/* Copyright (C) 2006 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further
information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */
package cc.mallet.grmm.learning;
import cc.mallet.grmm.inference.Inferencer;
import cc.mallet.grmm.types.*;
import cc.mallet.optimize.Optimizable;
import cc.mallet.types.*;
import cc.mallet.util.FileUtils;
import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger;
import cc.mallet.util.Maths;
import cc.mallet.util.Timing;
import cc.mallet.grmm.util.CachingOptimizable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Implementation of piecewise PL (Sutton and McCallum, 2007)
* NB The wrong-wrong options are for an extension that we tried that never quite worked
* Created: Mar 15, 2005
* @author <A HREF="mailto:casutton@cs.umass.edu>casutton@cs.umass.edu</A>
* @version $Id: BiconditionalPiecewiseACRFTrainer.java,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:40 mccallum Exp $
public class PwplACRFTrainer extends DefaultAcrfTrainer {
private static final Logger logger = MalletLogger.getLogger (PwplACRFTrainer.class.getName ());
public static boolean printGradient = false;
public static final int NO_WRONG_WRONG = 0;
public static final int CONDITION_WW = 1;
private int wrongWrongType = NO_WRONG_WRONG;
private int wrongWrongIter = 10;
private double wrongWrongThreshold = 0.1;
private File outputPrefix = new File (".");
public Optimizable.ByGradientValue createOptimizable (ACRF acrf, InstanceList training)
return new PwplACRFTrainer.Maxable (acrf, training);
public double getWrongWrongThreshold ()
return wrongWrongThreshold;
public void setWrongWrongThreshold (double wrongWrongThreshold)
this.wrongWrongThreshold = wrongWrongThreshold;
public void setWrongWrongType (int wrongWrongType)
this.wrongWrongType = wrongWrongType;
public void setWrongWrongIter (int wrongWrongIter)
this.wrongWrongIter = wrongWrongIter;
public boolean train (ACRF acrf, InstanceList trainingList, InstanceList validationList, InstanceList testSet,
ACRFEvaluator eval, int numIter, Optimizable.ByGradientValue macrf)
if (wrongWrongType == NO_WRONG_WRONG) {
return super.train (acrf, trainingList, validationList, testSet, eval, numIter, macrf);
} else {
Maxable bipwMaxable = (Maxable) macrf;
// add wrong wrongs after 5 iterations
logger.info ("BiconditionalPiecewiseACRFTrainer: Initial training");
super.train (acrf, trainingList, validationList, testSet, eval, wrongWrongIter, macrf);
FileUtils.writeGzippedObject (new File (outputPrefix, "initial-acrf.ser.gz"), acrf);
logger.info ("BiconditionalPiecewiseACRFTrainer: Adding wrong-wrongs");
bipwMaxable.addWrongWrong (trainingList);
logger.info ("BiconditionalPiecewiseACRFTrainer: Adding wrong-wrongs");
boolean converged = super.train (acrf, trainingList, validationList, testSet, eval, numIter, macrf);
reportTrainingLikelihood (acrf, trainingList);
return converged;
// Reports true joint likelihood of estimated parameters on the training set.
public static void reportTrainingLikelihood (ACRF acrf, InstanceList trainingList)
double total = 0;
Inferencer inf = acrf.getInferencer ();
for (int i = 0; i < trainingList.size (); i++) {
Instance inst = trainingList.get (i);
ACRF.UnrolledGraph unrolled = acrf.unroll (inst);
inf.computeMarginals (unrolled);
double lik = inf.lookupLogJoint (unrolled.getAssignment ());
total += lik;
logger.info ("...instance "+i+" likelihood = "+lik);
logger.info ("Unregularized joint likelihood = "+total);
public class Maxable extends CachingOptimizable.ByGradient {
private ACRF acrf;
InstanceList trainData;
private ACRF.Template[] templates;
protected BitSet infiniteValues = null;
private int numParameters;
private static final double DEFAULT_GAUSSIAN_PRIOR_VARIANCE = 10.0;
public double getGaussianPriorVariance ()
return gaussianPriorVariance;
public void setGaussianPriorVariance (double gaussianPriorVariance)
this.gaussianPriorVariance = gaussianPriorVariance;
private double gaussianPriorVariance = PwplACRFTrainer.Maxable.DEFAULT_GAUSSIAN_PRIOR_VARIANCE;
/* Vectors that contain the counts of features observed in the
training data. Maps
(clique-template x feature-number) => count
SparseVector constraints[][];
/* Vectors that contain the expected value over the
* labels of all the features, have seen the training data
* (but not the training labels).
