package de.sub.goobi.forms;
* This file is part of the Goobi Application - a Workflow tool for the support of mass digitization.
* Visit the websites for more information.
* -
* -
* -
* -
* -
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
* Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions
* of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to
* link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and
* conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
* library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obliged to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
* exception statement from your version.
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.goobi.production.cli.helper.WikiFieldHelper;
import org.goobi.production.enums.PluginType;
import org.goobi.production.plugin.PluginLoader;
import org.goobi.production.plugin.interfaces.IOpacPlugin;
import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Disjunction;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import ugh.dl.DigitalDocument;
import ugh.dl.DocStruct;
import ugh.dl.DocStructType;
import ugh.dl.Fileformat;
import ugh.dl.Metadata;
import ugh.dl.MetadataType;
import ugh.dl.Person;
import ugh.dl.Prefs;
import ugh.exceptions.DocStructHasNoTypeException;
import ugh.exceptions.MetadataTypeNotAllowedException;
import ugh.exceptions.PreferencesException;
import ugh.exceptions.ReadException;
import ugh.exceptions.TypeNotAllowedAsChildException;
import ugh.exceptions.TypeNotAllowedForParentException;
import ugh.exceptions.WriteException;
import ugh.fileformats.mets.XStream;
import de.sub.goobi.beans.Benutzer;
import de.sub.goobi.beans.Projekt;
import de.sub.goobi.beans.Prozess;
import de.sub.goobi.beans.Prozesseigenschaft;
import de.sub.goobi.beans.Schritt;
import de.sub.goobi.beans.Vorlage;
import de.sub.goobi.beans.Vorlageeigenschaft;
import de.sub.goobi.beans.Werkstueck;
import de.sub.goobi.beans.Werkstueckeigenschaft;
import de.sub.goobi.config.ConfigMain;
import de.sub.goobi.config.ConfigProjects;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.BeanHelper;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.Helper;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.ScriptThreadWithoutHibernate;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.UghHelper;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.enums.StepEditType;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.enums.StepStatus;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.exceptions.DAOException;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.exceptions.SwapException;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.exceptions.UghHelperException;
import de.sub.goobi.metadaten.copier.CopierData;
import de.sub.goobi.metadaten.copier.DataCopier;
import de.sub.goobi.persistence.BenutzerDAO;
import de.sub.goobi.persistence.ProzessDAO;
import de.sub.goobi.persistence.apache.StepManager;
import de.sub.goobi.persistence.apache.StepObject;
public class ProzesskopieForm {
private static final Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger(ProzesskopieForm.class);
private final Helper help = new Helper();
UghHelper ughHelper = new UghHelper();
private final BeanHelper bHelper = new BeanHelper();
private Fileformat myRdf;
private String opacSuchfeld = "12";
private String opacSuchbegriff;
private String opacKatalog;
private Prozess prozessVorlage = new Prozess();
private Prozess prozessKopie = new Prozess();
private IOpacPlugin myImportOpac = null;
private ConfigOpac co;
/* komplexe Anlage von Vorgängen anhand der xml-Konfiguration */
private boolean useOpac;
private boolean useTemplates;
private HashMap<String, Boolean> standardFields;
private List<AdditionalField> additionalFields;
private List<String> digitalCollections;
private String tifHeader_imagedescription = "";
private String tifHeader_documentname = "";
private String naviFirstPage;
private Integer auswahl;
private String docType;
private String atstsl = "";
private List<String> possibleDigitalCollection;
private Integer guessedImages = 0;
private String addToWikiField = "";
public final static String DIRECTORY_SUFFIX = "_tif";
public String Prepare() {
atstsl = "";
if (this.prozessVorlage.getContainsUnreachableSteps()) {
if (this.prozessVorlage.getSchritteList().size() == 0) {
for (Schritt s : this.prozessVorlage.getSchritteList()) {
if (s.getBenutzergruppenSize() == 0 && s.getBenutzerSize() == 0) {
List<String> param = new ArrayList<String>();
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("noUserInStep", param));
return "";
try { = new ConfigOpac();
} catch (IOException e) {
myLogger.error("Error while reading von opac-config", e);
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while reading von opac-config", e);
return null;
this.myRdf = null;
this.prozessKopie = new Prozess();
this.digitalCollections = new ArrayList<String>();
* Kopie der Prozessvorlage anlegen
this.bHelper.SchritteKopieren(this.prozessVorlage, this.prozessKopie);
this.bHelper.ScanvorlagenKopieren(this.prozessVorlage, this.prozessKopie);
this.bHelper.WerkstueckeKopieren(this.prozessVorlage, this.prozessKopie);
this.bHelper.EigenschaftenKopieren(this.prozessVorlage, this.prozessKopie);
return this.naviFirstPage;
private void readProjectConfigs() {
* projektabhängig die richtigen Felder in der Gui anzeigen
