if (seed.length() > Seed.maxsize) {
Network.log.logInfo("hello/server: rejected contacting seed; too large (" + seed.length() + " > " + Seed.maxsize + ", time_dnsResolve=" + time_dnsResolve + ")");
prop.put("message", "your seed is too long (" + seed.length() + ")");
return prop;
Seed remoteSeed;
try {
remoteSeed = Seed.genRemoteSeed(seed, key, true, ias.getHostAddress());
} catch (final IOException e) {
Network.log.logInfo("hello/server: bad seed: " + e.getMessage() + ", time_dnsResolve=" + time_dnsResolve);
prop.put("message", "bad seed: " + e.getMessage());
return prop;
if (remoteSeed == null || remoteSeed.hash == null) {
Network.log.logInfo("hello/server: bad seed: null, time_dnsResolve=" + time_dnsResolve);
prop.put("message", "cannot parse your seed");
return prop;
// final String properTest = remoteSeed.isProper();
// The remote peer might not know its IP yet, so don't abort if the IP check fails
// if ((properTest != null) && (! properTest.substring(0,1).equals("IP"))) { return null; }
// we easily know the caller's IP:
final String userAgent = header.get(HeaderFramework.USER_AGENT, "<unknown>");
final String reportedip = remoteSeed.getIP();
final String reportedPeerType = remoteSeed.get(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_JUNIOR);
final float clientversion = remoteSeed.getVersion();
if (sb.isRobinsonMode() && !sb.isPublicRobinson()) {
// if we are a robinson cluster, answer only if this client is known by our network definition
prop.put("message", "I am robinson, I do not answer");
return prop;
long[] callback = new long[]{-1, -1};
if (sb.clusterhashes != null) remoteSeed.setAlternativeAddress(sb.clusterhashes.get(remoteSeed.hash.getBytes()));
// if the remote client has reported its own IP address and the client supports
// the port forwarding feature (if client version >= 0.383) then we try to
// connect to the reported IP address first
time = System.currentTimeMillis();
long time_backping = 0;
String backping_method = "none";
if (reportedip.length() > 0 &&
!clientip.equals(reportedip) &&
clientversion >= yacyVersion.YACY_SUPPORTS_PORT_FORWARDING &&
magic != 0) {
// try first the reportedip, since this may be a connect from a port-forwarding host
prop.put("yourip", reportedip);
callback = Protocol.queryUrlCount(remoteSeed);
time_backping = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
backping_method = "reportedip=" + reportedip;
} else {
prop.put("yourip", ias.getHostAddress());
// if the previous attempt (using the reported ip address) was not successful,
// then try the ip where the request came from
if (callback[0] < 0 || (magic != 0 && magic != callback[1])) {
boolean isNotLocal = true;
// we are only allowed to connect to the client IP address if it's not our own address
if (serverCore.useStaticIP) {
isNotLocal = !ias.isSiteLocalAddress();
if (isNotLocal) {
prop.put("yourip", clientip);
callback = Protocol.queryUrlCount(remoteSeed);
time_backping = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
backping_method = "clientip=" + clientip;
// System.out.println("YACYHELLO: YOUR IP=" + clientip);
// set lastseen value (we have seen that peer, it contacted us!)
// assign status
final int connectedBefore = sb.peers.sizeConnected();
if (callback[0] >= 0) {
if (remoteSeed.get(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR) == null) {
remoteSeed.put(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR);
} else if (remoteSeed.get(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL).equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL)) {
} else {
remoteSeed.put(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR);
// connect the seed
Network.log.logInfo("hello/server: responded remote senior peer '" + remoteSeed.getName() + "' from " + reportedip + ", time_dnsResolve=" + time_dnsResolve + ", time_backping=" + time_backping + ", method=" + backping_method + ", urls=" + callback[0]);
sb.peers.peerActions.peerArrival(remoteSeed, true);
} else {
remoteSeed.put(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_JUNIOR);
Network.log.logInfo("hello/server: responded remote junior peer '" + remoteSeed.getName() + "' from " + reportedip + ", time_dnsResolve=" + time_dnsResolve + ", time_backping=" + time_backping + ", method=" + backping_method + ", urls=" + callback[0]);
// no connection here, instead store junior in connection cache
if ((remoteSeed.hash != null) && (remoteSeed.isProper(false) == null)) {
final int connectedAfter = sb.peers.sizeConnected();
// update event tracker
EventTracker.update(EventTracker.EClass.PEERPING, new ProfilingGraph.EventPing(remoteSeed.getName(), sb.peers.myName(), false, connectedAfter - connectedBefore), false);
sb.peers.peerActions.setUserAgent(clientip, userAgent);
if (!(prop.get(Seed.YOURTYPE)).equals(reportedPeerType)) {
Network.log.logInfo("hello/server: changing remote peer '" + remoteSeed.getName() +
"' [" + reportedip +
"] peerType from '" + reportedPeerType +
"' to '" + prop.get(Seed.YOURTYPE) + "'.");
final StringBuilder seeds = new StringBuilder(768);
// attach some more seeds, as requested
if (sb.peers.sizeConnected() > 0) {
if (count > sb.peers.sizeConnected()) { count = sb.peers.sizeConnected(); }
if (count > 100) { count = 100; }
// latest seeds
final Map<String, Seed> ySeeds = PeerSelection.seedsByAge(sb.peers, true, count); // peerhash/yacySeed relation
// attach also my own seed
count = 1;
// attach other seeds
if (ySeeds != null) {
seeds.ensureCapacity((ySeeds.size() + 1) * 768);
final Iterator<Seed> si = ySeeds.values().iterator();
Seed s;
String seedString;
while (si.hasNext()) {
s = si.next();
if ((s != null) && (s.isProper(false) == null)) try {
seedString = s.genSeedStr(key);
if (seedString != null) {
} catch (final ConcurrentModificationException e) {