/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 VoltDB L.L.C.
* VoltDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* VoltDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.voltdb;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogMap;
import org.voltdb.catalog.PlanFragment;
import org.voltdb.catalog.ProcParameter;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement;
import org.voltdb.catalog.StmtParameter;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Table;
import org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse;
import org.voltdb.exceptions.ConstraintFailureException;
import org.voltdb.exceptions.EEException;
import org.voltdb.exceptions.EvictedTupleAccessException;
import org.voltdb.exceptions.MispredictionException;
import org.voltdb.exceptions.SerializableException;
import org.voltdb.exceptions.ServerFaultException;
import org.voltdb.types.TimestampType;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil;
import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreConstants;
import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreSite;
import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.Status;
import edu.brown.hstore.PartitionExecutor;
import edu.brown.hstore.PartitionExecutor.SystemProcedureExecutionContext;
import edu.brown.hstore.conf.HStoreConf;
import edu.brown.hstore.txns.LocalTransaction;
import edu.brown.hstore.util.ParameterSetArrayCache;
import edu.brown.interfaces.DebugContext;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean;
import edu.brown.pools.Poolable;
import edu.brown.utils.EventObservable;
import edu.brown.utils.EventObserver;
import edu.brown.utils.PartitionEstimator;
* Wraps the stored procedure object created by the user
* with metadata available at runtime. This is used to call
* the procedure.
* VoltProcedure is extended by all running stored procedures.
* Consider this when specifying access privileges.
public abstract class VoltProcedure implements Poolable {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(VoltProcedure.class);
private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean();
private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean();
static {
LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used to get around the "abstract" for StmtProcedures.
// Path of least resistance?
public static class StmtProcedure extends VoltProcedure { }
* VoltTable Schema used for scalar return values
private static final VoltTable.ColumnInfo SCALAR_RESULT_SCHEMA[] = {
new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("", VoltType.BIGINT)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// package scoped members used by VoltSystemProcedure
protected PartitionExecutor executor;
private boolean m_initialized;
// private members reserved exclusively to VoltProcedure
private Method procMethod;
private boolean procMethodNoJava = false;
private boolean procIsMapReduce = false;
private Class<?>[] paramTypes;
private boolean paramTypeIsPrimitive[];
private boolean paramTypeIsArray[];
private Class<?> paramTypeComponentType[];
private int paramTypesLength;
private boolean isNative = true;
protected Object procParams[];
protected final Map<String, SQLStmt> stmts = new HashMap<String, SQLStmt>();
// cached fake SQLStmt array for single statement non-java procs
private SQLStmt[] m_cachedSingleStmt = { null };
// Used to figure out what partitions a query needs to go to
private Procedure catalog_proc;
private int procedure_id;
private String procedure_name;
protected PartitionEstimator p_estimator;
protected HStoreSite hstore_site;
protected HStoreConf hstore_conf;
protected SystemProcedureExecutionContext execution_context;
/** The local partition id where this VoltProcedure is running */
protected int partitionId = -1;
/** Callback for when the VoltProcedure finishes and we need to send a ClientResponse somewhere **/
private EventObservable<ClientResponse> observable = null;
// data from hsql wrapper
private final ArrayList<VoltTable> queryResults = new ArrayList<VoltTable>();
// cached txnid-seeded RNG so all calls to getSeededRandomNumberGenerator() for
// a given call don't re-seed and generate the same number over and over
private Random m_cachedRNG = null;
private VoltTable lastScalarResultTable[] = null;
private Long lastScalarResult = null;
* Reusable cache of ParameterSet arrays for VoltProcedures
private final ParameterSetArrayCache procParameterSets = new ParameterSetArrayCache(10);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Whether to enable dumping out the transactions/queries executed by this procedure
* These traces are not used for recovery and are slow.
private boolean workloadTraceEnable = false;
private Object workloadTxnHandle = null;
private List<Object> workloadQueryHandles;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// protected AbstractTransaction txnState; // assigned in call()
private LocalTransaction localTxnState; // assigned in call()
private int batchId = 0;
private SQLStmt batchQueryStmts[];
private int batchQueryStmtIndex = 0;
private int last_batchQueryStmtIndex = 0;
private Object[] batchQueryArgs[];
private VoltTable[] results = HStoreConstants.EMPTY_RESULT;
private Status status = Status.OK;
private SerializableException error = null;
private String status_msg = "";
* Status code that can be set by stored procedure upon invocation that will be returned with the response.
private byte m_statusCode = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
private String m_statusString = null;
private BackendTarget m_backendTarget;
* End users should not instantiate VoltProcedure instances.
* Constructor does nothing. All actual initialization is done in the
* {@link VoltProcedure init} method.
public VoltProcedure() {
* Allow VoltProcedures access to their transaction id.
* <B>NOTE:</B> This should only be used by code running at the txn's base partition.
* If you invoke it at a remote partition, you may get a null pointer.
* @return transaction id
public Long getTransactionId() {
return this.localTxnState.getTransactionId();
* Get the Transaction state handle for the current invocation.
* <B>NOTE:</B> This should only be used for debugging/testing.