* --------------------------------*/
ConfigProjects cp = null;
try {
cp = new ConfigProjects(this.prozessVorlage.getProjekt().getTitel());
} catch (IOException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("IOException", e.getMessage());
this.docType = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.defaultdoctype",;
this.useOpac = cp.getParamBoolean("createNewProcess.opac[@use]");
this.useTemplates = cp.getParamBoolean("createNewProcess.templates[@use]");
this.naviFirstPage = "ProzessverwaltungKopie1";
if (this.opacKatalog.equals("")) {
this.opacKatalog = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.opac.catalogue");
* -------------------------------- die auszublendenden Standard-Felder ermitteln --------------------------------
for (String t : cp.getParamList("createNewProcess.itemlist.hide")) {
this.standardFields.put(t, false);
* -------------------------------- die einzublendenen (zusätzlichen) Eigenschaften ermitteln --------------------------------
int count = cp.getParamList("createNewProcess.itemlist.item").size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
AdditionalField fa = new AdditionalField(this);
fa.setFrom(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@from]"));
fa.setTitel(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")"));
fa.setRequired(cp.getParamBoolean("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@required]"));
fa.setIsdoctype(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@isdoctype]"));
fa.setIsnotdoctype(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@isnotdoctype]"));
// attributes added 30.3.09
String test = (cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@initStart]"));
fa.setInitEnd(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@initEnd]"));
* -------------------------------- Bindung an ein Metadatum eines Docstructs --------------------------------
if (cp.getParamBoolean("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@ughbinding]")) {
fa.setDocstruct(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@docstruct]"));
fa.setMetadata(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@metadata]"));
if (cp.getParamBoolean("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@autogenerated]")) {
* -------------------------------- prüfen, ob das aktuelle Item eine Auswahlliste werden soll --------------------------------
int selectItemCount = cp.getParamList("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ").select").size();
/* Children durchlaufen und SelectItems erzeugen */
if (selectItemCount > 0) {
fa.setSelectList(new ArrayList<SelectItem>());
for (int j = 0; j < selectItemCount; j++) {
String svalue = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ").select(" + j + ")[@label]");
String sid = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ").select(" + j + ")");
fa.getSelectList().add(new SelectItem(sid, svalue, null));
/* =============================================================== */
public List<SelectItem> getProzessTemplates() throws DAOException {
List<SelectItem> myProzessTemplates = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
Session session = Helper.getHibernateSession();
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Prozess.class);
crit.add(Restrictions.eq("istTemplate", Boolean.valueOf(false)));
crit.add(Restrictions.eq("inAuswahllisteAnzeigen", Boolean.valueOf(true)));
/* Einschränkung auf bestimmte Projekte, wenn kein Admin */
LoginForm loginForm = (LoginForm) Helper.getManagedBeanValue("#{LoginForm}");
Benutzer aktuellerNutzer = loginForm.getMyBenutzer();
try {
aktuellerNutzer = new BenutzerDAO().get(loginForm.getMyBenutzer().getId());
} catch (DAOException e) {
if (aktuellerNutzer != null) {
* wenn die maximale Berechtigung nicht Admin ist, dann nur bestimmte
if (loginForm.getMaximaleBerechtigung() > 1) {
Disjunction dis = Restrictions.disjunction();
for (Projekt proj : aktuellerNutzer.getProjekteList()) {
dis.add(Restrictions.eq("projekt", proj));
for (Object proz : crit.list()) {
myProzessTemplates.add(new SelectItem(((Prozess) proz).getId(), ((Prozess) proz).getTitel(), null));
return myProzessTemplates;
/* =============================================================== */
* OpacAnfrage
public String OpacAuswerten() {
try {
ConfigOpacCatalogue coc = new ConfigOpac().getCatalogueByName(opacKatalog);
myImportOpac = (IOpacPlugin) PluginLoader.getPluginByTitle(PluginType.Opac, coc.getOpacType());
/* den Opac abfragen und ein RDF draus bauen lassen */
this.myRdf =, this.opacSuchbegriff, coc, this.prozessKopie.getRegelsatz().getPreferences());
if (this.myImportOpac.getOpacDocType() != null) {
this.docType = this.myImportOpac.getOpacDocType().getTitle();
this.atstsl = this.myImportOpac.getAtstsl();
applyCopyingRules(new CopierData(myRdf, prozessVorlage));
/* über die Treffer informieren */
if (this.myImportOpac.getHitcount() == 0) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("No hit found", "");
if (this.myImportOpac.getHitcount() > 1) {
Helper.setMeldung(null, "Found more then one hit", " - use first hit");
} catch (Exception e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error on reading opac ", e);
return "";
/* =============================================================== */
* Creates a DataCopier with the given configuration, lets it process the
* given data and wraps any errors to display in the front end.