SparseVector expectations[][];
SparseVector defaultConstraints[];
SparseVector defaultExpectations[];
private void initWeights (InstanceList training)
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
numParameters += templates[tidx].initWeights (training);
/* Initialize constraints[][] and expectations[][]
* to have the same dimensions as weights, but to
* be all zero.
private void initConstraintsExpectations ()
// Do the defaults first
defaultConstraints = new SparseVector [templates.length];
defaultExpectations = new SparseVector [templates.length];
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
SparseVector defaults = templates[tidx].getDefaultWeights ();
defaultConstraints[tidx] = (SparseVector) defaults.cloneMatrixZeroed ();
defaultExpectations[tidx] = (SparseVector) defaults.cloneMatrixZeroed ();
// And now the others
constraints = new SparseVector [templates.length][];
expectations = new SparseVector [templates.length][];
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
ACRF.Template tmpl = templates[tidx];
SparseVector[] weights = tmpl.getWeights ();
constraints[tidx] = new SparseVector [weights.length];
expectations[tidx] = new SparseVector [weights.length];
for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
constraints[tidx][i] = (SparseVector) weights[i].cloneMatrixZeroed ();
expectations[tidx][i] = (SparseVector) weights[i].cloneMatrixZeroed ();
private int numCvgaCalls = 0;
private long timePerCvgaCall = 0;
void resetProfilingForCall ()
numCvgaCalls = 0;
timePerCvgaCall = 0;
* Set all expectations to 0 after they've been
* initialized.
void resetExpectations ()
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < expectations.length; tidx++) {
defaultExpectations[tidx].setAll (0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < expectations[tidx].length; i++) {
expectations[tidx][i].setAll (0.0);
void resetConstraints ()
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < constraints.length; tidx++) {
defaultConstraints[tidx].setAll (0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < constraints[tidx].length; i++) {
constraints[tidx][i].setAll (0.0);
protected Maxable (ACRF acrf, InstanceList ilist)
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.finest ("Initializing OptimizableACRF.");
this.acrf = acrf;
templates = acrf.getTemplates ();
/* allocate for weights, constraints and expectations */
this.trainData = ilist;
initWeights (trainData);
initConstraintsExpectations ();
int numInstances = trainData.size ();
cachedValueStale = cachedGradientStale = true;
if (cacheUnrolledGraphs) {
unrolledGraphs = new UnrolledGraph [numInstances];
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.info ("Number of training instances = " + numInstances);
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.info ("Number of parameters = " + numParameters);
describePrior ();
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.fine ("Computing constraints");
collectConstraints (trainData);
private void describePrior ()
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.info ("Using gaussian prior with variance " + gaussianPriorVariance);
public int getNumParameters () { return numParameters; }
/* Negate initialValue and finalValue because the parameters are in
* terms of "weights", not "values".
public void getParameters (double[] buf)
if (buf.length != numParameters) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Argument is not of the " +
" correct dimensions");
int idx = 0;
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
ACRF.Template tmpl = templates[tidx];
SparseVector defaults = tmpl.getDefaultWeights ();
double[] values = defaults.getValues ();
System.arraycopy (values, 0, buf, idx, values.length);
idx += values.length;
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
ACRF.Template tmpl = templates[tidx];
SparseVector[] weights = tmpl.getWeights ();
for (int assn = 0; assn < weights.length; assn++) {
double[] values = weights[assn].getValues ();
System.arraycopy (values, 0, buf, idx, values.length);
idx += values.length;
protected void setParametersInternal (double[] params)
cachedValueStale = cachedGradientStale = true;
int idx = 0;
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
ACRF.Template tmpl = templates[tidx];
SparseVector defaults = tmpl.getDefaultWeights ();
double[] values = defaults.getValues ();
System.arraycopy (params, idx, values, 0, values.length);
idx += values.length;
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
ACRF.Template tmpl = templates[tidx];
SparseVector[] weights = tmpl.getWeights ();
for (int assn = 0; assn < weights.length; assn++) {
double[] values = weights[assn].getValues ();
System.arraycopy (params, idx, values, 0, values.length);
idx += values.length;
// Functions for unit tests to get constraints and expectations
// I'm too lazy to make a deep copy. Callers should not
// modify these.
