubleVector rho;
* The centroid of the entire data set.
protected DoubleVector matrixRowSums;
* The summation of the {@code rho} values.
protected double pSum;
* The final ordering of data points in the first created region.
protected int[] leftReordering;
* The final ordering of data points in the first created region.
protected int[] rightReordering;
* The data points in the left region.
protected Matrix leftSplit;
* The data points in the right region.
protected Matrix rightSplit;
* {@inheritDoc}
public double rhoSum() {
return pSum;
* {@inheritDoc}
public DoubleVector computeRhoSum(Matrix matrix) {
LOGGER.info("Computing rho and rhoSum");
// Compute the centroid of the entire data set.
int vectorLength = matrix.rows();
matrixRowSums = computeMatrixRowSum(matrix);
dataMatrix = matrix;
// Compute rho, where rho[i] = dataPoint_i DOT matrixRowSums.
rho = new DenseVector(vectorLength);
pSum = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < matrix.rows(); ++r) {
double dot = VectorMath.dotProduct(
matrixRowSums, matrix.getRowVector(r));
pSum += dot;
rho.set(r, dot);
return matrixRowSums;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void computeCut(Matrix matrix) {
dataMatrix = matrix;
int numRows = matrix.rows();
// Compute the centroid of the entire data set.
int vectorLength = matrix.rows();
DoubleVector matrixRowSums = computeRhoSum(matrix);
LOGGER.info("Computing the second eigen vector");
// Compute the second largest eigenvector of the normalized affinity
// matrix with respect to pi*D^-1, which is similar to it's first eigen
// vector.
DoubleVector v = computeSecondEigenVector(matrix, vectorLength);
// Sort the rows of the original matrix based on the values of the eigen
// vector.
Index[] elementIndices = new Index[v.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < v.length(); ++i)
elementIndices[i] = new Index(v.get(i), i);
// Create a reordering mapping for the indices in the original data
// matrix and of rho. The ith data point and rho value will be ordered
// based on the position of the ith value in the second eigen vector
// after it has been sorted.
DoubleVector sortedRho = new DenseVector(matrix.rows());
int[] reordering = new int[v.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < v.length(); ++i) {
reordering[i] = elementIndices[i].index;
sortedRho.set(i, rho.get(elementIndices[i].index));
// Create the sorted matrix based on the reordering. Note that both row
// masked matrices internally handle masking a masked matrix to avoid
// recursive calls to the index lookups.
Matrix sortedMatrix;
if (matrix instanceof SparseMatrix)
sortedMatrix = new SparseRowMaskedMatrix(
(SparseMatrix) matrix, reordering);
sortedMatrix = new RowMaskedMatrix(matrix, reordering);
LOGGER.info("Computing the spectral cut");
// Compute the index at which the best cut can be made based on the
// reordered data matrix and rho values.
int cutIndex = computeCut(
sortedMatrix, sortedRho, pSum, matrixRowSums);
leftReordering = Arrays.copyOfRange(reordering, 0, cutIndex);
rightReordering = Arrays.copyOfRange(
reordering, cutIndex, reordering.length);
// Create the split permuted matricies.
if (matrix instanceof SparseMatrix) {
leftSplit = new SparseRowMaskedMatrix((SparseMatrix) matrix,
rightSplit = new SparseRowMaskedMatrix((SparseMatrix) matrix,
} else {
leftSplit = new RowMaskedMatrix(matrix, leftReordering);
rightSplit = new RowMaskedMatrix(matrix, rightReordering);
* Returns a {@link DoubleVector} representing the secord largest eigen
* vector for the data set.
protected abstract DoubleVector computeSecondEigenVector(Matrix matrix,
int vectorLength);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Matrix getLeftCut() {
return leftSplit;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Matrix getRightCut() {
return rightSplit;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int[] getLeftReordering() {
return leftReordering;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int[] getRightReordering() {
return rightReordering;
* {@inheritDoc}
public double getKMeansObjective() {
// Note that the scaled vector handles any recursive scaling.
