package edu.brown.hstore.specexec.checkers;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.voltdb.ParameterSet;
import org.voltdb.VoltProcedure;
import org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.TPCCProjectBuilder;
import org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.procedures.UpdateNewOrder;
import org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.procedures.neworder;
import org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.procedures.ostatByCustomerId;
import org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.procedures.paymentByCustomerId;
import org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.procedures.slev;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Column;
import org.voltdb.catalog.ConflictPair;
import org.voltdb.catalog.ProcParameter;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement;
import org.voltdb.catalog.StmtParameter;
import edu.brown.BaseTestCase;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.CountedStatement;
import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreSite;
import edu.brown.hstore.MockHStoreSite;
import edu.brown.hstore.conf.HStoreConf;
import edu.brown.hstore.specexec.checkers.MarkovConflictChecker.StatementCache;
import edu.brown.hstore.txns.AbstractTransaction;
import edu.brown.hstore.txns.LocalTransaction;
import edu.brown.mappings.ParameterMapping;
import edu.brown.mappings.ParametersUtil;
import edu.brown.markov.EstimationThresholds;
import edu.brown.markov.containers.MarkovGraphsContainer;
import edu.brown.markov.containers.MarkovGraphsContainerUtil;
import edu.brown.statistics.Histogram;
import edu.brown.statistics.ObjectHistogram;
import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.PartitionSet;
import edu.brown.utils.ProjectType;
import edu.brown.workload.QueryTrace;
import edu.brown.workload.TransactionTrace;
import edu.brown.workload.Workload;
import edu.brown.workload.filters.ProcParameterValueFilter;
import edu.brown.workload.filters.ProcedureNameFilter;
public class TestMarkovConflictChecker extends BaseTestCase {
private static final int NUM_PARTITIONS = 10;
private static final int WORKLOAD_XACT_LIMIT = 20;
private static final int TARGET_WAREHOUSES[] = { 1, 2 };
private static final Integer TARGET_DISTRICT_ID = 5;
private static final Class<? extends VoltProcedure> TARGET_PROCEDURES[] = (Class<? extends VoltProcedure>[])new Class<?>[]{
private static Workload workload;
private static MarkovGraphsContainer markovs;
private final EstimationThresholds thresholds = new EstimationThresholds();
private MarkovConflictChecker checker;
private HStoreSite hstore_site;
private final TPCCProjectBuilder builder = new TPCCProjectBuilder() {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
if (isFirstSetup()) {
File file = this.getWorkloadFile(ProjectType.TPCC);
workload = new Workload(catalogContext.catalog);
ProcParameterValueFilter filter = new ProcParameterValueFilter().include(1, TARGET_DISTRICT_ID);
for (int w_id : TARGET_WAREHOUSES) {
filter.include(0, w_id);
} // FOR
ProcedureNameFilter procFilter = new ProcedureNameFilter(false);
for (Class<? extends VoltProcedure> procClass : TARGET_PROCEDURES) {
procFilter.include(procClass.getSimpleName(), WORKLOAD_XACT_LIMIT);
} // FOR
workload.load(file, catalogContext.database, filter.attach(procFilter));
// Generate MarkovGraphs per base partition
markovs = MarkovGraphsContainerUtil.createBasePartitionMarkovGraphsContainer(catalogContext,
workload, p_estimator);
this.hstore_site = new MockHStoreSite(0, catalogContext, HStoreConf.singleton());
this.checker = new MarkovConflictChecker(catalogContext, thresholds);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private TransactionTrace getTransactionTrace(Procedure proc, int w_id) throws Exception {
TransactionTrace txn_trace = null;
int partition = p_estimator.getHasher().hash(w_id);
for (TransactionTrace tt : workload.getTraces(proc)) {
// System.err.println(tt + " :: " + w_id + " / " + tt.getParam(0));
if (partition == p_estimator.getBasePartition(tt)) {
txn_trace = tt;
} // FOR
return (txn_trace);
private TransactionTrace[] getTransactionTraces(Procedure procs[], boolean differentWarehouse) throws Exception {
TransactionTrace traces[] = new TransactionTrace[procs.length];
int last = -1;
// Different W_ID
if (differentWarehouse) {
for (int i = 0; i < procs.length; i++) {
for (int w_id : TARGET_WAREHOUSES) {
if (w_id == last) continue;
traces[i] = this.getTransactionTrace(procs[i], w_id);
if (traces[i] != null) {
last = w_id;