public SparseVector[] getExpectations (int cnum) { return expectations[cnum]; }
public SparseVector[] getConstraints (int cnum) { return constraints[cnum]; }
* print weights
public void printParameters ()
double[] buf = new double[numParameters];
getParameters (buf);
int len = buf.length;
for (int w = 0; w < len; w++)
System.out.print (buf[w] + "\t");
System.out.println ();
protected double computeValue ()
double retval = 0.0;
int numInstances = trainData.size ();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
long unrollTime = 0;
resetProfilingForCall ();
/* Instance values must either always or never be included in
* the total values; we can't just sometimes skip a value
* because it is infinite, that throws off the total values.
* We only allow an instance to have infinite value if it happens
* from the start (we don't compute the value for the instance
* after the first round. If any other instance has infinite
* value after that it is an error. */
boolean initializingInfiniteValues = false;
if (infiniteValues == null) {
/* We could initialize bitset with one slot for every
* instance, but it is *probably* cheaper not to, taking the
* time hit to allocate the space if a bit becomes
* necessary. */
infiniteValues = new BitSet ();
initializingInfiniteValues = true;
/* Clear the sufficient statistics that we are about to fill */
resetExpectations ();
/* Fill in expectations for each instance */
for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) {
Instance instance = trainData.get (i);
/* Compute marginals for each clique */
long unrollStart = System.currentTimeMillis ();
ACRF.UnrolledGraph unrolled = acrf.unrollStructureOnly (instance);
// ACRF.UnrolledGraph unrolled = new ACRF.UnrolledGraph (instance, templates, Arrays.asList (fixedTmpls), false);
long unrollEnd = System.currentTimeMillis ();
unrollTime += (unrollEnd - unrollStart);
// if (unrolled.numVariables () == 0) continue; // Happens if all nodes are pruned.
/* Save the expected value of each feature for when we
compute the gradient. */
Assignment observations = unrolled.getAssignment ();
double value = collectExpectationsAndValue (unrolled, observations, i);
if (Double.isInfinite (value)) {
if (initializingInfiniteValues) {
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.warning ("Instance " + instance.getName () +
" has infinite value; skipping.");
infiniteValues.set (i);
// continue;
} else if (!infiniteValues.get (i)) {
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.warning ("Infinite value on instance " + instance.getName () +
"returning -infinity");
printDebugInfo (unrolled);
throw new IllegalStateException
("Instance " + instance.getName()+ " used to have non-infinite"
+ " value, but now it has infinite value.");
} else if (Double.isNaN (value)) {
System.out.println ("NaN on instance " + i + " : " + instance.getName ());
printDebugInfo (unrolled);
/* throw new IllegalStateException
("Value is NaN in ACRF.getValue() Instance "+i);
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.warning ("Value is NaN in ACRF.getValue() Instance " + i + " : " +
"returning -infinity... ");
} else {
retval += value;
/* Incorporate Gaussian prior on parameters. This means
that for each weight, we will add w^2 / (2 * variance) to the
log probability. */
double priorDenom = 2 * gaussianPriorVariance;
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
SparseVector[] weights = templates[tidx].getWeights ();
for (int j = 0; j < weights.length; j++) {
for (int fnum = 0; fnum < weights[j].numLocations (); fnum++) {
double w = weights[j].valueAtLocation (fnum);
if (weightValid (w, tidx, j)) {
retval += -w * w / priorDenom;
long end = System.currentTimeMillis ();
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.info ("ACRF Inference time (ms) = " + (end - start));
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.info ("ACRF unroll time (ms) = " + unrollTime);
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.info ("getValue (loglikelihood) = " + retval);
logger.info ("Number cVGA calls = " + numCvgaCalls);
logger.info ("Total cVGA time (ms) = " + timePerCvgaCall);
return retval;
* Computes the gradient of the penalized log likelihood of the
* ACRF, and places it in cachedGradient[].
