// This is to test our ability to handle a transaction with
// a path that we haven't seen before.
// Find the S_W_ID that's different than the base partition, and change
// all of the elements in the array to that value.
TransactionTrace txn_trace = (TransactionTrace)multip_trace.clone();
int w_id = (Integer)txn_trace.getParam(0);
Short s_w_ids[] = (Short[])txn_trace.getParam(5);
short remote_w_id = -1;
assert(s_w_ids.length > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < s_w_ids.length; i++) {
if (w_id != s_w_ids[i]) {
remote_w_id = s_w_ids[i];
} // FOR
assert(remote_w_id >= 0);
assertNotSame(w_id, remote_w_id);
Arrays.fill(s_w_ids, remote_w_id);
// System.err.println("S_W_ID: " + Arrays.toString(s_w_ids));
txn_trace.setParam(5, s_w_ids);
MarkovEstimatorState state = t_estimator.startTransaction(XACT_ID.getAndIncrement(),
// Even though it won't correctly identify the exact path that we're going to
// take (i.e., what partitions the getStockInfo queries will need), the path
// should be complete (i.e., we should see each Statement in NewOrder executed
// at least once)
MarkovEstimate initialEst = state.getInitialEstimate();
// System.err.println("FIRST ESTIMATE:\n" + initialEst);
List<MarkovVertex> initialPath = initialEst.getMarkovPath();
Set<Statement> seenStmts = new HashSet<Statement>();
for (MarkovVertex v : initialPath) {
Statement stmt = v.getCatalogItem();
if ((stmt instanceof StatementWrapper) == false) {
} // FOR
Procedure proc = txn_trace.getCatalogItem(catalogContext.database);
for (Statement stmt : proc.getStatements()) {
assertTrue(stmt.fullName(), seenStmts.contains(stmt));
// System.err.println(proc + "\n" + StringUtil.join("\n", proc.getStatements()));
// System.err.println("=======================================");