} // FOR
assert(last >= 0);
} // FOR
// Same W_ID
else {
for (int w_id : TARGET_WAREHOUSES) {
boolean foundAll = true;
for (int i = 0; i < procs.length; i++) {
traces[i] = this.getTransactionTrace(procs[i], w_id);
foundAll = foundAll && (traces[i] != null);
} // FOR
if (foundAll) {
last = w_id;
} // FOR
assert(last >= 0);
return (traces);
private AbstractTransaction createTransaction(TransactionTrace txn_trace) throws Exception {
PartitionSet partitions = new PartitionSet();
int base_partition = p_estimator.getBasePartition(txn_trace);
p_estimator.getAllPartitions(partitions, txn_trace);
LocalTransaction ts = new LocalTransaction(this.hstore_site);
return (ts);
private List<CountedStatement> createQueryEstimate(TransactionTrace txn_trace) {
return this.createQueryEstimate(txn_trace, null);
private List<CountedStatement> createQueryEstimate(TransactionTrace txn_trace, Statement start) {
Histogram<Statement> stmtHistogram = new ObjectHistogram<Statement>();
List<CountedStatement> queries = new ArrayList<CountedStatement>();
boolean include = (start == null);
for (QueryTrace q : txn_trace.getQueries()) {
Statement stmt = q.getCatalogItem(catalogContext.database);
if (include == false && stmt.equals(start) == false) continue;
include = true;
queries.add(new CountedStatement(stmt, (int)stmtHistogram.get(stmt, 0l)));
} // FOR
return (queries);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* testNonConflictingReadOnly
public void testNonConflictingReadOnly() throws Exception {
// Quickly check that two read-only txns are non-conflicting
// even without a txn estimate
Procedure proc = this.getProcedure(slev.class);
int basePartition = 0;
PartitionSet partitions = catalogContext.getAllPartitionIds();
LocalTransaction ts0 = new LocalTransaction(this.hstore_site);
Object params0[] = new Object[]{ 0, 1, 2 };
ts0.testInit(10000l, basePartition, partitions, proc, params0);
LocalTransaction ts1 = new LocalTransaction(this.hstore_site);
Object params1[] = new Object[]{ 0, 1, 2 };
ts1.testInit(10001l, basePartition, partitions, proc, params1);
boolean ret = this.checker.hasConflictBefore(ts0, ts1, basePartition);
* testNonConflictingDisparateTables
public void testNonConflictingDisparateTables() throws Exception {
// Quickly check that two read-only txns are non-conflicting
// even without a txn estimate
int basePartition = 0;
PartitionSet partitions = catalogContext.getAllPartitionIds();
Procedure proc0 = this.getProcedure(paymentByCustomerId.class);
LocalTransaction ts0 = new LocalTransaction(this.hstore_site);
Object params0[] = new Object[]{ 0, 1, 2 };
ts0.testInit(10000l, basePartition, partitions, proc0, params0);
Procedure proc1 = this.getProcedure(UpdateNewOrder.class);
LocalTransaction ts1 = new LocalTransaction(this.hstore_site);
Object params1[] = new Object[]{ 0, 0 };
ts1.testInit(10001l, basePartition, partitions, proc1, params1);
boolean ret = this.checker.hasConflictBefore(ts0, ts1, basePartition);
* testColumnStmtParameters
public void testColumnStmtParameters() throws Exception {
Procedure proc = this.getProcedure(neworder.class);
Statement stmt = this.getStatement(proc, "getDistrict");
StatementCache cache = this.checker.stmtCache.get(stmt);
assertNotNull(stmt.fullName(), cache);
Collection<Column> cols = CatalogUtil.getReferencedColumns(stmt);
// System.err.println(stmt.fullName() + " -> " + cols + "\n" + StringUtil.formatMaps(cache.colParams));
Set<StmtParameter> seenParams = new HashSet<StmtParameter>();
for (Column col : cols) {
StmtParameter param = cache.colParams.get(col);
assertNotNull(col.fullName(), param);
assertFalse(param.fullName(), seenParams.contains(param));
} // FOR
assertEquals(cols.size(), seenParams.size());
* testStatementCache
public void testStatementCache() throws Exception {
Procedure proc0 = this.getProcedure(slev.class);
Statement stmt0 = this.getStatement(proc0, "GetStockCount");
Procedure proc1 = this.getProcedure(neworder.class);
Statement stmt1 = this.getStatement(proc1, "createOrderLine");
// STMT0 is going to try to read to a table that STMT1 will write to
// So we should be able to see that conflict
StatementCache cache = this.checker.stmtCache.get(stmt0);
assertNotNull(stmt0.fullName(), cache);
ConflictPair cp = cache.conflicts.get(stmt1);
assertNotNull(stmt0.fullName()+"->"+stmt1.fullName(), cp);
* testCanExecuteNonConflicting
public void testCanExecuteNonConflicting() throws Exception {
Procedure procs[] = {
Statement startStmts[] = {
this.getStatement(procs[0], "updateStock"),