* @param data
* data to process
private void applyCopyingRules(CopierData data) {
String rules = ConfigMain.getParameter("copyData.onCatalogueQuery");
if (rules != null && !rules.equals("- keine Konfiguration gefunden -")) {
try {
new DataCopier(rules).process(data);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("dataCopier.syntaxError", e.getMessage());
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
if (RuntimeException.class.equals(exception.getClass())) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("dataCopier.runtimeException", exception.getMessage());
} else {
throw exception;
* die Eingabefelder für die Eigenschaften mit Inhalten aus der RDF-Datei
* füllen
* @throws PreferencesException
private void fillFieldsFromMetadataFile() throws PreferencesException {
if (this.myRdf != null) {
for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
if (field.isUghbinding() && field.getShowDependingOnDoctype()) {
/* welches Docstruct */
DocStruct myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
if (field.getDocstruct().equals("firstchild")) {
try {
myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct().getAllChildren().get(0);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (field.getDocstruct().equals("boundbook")) {
myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getPhysicalDocStruct();
/* welches Metadatum */
try {
if (field.getMetadata().equals("ListOfCreators")) {
/* bei Autoren die Namen zusammenstellen */
String myautoren = "";
if (myTempStruct.getAllPersons() != null) {
for (Person p : myTempStruct.getAllPersons()) {
myautoren += p.getLastname();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getFirstname())) {
myautoren += ", " + p.getFirstname();
myautoren += "; ";
if (myautoren.endsWith("; ")) {
myautoren = myautoren.substring(0, myautoren.length() - 2);
} else {
/* bei normalen Feldern die Inhalte auswerten */
MetadataType mdt = this.ughHelper.getMetadataType(this.prozessKopie.getRegelsatz().getPreferences(), field.getMetadata());
Metadata md = this.ughHelper.getMetadata(myTempStruct, mdt);
if (md != null) {
md.setValue(field.getWert().replace("&", "&"));
} catch (UghHelperException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(e.getMessage(), "");
if (field.getWert() != null && !field.getWert().equals("")) {
field.setWert(field.getWert().replace("&", "&"));
} // end if ughbinding
}// end for
} // end if myrdf==null
* alle Konfigurationseigenschaften und Felder zurücksetzen ================================================================
private void clearValues() {
if (this.opacKatalog == null) {
this.opacKatalog = "";
this.standardFields = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
this.standardFields.put("collections", true);
this.standardFields.put("doctype", true);
this.standardFields.put("regelsatz", true);
this.standardFields.put("images", true);
this.additionalFields = new ArrayList<AdditionalField>();
this.tifHeader_documentname = "";
this.tifHeader_imagedescription = "";
* Auswahl des Prozesses auswerten
* @throws DAOException
* @throws NamingException
* @throws SQLException ============================================================== ==
public String TemplateAuswahlAuswerten() throws DAOException {
/* den ausgewählten Prozess laden */
Prozess tempProzess = new ProzessDAO().get(this.auswahl);
if (tempProzess.getWerkstueckeSize() > 0) {
/* erstes Werkstück durchlaufen */
Werkstueck werk = tempProzess.getWerkstueckeList().get(0);
for (Werkstueckeigenschaft eig : werk.getEigenschaften()) {
for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
if (field.getTitel().equals(eig.getTitel())) {
if (eig.getTitel().equals("DocType")) {
docType = eig.getWert();
if (tempProzess.getVorlagenSize() > 0) {
/* erste Vorlage durchlaufen */
Vorlage vor = tempProzess.getVorlagenList().get(0);
for (Vorlageeigenschaft eig : vor.getEigenschaften()) {
for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
if (field.getTitel().equals(eig.getTitel())) {
if (tempProzess.getEigenschaftenSize() > 0) {
for (Prozesseigenschaft pe : tempProzess.getEigenschaften()) {
if (pe.getTitel().equals("digitalCollection")) {
try {
this.myRdf = tempProzess.readMetadataAsTemplateFile();
} catch (Exception e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error on reading template-metadata ", e);
/* falls ein erstes Kind vorhanden ist, sind die Collectionen dafür */
try {
DocStruct colStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
colStruct = colStruct.getAllChildren().get(0);
} catch (PreferencesException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error on creating process", e);
myLogger.error("Error on creating process", e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
* das Firstchild unterhalb des Topstructs konnte nicht ermittelt werden
return "";
* Validierung der Eingaben
* @return sind Fehler bei den Eingaben vorhanden? ================================================================
private boolean isContentValid() {
* -------------------------------- Vorbedingungen prüfen --------------------------------
boolean valide = true;
* -------------------------------- grundsätzlich den Vorgangstitel prüfen --------------------------------
/* kein Titel */
if (this.prozessKopie.getTitel() == null || this.prozessKopie.getTitel().equals("")) {
valide = false;
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("UnvollstaendigeDaten") + " " + Helper.getTranslation("ProcessCreationErrorTitleEmpty"));
String validateRegEx = ConfigMain.getParameter("validateProzessTitelRegex", "[\\w-]*");
if (!this.prozessKopie.getTitel().matches(validateRegEx)) {
valide = false;
/* prüfen, ob der Prozesstitel schon verwendet wurde */
if (this.prozessKopie.getTitel() != null) {
long anzahl = 0;
try {
anzahl = new ProzessDAO().count("from Prozess where titel='" + this.prozessKopie.getTitel() + "'");