* @return
protected final LocalTransaction getTransactionState() {
return this.localTxnState;
* Main initialization method
* @param executor
* @param catalog_proc
* @param eeType
* @param hsql
public void init(PartitionExecutor executor,
Procedure catalog_proc,
BackendTarget eeType) {
if (m_initialized) {
throw new IllegalStateException("VoltProcedure has already been initialized");
} else {
m_initialized = true;
assert(executor != null);
this.executor = executor;
this.execution_context = executor.getSystemProcedureExecutionContext();
this.p_estimator = executor.getPartitionEstimator();
this.hstore_site = executor.getHStoreSite();
this.hstore_conf = HStoreConf.singleton();
this.catalog_proc = catalog_proc;
this.procedure_id = this.catalog_proc.getId();
this.procedure_name = this.catalog_proc.getName();
this.isNative = (eeType != BackendTarget.HSQLDB_BACKEND);
this.m_backendTarget = eeType;
this.partitionId = this.executor.getPartitionId();
assert(this.partitionId != HStoreConstants.NULL_PARTITION_ID);
this.batchQueryArgs = new Object[hstore_conf.site.planner_max_batch_size][];
this.batchQueryStmts = new SQLStmt[hstore_conf.site.planner_max_batch_size];
// Enable Workload Tracing
if (trace.val) {
LOG.trace("Profiling Level: " + ProcedureProfiler.profilingLevel);
LOG.trace("Profiling Workload Handle: " + ProcedureProfiler.workloadTrace);
this.workloadTraceEnable = (ProcedureProfiler.profilingLevel == ProcedureProfiler.Level.INTRUSIVE &&
ProcedureProfiler.workloadTrace != null);
if (this.workloadTraceEnable) {
this.workloadQueryHandles = new ArrayList<Object>();
if (catalog_proc.getHasjava()) {
int tempParamTypesLength = 0;
Method tempProcMethod = null;
Method[] methods = getClass().getMethods();
Class<?> tempParamTypes[] = null;
boolean tempParamTypeIsPrimitive[] = null;
boolean tempParamTypeIsArray[] = null;
Class<?> tempParamTypeComponentType[] = null;
this.procIsMapReduce = catalog_proc.getMapreduce();
boolean hasMap = false;
boolean hasReduce = false;
for (final Method m : methods) {
String name = m.getName();
// TODO: Change procMethod to point to VoltMapReduceProcedure.runMap() if this is
// a MR stored procedure
if (name.equals("run")) {
tempProcMethod = m;
// We can only do this if it's not a MapReduce procedure
if (procIsMapReduce == false) {
tempParamTypes = tempProcMethod.getParameterTypes();
tempParamTypesLength = tempParamTypes.length;
tempParamTypeIsPrimitive = new boolean[tempParamTypesLength];
tempParamTypeIsArray = new boolean[tempParamTypesLength];
tempParamTypeComponentType = new Class<?>[tempParamTypesLength];
for (int ii = 0; ii < tempParamTypesLength; ii++) {
tempParamTypeIsPrimitive[ii] = tempParamTypes[ii].isPrimitive();
tempParamTypeIsArray[ii] = tempParamTypes[ii].isArray();
tempParamTypeComponentType[ii] = tempParamTypes[ii].getComponentType();
// Otherwise everything must come from the catalog
else {
CatalogMap<ProcParameter> params = catalog_proc.getParameters();
tempParamTypesLength = params.size();
tempParamTypes = new Class<?>[tempParamTypesLength];
tempParamTypeIsPrimitive = new boolean[tempParamTypesLength];
tempParamTypeIsArray = new boolean[tempParamTypesLength];
tempParamTypeComponentType = new Class<?>[tempParamTypesLength];
for (int i = 0; i < tempParamTypesLength; i++) {
ProcParameter catalog_param = params.get(i);
VoltType vtype = VoltType.get(catalog_param.getType());
assert(vtype != null);
tempParamTypes[i] = vtype.classFromType();
} // FOR
// We'll try to cast everything as a primitive
Arrays.fill(tempParamTypeIsPrimitive, true);
// At this point we don't support arrays as inputs to Statements
Arrays.fill(tempParamTypeIsArray, false);
} else if(name.equals("map")){
hasMap = true;
} else if (name.equals("reduce")) {
hasReduce = true;
if (procIsMapReduce) {
if (hasMap == false) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("%s Map/Reduce is missing MAP function"));
} else if (hasReduce == false) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("%s Map/Reduce is missing REDUCE function"));
this.paramTypesLength = tempParamTypesLength;
this.procMethod = tempProcMethod;
this.paramTypes = tempParamTypes;
this.paramTypeIsPrimitive = tempParamTypeIsPrimitive;
this.paramTypeIsArray = tempParamTypeIsArray;
this.paramTypeComponentType = tempParamTypeComponentType;
if (this.procMethod == null) {
LOG.fatal("No good method found in: " + getClass().getName());
Field[] fields = getClass().getFields();
for (final Field f : fields) {
if (f.getType() == SQLStmt.class) {
String name = f.getName();
Statement s = catalog_proc.getStatements().get(name);
if (s != null) {
try {
* Cache all the information we need about the statements in this stored
* procedure locally instead of pulling them from the catalog on
* a regular basis.
