/* Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Timothy Wall, All Rights Reserved
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* <p/>
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
package com.sun.jna;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import com.sun.jna.Callback.UncaughtExceptionHandler;
import com.sun.jna.CallbacksTest.TestLibrary.CbCallback;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
import com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIOptions;
/** Exercise callback-related functionality.
* @author twall@users.sf.net
public class CallbacksTest extends TestCase implements Paths {
private static final String UNICODE = "[\u0444]";
private static final double DOUBLE_MAGIC = -118.625d;
private static final float FLOAT_MAGIC = -118.625f;
private static final int THREAD_TIMEOUT = 5000;
public static class SmallTestStructure extends Structure {
public double value;
public static int allocations = 0;
protected void allocateMemory(int size) {
public SmallTestStructure() { }
public SmallTestStructure(Pointer p) { super(p); read(); }
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "value" });
public static class TestStructure extends Structure {
public static class ByValue extends TestStructure implements Structure.ByValue { }
public static interface TestCallback extends Callback {
TestStructure.ByValue callback(TestStructure.ByValue s);
public byte c;
public short s;
public int i;
public long j;
public SmallTestStructure inner;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "c", "s", "i", "j", "inner" });
public static interface TestLibrary extends Library {
interface NoMethodCallback extends Callback {
interface CustomMethodCallback extends Callback {
void invoke();
interface TooManyMethodsCallback extends Callback {
void invoke();
void invoke2();
interface MultipleMethodsCallback extends Callback {
void invoke();
void callback();
interface VoidCallback extends Callback {
void callback();
void callVoidCallback(VoidCallback c);
void callVoidCallbackThreaded(VoidCallback c, int count, int ms, String name);
interface VoidCallbackCustom extends Callback {
void customMethodName();
abstract class VoidCallbackCustomAbstract implements VoidCallbackCustom {
public void customMethodName() { }
class VoidCallbackCustomDerived extends VoidCallbackCustomAbstract { }
void callVoidCallback(VoidCallbackCustom c);
interface BooleanCallback extends Callback {
boolean callback(boolean arg, boolean arg2);
boolean callBooleanCallback(BooleanCallback c, boolean arg, boolean arg2);
interface ByteCallback extends Callback {
byte callback(byte arg, byte arg2);
byte callInt8Callback(ByteCallback c, byte arg, byte arg2);
interface ShortCallback extends Callback {
short callback(short arg, short arg2);
short callInt16Callback(ShortCallback c, short arg, short arg2);
interface Int32Callback extends Callback {
int callback(int arg, int arg2);
int callInt32Callback(Int32Callback c, int arg, int arg2);
interface NativeLongCallback extends Callback {
NativeLong callback(NativeLong arg, NativeLong arg2);
NativeLong callNativeLongCallback(NativeLongCallback c, NativeLong arg, NativeLong arg2);
interface Int64Callback extends Callback {
long callback(long arg, long arg2);
long callInt64Callback(Int64Callback c, long arg, long arg2);
interface FloatCallback extends Callback {
float callback(float arg, float arg2);
float callFloatCallback(FloatCallback c, float arg, float arg2);
interface DoubleCallback extends Callback {
double callback(double arg, double arg2);
double callDoubleCallback(DoubleCallback c, double arg, double arg2);
interface StructureCallback extends Callback {
SmallTestStructure callback(SmallTestStructure arg);
SmallTestStructure callStructureCallback(StructureCallback c, SmallTestStructure arg);
interface StringCallback extends Callback {
String callback(String arg);
String callStringCallback(StringCallback c, String arg);
interface WideStringCallback extends Callback {
WString callback(WString arg);
WString callWideStringCallback(WideStringCallback c, WString arg);
interface CopyArgToByReference extends Callback {
int callback(int arg, IntByReference result);
interface StringArrayCallback extends Callback {
String[] callback(String[] arg);
Pointer callStringArrayCallback(StringArrayCallback c, String[] arg);
int callCallbackWithByReferenceArgument(CopyArgToByReference cb, int arg, IntByReference result);
TestStructure.ByValue callCallbackWithStructByValue(TestStructure.TestCallback callback, TestStructure.ByValue cbstruct);
interface CbCallback extends Callback {
CbCallback callback(CbCallback arg);
CbCallback callCallbackWithCallback(CbCallback cb);
interface Int32CallbackX extends Callback {
public int callback(int arg);
Int32CallbackX returnCallback();
Int32CallbackX returnCallbackArgument(Int32CallbackX cb);
interface CustomCallback extends Callback {