DoubleVector centroid = new ScaledDoubleVector(
matrixRowSums, 1/((double) dataMatrix.rows()));
double score = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < dataMatrix.rows(); ++r)
score += VectorMath.dotProduct(
centroid, dataMatrix.getRowVector(r));
return score;
* {@inheritDoc}
public double getKMeansObjective(
double alpha, double beta,
int leftNumClusters, int[] leftAssignments,
int rightNumClusters, int[] rightAssignments) {
double score = 0;
score += kMeansObjective(leftNumClusters, leftAssignments, leftSplit);
score += kMeansObjective(
rightNumClusters, rightAssignments, rightSplit);
return score;
* Returns the K-Means objective over an arbitrary clustering assignment for
* the data set.
public static double kMeansObjective(int numClusters,
int[] assignments,
Matrix data) {
// Initialize the clusters.
double score = 0;
DoubleVector[] centroids = new DoubleVector[numClusters];
double[] sizes = new double[numClusters];
for (int i = 0; i < centroids.length; ++i)
centroids[i] = new DenseVector(data.columns());
// Add vectors to each cluster.
for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; ++i) {
VectorMath.add(centroids[assignments[i]], data.getRowVector(i));
// Scale non empty centroids. Note that the scaled vector handles any
// recursive scaling.
for (int i = 0; i < centroids.length; ++i)
if (sizes[i] != 0)
centroids[i] = new ScaledDoubleVector(centroids[i],1d/sizes[i]);
// Compute the total distance of each asisgned point to it's centroid.
for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; ++i)
score += VectorMath.dotProduct(
centroids[assignments[i]], data.getRowVector(i));
return score;
* {@inheritDoc}
public double getSplitObjective(
double alpha, double beta,
int leftNumClusters, int[] leftAssignments,
int rightNumClusters, int[] rightAssignments) {
// Compute the objective when we keep the two branches split.
double intraClusterScore = 0;
// Compute the intra cluster score for the left region.
int[] leftClusterCounts = new int[leftNumClusters];
intraClusterScore += computeIntraClusterScore(
leftAssignments, leftSplit, leftClusterCounts);
// Compute the intra cluster score for the right region.
int[] rightClusterCounts = new int[rightNumClusters];
intraClusterScore += computeIntraClusterScore(
rightAssignments, rightSplit, rightClusterCounts);
// Compute the inter cluster score. Since the sum of the rho vector is
// equivalent to the total summation of the affinity matrix, the inter
// cluster score is the sum of similarity scores not covered by the
// intra cluster score, without any duplicate similarity scores.
double interClusterScore = (pSum - numRows) / 2.0 - intraClusterScore;
// Compute the number of comparisons made for each region.
int pairCount = comparisonCount(leftClusterCounts) +
// Reset the intraClusterScore such that a low intra cluster similarity
// leads to a higher score.
intraClusterScore = pairCount - intraClusterScore;
return alpha * intraClusterScore + beta * interClusterScore;
* {@inheritDoc}
public double getMergedObjective(double alpha, double beta) {
double intraScore = pSum - numRows / 2.0;
double pairCount = (numRows * (numRows -1)) / 2.0;
return alpha * (pairCount - intraScore);
* Computes the inter cluster objective for a clustering result.
* @param result The set of cluster assignments for a set of vectors.
* @param m the matrix containing each row in the cluster result.
private static double computeIntraClusterScore(int[] assignments,
Matrix m,
int[] numComparisons) {
DoubleVector[] centroids = new DoubleVector[numComparisons.length];
int[] centroidSizes = new int[numComparisons.length];
double intraClusterScore = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; ++i) {
int assignment = assignments[i];
DoubleVector v = m.getRowVector(i);
if (centroids[assignment] == null)
centroids[assignment] = Vectors.copyOf(v);
else {
DoubleVector centroid = centroids[assignment];
intraClusterScore += (centroidSizes[assignment] -
VectorMath.dotProduct(v, centroid));
VectorMath.add(centroid, v);
numComparisons[assignment] += centroidSizes[assignment];
return intraClusterScore;
* Returns the number of comparisons made for a cluster.
protected static int comparisonCount(int[] clusterSizes) {
int total = 0;
for (int count : clusterSizes)
total += count;
return total;
* Returns a {@link DoubleVector} that is the orthonormalized version of
* {@code v} with respect to {@code other}. This orthonormalization is done
* by simply modifying the value of v[0] such that it balances out the
* similarity between {@code v} and {@code other} in all other dimensions.
protected static DoubleVector orthonormalize(DoubleVector v,
DoubleVector other) {
double dot = VectorMath.dotProduct(v, other);
dot -= v.get(0) * other.get(0);
if (other.get(0) != 0d) {
dot /= other.get(0);
v.add(0, -dot);
dot = VectorMath.dotProduct(v, v);
if (1/dot == 0d || dot == 0)
return v;
// Note that the scaled vector handles any recursive scaling.
return new ScaledDoubleVector(v, 1/dot);
* Returns the index at which {@code matrix} should be cut such that the
* conductance between the two partitions is minimized. This is done such
* that the sparsity of the data matrix is maintained and all the entire
* operation is linear with respect to the number of non zeros in the
* matrix.
protected static int computeCut(Matrix matrix,
DoubleVector rho,
double rhoSum,
DoubleVector matrixRowSums) {
// Compute the conductance of the newly sorted matrix.