SQLStmt stmt = (SQLStmt) f.get(this);
stmt.catStmt = s;
this.stmts.put(name, stmt);
//stmts.put((Object) (f.get(null)), s);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
//LOG.debug("Found statement " + name);
// has no java
else {
Statement catStmt = catalog_proc.getStatements().get(HStoreConstants.ANON_STMT_NAME);
SQLStmt stmt = new SQLStmt(catStmt.getSqltext());
stmt.catStmt = catStmt;
m_cachedSingleStmt[0] = stmt;
procMethodNoJava = true;
String executeNoJavaProcedure = "executeNoJavaProcedure";
for (Method m : VoltProcedure.class.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (m.getName().equals(executeNoJavaProcedure)) {
procMethod = m;
} // FOR
if (procMethod == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("The method %s.%s does not exist",
VoltProcedure.class.getSimpleName(), executeNoJavaProcedure));
paramTypesLength = catalog_proc.getParameters().size();
paramTypes = new Class<?>[paramTypesLength];
paramTypeIsPrimitive = new boolean[paramTypesLength];
paramTypeIsArray = new boolean[paramTypesLength];
paramTypeComponentType = new Class<?>[paramTypesLength];
for (ProcParameter param : catalog_proc.getParameters()) {
VoltType type = VoltType.get((byte) param.getType());
if (type == VoltType.INTEGER) type = VoltType.BIGINT;
if (type == VoltType.SMALLINT) type = VoltType.BIGINT;
if (type == VoltType.TINYINT) type = VoltType.BIGINT;
paramTypes[param.getIndex()] = type.classFromType();
paramTypeIsPrimitive[param.getIndex()] = true;
paramTypeIsArray[param.getIndex()] = param.getIsarray();
assert(paramTypeIsArray[param.getIndex()] == false);
paramTypeComponentType[param.getIndex()] = null;
if (trace.val)
LOG.trace(String.format("Initialized VoltProcedure for %s [partition=%d]",
this.procedure_name, this.partitionId));
protected SQLStmt getSQLStmt(String name) {
return (this.stmts.get(name));
private final void initSQLStmt(SQLStmt stmt) {
stmt.numFragGUIDs = stmt.catStmt.getFragments().size();
PlanFragment fragments[] = stmt.catStmt.getFragments().values();
stmt.fragGUIDs = new long[stmt.numFragGUIDs];
for (int ii = 0; ii < stmt.numFragGUIDs; ii++) {
stmt.fragGUIDs[ii] = Long.parseLong(fragments[ii].getName());
} // FOR
stmt.numStatementParamJavaTypes = stmt.catStmt.getParameters().size();
stmt.statementParamJavaTypes = new byte[stmt.numStatementParamJavaTypes];
StmtParameter parameters[] = stmt.catStmt.getParameters().values();
for (int ii = 0; ii < stmt.numStatementParamJavaTypes; ii++) {
stmt.statementParamJavaTypes[ii] = (byte)parameters[ii].getJavatype();
} // FOR
public boolean isInitialized() {
return (this.m_initialized);
public void finish() {
// this.txnState = null;
this.localTxnState = null;
* Get a Java RNG seeded with the current transaction id. This will ensure that
* two procedures for the same transaction, but running on different replicas,
* can generate an identical stream of random numbers. This is required to endure
* procedures have deterministic behavior.
* @return A deterministically-seeded java.util.Random instance.
public Random getSeededRandomNumberGenerator() {
// this value is memoized here and reset at the beginning of call(...).
if (m_cachedRNG == null) {
m_cachedRNG = new Random(this.localTxnState.getTransactionId());
return m_cachedRNG;
public final int getProcedureId() {
return (this.procedure_id);
public final String getProcedureName() {
return (this.procedure_name);
* Return a hash code that uniquely identifies this list of SQLStmts
* Derived from AbstractList.hashCode()
* @param batchStmts
* @param numBatchStmts
* @return
public static Integer getBatchHashCode(SQLStmt[] batchStmts, int numBatchStmts) {
int hashCode = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < numBatchStmts; i++) {
hashCode = 31*hashCode + (batchStmts[i] == null ? 0 : batchStmts[i].hashCode());
} // FOR
return Integer.valueOf(hashCode);
* The thing that actually executes the VoltProcedure.run() method
* @param paramList
* @return
public final ClientResponseImpl call(LocalTransaction txnState, Object... paramList) {
ClientResponseImpl response = null;
// this.txnState = txnState;
this.localTxnState = txnState;
this.procParams = paramList;
this.results = HStoreConstants.EMPTY_RESULT;
this.status = Status.OK;
this.error = null;
this.status_msg = "";
this.m_statusCode = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
this.m_statusString = null;
// in case someone queues sql but never calls execute, clear the queue here.
this.batchId = 0;
this.batchQueryStmtIndex = 0;
this.last_batchQueryStmtIndex = -1;
if (debug.val) LOG.debug("Starting execution of " + this.localTxnState);
if (this.procParams.length != this.paramTypesLength) {
String msg = "PROCEDURE " + procedure_name + " EXPECTS " + String.valueOf(paramTypesLength) +
" PARAMS, BUT RECEIVED " + String.valueOf(this.procParams.length);
if (debug.val) LOG.error(msg);
this.status = Status.ABORT_GRACEFUL;
this.status_msg = msg;
response = new ClientResponseImpl(txnState.getTransactionId(),
if (this.observable != null) this.observable.notifyObservers(response);
return (response);
for (int i = 0; i < this.paramTypesLength; i++) {
try {
this.procParams[i] = this.tryToMakeCompatible(i, this.procParams[i]);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "PROCEDURE " + procedure_name + " TYPE ERROR FOR PARAMETER " + i +
": " + e.getMessage();
LOG.error(msg, e);
this.status = Status.ABORT_GRACEFUL;
this.status_msg = msg;
response = new ClientResponseImpl(txnState.getTransactionId(),
if (this.observable != null) this.observable.notifyObservers(response);
return (response);
int bufferLength = 0;
byte[] arieslogData = null;
// Workload Trace
// Create a new transaction record in the trace manager. This will give us back
// a handle that we need to pass to the trace manager when we want to register a new query
if (this.workloadTraceEnable) {
this.workloadTxnHandle = ProcedureProfiler.workloadTrace.startTransaction(this.localTxnState.getTransactionId(),
this.catalog_proc, this.procParams);
// Fix to make no-Java procedures work
if (this.procMethodNoJava || this.procIsMapReduce) {
this.procParams = new Object[] { this.procParams } ;
if (hstore_conf.site.txn_profiling && this.localTxnState.profiler != null) {
try {
if (trace.val)
LOG.trace(String.format("Invoking %s [params=%s, partition=%d]",
this.procParams + Arrays.toString(this.procParams),
try {
if (hstore_conf.site.anticache_enable && txnState.hasAntiCacheMergeTable()) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("Merging blocks for anticache table.");