Custom callback(Custom arg1, Custom arg2);
int callInt32Callback(CustomCallback cb, int arg1, int arg2);
class CbStruct extends Structure {
public Callback cb;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "cb" });
void callCallbackInStruct(CbStruct cbstruct);
// Union (by value)
class TestUnion extends Union implements Structure.ByValue {
public String f1;
public int f2;
interface UnionCallback extends Callback {
TestUnion invoke(TestUnion arg);
TestUnion testUnionByValueCallbackArgument(UnionCallback cb, TestUnion arg);
TestLibrary lib;
protected void setUp() {
lib = (TestLibrary)Native.loadLibrary("testlib", TestLibrary.class);
protected void tearDown() {
lib = null;
public static class Custom implements NativeMapped {
private int value;
public Custom() { }
public Custom(int value) {
this.value = value;
public Object fromNative(Object nativeValue, FromNativeContext context) {
return new Custom(((Integer)nativeValue).intValue());
public Class nativeType() {
return Integer.class;
public Object toNative() {
return new Integer(value);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof Custom && ((Custom)o).value == value;
public void testLookupNullCallback() {
assertNull("NULL pointer should result in null callback",
CallbackReference.getCallback(null, null));
try {
CallbackReference.getCallback(TestLibrary.VoidCallback.class, new Pointer(0));
fail("Null pointer lookup should fail");
catch(NullPointerException e) {
public void testLookupNonCallbackClass() {
try {
CallbackReference.getCallback(String.class, new Pointer(0));
fail("Request for non-Callback class should fail");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
public void testThrowOnMultiplyMappedCallback() {
try {
Pointer p = new Pointer(getName().hashCode());
CallbackReference.getCallback(TestLibrary.VoidCallback.class, p);
CallbackReference.getCallback(TestLibrary.ByteCallback.class, p);
fail("Multiply-mapped callback should fail");
catch(IllegalStateException e) {
public void testNoMethodCallback() {
try {
CallbackReference.getCallback(TestLibrary.NoMethodCallback.class, new Pointer(getName().hashCode()));
fail("Callback with no callback method should fail");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
public void testCustomMethodCallback() {
CallbackReference.getCallback(TestLibrary.CustomMethodCallback.class, new Pointer(getName().hashCode()));
public void testTooManyMethodsCallback() {
try {
CallbackReference.getCallback(TestLibrary.TooManyMethodsCallback.class, new Pointer(getName().hashCode()));
fail("Callback lookup with too many methods should fail");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
public void testMultipleMethodsCallback() {
CallbackReference.getCallback(TestLibrary.MultipleMethodsCallback.class, new Pointer(getName().hashCode()));
public void testNativeFunctionPointerStringValue() {
Callback cb = CallbackReference.getCallback(TestLibrary.VoidCallback.class, new Pointer(getName().hashCode()));
Class cls = CallbackReference.findCallbackClass(cb.getClass());
assertTrue("toString should include Java Callback type: " + cb + " ("
+ cls + ")", cb.toString().indexOf(cls.getName()) != -1);
public void testLookupSameCallback() {
Callback cb = CallbackReference.getCallback(TestLibrary.VoidCallback.class, new Pointer(getName().hashCode()));
Callback cb2 = CallbackReference.getCallback(TestLibrary.VoidCallback.class, new Pointer(getName().hashCode()));
assertEquals("Callback lookups for same pointer should return same Callback object", cb, cb2);
// Allow direct tests to override
protected Map callbackCache() {
return CallbackReference.callbackMap;
// Fails on OpenJDK(linux/ppc), probably finalize not run
public void testGCCallbackOnFinalize() throws Exception {
final boolean[] called = { false };
TestLibrary.VoidCallback cb = new TestLibrary.VoidCallback() {
public void callback() {
called[0] = true;
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
Map refs = new WeakHashMap(callbackCache());
assertTrue("Callback not cached", refs.containsKey(cb));
CallbackReference ref = (CallbackReference)refs.get(cb);
refs = callbackCache();
Pointer cbstruct = ref.cbstruct;
cb = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && (ref.get() != null || refs.containsValue(ref)); ++i) {
try {
Thread.sleep(10); // Give the GC a chance to run
} finally {}
assertNull("Callback not GC'd", ref.get());
assertFalse("Callback still in map", refs.containsValue(ref));
ref = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && (cbstruct.peer != 0 || refs.size() > 0); ++i) {
// Flush weak hash map
try {
Thread.sleep(10); // Give the GC a chance to run
} finally {}
assertEquals("Callback trampoline not freed", 0, cbstruct.peer);
public void testFindCallbackInterface() {
TestLibrary.Int32Callback cb = new TestLibrary.Int32Callback() {
public int callback(int arg, int arg2) {
return arg + arg2;
assertEquals("Wrong callback interface",
public void testCallVoidCallback() {