} catch (DAOException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error on reading process information", e.getMessage());
valide = false;
if (anzahl > 0) {
valide = false;
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("UngueltigeDaten:") + Helper.getTranslation("ProcessCreationErrorTitleAllreadyInUse"));
* -------------------------------- Prüfung der standard-Eingaben, die angegeben werden müssen --------------------------------
/* keine Collektion ausgewählt */
if (this.standardFields.get("collections") && getDigitalCollections().size() == 0) {
valide = false;
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("UnvollstaendigeDaten") + " " + Helper.getTranslation("ProcessCreationErrorNoCollection"));
* -------------------------------- Prüfung der additional-Eingaben, die angegeben werden müssen --------------------------------
for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
if ((field.getWert() == null || field.getWert().equals("")) && field.isRequired() && field.getShowDependingOnDoctype()
&& (StringUtils.isBlank(field.getWert()))) {
valide = false;
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("UnvollstaendigeDaten") + " " + field.getTitel() + " "
+ Helper.getTranslation("ProcessCreationErrorFieldIsEmpty"));
return valide;
/* =============================================================== */
public String GoToSeite1() {
return this.naviFirstPage;
/* =============================================================== */
public String GoToSeite2() {
if (!isContentValid()) {
return this.naviFirstPage;
} else {
return "ProzessverwaltungKopie2";
* Anlegen des Prozesses und Speichern der Metadaten ================================================================
* @throws DAOException
* @throws SwapException
* @throws WriteException
public String NeuenProzessAnlegen() throws ReadException, IOException, InterruptedException, PreferencesException, SwapException, DAOException,
WriteException {
if (!isContentValid()) {
return this.naviFirstPage;
for (Schritt step : this.prozessKopie.getSchritteList()) {
* -------------------------------- always save date and user for each step --------------------------------
LoginForm loginForm = (LoginForm) Helper.getManagedBeanValue("#{LoginForm}");
if (loginForm != null) {
* -------------------------------- only if its done, set edit start and end date --------------------------------
if (step.getBearbeitungsstatusEnum() == StepStatus.DONE) {
// this concerns steps, which are set as done right on creation
// bearbeitungsbeginn is set to creation timestamp of process
// because the creation of it is basically begin of work
Date myDate = new Date();
try {
ProzessDAO dao = new ProzessDAO();;
} catch (DAOException e) {
myLogger.error("error on save: ", e);
return "";
* wenn noch keine RDF-Datei vorhanden ist (weil keine Opac-Abfrage stattfand, dann jetzt eine anlegen
if (this.myRdf == null) {
* wenn eine RDF-Konfiguration
* vorhanden ist (z.B. aus dem Opac-Import, oder frisch angelegt), dann
* diese ergänzen
* --------------------------------*/
if (this.myRdf != null) {
for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
if (field.isUghbinding() && field.getShowDependingOnDoctype()) {
/* welches Docstruct */
DocStruct myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
DocStruct myTempChild = null;
if (field.getDocstruct().equals("firstchild")) {
try {
myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct().getAllChildren().get(0);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
* das Firstchild unterhalb des Topstructs konnte nicht ermittelt werden
* falls topstruct und firstchild das Metadatum bekommen sollen
if (!field.getDocstruct().equals("firstchild") && field.getDocstruct().contains("firstchild")) {
try {
myTempChild = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct().getAllChildren().get(0);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (field.getDocstruct().equals("boundbook")) {
myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getPhysicalDocStruct();
/* welches Metadatum */
try {
* bis auf die Autoren alle additionals in die Metadaten übernehmen
if (!field.getMetadata().equals("ListOfCreators")) {
MetadataType mdt = this.ughHelper.getMetadataType(this.prozessKopie.getRegelsatz().getPreferences(), field.getMetadata());
Metadata md = this.ughHelper.getMetadata(myTempStruct, mdt);
if (md != null) {
* wenn dem Topstruct und dem Firstchild der Wert gegeben werden soll
if (myTempChild != null) {
md = this.ughHelper.getMetadata(myTempChild, mdt);
if (md != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} // end if ughbinding
}// end for
* -------------------------------- Collectionen hinzufügen --------------------------------
DocStruct colStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
try {
/* falls ein erstes Kind vorhanden ist, sind die Collectionen dafür */
colStruct = colStruct.getAllChildren().get(0);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
* das Firstchild unterhalb des Topstructs konnte nicht ermittelt werden
* -------------------------------- Imagepfad hinzufügen (evtl. vorhandene zunächst löschen) --------------------------------
try {
MetadataType mdt = this.ughHelper.getMetadataType(this.prozessKopie, "pathimagefiles");
List<? extends Metadata> alleImagepfade = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getPhysicalDocStruct().getAllMetadataByType(mdt);
if (alleImagepfade != null && alleImagepfade.size() > 0) {
for (Metadata md : alleImagepfade) {
Metadata newmd = new Metadata(mdt);
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
newmd.setValue("file:/" + this.prozessKopie.getImagesDirectory() + this.prozessKopie.getTitel().trim() + DIRECTORY_SUFFIX);
} else {
newmd.setValue("file://" + this.prozessKopie.getImagesDirectory() + this.prozessKopie.getTitel().trim() + DIRECTORY_SUFFIX);
/* Rdf-File schreiben */
* -------------------------------- soll der Prozess als Vorlage verwendet werden? --------------------------------