if (hstore_conf.site.anticache_profiling) {
// Note that I decided to put this in here because we already
// have the logic down below for handling various errors from the EE
try {
Table catalog_tbl = txnState.getAntiCacheMergeTable();
} finally {
if (hstore_conf.site.anticache_profiling) {
Object rawResult = this.procMethod.invoke(this, this.procParams);
this.results = this.getResultsFromRawResults(rawResult);
if (this.results == null) results = HStoreConstants.EMPTY_RESULT;
if(hstore_conf.site.aries && this.hstore_conf.site.aries_forward_only == false){
if (!this.catalog_proc.getReadonly()) {
bufferLength = (int) this.executor.getArieslogBufferLength();
if (bufferLength > 0) {
arieslogData = new byte[bufferLength];
this.executor.getArieslogData(bufferLength, arieslogData);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// If reflection fails, invoke the same error handling that other exceptions do
throw new InvocationTargetException(e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new InvocationTargetException(e);
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(this.localTxnState + " is finished on partition " + this.partitionId);
// -------------------------------
// Exceptions that we can process+handle
// -------------------------------
} catch (InvocationTargetException itex) {
Throwable ex = itex.getCause();
Class<?> ex_class = ex.getClass();
// Pass the exception back to the client if it is serializable
if (ex instanceof SerializableException) {
if (this.localTxnState.hasPendingError() == false) {
this.localTxnState.setPendingError((SerializableException)ex, false);
this.error = (SerializableException)ex;
// -------------------------------
// VoltAbortException
// -------------------------------
if (ex_class.equals(VoltAbortException.class)) {
if (debug.val) LOG.warn("Caught VoltAbortException for " + this.localTxnState, ex);
this.status = Status.ABORT_USER;
this.status_msg = "USER ABORT: " + ex.getMessage();
if (this.workloadTraceEnable && this.workloadTxnHandle != null) {
// -------------------------------
// MispredictionException
// -------------------------------
} else if (ex_class.equals(MispredictionException.class)) {
if (debug.val) LOG.warn("Caught MispredictionException for " + this.localTxnState);
this.status = Status.ABORT_MISPREDICT;
// -------------------------------
// EvictedTupleAccessException
// -------------------------------
} else if (ex_class.equals(EvictedTupleAccessException.class)) {
if (debug.val) LOG.warn("Caught EvictedTupleAccessException for " + this.localTxnState);
this.status = Status.ABORT_EVICTEDACCESS;
// -------------------------------
// ConstraintFailureException
// -------------------------------
} else if (ex_class.equals(ConstraintFailureException.class)) {
if (debug.val) LOG.warn("Caught ConstraintFailureException for " + this.localTxnState);
this.status = Status.ABORT_UNEXPECTED;
this.status_msg = "CONSTRAINT VIOLATION: " + ex.getMessage();
// -------------------------------
// ServerFaultException
// -------------------------------
} else if (ex_class.equals(ServerFaultException.class)) {
if (debug.val) LOG.warn("Caught ServerFaultException for " + this.localTxnState);
// A server fault means that we definitely did something wrong
this.status = Status.ABORT_UNEXPECTED;
this.status_msg = "SERVER FAULT: " + ex.getMessage();
// -------------------------------
// Everything Else
// -------------------------------
} else {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
String msg = sw.toString();
if (msg == null) msg = ex.toString();
String statusMsg = msg;
if (this.batchQueryStmtIndex > 0) {
msg += "\nCurrently Queued Queries:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < this.batchQueryStmtIndex; i++) {
msg += String.format(" [%02d] %s\n", i, CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(batchQueryStmts[i].catStmt));
} else if (this.last_batchQueryStmtIndex > 0) {
msg += "\nLast Executed Queries:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < this.last_batchQueryStmtIndex; i++) {
msg += String.format(" [%02d] %s\n", i, CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(batchQueryStmts[i].catStmt));
if (debug.val && executor.isShuttingDown() == false) {
LOG.warn(String.format("%s Unexpected Abort: %s", this.localTxnState, msg), ex);
this.status = Status.ABORT_UNEXPECTED;
this.status_msg = "UNEXPECTED ABORT: " + statusMsg;
if (debug.val)
LOG.error("Unpexpected error when executing " + this.localTxnState, ex);
// -------------------------------
// Something bad happened inside of the procedure that wasn't our fault
// -------------------------------
} catch (Throwable ex) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.error("Unpexpected error when executing " + this.localTxnState, ex);
this.status = Status.ABORT_UNEXPECTED;
this.status_msg = "UNEXPECTED ERROR IN " + this.localTxnState;
} finally {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(this.localTxnState + " - Finished transaction [" + this.status + "]");
// Workload Trace - Stop the transaction trace record.
if (this.workloadTraceEnable && this.workloadTxnHandle != null && this.status == Status.OK) {
if (hstore_conf.site.trace_txn_output) {
ProcedureProfiler.workloadTrace.stopTransaction(this.workloadTxnHandle, this.results);
} else {
// This should never happen
if (this.results == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("We got back a null result from " + this.localTxnState);
response = new ClientResponseImpl();
if (hstore_conf.site.txn_client_debug) {
ClientResponseDebug responseDebug = new ClientResponseDebug(localTxnState);
if (this.observable != null) this.observable.notifyObservers(response);
if (trace.val) LOG.trace(response);
* Since call returns a ClientResponseImpl you can add a field for the log data
* that isn't serialized during messaging that is the log data for the txn
if (hstore_conf.site.aries && this.hstore_conf.site.aries_forward_only == false) {
if (this.status == Status.OK && this.error == null) {
if (bufferLength > 0) {
return (response);
protected final Procedure getProcedure() {
return (this.catalog_proc);
protected final BackendTarget getBackendTarget(){
return (this.m_backendTarget);
protected final VoltTable executeNoJavaProcedure(Object...params) {
voltQueueSQL(this.m_cachedSingleStmt[0], params);
VoltTable result[] = voltExecuteSQL(true);
assert(result.length == 1);
return (result[0]);
* Given the results of a procedure, convert it into a sensible array of VoltTables.