final boolean[] called = { false };
TestLibrary.VoidCallback cb = new TestLibrary.VoidCallback() {
public void callback() {
called[0] = true;
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
public void testCallInt32Callback() {
final int MAGIC = 0x11111111;
final boolean[] called = { false };
TestLibrary.Int32Callback cb = new TestLibrary.Int32Callback() {
public int callback(int arg, int arg2) {
called[0] = true;
return arg + arg2;
final int EXPECTED = MAGIC*3;
int value = lib.callInt32Callback(cb, MAGIC, MAGIC*2);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback value", Integer.toHexString(EXPECTED),
value = lib.callInt32Callback(cb, -1, -2);
assertEquals("Wrong callback return", -3, value);
public void testCallInt64Callback() {
final long MAGIC = 0x1111111111111111L;
final boolean[] called = { false };
TestLibrary.Int64Callback cb = new TestLibrary.Int64Callback() {
public long callback(long arg, long arg2) {
called[0] = true;
return arg + arg2;
final long EXPECTED = MAGIC*3;
long value = lib.callInt64Callback(cb, MAGIC, MAGIC*2);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback value", Long.toHexString(EXPECTED),
value = lib.callInt64Callback(cb, -1, -2);
assertEquals("Wrong callback return", -3, value);
public void testCallFloatCallback() {
final boolean[] called = { false };
final float[] args = { 0, 0 };
TestLibrary.FloatCallback cb = new TestLibrary.FloatCallback() {
public float callback(float arg, float arg2) {
called[0] = true;
args[0] = arg;
args[1] = arg2;
return arg + arg2;
final float EXPECTED = FLOAT_MAGIC*3;
float value = lib.callFloatCallback(cb, FLOAT_MAGIC, FLOAT_MAGIC*2);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong first argument", FLOAT_MAGIC, args[0], 0);
assertEquals("Wrong second argument", FLOAT_MAGIC*2, args[1], 0);
assertEquals("Wrong callback value", EXPECTED, value, 0);
value = lib.callFloatCallback(cb, -1f, -2f);
assertEquals("Wrong callback return", -3f, value, 0);
public void testCallDoubleCallback() {
final boolean[] called = { false };
final double[] args = { 0, 0 };
TestLibrary.DoubleCallback cb = new TestLibrary.DoubleCallback() {
public double callback(double arg, double arg2) {
called[0] = true;
args[0] = arg;
args[1] = arg2;
return arg + arg2;
final double EXPECTED = DOUBLE_MAGIC*3;
double value = lib.callDoubleCallback(cb, DOUBLE_MAGIC, DOUBLE_MAGIC*2);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong first argument", DOUBLE_MAGIC, args[0], 0);
assertEquals("Wrong second argument", DOUBLE_MAGIC*2, args[1], 0);
assertEquals("Wrong callback value", EXPECTED, value, 0);
value = lib.callDoubleCallback(cb, -1d, -2d);
assertEquals("Wrong callback return", -3d, value, 0);
public void testCallStructureCallback() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
final Pointer[] cbarg = { null };
final SmallTestStructure s = new SmallTestStructure();
final double MAGIC = 118.625;
TestLibrary.StructureCallback cb = new TestLibrary.StructureCallback() {
public SmallTestStructure callback(SmallTestStructure arg) {
called[0] = true;
cbarg[0] = arg.getPointer();
arg.value = MAGIC;
return arg;
SmallTestStructure.allocations = 0;
SmallTestStructure value = lib.callStructureCallback(cb, s);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong argument passed to callback", s.getPointer(), cbarg[0]);
assertEquals("Structure argument not synched on callback return",
MAGIC, s.value, 0d);
assertEquals("Wrong structure return", s.getPointer(), value.getPointer());
assertEquals("Structure return not synched",
MAGIC, value.value, 0d);
// All structures involved should be created from pointers, with no
// memory allocation at all.
assertEquals("No structure memory should be allocated", 0, SmallTestStructure.allocations);
public void testCallStructureArrayCallback() {
final SmallTestStructure s = new SmallTestStructure();
final SmallTestStructure[] array = (SmallTestStructure[])s.toArray(2);
final double MAGIC = 118.625;
TestLibrary.StructureCallback cb = new TestLibrary.StructureCallback() {
public SmallTestStructure callback(SmallTestStructure arg) {
SmallTestStructure[] array =
array[0].value = MAGIC;
array[1].value = MAGIC*2;
return arg;
SmallTestStructure value = lib.callStructureCallback(cb, s);
assertEquals("Structure array element 0 not synched on callback return",
MAGIC, array[0].value, 0d);
assertEquals("Structure array element 1 not synched on callback return",
MAGIC*2, array[1].value, 0d);
public void testCallBooleanCallback() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
final boolean[] cbargs = { false, false };
TestLibrary.BooleanCallback cb = new TestLibrary.BooleanCallback() {
public boolean callback(boolean arg, boolean arg2) {
called[0] = true;
cbargs[0] = arg;
cbargs[1] = arg2;
return arg && arg2;
boolean value = lib.callBooleanCallback(cb, true, false);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 1", true, cbargs[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 2", false, cbargs[1]);