if (this.useTemplates && this.prozessKopie.isInAuswahllisteAnzeigen()) {
} catch (ugh.exceptions.DocStructHasNoTypeException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("DocStructHasNoTypeException", e.getMessage());
myLogger.error("creation of new process throws an error: ", e);
} catch (UghHelperException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("UghHelperException", e.getMessage());
myLogger.error("creation of new process throws an error: ", e);
} catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("MetadataTypeNotAllowedException", e.getMessage());
myLogger.error("creation of new process throws an error: ", e);
// Adding process to history
if (!HistoryAnalyserJob.updateHistoryForProcess(this.prozessKopie)) {
return "";
} else {
try {
new ProzessDAO().save(this.prozessKopie);
} catch (DAOException e) {
myLogger.error("error on save: ", e);
return "";
/* damit die Sortierung stimmt nochmal einlesen */
List<StepObject> steps = StepManager.getStepsForProcess(prozessKopie.getId());
for (StepObject s : steps) {
if (s.getBearbeitungsstatus() == 1 && s.isTypAutomatisch() ) {
ScriptThreadWithoutHibernate myThread = new ScriptThreadWithoutHibernate(s);
return "ProzessverwaltungKopie3";
/* =============================================================== */
private void addCollections(DocStruct colStruct) {
for (String s : this.digitalCollections) {
try {
Metadata md = new Metadata(this.ughHelper.getMetadataType(this.prozessKopie.getRegelsatz().getPreferences(), "singleDigCollection"));
} catch (UghHelperException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(e.getMessage(), "");
} catch (DocStructHasNoTypeException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(e.getMessage(), "");
} catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(e.getMessage(), "");
* alle Kollektionen eines übergebenen DocStructs entfernen ================================================================
private void removeCollections(DocStruct colStruct) {
try {
MetadataType mdt = this.ughHelper.getMetadataType(this.prozessKopie.getRegelsatz().getPreferences(), "singleDigCollection");
ArrayList<Metadata> myCollections = new ArrayList<Metadata>(colStruct.getAllMetadataByType(mdt));
if (myCollections != null && myCollections.size() > 0) {
for (Metadata md : myCollections) {
} catch (UghHelperException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(e.getMessage(), "");
} catch (DocStructHasNoTypeException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(e.getMessage(), "");
/* =============================================================== */
private void createNewFileformat() {
Prefs myPrefs = this.prozessKopie.getRegelsatz().getPreferences();
try {
DigitalDocument dd = new DigitalDocument();
Fileformat ff = new XStream(myPrefs);
/* BoundBook hinzufügen */
DocStructType dst = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("BoundBook");
DocStruct dsBoundBook = dd.createDocStruct(dst);
/* Monographie */
if (! && ! {
DocStructType dsty = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName(;
DocStruct ds = dd.createDocStruct(dsty);
this.myRdf = ff;
/* Zeitschrift */
else if ( {
DocStructType dsty = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("Periodical");
DocStruct ds = dd.createDocStruct(dsty);
DocStructType dstyvolume = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("PeriodicalVolume");
DocStruct dsvolume = dd.createDocStruct(dstyvolume);
this.myRdf = ff;
/* MultivolumeBand */
else if ( {
DocStructType dsty = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("MultiVolumeWork");
DocStruct ds = dd.createDocStruct(dsty);
DocStructType dstyvolume = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("Volume");
DocStruct dsvolume = dd.createDocStruct(dstyvolume);
this.myRdf = ff;
if (this.docType.equals("volumerun")) {
DocStructType dsty = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("VolumeRun");
DocStruct ds = dd.createDocStruct(dsty);
DocStructType dstyvolume = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("Record");
DocStruct dsvolume = dd.createDocStruct(dstyvolume);
this.myRdf = ff;
} catch (TypeNotAllowedForParentException e) {
} catch (TypeNotAllowedAsChildException e) {
} catch (PreferencesException e) {
private void EigenschaftenHinzufuegen() {
* -------------------------------- Vorlageneigenschaften initialisieren --------------------------------
Vorlage vor;
if (this.prozessKopie.getVorlagenSize() > 0) {
vor = this.prozessKopie.getVorlagenList().get(0);
} else {
vor = new Vorlage();
Set<Vorlage> vorlagen = new HashSet<Vorlage>();
* -------------------------------- Werkstückeigenschaften initialisieren --------------------------------
Werkstueck werk;
if (this.prozessKopie.getWerkstueckeSize() > 0) {
werk = this.prozessKopie.getWerkstueckeList().get(0);
} else {
werk = new Werkstueck();
Set<Werkstueck> werkstuecke = new HashSet<Werkstueck>();
* -------------------------------- jetzt alle zusätzlichen Felder durchlaufen und die Werte hinzufügen --------------------------------
BeanHelper bh = new BeanHelper();
for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
if (field.getShowDependingOnDoctype()) {
if (field.getFrom().equals("werk")) {
bh.EigenschaftHinzufuegen(werk, field.getTitel(), field.getWert());
if (field.getFrom().equals("vorlage")) {
bh.EigenschaftHinzufuegen(vor, field.getTitel(), field.getWert());
if (field.getFrom().equals("prozess")) {
bh.EigenschaftHinzufuegen(this.prozessKopie, field.getTitel(), field.getWert());
for (String col : digitalCollections) {
bh.EigenschaftHinzufuegen(prozessKopie, "digitalCollection", col);
/* Doctype */
bh.EigenschaftHinzufuegen(werk, "DocType", this.docType);
/* Tiffheader */
bh.EigenschaftHinzufuegen(werk, "TifHeaderImagedescription", this.tifHeader_imagedescription);
bh.EigenschaftHinzufuegen(werk, "TifHeaderDocumentname", this.tifHeader_documentname);