final private VoltTable[] getResultsFromRawResults(Object result) {
if (result == null)
return HStoreConstants.EMPTY_RESULT;
if (result instanceof VoltTable[])
return (VoltTable[]) result;
if (result instanceof VoltTable)
return new VoltTable[] { (VoltTable) result };
if (result instanceof Long) {
// OPTIMIZATION: Check whether the return value is the same
// as the last txn. For some workloads it is, so we can just
// reuse the last VoltTable that we created.
Long longResult = (Long)result;
if (this.lastScalarResultTable != null && this.lastScalarResult.equals(longResult)) {
return (this.lastScalarResultTable);
VoltTable t = new VoltTable(SCALAR_RESULT_SCHEMA);
this.lastScalarResultTable = new VoltTable[] { t };
this.lastScalarResult = longResult;
return (this.lastScalarResultTable);
throw new RuntimeException("Procedure didn't return acceptable type.");
/** @throws Exception with a message describing why the types are incompatible. */
final private Object tryToMakeCompatible(int paramTypeIndex, Object param) throws Exception {
if (param == null || param == VoltType.NULL_STRING ||
param == VoltType.NULL_DECIMAL)
// Passing a null where we expect a primitive is a Java compile time error.
if (paramTypeIsPrimitive[paramTypeIndex]) {
throw new Exception("Primitive type " + paramTypes[paramTypeIndex] + " cannot be null");
// Pass null reference to the procedure run() method. These null values will be
// converted to a serialize-able NULL representation for the EE in getCleanParams()
// when the parameters are serialized for the plan fragment.
return null;
if (param instanceof PartitionExecutor.SystemProcedureExecutionContext) {
return param;
Class<?> pclass = param.getClass();
boolean slotIsArray = paramTypeIsArray[paramTypeIndex];
if (slotIsArray != pclass.isArray()) {
LOG.warn(String.format("Param #%d -> %s [class=%s, isArray=%s, slotIsArray=%s]",
paramTypeIndex, param, pclass.getSimpleName(), pclass.isArray(), slotIsArray));
throw new Exception("Array / Scalar parameter mismatch");
if (slotIsArray) {
Class<?> pSubCls = pclass.getComponentType();
Class<?> sSubCls = paramTypeComponentType[paramTypeIndex];
if (pSubCls == sSubCls) {
return param;
} else {
* Arrays can be quite large so it doesn't make sense to silently do the conversion
* and incur the performance hit. The client should serialize the correct invocation
* parameters
throw new Exception(
"tryScalarMakeCompatible: Unable to match parameter array:"
+ sSubCls.getName() + " to provided " + pSubCls.getName());
* inline tryScalarMakeCompatible so we can save on reflection
final Class<?> slot = paramTypes[paramTypeIndex];
if ((slot == long.class) && (pclass == Long.class || pclass == Integer.class || pclass == Short.class || pclass == Byte.class)) return param;
if ((slot == int.class) && (pclass == Integer.class || pclass == Short.class || pclass == Byte.class)) return param;
if ((slot == short.class) && (pclass == Short.class || pclass == Byte.class)) return param;
if ((slot == byte.class) && (pclass == Byte.class)) return param;
if ((slot == double.class) && (pclass == Double.class)) return param;
if ((slot == boolean.class) && (pclass == Boolean.class)) return param;
if ((slot == String.class) && (pclass == String.class)) return param;
if (slot == TimestampType.class) {
if (pclass == Long.class) return new TimestampType((Long)param);
if (pclass == TimestampType.class) return param;
if (slot == BigDecimal.class) {
if (pclass == Long.class) {
BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(param.toString());
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(bi);
bd.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
return bd;
if (pclass == BigDecimal.class) {
BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) param;
bd.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
return bd;
if (slot == VoltTable.class && pclass == VoltTable.class) {
return param;
throw new Exception(
"tryToMakeCompatible: Unable to match parameters: "
+ slot.getName() + " to provided " + pclass.getName());
* Thrown from a stored procedure to indicate to VoltDB
* that the procedure should be aborted and rolled back.
public static class VoltAbortException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
private String message = "No message specified.";
* Constructs a new <code>AbortException</code>
public VoltAbortException() {}
* Constructs a new <code>AbortException</code> with the specified detail message.
public VoltAbortException(String msg) {
message = msg;
* Returns the detail message string of this <tt>AbortException</tt>
* @return The detail message.
public String getMessage() {
return message;
* Currently unsupported in VoltDB.
* Batch load method for populating a table with a large number of records.
* Faster then calling {@link #voltQueueSQL(SQLStmt, Object...)} and {@link #voltExecuteSQL()} to
* insert one row at a time.
* @param clusterName Name of the cluster containing the database, containing the table
* that the records will be loaded in.
* @param databaseName Name of the database containing the table to be loaded.
* @param tableName Name of the table records should be loaded in.
* @param data {@link org.voltdb.VoltTable VoltTable} containing the records to be loaded.
* {@link org.voltdb.VoltTable.ColumnInfo VoltTable.ColumnInfo} schema must match the schema of the table being
* loaded.