assertFalse("Wrong boolean return", value);
public void testCallInt8Callback() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
final byte[] cbargs = { 0, 0 };
TestLibrary.ByteCallback cb = new TestLibrary.ByteCallback() {
public byte callback(byte arg, byte arg2) {
called[0] = true;
cbargs[0] = arg;
cbargs[1] = arg2;
return (byte)(arg + arg2);
final byte MAGIC = 0x11;
byte value = lib.callInt8Callback(cb, MAGIC, (byte)(MAGIC*2));
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 1",
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 2",
assertEquals("Wrong byte return",
value = lib.callInt8Callback(cb, (byte)-1, (byte)-2);
assertEquals("Wrong byte return (hi bit)", (byte)-3, value);
public void testCallInt16Callback() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
final short[] cbargs = { 0, 0 };
TestLibrary.ShortCallback cb = new TestLibrary.ShortCallback() {
public short callback(short arg, short arg2) {
called[0] = true;
cbargs[0] = arg;
cbargs[1] = arg2;
return (short)(arg + arg2);
final short MAGIC = 0x1111;
short value = lib.callInt16Callback(cb, MAGIC, (short)(MAGIC*2));
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 1",
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 2",
assertEquals("Wrong short return",
value = lib.callInt16Callback(cb, (short)-1, (short)-2);
assertEquals("Wrong short return (hi bit)", (short)-3, value);
public void testCallNativeLongCallback() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
final NativeLong[] cbargs = { null, null};
TestLibrary.NativeLongCallback cb = new TestLibrary.NativeLongCallback() {
public NativeLong callback(NativeLong arg, NativeLong arg2) {
called[0] = true;
cbargs[0] = arg;
cbargs[1] = arg2;
return new NativeLong(arg.intValue() + arg2.intValue());
NativeLong value = lib.callNativeLongCallback(cb, new NativeLong(1), new NativeLong(2));
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 1", new NativeLong(1), cbargs[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 2", new NativeLong(2), cbargs[1]);
assertEquals("Wrong boolean return", new NativeLong(3), value);
public void testCallNativeMappedCallback() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
final Custom[] cbargs = { null, null};
TestLibrary.CustomCallback cb = new TestLibrary.CustomCallback() {
public Custom callback(Custom arg, Custom arg2) {
called[0] = true;
cbargs[0] = arg;
cbargs[1] = arg2;
return new Custom(arg.value + arg2.value);
int value = lib.callInt32Callback(cb, 1, 2);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 1", new Custom(1), cbargs[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 2", new Custom(2), cbargs[1]);
assertEquals("Wrong NativeMapped return", 3, value);
public void testCallStringCallback() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
final String[] cbargs = { null };
TestLibrary.StringCallback cb = new TestLibrary.StringCallback() {
public String callback(String arg) {
called[0] = true;
cbargs[0] = arg;
return arg;
final String VALUE = "value" + UNICODE;
String value = lib.callStringCallback(cb, VALUE);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong String callback argument", VALUE, cbargs[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong String return", VALUE, value);
public void testStringCallbackMemoryReclamation() throws InterruptedException {
TestLibrary.StringCallback cb = new TestLibrary.StringCallback() {
public String callback(String arg) {
return arg;
// A little internal groping
Map m = CallbackReference.allocations;
String arg = getName() + "1" + UNICODE;
String value = lib.callStringCallback(cb, arg);
WeakReference ref = new WeakReference(value);
arg = null;
value = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && (ref.get() != null || m.size() > 0); ++i) {
try {
Thread.sleep(10); // Give the GC a chance to run
} finally {}
assertNull("NativeString reference not GC'd", ref.get());
assertEquals("NativeString reference still held: " + m.values(), 0, m.size());
public void testCallWideStringCallback() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
final WString[] cbargs = { null };
TestLibrary.WideStringCallback cb = new TestLibrary.WideStringCallback() {
public WString callback(WString arg) {
called[0] = true;
cbargs[0] = arg;
return arg;
final WString VALUE = new WString("value" + UNICODE);
WString value = lib.callWideStringCallback(cb, VALUE);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 1", VALUE, cbargs[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong wide string return", VALUE, value);
public void testCallStringArrayCallback() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
final String[][] cbargs = { null };
TestLibrary.StringArrayCallback cb = new TestLibrary.StringArrayCallback() {
public String[] callback(String[] arg) {
called[0] = true;
cbargs[0] = arg;