bh.EigenschaftHinzufuegen(prozessKopie, "Template", prozessVorlage.getTitel());
bh.EigenschaftHinzufuegen(prozessKopie, "TemplateID", String.valueOf(prozessVorlage.getId()));
public String getDocType() {
return this.docType;
public void setDocType(String docType) {
if (this.docType.equals(docType)) {
} else {
this.docType = docType;
if (myRdf != null) {
Fileformat tmp = myRdf;
try {
if (myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct().equals(tmp.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct())) {
myRdf = tmp;
} else {
DocStruct oldLogicalDocstruct = tmp.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
DocStruct newLogicalDocstruct = myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
// both have no children
if (oldLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() == null && newLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() == null) {
copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct, newLogicalDocstruct);
// old has a child, new has no child
else if (oldLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() != null && newLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() == null) {
copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct, newLogicalDocstruct);
copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren().get(0), newLogicalDocstruct);
// new has a child, bot old not
else if (oldLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() == null && newLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() != null) {
copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct, newLogicalDocstruct);
copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct.copy(true, false), newLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren().get(0));
// both have children
else if (oldLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() != null && newLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() != null) {
copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct, newLogicalDocstruct);
copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren().get(0), newLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren().get(0));
} catch (PreferencesException e) {
try {
} catch (PreferencesException e) {
private void copyMetadata(DocStruct oldDocStruct, DocStruct newDocStruct) {
if (oldDocStruct.getAllMetadata() != null) {
for (Metadata md : oldDocStruct.getAllMetadata()) {
try {
} catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) {
} catch (DocStructHasNoTypeException e) {
if (oldDocStruct.getAllPersons() != null) {
for (Person p : oldDocStruct.getAllPersons()) {
try {
} catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) {
} catch (DocStructHasNoTypeException e) {
public Collection<SelectItem> getArtists() {
ArrayList<SelectItem> artisten = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(ConfigMain.getParameter("TiffHeaderArtists"), "|");
boolean tempBol = true;
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String tok = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (tempBol) {
artisten.add(new SelectItem(tok));
tempBol = !tempBol;
return artisten;
public Prozess getProzessVorlage() {
return this.prozessVorlage;
public void setProzessVorlage(Prozess prozessVorlage) {
this.prozessVorlage = prozessVorlage;
public Integer getAuswahl() {
return this.auswahl;
public void setAuswahl(Integer auswahl) {
this.auswahl = auswahl;
public List<AdditionalField> getAdditionalFields() {
return this.additionalFields;
* this is needed for GUI, render multiple select only if this is false if this is true use the only choice
* @author Wulf
public boolean isSingleChoiceCollection() {
return (getPossibleDigitalCollections() != null && getPossibleDigitalCollections().size() == 1);
* this is needed for GUI, render multiple select only if this is false if isSingleChoiceCollection is true use this choice
* @author Wulf
public String getDigitalCollectionIfSingleChoice() {
List<String> pdc = getPossibleDigitalCollections();
if (pdc.size() == 1) {
return pdc.get(0);
} else {
return null;
public List<String> getPossibleDigitalCollections() {
return this.possibleDigitalCollection;
private void initializePossibleDigitalCollections() {
this.possibleDigitalCollection = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> defaultCollections = new ArrayList<String>();
String filename = + "goobi_digitalCollections.xml";
if (!(new File(filename).exists())) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("File not found: ", filename);
this.digitalCollections = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
/* Datei einlesen und Root ermitteln */
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
Document doc = File(filename));
Element root = doc.getRootElement();
/* alle Projekte durchlaufen */
List<Element> projekte = root.getChildren();
for (Iterator<Element> iter = projekte.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Element projekt =;
// collect default collections
if (projekt.getName().equals("default")) {
List<Element> myCols = projekt.getChildren("DigitalCollection");
for (Iterator<Element> it2 = myCols.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
Element col =;
if (col.getAttribute("default") != null && col.getAttributeValue("default").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
} else {
// run through the projects
List<Element> projektnamen = projekt.getChildren("name");
for (Iterator<Element> iterator = projektnamen.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Element projektname =;
// all all collections to list
if (projektname.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(this.prozessKopie.getProjekt().getTitel())) {
List<Element> myCols = projekt.getChildren("DigitalCollection");
for (Iterator<Element> it2 = myCols.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
Element col =;
if (col.getAttribute("default") != null && col.getAttributeValue("default").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
