graph.num_rounds = Math.max(num_fragments, graph.num_rounds);
// Generate the synthetic DependencyIds for the query
int last_output_id = HStoreConstants.NULL_DEPENDENCY_ID;
for (int round = 0, cnt = num_fragments; round < cnt; round++) {
PlanFragment catalog_frag = fragments.get(round);
PartitionSet f_partitions = frag_partitions.get(catalog_frag);
assert (f_partitions != null) :
String.format("No PartitionIds for [%02d] %s in Statement #%d", round,
catalog_frag.fullName(), stmt_index);
boolean f_local = (f_partitions.size() == 1 && f_partitions.contains(plan.base_partition));
final Integer output_id = Integer.valueOf(this.enable_unique_ids ?
BatchPlanner.NEXT_DEPENDENCY_ID.getAndIncrement() : last_id++);
PlanVertex v = new PlanVertex(catalog_frag,