return arg;
final String VALUE = "value" + UNICODE;
final String[] VALUE_ARRAY = { VALUE, null };
Pointer value = lib.callStringArrayCallback(cb, VALUE_ARRAY);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("String[] array should not be modified",
assertEquals("Terminating null should be removed from incoming arg",
VALUE_ARRAY.length-1, cbargs[0].length);
assertEquals("String[] argument index 0 mismatch",
VALUE_ARRAY[0], cbargs[0][0]);
String[] result = value.getStringArray(0);
assertEquals("Wrong String[] return", VALUE_ARRAY[0], result[0]);
assertEquals("Terminating null should be removed from return value",
VALUE_ARRAY.length-1, result.length);
public void testCallCallbackWithByReferenceArgument() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
TestLibrary.CopyArgToByReference cb = new TestLibrary.CopyArgToByReference() {
public int callback(int arg, IntByReference result) {
called[0] = true;
return result.getValue();
final int VALUE = 0;
IntByReference ref = new IntByReference(~VALUE);
int value = lib.callCallbackWithByReferenceArgument(cb, VALUE, ref);
assertEquals("Wrong value returned", VALUE, value);
assertEquals("Wrong value in by reference memory", VALUE, ref.getValue());
public void testCallCallbackWithStructByValue() {
final boolean[] called = { false };
final TestStructure.ByValue[] arg = { null };
final TestStructure.ByValue s = new TestStructure.ByValue();
TestStructure.TestCallback cb = new TestStructure.TestCallback() {
public TestStructure.ByValue callback(TestStructure.ByValue s) {
// Copy the argument value for later comparison
called[0] = true;
return arg[0] = s;
s.c = (byte)0x11;
s.s = 0x2222;
s.i = 0x33333333;
s.j = 0x4444444444444444L;
s.inner.value = 5;
TestStructure result = lib.callCallbackWithStructByValue(cb, s);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertTrue("ByValue argument should own its own memory, instead was "
+ arg[0].getPointer(), arg[0].getPointer() instanceof Memory);
assertTrue("ByValue result should own its own memory, instead was "
+ result.getPointer(), result.getPointer() instanceof Memory);
assertEquals("Wrong value for callback argument", s, arg[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong value for callback result", s, result);
public void testUnionByValueCallbackArgument() throws Exception{
TestLibrary.TestUnion arg = new TestLibrary.TestUnion();
final String VALUE = getName() + UNICODE;
arg.f1 = VALUE;
final boolean[] called = { false };
final TestLibrary.TestUnion[] cbvalue = { null };
TestLibrary.TestUnion result = lib.testUnionByValueCallbackArgument(new TestLibrary.UnionCallback() {
public TestLibrary.TestUnion invoke(TestLibrary.TestUnion v) {
called[0] = true;
cbvalue[0] = v;
return v;
}, arg);
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertTrue("ByValue argument should have its own allocated memory, instead was "
+ cbvalue[0].getPointer(),
cbvalue[0].getPointer() instanceof Memory);
assertEquals("Wrong value for callback argument", VALUE, cbvalue[0].f1);
assertEquals("Wrong value for callback result", VALUE, result.getTypedValue(String.class));
public void testCallCallbackWithCallbackArgumentAndResult() {
TestLibrary.CbCallback cb = new TestLibrary.CbCallback() {
public CbCallback callback(CbCallback arg) {
return arg;
TestLibrary.CbCallback cb2 = lib.callCallbackWithCallback(cb);
assertEquals("Callback reference should be reused", cb, cb2);
public void testDefaultCallbackExceptionHandler() {
final RuntimeException ERROR = new RuntimeException(getName());
PrintStream ps = System.err;
ByteArrayOutputStream s = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
System.setErr(new PrintStream(s));
try {
TestLibrary.CbCallback cb = new TestLibrary.CbCallback() {
public CbCallback callback(CbCallback arg) {
throw ERROR;
TestLibrary.CbCallback cb2 = lib.callCallbackWithCallback(cb);
String output = s.toString();
assertTrue("Default handler not called", output.length() > 0);
finally {
// Most Callbacks are wrapped in DefaultCallbackProxy, which catches their
// exceptions.
public void testCallbackExceptionHandler() {
final RuntimeException ERROR = new RuntimeException(getName());
final Throwable CAUGHT[] = { null };
final Callback CALLBACK[] = { null };
UncaughtExceptionHandler old = Native.getCallbackExceptionHandler();
UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
public void uncaughtException(Callback cb, Throwable e) {
CALLBACK[0] = cb;
CAUGHT[0] = e;
try {
TestLibrary.CbCallback cb = new TestLibrary.CbCallback() {
public CbCallback callback(CbCallback arg) {
throw ERROR;
TestLibrary.CbCallback cb2 = lib.callCallbackWithCallback(cb);
assertNotNull("Exception handler not called", CALLBACK[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument to handler", cb, CALLBACK[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong exception passed to handler",
finally {
// CallbackProxy is called directly from native.