TransactionTrace traces[] = this.getTransactionTraces(procs, true);
AbstractTransaction txns[] = new AbstractTransaction[procs.length];
List<CountedStatement> queries[] = (List<CountedStatement>[])(new ArrayList<?>[procs.length]);
for (int i = 0; i < procs.length; i++) {
txns[i] = this.createTransaction(traces[i]);
queries[i] = this.createQueryEstimate(traces[i], startStmts[i]);
assert(queries[i].size() > 0);
} // FOR
// Both txns should be going after the same warehouse + district id, so
// that means they will be conflicting
// System.err.println(StringUtil.columns(trace0.debug(catalog_db), trace1.debug(catalog_db)));
// System.err.println(StringUtil.columns(
// Arrays.toString(traces[0].getParams()),
// Arrays.toString(traces[1].getParams())
// ));
// System.err.println(StringUtil.columns(
// StringUtil.join("\n", queries[0].getFirst()),
// StringUtil.join("\n", queries[1].getFirst())
// ));
boolean result = this.checker.canExecute(txns[0], queries[0], txns[1], queries[1]);
* testCanExecuteNonConflictingUniqueIndex
public void testCanExecuteNonConflictingUniqueIndex() throws Exception {
Procedure procs[] = {
TransactionTrace traces[] = this.getTransactionTraces(procs, true);
AbstractTransaction txns[] = new AbstractTransaction[procs.length];
List<CountedStatement> queries[] = (List<CountedStatement>[])(new ArrayList<?>[procs.length]);
for (int i = 0; i < procs.length; i++) {
txns[i] = this.createTransaction(traces[i]);
queries[i] = this.createQueryEstimate(traces[i]);
assert(queries[i].size() > 0);
} // FOR
// Both txns should be going after the same warehouse + district id, so
// that means they will be conflicting
// System.err.println(StringUtil.columns(trace0.debug(catalog_db), trace1.debug(catalog_db)));
// System.err.println(StringUtil.columns(
// Arrays.toString(traces[0].getParams()),
// Arrays.toString(traces[1].getParams())
// ));
// System.err.println(StringUtil.columns(
// queries[0].debug(),
// queries[1].debug()
// ));
boolean result = this.checker.canExecute(txns[0], queries[0], txns[1], queries[1]);
* testCanExecuteConflictingUniqueIndex
public void testCanExecuteConflictingUniqueIndex() throws Exception {
Procedure procs[] = {
TransactionTrace traces[] = this.getTransactionTraces(procs, false);
// We need need at least a TransactionTrace for all of the procedures
// such that they have the same warehouse ids
int w_id = -1;
for (int w : TARGET_WAREHOUSES) {
boolean foundAll = true;
for (int i = 0; i < procs.length; i++) {
traces[i] = this.getTransactionTrace(procs[i], w);
foundAll = foundAll && (traces[i] != null);
} // FOR
if (foundAll) {
w_id = w;
} // FOR
assert(w_id >= 0);
AbstractTransaction txns[] = new AbstractTransaction[procs.length];
List<CountedStatement> queries[] = (List<CountedStatement>[])(new ArrayList<?>[procs.length]);
for (int i = 0; i < procs.length; i++) {
txns[i] = this.createTransaction(traces[i]);
queries[i] = this.createQueryEstimate(traces[i]);
assert(queries[i].size() > 0);
} // FOR
// Both txns should be going after the same warehouse + district id, so
// that means they will be conflicting
// System.err.println(StringUtil.columns(trace0.debug(catalog_db), trace1.debug(catalog_db)));
// System.err.println(StringUtil.columns(
// Arrays.toString(traces[0].getParams()),
// Arrays.toString(traces[1].getParams())
// ));
// System.err.println(StringUtil.columns(
// queries[0].debug(),
// queries[1].debug()
// ));
boolean result = this.checker.canExecute(txns[0], queries[0], txns[1], queries[1]);
* testEqualParameters
public void testEqualParameters() throws Exception {
Procedure catalog_proc = this.getProcedure(neworder.class);
Statement catalog_stmt = CollectionUtil.first(catalog_proc.getStatements());
StmtParameter catalog_stmt_param = CollectionUtil.first(catalog_stmt.getParameters());
TransactionTrace txn_trace = CollectionUtil.first(workload.getTraces(catalog_proc));
ParameterSet params = new ParameterSet(txn_trace.getParams());
for (ProcParameter catalog_param : catalog_proc.getParameters()) {
if (catalog_param.getIsarray()) {
Object inner[] = (Object[])params.toArray()[catalog_param.getIndex()];
for (int i = 0; i < inner.length; i++) {
ParameterMapping pm = new ParameterMapping(catalog_stmt, 0, catalog_stmt_param, catalog_param, i, 1.0d);
assertTrue(this.checker.equalParameters(params, pm, params, pm));
} // FOR
} else {
ParameterMapping pm = new ParameterMapping(catalog_stmt, 0, catalog_stmt_param, catalog_param, ParametersUtil.NULL_PROC_PARAMETER_OFFSET, 1.0d);
assertTrue(this.checker.equalParameters(params, pm, params, pm));
} // FOR