} catch (JDOMException e1) {
myLogger.error("error while parsing digital collections", e1);
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while parsing digital collections", e1);
} catch (IOException e1) {
myLogger.error("error while parsing digital collections", e1);
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while parsing digital collections", e1);
if (this.possibleDigitalCollection.size() == 0) {
this.possibleDigitalCollection = defaultCollections;
// if only one collection is possible take it directly
if (isSingleChoiceCollection()) {
public List<String> getAllOpacCatalogues() {
try {
return new ConfigOpac().getAllCatalogueTitles();
} catch (IOException e) {
myLogger.error("Error while reading von opac-config", e);
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while reading von opac-config", e);
return new ArrayList<String>();
public List<ConfigOpacDoctype> getAllDoctypes() {
try {
return new ConfigOpac().getAllDoctypes();
} catch (IOException e) {
myLogger.error("Error while reading von opac-config", e);
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while reading von opac-config", e);
return new ArrayList<ConfigOpacDoctype>();
* changed, so that on first request list gets set if there is only one choice
public List<String> getDigitalCollections() {
return this.digitalCollections;
public void setDigitalCollections(List<String> digitalCollections) {
this.digitalCollections = digitalCollections;
public HashMap<String, Boolean> getStandardFields() {
return this.standardFields;
public boolean isUseOpac() {
return this.useOpac;
public boolean isUseTemplates() {
return this.useTemplates;
public String getTifHeader_documentname() {
return this.tifHeader_documentname;
public void setTifHeader_documentname(String tifHeader_documentname) {
this.tifHeader_documentname = tifHeader_documentname;
public String getTifHeader_imagedescription() {
return this.tifHeader_imagedescription;
public void setTifHeader_imagedescription(String tifHeader_imagedescription) {
this.tifHeader_imagedescription = tifHeader_imagedescription;
public Prozess getProzessKopie() {
return this.prozessKopie;
public void setProzessKopie(Prozess prozessKopie) {
this.prozessKopie = prozessKopie;
public String getOpacSuchfeld() {
return this.opacSuchfeld;
public void setOpacSuchfeld(String opacSuchfeld) {
this.opacSuchfeld = opacSuchfeld;
public String getOpacKatalog() {
return this.opacKatalog;
public void setOpacKatalog(String opacKatalog) {
this.opacKatalog = opacKatalog;
public String getOpacSuchbegriff() {
return this.opacSuchbegriff;
public void setOpacSuchbegriff(String opacSuchbegriff) {
this.opacSuchbegriff = opacSuchbegriff;
* Helper
* Prozesstitel und andere Details generieren ================================================================
public void CalcProzesstitel() {
String currentAuthors = "";
String currentTitle = "";
int counter = 0;
for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
if (field.getAutogenerated() && field.getWert().isEmpty()) {
field.setWert(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() + counter));
if (field.getMetadata() != null && field.getMetadata().equals("TitleDocMain") && currentTitle.length() == 0) {
currentTitle = field.getWert();
} else if (field.getMetadata() != null && field.getMetadata().equals("ListOfCreators") && currentAuthors.length() == 0) {
currentAuthors = field.getWert();
String newTitle = "";
String titeldefinition = "";
ConfigProjects cp = null;
try {
cp = new ConfigProjects(this.prozessVorlage.getProjekt().getTitel());
} catch (IOException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("IOException", e.getMessage());
int count = cp.getParamList("createNewProcess.itemlist.processtitle").size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
String titel = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.processtitle(" + i + ")");
String isdoctype = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.processtitle(" + i + ")[@isdoctype]");
String isnotdoctype = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.processtitle(" + i + ")[@isnotdoctype]");
if (titel == null) {
titel = "";
if (isdoctype == null) {
isdoctype = "";
if (isnotdoctype == null) {
isnotdoctype = "";
/* wenn nix angegeben wurde, dann anzeigen */
if (isdoctype.equals("") && isnotdoctype.equals("")) {
titeldefinition = titel;
/* wenn beides angegeben wurde */
if (!isdoctype.equals("") && !isnotdoctype.equals("") && StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(isdoctype, this.docType)
&& !StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(isnotdoctype, this.docType)) {
titeldefinition = titel;
/* wenn nur pflicht angegeben wurde */
if (isnotdoctype.equals("") && StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(isdoctype, this.docType)) {
titeldefinition = titel;
/* wenn nur "darf nicht" angegeben wurde */
if (isdoctype.equals("") && !StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(isnotdoctype, this.docType)) {
titeldefinition = titel;
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(titeldefinition, "+");
/* jetzt den Bandtitel parsen */
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String myString = tokenizer.nextToken();
* wenn der String mit ' anfängt und mit ' endet, dann den Inhalt so übernehmen
if (myString.startsWith("'") && myString.endsWith("'")) {
newTitle += myString.substring(1, myString.length() - 1);
} else {
/* andernfalls den string als Feldnamen auswerten */
for (Iterator<AdditionalField> it2 = this.additionalFields.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
AdditionalField myField =;
* wenn es das ATS oder TSL-Feld ist, dann den berechneten atstsl einsetzen, sofern noch nicht vorhanden
if ((myField.getTitel().equals("ATS") || myField.getTitel().equals("TSL")) && myField.getShowDependingOnDoctype()
&& (myField.getWert() == null || myField.getWert().equals(""))) {