public void testCallbackExceptionHandlerWithCallbackProxy() throws Throwable {
final RuntimeException ERROR = new RuntimeException(getName());
final Throwable CAUGHT[] = { null };
final Callback CALLBACK[] = { null };
UncaughtExceptionHandler old = Native.getCallbackExceptionHandler();
UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
public void uncaughtException(Callback cb, Throwable e) {
CALLBACK[0] = cb;
CAUGHT[0] = e;
try {
class TestProxy implements CallbackProxy, TestLibrary.CbCallback {
public CbCallback callback(CbCallback arg) {
throw new Error("Should never be called");
public Object callback(Object[] args) {
throw ERROR;
public Class[] getParameterTypes() {
return new Class[] { CbCallback.class };
public Class getReturnType() {
return CbCallback.class;
TestLibrary.CbCallback cb = new TestProxy();
TestLibrary.CbCallback cb2 = lib.callCallbackWithCallback(cb);
assertNotNull("Exception handler not called", CALLBACK[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument to handler", cb, CALLBACK[0]);
assertEquals("Wrong exception passed to handler",
finally {
public void testResetCallbackExceptionHandler() {
assertNotNull("Should not be able to set callback EH null",
public void testInvokeCallback() {
TestLibrary.Int32CallbackX cb = lib.returnCallback();
assertNotNull("Callback should not be null", cb);
assertEquals("Callback should be callable", 1, cb.callback(1));
TestLibrary.Int32CallbackX cb2 = new TestLibrary.Int32CallbackX() {
public int callback(int arg) {
return 0;
assertSame("Java callback should be looked up",
cb2, lib.returnCallbackArgument(cb2));
assertSame("Existing native function wrapper should be reused",
cb, lib.returnCallbackArgument(cb));
public void testCallCallbackInStructure() {
final boolean[] flag = {false};
final TestLibrary.CbStruct s = new TestLibrary.CbStruct();
s.cb = new Callback() {
public void callback() {
flag[0] = true;
assertTrue("Callback not invoked", flag[0]);
public void testCustomCallbackMethodName() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
TestLibrary.VoidCallbackCustom cb = new TestLibrary.VoidCallbackCustom() {
public void customMethodName() {
called[0] = true;
public String toString() {
return "Some debug output";
assertTrue("Callback with custom method name not called", called[0]);
public void testDisallowDetachFromJVMThread() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
final boolean[] exceptionThrown = {true};
TestLibrary.VoidCallback cb = new TestLibrary.VoidCallback() {
public void callback() {
called[0] = true;
try {
catch(IllegalStateException e) {
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertTrue("Native.detach(true) should throw IllegalStateException when called from JVM thread", exceptionThrown[0]);
public void testCustomCallbackVariedInheritance() {
final boolean[] called = {false};
TestLibrary.VoidCallbackCustom cb =
new TestLibrary.VoidCallbackCustomDerived();
public static interface CallbackTestLibrary extends Library {
final TypeMapper _MAPPER = new DefaultTypeMapper() {
// Convert java doubles into native integers and back
TypeConverter converter = new TypeConverter() {
public Object fromNative(Object value, FromNativeContext context) {
return new Double(((Integer)value).intValue());
public Class nativeType() {
return Integer.class;
public Object toNative(Object value, ToNativeContext ctx) {
return new Integer(((Double)value).intValue());
addTypeConverter(double.class, converter);
converter = new TypeConverter() {
public Object fromNative(Object value, FromNativeContext context) {
return new Float(((Long)value).intValue());
public Class nativeType() {
return Long.class;
public Object toNative(Object value, ToNativeContext ctx) {
return new Long(((Float)value).longValue());
addTypeConverter(float.class, converter);
final Map _OPTIONS = new HashMap() {
interface DoubleCallback extends Callback {
double callback(double arg, double arg2);
double callInt32Callback(DoubleCallback c, double arg, double arg2);
interface FloatCallback extends Callback {
float callback(float arg, float arg2);
float callInt64Callback(FloatCallback c, float arg, float arg2);
protected CallbackTestLibrary loadCallbackTestLibrary() {
return (CallbackTestLibrary)
Native.loadLibrary("testlib", CallbackTestLibrary.class, CallbackTestLibrary._OPTIONS);
/** This test is here instead of NativeTest in order to facilitate running
the exact same test on a direct-mapped library without the tests
interfering with one another due to persistent/cached state in library
public void testCallbackUsesTypeMapper() throws Exception {
CallbackTestLibrary lib = loadCallbackTestLibrary();
final double[] ARGS = new double[2];
CallbackTestLibrary.DoubleCallback cb = new CallbackTestLibrary.DoubleCallback() {
public double callback(double arg, double arg2) {
ARGS[0] = arg;
ARGS[1] = arg2;
return arg + arg2;
assertEquals("Wrong type mapper for callback class", lib._MAPPER,
assertEquals("Wrong type mapper for callback object", lib._MAPPER,
double result = lib.callInt32Callback(cb, -1, -1);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 1", -1, ARGS[0], 0);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 2", -1, ARGS[1], 0);
assertEquals("Incorrect result of callback invocation", -2, result, 0);
public void testCallbackUsesTypeMapperWithDifferentReturnTypeSize() throws Exception {
CallbackTestLibrary lib = loadCallbackTestLibrary();
final float[] ARGS = new float[2];
CallbackTestLibrary.FloatCallback cb = new CallbackTestLibrary.FloatCallback() {
public float callback(float arg, float arg2) {
ARGS[0] = arg;
ARGS[1] = arg2;
return arg + arg2;
assertEquals("Wrong type mapper for callback class", lib._MAPPER,
assertEquals("Wrong type mapper for callback object", lib._MAPPER,
float result = lib.callInt64Callback(cb, -1, -1);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 1", -1, ARGS[0], 0);
