// Example of using libfityk from Java.
// To run this example:
// - compile dynamic module for Java: after compiling fityk go to src/,
// run "make java" with proper paths. On Fedora Linux it means:
// $ JAVAINC=/usr/lib/jvm/java/include
// $ make java CPPFLAGS="-I$JAVAINC -I/$JAVAINC/linux"
// Put fitykJ.so into a directory in dynamic library path.
// (libfityk.so should also be installed.)
// - java files in swig/java are in "package fityk", so compile the files:
// $ cd ..../src/swig/java
// $ javac *.java
// and put them in a directory named fityk in CLASSPATH.
// Link will also do:
// $ cd ..../samples
// $ ln -s .../src/swig/java ./fityk; export CLASSPATH=.
// Now you can try this sample:
// $ java hello
import fityk.Fityk;
public class hello extends Fityk {
static {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
Fityk f = new Fityk();
System.out.println("ln(2) = " + f.get_info("version"));
hello g = new hello("nacl01.dat");
// Actual class content starts here.
// It's named `hello' and kept in the same file as main because
// we like each sample to be in a single file.
String filename;
public hello (String filename) {
this.filename = filename;
execute(String.format("@0 < '%s'", filename));
System.out.println("Data info:" + get_info("data", 0));
public void run() {
execute("guess %gauss = Gaussian");
System.out.println("Fitting " + filename + " ...");
System.out.println("WSSR=" + get_wssr());
System.out.println("Gaussian center: " +
public void save_session(String sessionFilename) {
execute(String.format("info state >'%s'", sessionFilename));