* <p/>
* Gradient is
* constraint - expectation - parameters/gaussianPriorVariance
protected void computeValueGradient (double[] grad)
/* Index into current element of cachedGradient[] array. */
int gidx = 0;
// First do gradient wrt defaultWeights
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
SparseVector theseWeights = templates[tidx].getDefaultWeights ();
SparseVector theseConstraints = defaultConstraints[tidx];
SparseVector theseExpectations = defaultExpectations[tidx];
for (int j = 0; j < theseWeights.numLocations (); j++) {
double weight = theseWeights.valueAtLocation (j);
double constraint = theseConstraints.valueAtLocation (j);
double expectation = theseExpectations.valueAtLocation (j);
if (PwplACRFTrainer.printGradient) {
System.out.println (" gradient [" + gidx + "] = " + constraint + " (ctr) - " + expectation + " (exp) - " +
(weight / gaussianPriorVariance) + " (reg) [feature=DEFAULT]");
grad[gidx++] = constraint - expectation - (weight / gaussianPriorVariance);
// Now do other weights
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
ACRF.Template tmpl = templates[tidx];
SparseVector[] weights = tmpl.getWeights ();
for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
SparseVector thisWeightVec = weights[i];
SparseVector thisConstraintVec = constraints[tidx][i];
SparseVector thisExpectationVec = expectations[tidx][i];
for (int j = 0; j < thisWeightVec.numLocations (); j++) {
double w = thisWeightVec.valueAtLocation (j);
double gradient; // Computed below
double constraint = thisConstraintVec.valueAtLocation (j);
double expectation = thisExpectationVec.valueAtLocation (j);
/* A parameter may be set to -infinity by an external user.
* We set gradient to 0 because the parameter's value can
* never change anyway and it will mess up future calculations
* on the matrix. */
if (Double.isInfinite (w)) {
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.warning ("Infinite weight for node index " + i +
" feature " +
acrf.getInputAlphabet ().lookupObject (j));
gradient = 0.0;
} else {
gradient = constraint
- (w / gaussianPriorVariance)
- expectation;
if (PwplACRFTrainer.printGradient) {
int idx = thisWeightVec.indexAtLocation (j);
Object fname = acrf.getInputAlphabet ().lookupObject (idx);
System.out.println (" gradient [" + gidx + "] = " + constraint + " (ctr) - " + expectation + " (exp) - " +
(w / gaussianPriorVariance) + " (reg) [feature=" + fname + "]");
grad[gidx++] = gradient;
* For every feature f_k, computes the expected value of f_k
* aver all possible label sequences given the list of instances
* we have.
* <p/>
* These values are stored in collector, that is,
* collector[i][j][k] gets the expected value for the
* feature for clique i, label assignment j, and input features k.