DoubleVector x = new DenseVector(matrix.columns());
DoubleVector y = matrixRowSums;
VectorMath.subtract(y, x);
// First compute x and y, which are summations of different cuts of the
// matrix, starting with x being the first row and y being the summation
// of all other rows. While doing this, also compute different
// summations of values in the rho vector using the same cut.
VectorMath.add(x, matrix.getRowVector(0));
double rhoX = rho.get(0);
double rhoY = rhoSum - rho.get(0);
// Compute the dot product between the first possible cut.
double u = VectorMath.dotProduct(x, y);
// Find the current conductance for the cut, assume that this is the
// best so far.
double minConductance = u / Math.min(rhoX, rhoY);
int cutIndex = 0;
// Compute the other possible cuts, ignoring the last cut, which would
// leave no data points in a partition. The cut with the smallest
// conductance is maintained.
for (int i = 1; i < rho.length() - 2; ++i) {
// Compute the new value of u, the denominator for computing the
// conductance.
DoubleVector vector = matrix.getRowVector(i);
double xv = VectorMath.dotProduct(x, vector);
double yv = VectorMath.dotProduct(y, vector);
u = u - xv + yv + 1;
// Shift over vectors from y to x.
VectorMath.add(x, vector);
VectorMath.subtract(y, vector);
// Shift over values from the rho vector.
rhoX += rho.get(i);
rhoY -= rho.get(i);
// Recompute the new conductance and check if it's the smallest.
double conductance = u / Math.min(rhoX, rhoY);
if (conductance <= minConductance) {
minConductance = conductance;
cutIndex = i;
return cutIndex+1;
* Returns the dot product between the transpose of a given matrix and a
* given vector. This method has special casing for a {@code SparseMatrix}.
* This method also assumes that {@code matrix} is row based and iterates
* over each of the values in the row before iterating over another row.
protected static DoubleVector computeMatrixTransposeV(Matrix matrix,
DoubleVector v) {
DoubleVector newV = new DenseVector(matrix.columns());
if (matrix instanceof SparseMatrix) {
SparseMatrix smatrix = (SparseMatrix) matrix;
for (int r = 0; r < smatrix.rows(); ++r) {
SparseDoubleVector row = smatrix.getRowVector(r);
int[] nonZeros = row.getNonZeroIndices();
for (int c : nonZeros)
newV.add(c, row.get(c) * v.get(r));
} else {
for (int r = 0; r < matrix.rows(); ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < matrix.columns(); ++c)
newV.add(c, matrix.get(r, c) * v.get(r));
return newV;
* Computes the dot product between a given matrix and a given vector {@code
* newV}. The result is stored in {@code v}. This method has special
* casing for when {@code matrix} is a {@code SparseMatrix}. This method
* also assumes that {@code matrix} is row based and iterates over each of
* the values in the row before iterating over another row.
protected static void computeMatrixDotV(Matrix matrix,
DoubleVector newV,
DoubleVector v) {
// Special case for sparse matrices.
if (matrix instanceof SparseMatrix) {
SparseMatrix smatrix = (SparseMatrix) matrix;
for (int r = 0; r < smatrix.rows(); ++r) {
double vValue = 0;
SparseDoubleVector row = smatrix.getRowVector(r);
int[] nonZeros = row.getNonZeroIndices();
for (int c : nonZeros)
vValue += row.get(c) * newV.get(c);
v.set(r, vValue);
} else {
// Handle dense matrices.
for (int r = 0; r < matrix.rows(); ++r) {
double vValue = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < matrix.columns(); ++c)
vValue += matrix.get(r, c) * newV.get(c);
v.set(r, vValue);
* Compute the row sums of the values in {@code matrix} and returns the
* values in a vector of length {@code matrix.columns()}.
protected static <T extends Matrix> DoubleVector computeMatrixRowSum(
T matrix) {
DoubleVector rowSums = new DenseVector(matrix.columns());
for (int r = 0; r < matrix.rows(); ++r)
VectorMath.add(rowSums, matrix.getRowVector(r));
return rowSums;
* A simple comparable data struct holding a row vector's weight and the
* vector's original index in a matrix.
protected static class Index implements Comparable {
public final double weight;
public final int index;
public Index(double weight, int index) {
this.weight = weight;
this.index = index;
public int compareTo(Object other) {
Index i = (Index) other;
return (int) (this.weight - i.weight);