assertEquals("Wrong callback argument 2", -1, ARGS[1], 0);
assertEquals("Incorrect result of callback invocation", -2, result, 0);
protected void callThreadedCallback(TestLibrary.VoidCallback cb,
CallbackThreadInitializer cti,
int repeat, int sleepms,
int[] called) throws Exception {
callThreadedCallback(cb, cti, repeat, sleepms, called, repeat);
protected void callThreadedCallback(TestLibrary.VoidCallback cb,
CallbackThreadInitializer cti,
int repeat, int sleepms,
int[] called, int returnAfter) throws Exception {
if (cti != null) {
Native.setCallbackThreadInitializer(cb, cti);
lib.callVoidCallbackThreaded(cb, repeat, sleepms, getName());
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (called[0] < returnAfter) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > THREAD_TIMEOUT) {
fail("Timed out waiting for callback, invoked " + called[0] + " times so far");
public void testCallbackThreadDefaults() throws Exception {
final int[] called = {0};
final boolean[] daemon = {false};
final String[] name = { null };
final ThreadGroup[] group = { null };
final Thread[] t = { null };
ThreadGroup testGroup = new ThreadGroup(getName() + UNICODE);
TestLibrary.VoidCallback cb = new TestLibrary.VoidCallback() {
public void callback() {
Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
daemon[0] = thread.isDaemon();
name[0] = thread.getName();
group[0] = thread.getThreadGroup();
t[0] = thread;
callThreadedCallback(cb, null, 1, 100, called);
assertFalse("Callback thread default should not be attached as daemon", daemon[0]);
// thread name and group are not defined
public void testCustomizeCallbackThread() throws Exception {
final int[] called = {0};
final boolean[] daemon = {false};
final String[] name = { null };
final ThreadGroup[] group = { null };
final Thread[] t = { null };
// Ensure unicode is properly handled
final String tname = "NAME: " + getName() + UNICODE;
final boolean[] alive = {false};
ThreadGroup testGroup = new ThreadGroup("Thread group for " + getName());
CallbackThreadInitializer init = new CallbackThreadInitializer(true, false, tname, testGroup);
TestLibrary.VoidCallback cb = new TestLibrary.VoidCallback() {
public void callback() {
Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
daemon[0] = thread.isDaemon();
name[0] = thread.getName();
group[0] = thread.getThreadGroup();
t[0] = thread;
if (thread.isAlive()) {
// NOTE: older phoneME incorrectly reports thread "alive" status
alive[0] = true;
if (++called[0] == 2) {
// Allow the thread to exit
callThreadedCallback(cb, init, 2, 2000, called, 1);
assertTrue("Callback thread not attached as daemon", daemon[0]);
assertEquals("Callback thread name not applied", tname, name[0]);
assertEquals("Callback thread group not applied", testGroup, group[0]);
// NOTE: older phoneME incorrectly reports thread "alive" status
if (!alive[0]) {
throw new Error("VM incorrectly reports Thread.isAlive() == false within callback");
assertTrue("Thread should still be alive", t[0].isAlive());
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (called[0] < 2) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > THREAD_TIMEOUT) {
fail("Timed out waiting for second callback invocation, which indicates detach");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (t[0].isAlive()) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > THREAD_TIMEOUT) {
fail("Timed out waiting for thread to detach and terminate");
// Detach preference is indicated by the initializer. Thread is attached
// as daemon to allow VM to reclaim it.
public void testCallbackThreadPersistence() throws Exception {
final int[] called = {0};
final Set threads = new HashSet();
final int COUNT = 5;
CallbackThreadInitializer init = new CallbackThreadInitializer(true, false) {
public String getName(Callback cb) {
return "Test thread (native) for " + CallbacksTest.this.getName() + " (call count: " + called[0] + ")";
TestLibrary.VoidCallback cb = new TestLibrary.VoidCallback() {
public void callback() {
callThreadedCallback(cb, init, COUNT, 100, called);
assertEquals("Multiple callbacks on a given native thread should use the same Thread mapping: " + threads,
1, threads.size());
// Thread object is never GC'd on linux-amd64 and darwin-amd64 (w/openjdk7)
public void testCleanupUndetachedThreadOnThreadExit() throws Exception {
final Set threads = new HashSet();
final int[] called = { 0 };
TestLibrary.VoidCallback cb = new TestLibrary.VoidCallback() {
public void callback() {
threads.add(new WeakReference(Thread.currentThread()));
if (++called[0] == 1) {
Thread.currentThread().setName(getName() + " (Thread to be cleaned up)");
// Always attach as daemon to ensure tests will exit
CallbackThreadInitializer asDaemon = new CallbackThreadInitializer(true) {
public String getName(Callback cb) {
return "Test thread (native) for " + CallbacksTest.this.getName();
callThreadedCallback(cb, asDaemon, 2, 100, called);
// Wait for it to start up
while (threads.size() == 0 && called[0] == 0) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
WeakReference ref = (WeakReference)threads.iterator().next();
while (ref.get() != null) {
Thread[] remaining = new Thread[Thread.activeCount()];
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > THREAD_TIMEOUT) {
Thread t = (Thread)ref.get();
Pointer terminationFlag = Native.getTerminationFlag(t);
assertNotNull("Native thread termination flag is missing", terminationFlag);
if (terminationFlag.getInt(0) == 0) {
fail("Timed out waiting for native attached thread to be GC'd: " + t + " alive: "
+ t.isAlive() + " daemon: " + t.isDaemon() + "\n" + Arrays.asList(remaining));
System.err.println("Warning: JVM did not GC Thread mapping after native thread terminated");
// Callback indicates detach preference (instead of
// CallbackThreadInitializer); thread is non-daemon (default),
// but callback explicitly detaches it on final invocation.