* @throws VoltAbortException
public void voltLoadTable(String clusterName, String databaseName,
String tableName, VoltTable data, int allowELT) throws VoltAbortException {
if (data == null || data.getRowCount() == 0) return;
try {
assert(this.localTxnState != null);
assert(this.executor != null);
this.executor.loadTable(this.localTxnState, clusterName, databaseName, tableName, data, allowELT);
if (this.hstore_conf.site.aries && this.hstore_conf.site.aries_forward_only == false) {
byte[] arieslogData = null;
int bufferLength = (int) this.executor.getArieslogBufferLength();
LOG.warn("ARIES :: voltLoadTable : ariesLogBufferLength :" + bufferLength);
if (bufferLength > 0) {
arieslogData = new byte[bufferLength];
this.executor.getArieslogData(bufferLength, arieslogData);
// we don't really care much about this atomic boolean here
this.hstore_site.getAriesLogger().log(arieslogData, new AtomicBoolean());
} catch (EEException e) {
throw new VoltAbortException("Failed to load table: " + tableName);
* Get the time that this procedure was accepted into the VoltDB cluster. This is the
* effective, but not always actual, moment in time this procedure executes. Use this
* method to get the current time instead of non-deterministic methods. Note that the
* value will not be unique across transactions as it is only millisecond granularity.
* @return A java.util.Date instance with deterministic time for all replicas using
* UTC (Universal Coordinated Time is like GMT).
public Date getTransactionTime() {
long ts = TransactionIdManager.getTimestampFromTransactionId(this.localTxnState.getTransactionId());
return new Date(ts);
* Queue the SQL {@link org.voltdb.SQLStmt statement} for execution with the specified argument list.
* @param stmt {@link org.voltdb.SQLStmt Statement} to queue for execution.
* @param args List of arguments to be bound as parameters for the {@link org.voltdb.SQLStmt statement}
* @see <a href="#allowable_params">List of allowable parameter types</a>
public void voltQueueSQL(final SQLStmt stmt, Object... args) {
if (!this.isNative) {
//HSQLProcedureWrapper does nothing smart. it just implements this interface with runStatement()
HsqlBackend hsql = this.executor.getHsqlBackend();
VoltTable table = hsql.runSQLWithSubstitutions(stmt, args);
if (this.batchQueryStmtIndex == this.batchQueryStmts.length) {
throw new RuntimeException("Procedure attempted to queue more than " + batchQueryStmts.length +
" statements in a batch.");
} else {
this.batchQueryStmts[batchQueryStmtIndex] = stmt;
this.batchQueryArgs[batchQueryStmtIndex] = args;
this.batchQueryStmtIndex += 1;
if (trace.val) LOG.trace("Batching Statement: " + stmt.getText());
public final void voltClearQueue() {
batchQueryStmtIndex = 0;
* Return the number of slots remaining in the current batch
* for this transaction. When this reaches zero, you will not
* be able to queue anymore SQLStmts
* @return
public final int voltRemainingQueue() {
return (this.batchQueryStmts.length - this.batchQueryStmtIndex);
* Execute the currently queued SQL {@link org.voltdb.SQLStmt statements} and return
* the result tables.
* @return Result {@link org.voltdb.VoltTable tables} generated by executing the queued
* query {@link org.voltdb.SQLStmt statements}
public VoltTable[] voltExecuteSQL() {
return voltExecuteSQL(false, false);
* Execute the currently SQL as always single-partition queries
* @return
protected VoltTable[] voltExecuteSQLForceSinglePartition() {
return voltExecuteSQL(false, true);
* Execute the currently queued SQL {@link org.voltdb.SQLStmt statements} and return
* the result tables. Boolean option allows caller to indicate if this is the final
* batch for a procedure. If it's final, then additional optimizatons can be enabled.
* @param isFinalSQL Is this the final batch for a procedure?
* @return Result {@link org.voltdb.VoltTable tables} generated by executing the queued
* query {@link org.voltdb.SQLStmt statements}
public VoltTable[] voltExecuteSQL(boolean isFinalSQL) {
return voltExecuteSQL(isFinalSQL, false);
private VoltTable[] voltExecuteSQL(boolean isFinalSQL, boolean forceSinglePartition) {
if (this.isNative == false) {
VoltTable[] batch_results = this.queryResults.toArray(new VoltTable[queryResults.size()]);
return (batch_results);
// Workload Trace - Start Query
if (this.workloadTraceEnable && this.workloadTxnHandle != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.batchQueryStmtIndex; i++) {
Object queryHandle = ProcedureProfiler.workloadTrace.startQuery(workloadTxnHandle,
assert(queryHandle != null);
} // FOR
// Execute the queries and return the VoltTable results
this.last_batchQueryStmtIndex = this.batchQueryStmtIndex;
VoltTable[] retval = null;
try {
retval = this.executeQueriesInABatch(this.batchQueryStmtIndex,
// This should just be forwarded along
} catch (SerializableException ex) {
throw ex;
// We know that any error that we get here is because of us and not their user code
} catch (Throwable ex) {
String message = "Unexpected error while executing queries";
throw new ServerFaultException(message, ex, this.localTxnState.getTransactionId());
// Workload Trace - Stop Query
if (this.workloadTraceEnable && this.workloadTxnHandle != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.batchQueryStmtIndex; i++) {
Object handle = this.workloadQueryHandles.get(i);
if (handle != null) {
if (hstore_conf.site.trace_query_output) {
ProcedureProfiler.workloadTrace.stopQuery(handle, retval[i]);
} else {
ProcedureProfiler.workloadTrace.stopQuery(handle, null);
} // FOR
// Make sure that we clear out our query handles so that the next
// time they queue a query they will get a new batch id
this.batchQueryStmtIndex = 0;
return retval;
* Return the SQLStmt handles for the last batch of executed queries
* @return
public SQLStmt[] voltLastQueriesExecuted() {
if (this.last_batchQueryStmtIndex != -1) {
return Arrays.copyOf(this.batchQueryStmts, this.last_batchQueryStmtIndex);