if (atstsl == null || atstsl.length() == 0) {
atstsl = createAtstsl(currentTitle, currentAuthors);
/* den Inhalt zum Titel hinzufügen */
if (myField.getTitel().equals(myString) && myField.getShowDependingOnDoctype() && myField.getWert() != null) {
newTitle += CalcProzesstitelCheck(myField.getTitel(), myField.getWert());
if (newTitle.endsWith("_")) {
newTitle = newTitle.substring(0, newTitle.length() - 1);
// remove non-ascii characters for the sake of TIFF header limits
String filteredTitle = newTitle.replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");
/* =============================================================== */
private String CalcProzesstitelCheck(String inFeldName, String inFeldWert) {
String rueckgabe = inFeldWert;
* -------------------------------- Bandnummer --------------------------------
if (inFeldName.equals("Bandnummer") || inFeldName.equals("Volume number")) {
try {
int bandint = Integer.parseInt(inFeldWert);
java.text.DecimalFormat df = new java.text.DecimalFormat("#0000");
rueckgabe = df.format(bandint);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (inFeldName.equals("Bandnummer")) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("UngueltigeDaten: ") + "Bandnummer ist keine gültige Zahl");
} else {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("UngueltigeDaten: ") + "Volume number is not a valid number");
if (rueckgabe != null && rueckgabe.length() < 4) {
rueckgabe = "0000".substring(rueckgabe.length()) + rueckgabe;
return rueckgabe;
/* =============================================================== */
public void CalcTiffheader() {
String tif_definition = "";
ConfigProjects cp = null;
try {
cp = new ConfigProjects(this.prozessVorlage.getProjekt().getTitel());
} catch (IOException e) {
Helper.setFehlerMeldung("IOException", e.getMessage());
tif_definition = cp.getParamString("tifheader." + this.docType, "intranda");
* -------------------------------- evtuelle Ersetzungen --------------------------------
tif_definition = tif_definition.replaceAll("\\[\\[", "<");
tif_definition = tif_definition.replaceAll("\\]\\]", ">");
* -------------------------------- Documentname ist im allgemeinen = Prozesstitel --------------------------------
this.tifHeader_documentname = this.prozessKopie.getTitel();
this.tifHeader_imagedescription = "";
* -------------------------------- Imagedescription --------------------------------
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(tif_definition, "+");
/* jetzt den Tiffheader parsen */
String title = "";
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String myString = tokenizer.nextToken();
* wenn der String mit ' anf�ngt und mit ' endet, dann den Inhalt so übernehmen
if (myString.startsWith("'") && myString.endsWith("'") && myString.length() > 2) {
this.tifHeader_imagedescription += myString.substring(1, myString.length() - 1);
} else if (myString.equals("$Doctype")) {
/* wenn der Doctype angegeben werden soll */
this.tifHeader_imagedescription +=;
} else {
/* andernfalls den string als Feldnamen auswerten */
for (Iterator<AdditionalField> it2 = this.additionalFields.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
AdditionalField myField =;
if ((myField.getTitel().equals("Titel") || myField.getTitel().equals("Title")) && myField.getWert() != null
&& !myField.getWert().equals("")) {
title = myField.getWert();
* wenn es das ATS oder TSL-Feld ist, dann den berechneten atstsl einsetzen, sofern noch nicht vorhanden
if ((myField.getTitel().equals("ATS") || myField.getTitel().equals("TSL")) && myField.getShowDependingOnDoctype()
&& (myField.getWert() == null || myField.getWert().equals(""))) {
/* den Inhalt zum Titel hinzufügen */
if (myField.getTitel().equals(myString) && myField.getShowDependingOnDoctype() && myField.getWert() != null) {
this.tifHeader_imagedescription += CalcProzesstitelCheck(myField.getTitel(), myField.getWert());
// reduce to 255 character
int length = this.tifHeader_imagedescription.length();
if (length > 255) {
try {
int toCut = length - 255;
String newTitle = title.substring(0, title.length() - toCut);
this.tifHeader_imagedescription = this.tifHeader_imagedescription.replace(title, newTitle);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// TODO: handle exception
public String downloadDocket() {
return this.prozessKopie.downloadDocket();
* @param imagesGuessed the imagesGuessed to set
public void setImagesGuessed(Integer imagesGuessed) {
if (imagesGuessed == null) {
imagesGuessed = 0;
this.guessedImages = imagesGuessed;
* @return the imagesGuessed
public Integer getImagesGuessed() {
return this.guessedImages;
public String getAddToWikiField() {
return this.addToWikiField;
public void setAddToWikiField(String addToWikiField) {
this.addToWikiField = addToWikiField;
if (addToWikiField != null && !addToWikiField.equals("")) {
Benutzer user = (Benutzer) Helper.getManagedBeanValue("#{LoginForm.myBenutzer}");
String message = this.addToWikiField + " (" + user.getNachVorname() + ")";
this.prozessKopie.setWikifield(WikiFieldHelper.getWikiMessage(prozessKopie.getWikifield(), "info", message));
public static String createAtstsl(String title, String author) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(8);
if (author != null && author.trim().length() > 0) {
result.append(author.length() > 4 ? author.substring(0, 4) : author);
result.append(title.length() > 4 ? title.substring(0, 4) : title);
} else {
StringTokenizer titleWords = new StringTokenizer(title);
int wordNo = 1;
while (titleWords.hasMoreTokens() && wordNo < 5) {
String word = titleWords.nextToken();
switch (wordNo) {
case 1:
result.append(word.length() > 4 ? word.substring(0, 4) : word);
case 2:
case 3:
result.append(word.length() > 2 ? word.substring(0, 2) : word);
case 4:
result.append(word.length() > 1 ? word.substring(0, 1) : word);
return result.toString().replaceAll("[\\W]", ""); // delete umlauts etc.