public void testCallbackIndicatedThreadDetach() throws Exception {
final int[] called = {0};
final Set threads = new HashSet();
final int COUNT = 5;
TestLibrary.VoidCallback cb = new TestLibrary.VoidCallback() {
public void callback() {
// detach on final invocation
int count = called[0] + 1;
if (count == 1) {
Thread.currentThread().setName("Native thread for " + getName());
else if (count == COUNT) {
called[0] = count;
callThreadedCallback(cb, null, COUNT, 100, called);
assertEquals("Multiple callbacks in the same native thread should use the same Thread mapping: "
+ threads, 1, threads.size());
Thread thread = (Thread)threads.iterator().next();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (thread.isAlive()) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > THREAD_TIMEOUT) {
fail("Timed out waiting for native thread " + thread + " to finish");
public void testDLLCallback() throws Exception {
if (!Platform.HAS_DLL_CALLBACKS) {
final boolean[] called = { false };
class TestCallback implements TestLibrary.VoidCallback, com.sun.jna.win32.DLLCallback {
public void callback() {
called[0] = true;
TestCallback cb = new TestCallback();
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
// Check module information
Pointer fp = CallbackReference.getFunctionPointer(cb);
NativeLibrary kernel32 = NativeLibrary.getInstance("kernel32", W32APIOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
Function f = kernel32.getFunction("GetModuleHandleExW");
PointerByReference pref = new PointerByReference();
int result = f.invokeInt(new Object[] { new Integer(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_FROM_ADDRESS), fp, pref });
assertTrue("GetModuleHandleEx(fptr) failed: " + Native.getLastError(), result != 0);
f = kernel32.getFunction("GetModuleFileNameW");
char[] buf = new char[1024];
result = f.invokeInt(new Object[] { pref.getValue(), buf, buf.length });
assertTrue("GetModuleFileName(fptr) failed: " + Native.getLastError(), result != 0);
f = kernel32.getFunction("GetModuleHandleW");
Pointer handle = f.invokePointer(new Object[] { Native.jnidispatchPath != null ? Native.jnidispatchPath : "jnidispatch" });
assertNotNull("GetModuleHandle(\"jnidispatch\") failed: " + Native.getLastError(), handle);
assertEquals("Wrong module HANDLE for DLL function pointer", handle, pref.getValue());
// Check slot re-use
Map refs = new WeakHashMap(callbackCache());
assertTrue("Callback not cached", refs.containsKey(cb));
CallbackReference ref = (CallbackReference)refs.get(cb);
refs = callbackCache();
Pointer cbstruct = ref.cbstruct;
Pointer first_fptr = cbstruct.getPointer(0);
cb = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && (ref.get() != null || refs.containsValue(ref)); ++i) {
Thread.sleep(10); // Give the GC a chance to run
assertNull("Callback not GC'd", ref.get());
assertFalse("Callback still in map", refs.containsValue(ref));
ref = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && (cbstruct.peer != 0 || refs.size() > 0); ++i) {
// Flush weak hash map
Thread.sleep(10); // Give the GC a chance to run
assertEquals("Callback trampoline not freed", 0, cbstruct.peer);
// Next allocation should be at same place
called[0] = false;
cb = new TestCallback();
ref = (CallbackReference)refs.get(cb);
cbstruct = ref.cbstruct;
assertTrue("Callback not called", called[0]);
assertEquals("Same (in-DLL) address should be re-used for DLL callbacks after callback is GCd",
first_fptr, cbstruct.getPointer(0));
public void testThrowOutOfMemoryWhenDLLCallbacksExhausted() throws Exception {
if (!Platform.HAS_DLL_CALLBACKS) {
final boolean[] called = { false };
class TestCallback implements TestLibrary.VoidCallback, com.sun.jna.win32.DLLCallback {
public void callback() {
called[0] = true;
// Exceeding allocations should result in OOM error
try {
for (int i=0;i <= TestCallback.DLL_FPTRS;i++) {
lib.callVoidCallback(new TestCallback());
fail("Expected out of memory error when all DLL callbacks used");
catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
public static void main(java.lang.String[] argList) {