return new SQLStmt[0];
* @param batchSize
* @param batchStmts
* @param batchArgs
* @param finalTask
* @return
private VoltTable[] executeQueriesInABatch(final int batchSize,
final SQLStmt[] batchStmts,
final Object[][] batchArgs,
final boolean finalTask,
final boolean forceSinglePartition) {
assert(batchStmts != null);
assert(batchArgs != null);
assert(batchStmts.length > 0);
assert(batchArgs.length > 0);
if (batchSize == 0) return (HStoreConstants.EMPTY_RESULT);
// Create a list of clean parameters
ParameterSet params[] = this.procParameterSets.getParameterSet(batchSize);
assert(params != null);
for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
params[i] = getCleanParams(batchStmts[i], batchArgs[i], params[i]);
} // FOR
VoltTable results[] = null;
try {
results = this.executor.executeSQLStmtBatch(this.localTxnState,
} catch (ServerFaultException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (SerializableException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
throw new ServerFaultException("Unexpected error", ex, localTxnState.getTransactionId());
} finally {
if (localTxnState.hasPendingError()) {
throw localTxnState.getPendingError();
return (results);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// final private Object tryScalarMakeCompatible(Class<?> slot, Object param) throws Exception {
// Class<?> pclass = param.getClass();
// if ((slot == long.class) && (pclass == Long.class || pclass == Integer.class || pclass == Short.class || pclass == Byte.class)) return param;
// if ((slot == int.class) && (pclass == Integer.class || pclass == Short.class || pclass == Byte.class)) return param;
// if ((slot == short.class) && (pclass == Short.class || pclass == Byte.class)) return param;
// if ((slot == byte.class) && (pclass == Byte.class)) return param;
// if ((slot == double.class) && (pclass == Double.class)) return param;
// if ((slot == String.class) && (pclass == String.class)) return param;
// if (slot == Date.class) {
// if (pclass == Long.class) return new Date((Long)param);
// if (pclass == Date.class) return param;
// }
// if (slot == BigDecimal.class) {
// if (pclass == Long.class) {
// BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(param.toString());
// BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(bi);
// bd.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
// return bd;
// }
// if (pclass == BigDecimal.class) {
// BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) param;
// bd.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
// return bd;
// }
// }
// if (slot == VoltTable.class && pclass == VoltTable.class) {
// return param;
// }
// throw new Exception("tryScalarMakeCompatible: Unable to matoh parameters:" + slot.getName());
// }
public static ParameterSet getCleanParams(SQLStmt stmt, Object[] args) {
return getCleanParams(stmt, args, new ParameterSet(true));
public static ParameterSet getCleanParams(SQLStmt stmt, Object[] args, ParameterSet params) {
assert(params != null) : "Unexpected null ParameterSet for " + stmt.catStmt.fullName();
final int numParamTypes = stmt.numStatementParamJavaTypes;
final byte stmtParamTypes[] = stmt.statementParamJavaTypes;
if (args.length != numParamTypes) {
throw new ExpectedProcedureException(
"Number of arguments provided was " + args.length +
" where " + numParamTypes + " was expected for statement " + stmt.getText());
for (int ii = 0; ii < numParamTypes; ii++) {
// this only handles null values
if (args[ii] != null) continue;
VoltType type = VoltType.get(stmtParamTypes[ii]);
if (type == VoltType.TINYINT)
args[ii] = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
else if (type == VoltType.SMALLINT)
args[ii] = Short.MIN_VALUE;
else if (type == VoltType.INTEGER)
args[ii] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
else if (type == VoltType.BIGINT)
args[ii] = Long.MIN_VALUE;
else if (type == VoltType.FLOAT)
args[ii] = VoltType.NULL_DOUBLE;
else if (type == VoltType.TIMESTAMP)
args[ii] = new TimestampType(Long.MIN_VALUE);
else if (type == VoltType.STRING)
args[ii] = VoltType.NULL_STRING;
else if (type == VoltType.DECIMAL)
args[ii] = VoltType.NULL_DECIMAL;
throw new ExpectedProcedureException("Unknown type " + type +
" can not be converted to NULL representation for arg " + ii + " for SQL stmt " + stmt.getText());
return params;
* Derivation of StatsSource to expose timing information of procedure invocations.
private final class ProcedureStatsCollector extends SiteStatsSource {
* Record procedure execution time ever N invocations
final int timeCollectionInterval = 20;
* Number of times this procedure has been invoked.
private long m_invocations = 0;
private long m_lastInvocations = 0;
* Number of timed invocations
private long m_timedInvocations = 0;
private long m_lastTimedInvocations = 0;
* Total amount of timed execution time
private long m_totalTimedExecutionTime = 0;
private long m_lastTotalTimedExecutionTime = 0;
* Shortest amount of time this procedure has executed in
private long m_minExecutionTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private long m_lastMinExecutionTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
* Longest amount of time this procedure has executed in
private long m_maxExecutionTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private long m_lastMaxExecutionTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
* Time the procedure was last started
private long m_currentStartTime = -1;
* Count of the number of aborts (user initiated or DB initiated)
private long m_abortCount = 0;
private long m_lastAbortCount = 0;
* Count of the number of errors that occured during procedure execution
private long m_failureCount = 0;
private long m_lastFailureCount = 0;
* Whether to return results in intervals since polling or since the beginning
private boolean m_interval = false;
* Constructor requires no args because it has access to the enclosing classes members.