private double collectExpectationsAndValue (ACRF.UnrolledGraph unrolled, Assignment observations, int inum)
double value = 0.0;
for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
ACRF.UnrolledVarSet clique = (ACRF.UnrolledVarSet) it.next ();
ACRF.Template tmpl = clique.getTemplate ();
int tidx = tmpl.index;
if (tidx == -1) continue;
for (int vi = 0; vi < clique.size (); vi++) {
Variable target = clique.get (vi);
value += computeValueGradientForAssn (observations, clique, target);
switch (wrongWrongType) {
value += addConditionalWW (unrolled, inum);
throw new IllegalStateException ();
return value;
private double addConditionalWW (ACRF.UnrolledGraph unrolled, int inum)
double value = 0;
if (allWrongWrongs != null) {
List wrongs = allWrongWrongs[inum];
for (Iterator it = wrongs.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
WrongWrong ww = (WrongWrong) it.next ();
Variable target = ww.findVariable (unrolled);
ACRF.UnrolledVarSet clique = ww.findVarSet (unrolled);
Assignment wrong = Assignment.makeFromSingleIndex (clique, ww.assnIdx);
// System.out.println ("Computing for WW: "+clique+" idx "+ww.assnIdx+" target "+target);
value += computeValueGradientForAssn (wrong, clique, target);
return value;
private double computeValueGradientForAssn (Assignment observations, ACRF.UnrolledVarSet clique, Variable target)
Timing timing = new Timing ();
ACRF.Template tmpl = clique.getTemplate ();
int tidx = tmpl.index;
Assignment cliqueAssn = Assignment.restriction (observations, clique);
int M = target.getNumOutcomes ();
double[] vals = new double [M];
int[] singles = new int [M];
for (int assnIdx = 0; assnIdx < M; assnIdx++) {
cliqueAssn.setValue (target, assnIdx);
vals[assnIdx] = computeLogFactorValue (cliqueAssn, tmpl, clique.getFv ());
singles[assnIdx] = cliqueAssn.singleIndex ();
double logZ = Maths.sumLogProb (vals);
for (int assnIdx = 0; assnIdx < M; assnIdx++) {
double marginal = Math.exp (vals[assnIdx] - logZ);
int expIdx = singles[assnIdx];
expectations[tidx][expIdx].plusEqualsSparse (clique.getFv (), marginal);
if (defaultExpectations[tidx].location (expIdx) != -1) {
defaultExpectations[tidx].incrementValue (expIdx, marginal);
int observedVal = observations.get (target);
timePerCvgaCall += timing.elapsedTime ();
return vals[observedVal] - logZ;
private double computeLogFactorValue (Assignment cliqueAssn, ACRF.Template tmpl, FeatureVector fv)
SparseVector[] weights = tmpl.getWeights ();
int idx = cliqueAssn.singleIndex ();
SparseVector w = weights[idx];
double dp = w.dotProduct (fv);
dp += tmpl.getDefaultWeight (idx);
return dp;
public void collectConstraints (InstanceList ilist)
for (int inum = 0; inum < ilist.size (); inum++) {
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.finest ("*** Collecting constraints for instance " + inum);
Instance inst = ilist.get (inum);
ACRF.UnrolledGraph unrolled = new ACRF.UnrolledGraph (inst, templates, null, false);
for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
ACRF.UnrolledVarSet clique = (ACRF.UnrolledVarSet) it.next ();
int tidx = clique.getTemplate ().index;
if (tidx == -1) continue;
int assn = clique.lookupAssignmentNumber ();
constraints[tidx][assn].plusEqualsSparse (clique.getFv (), clique.size ());
if (defaultConstraints[tidx].location (assn) != -1) {
defaultConstraints[tidx].incrementValue (assn, clique.size ());
// constraints for wrong-wrongs for instance
if (allWrongWrongs != null) {
List wrongs = allWrongWrongs[inum];
for (Iterator wwIt = wrongs.iterator (); wwIt.hasNext ();) {
WrongWrong ww = (WrongWrong) wwIt.next ();
ACRF.UnrolledVarSet clique = ww.findVarSet (unrolled);
int tidx = clique.getTemplate ().index;
int wrong2rightId = ww.assnIdx;
constraints[tidx][wrong2rightId].plusEqualsSparse (clique.getFv (), 1.0);
if (defaultConstraints[tidx].location (wrong2rightId) != -1) {
defaultConstraints[tidx].incrementValue (wrong2rightId, 1.0);
void dumpGradientToFile (String fileName)
try {
double[] grad = new double [getNumParameters ()];
getValueGradient (grad);
PrintStream w = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (fileName));
for (int i = 0; i < numParameters; i++) {
w.println (grad[i]);
w.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println ("Could not open output file.");
e.printStackTrace ();
void dumpDefaults ()
System.out.println ("Default constraints");
for (int i = 0; i < defaultConstraints.length; i++) {
System.out.println ("Template " + i);
defaultConstraints[i].print ();
System.out.println ("Default expectations");
for (int i = 0; i < defaultExpectations.length; i++) {
System.out.println ("Template " + i);
defaultExpectations[i].print ();
void printDebugInfo (ACRF.UnrolledGraph unrolled)
acrf.print (System.err);
Assignment assn = unrolled.getAssignment ();
for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
ACRF.UnrolledVarSet clique = (ACRF.UnrolledVarSet) it.next ();
System.out.println ("Clique " + clique);
dumpAssnForClique (assn, clique);
Factor ptl = unrolled.factorOf (clique);
System.out.println ("Value = " + ptl.value (assn));
System.out.println (ptl);
void dumpAssnForClique (Assignment assn, ACRF.UnrolledVarSet clique)
for (Iterator it = clique.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
Variable var = (Variable) it.next ();
System.out.println (var + " ==> " + assn.getObject (var)
+ " (" + assn.get (var) + ")");
private boolean weightValid (double w, int cnum, int j)
if (Double.isInfinite (w)) {
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.warning ("Weight is infinite for clique " + cnum + "assignment " + j);
return false;
} else if (Double.isNaN (w)) {
PwplACRFTrainer.logger.warning ("Weight is Nan for clique " + cnum + "assignment " + j);
return false;
} else {
return true;
private class WrongWrong {
int varIdx;
int vsIdx;
int assnIdx;
public WrongWrong (ACRF.UnrolledGraph graph, VarSet vs, Variable var, int assnIdx)
varIdx = graph.getIndex (var);
vsIdx = graph.getIndex (vs);
this.assnIdx = assnIdx;
public ACRF.UnrolledVarSet findVarSet (ACRF.UnrolledGraph unrolled)
return unrolled.getUnrolledVarSet (vsIdx);
public Variable findVariable (ACRF.UnrolledGraph unrolled)
return unrolled.get (varIdx);
private List allWrongWrongs[];
private void addWrongWrong (InstanceList training)
allWrongWrongs = new List [training.size ()];
int totalAdded = 0;
// if (!acrf.isCacheUnrolledGraphs ()) {
// throw new IllegalStateException ("Wrong-wrong won't work without caching unrolled graphs.");
// }
for (int i = 0; i < training.size (); i++) {
allWrongWrongs[i] = new ArrayList ();
int numAdded = 0;
Instance instance = training.get (i);
ACRF.UnrolledGraph unrolled = acrf.unroll (instance);
if (unrolled.factors ().size () == 0) {
System.err.println ("WARNING: FactorGraph for instance " + instance.getName () + " : no factors.");
Inferencer inf = acrf.getInferencer ();
inf.computeMarginals (unrolled);
Assignment target = unrolled.getAssignment ();
for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
ACRF.UnrolledVarSet vs = (ACRF.UnrolledVarSet) it.next ();
Factor marg = inf.lookupMarginal (vs);
for (AssignmentIterator assnIt = vs.assignmentIterator (); assnIt.hasNext (); assnIt.advance ()) {
if (marg.value (assnIt) > wrongWrongThreshold) {
Assignment assn = assnIt.assignment ();
for (int vi = 0; vi < vs.size (); vi++) {
Variable var = vs.get (vi);
if (isWrong2RightAssn (target, assn, var)) {
int assnIdx = assn.singleIndex ();
// System.out.println ("Computing for WW: "+vs+" idx "+assnIdx+" target "+var);
allWrongWrongs[i].add (new WrongWrong (unrolled, vs, var, assnIdx));
logger.info ("WrongWrongs: Instance " + i + " : " + instance.getName () + " Num added = " + numAdded);
totalAdded += numAdded;
resetConstraints ();
collectConstraints (training);
forceStale ();
logger.info ("Total timesteps = " + totalTimesteps (training));
logger.info ("Total WrongWrongs = " + totalAdded);
private int totalTimesteps (InstanceList ilist)
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ilist.size (); i++) {
Instance inst = ilist.get (i);
Sequence seq = (Sequence) inst.getData ();
total += seq.size ();
return total;
private boolean isWrong2RightAssn (Assignment target, Assignment assn, Variable toExclude)
Variable[] vars = assn.getVars ();
for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
Variable variable = vars[i];
if ((variable != toExclude) && (assn.get (variable) != target.get (variable))) {
// return true;
return assn.get (toExclude) == target.get (toExclude);
return false;
} // OptimizableACRF