public ProcedureStatsCollector() {
super("XXX", 1, false);
// super(m_site.getCorrespondingSiteId() + " " + catProc.getClassname(),
// m_site.getCorrespondingSiteId());
* Called when a procedure begins executing. Caches the time the procedure starts.
public final void beginProcedure() {
if (m_invocations % timeCollectionInterval == 0) {
m_currentStartTime = System.nanoTime();
* Called after a procedure is finished executing. Compares the start and end time and calculates
* the statistics.
public final void endProcedure(boolean aborted, boolean failed) {
if (m_currentStartTime > 0) {
final long endTime = System.nanoTime();
final int delta = (int)(endTime - m_currentStartTime);
m_totalTimedExecutionTime += delta;
m_minExecutionTime = Math.min( delta, m_minExecutionTime);
m_maxExecutionTime = Math.max( delta, m_maxExecutionTime);
m_lastMinExecutionTime = Math.min( delta, m_lastMinExecutionTime);
m_lastMaxExecutionTime = Math.max( delta, m_lastMaxExecutionTime);
m_currentStartTime = -1;
if (aborted) {
if (failed) {
* Update the rowValues array with the latest statistical information.
* This method is overrides the super class version
* which must also be called so that it can update its columns.
* @param values Values of each column of the row of stats. Used as output.
protected void updateStatsRow(Object rowKey, Object rowValues[]) {
super.updateStatsRow(rowKey, rowValues);
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("PARTITION_ID")] = executor.getPartitionId();
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("PROCEDURE")] = catalog_proc.getClassname();
long invocations = m_invocations;
long totalTimedExecutionTime = m_totalTimedExecutionTime;
long timedInvocations = m_timedInvocations;
long minExecutionTime = m_minExecutionTime;
long maxExecutionTime = m_maxExecutionTime;
long abortCount = m_abortCount;
long failureCount = m_failureCount;
if (m_interval) {
invocations = m_invocations - m_lastInvocations;
m_lastInvocations = m_invocations;
totalTimedExecutionTime = m_totalTimedExecutionTime - m_lastTotalTimedExecutionTime;
m_lastTotalTimedExecutionTime = m_totalTimedExecutionTime;
timedInvocations = m_timedInvocations - m_lastTimedInvocations;
m_lastTimedInvocations = m_timedInvocations;
abortCount = m_abortCount - m_lastAbortCount;
m_lastAbortCount = m_abortCount;
failureCount = m_failureCount - m_lastFailureCount;
m_lastFailureCount = m_failureCount;
minExecutionTime = m_lastMinExecutionTime;
maxExecutionTime = m_lastMaxExecutionTime;
m_lastMinExecutionTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
m_lastMaxExecutionTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("INVOCATIONS")] = invocations;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("TIMED_INVOCATIONS")] = timedInvocations;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("MIN_EXECUTION_TIME")] = minExecutionTime;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("MAX_EXECUTION_TIME")] = maxExecutionTime;
if (timedInvocations != 0) {
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("AVG_EXECUTION_TIME")] =
(totalTimedExecutionTime / timedInvocations);
} else {
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("AVG_EXECUTION_TIME")] = 0L;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("ABORTS")] = abortCount;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("FAILURES")] = failureCount;
* Specifies the columns of statistics that are added by this class to the schema of a statistical results.
* @param columns List of columns that are in a stats row.
protected void populateColumnSchema(ArrayList<VoltTable.ColumnInfo> columns) {
columns.add(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("PARTITION_ID", VoltType.INTEGER));
columns.add(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("PROCEDURE", VoltType.STRING));
columns.add(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("INVOCATIONS", VoltType.BIGINT));
columns.add(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("TIMED_INVOCATIONS", VoltType.BIGINT));
columns.add(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("MIN_EXECUTION_TIME", VoltType.BIGINT));
columns.add(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("MAX_EXECUTION_TIME", VoltType.BIGINT));
columns.add(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("AVG_EXECUTION_TIME", VoltType.BIGINT));
columns.add(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("ABORTS", VoltType.BIGINT));
columns.add(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("FAILURES", VoltType.BIGINT));
protected Iterator<Object> getStatsRowKeyIterator(boolean interval) {
m_interval = interval;
return new Iterator<Object>() {
boolean givenNext = false;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (!m_interval) {
if (m_invocations == 0) {
return false;
} else if (m_invocations - m_lastInvocations == 0){
return false;
return !givenNext;
public Object next() {
if (!givenNext) {
givenNext = true;
return new Object();
return null;
public void remove() {}
public String toString() {
return catalog_proc.getTypeName();
* Set the status code that will be returned to the client. This is not the same as the status
* code returned by the server. If a procedure sets the status code and then rolls back or causes an error
* the status code will still be propagated back to the client so it is always necessary to check
* the server status code first.
* @param statusCode
public void setAppStatusCode(byte statusCode) {
m_statusCode = statusCode;
public void setAppStatusString(String statusString) {
m_statusString = statusString;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public class Debug implements DebugContext {
public void registerCallback(EventObserver<ClientResponse> observer) {
if (VoltProcedure.this.observable == null) {
VoltProcedure.this.observable = new EventObservable<ClientResponse>();
public void unregisterCallback(EventObserver<ClientResponse> observer) {
* Allow sysprocs to update m_currentTxnState manually. User procedures are
* passed this state in call(); sysprocs have other entry points on
* non-coordinator sites.
public void setTransactionState(LocalTransaction txnState) {
VoltProcedure.this.localTxnState = txnState;
public Debug getDebugContext() {
return new Debug();