* Java port of Bullet (c) 2008 Martin Dvorak <jezek2@advel.cz>
* Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
* Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Erwin Coumans http://www.bulletphysics.com/
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
* the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
package com.bulletphysics.collision.shapes;
import com.bulletphysics.linearmath.AabbUtil2;
import com.bulletphysics.linearmath.MiscUtil;
import com.bulletphysics.linearmath.VectorUtil;
import com.bulletphysics.util.ObjectArrayList;
import cz.advel.stack.Stack;
import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
// JAVA NOTE: OptimizedBvh still from 2.66, update it for 2.70b1
* OptimizedBvh store an AABB tree that can be quickly traversed on CPU (and SPU, GPU in future).
* @author jezek2
public class OptimizedBvh implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
//protected final BulletStack stack = BulletStack.get();
private static final boolean DEBUG_TREE_BUILDING = false;
private static int gStackDepth = 0;
private static int gMaxStackDepth = 0;
private static int maxIterations = 0;
// Note: currently we have 16 bytes per quantized node
public static final int MAX_SUBTREE_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 2048;
// 10 gives the potential for 1024 parts, with at most 2^21 (2097152) (minus one
// actually) triangles each (since the sign bit is reserved
public static final int MAX_NUM_PARTS_IN_BITS = 10;
private final ObjectArrayList<OptimizedBvhNode> leafNodes = new ObjectArrayList<OptimizedBvhNode>();
private final ObjectArrayList<OptimizedBvhNode> contiguousNodes = new ObjectArrayList<OptimizedBvhNode>();
private QuantizedBvhNodes quantizedLeafNodes = new QuantizedBvhNodes();
private QuantizedBvhNodes quantizedContiguousNodes = new QuantizedBvhNodes();
private int curNodeIndex;
// quantization data
private boolean useQuantization;
private final Vector3f bvhAabbMin = new Vector3f();
private final Vector3f bvhAabbMax = new Vector3f();
private final Vector3f bvhQuantization = new Vector3f();
protected TraversalMode traversalMode = TraversalMode.STACKLESS;
protected final ObjectArrayList<BvhSubtreeInfo> SubtreeHeaders = new ObjectArrayList<BvhSubtreeInfo>();
// This is only used for serialization so we don't have to add serialization directly to btAlignedObjectArray
protected int subtreeHeaderCount;
// two versions, one for quantized and normal nodes. This allows code-reuse while maintaining readability (no template/macro!)
// this might be refactored into a virtual, it is usually not calculated at run-time
public void setInternalNodeAabbMin(int nodeIndex, Vector3f aabbMin) {
if (useQuantization) {
quantizedContiguousNodes.setQuantizedAabbMin(nodeIndex, quantizeWithClamp(aabbMin));
else {
public void setInternalNodeAabbMax(int nodeIndex, Vector3f aabbMax) {
if (useQuantization) {
quantizedContiguousNodes.setQuantizedAabbMax(nodeIndex, quantizeWithClamp(aabbMax));
else {
public Vector3f getAabbMin(int nodeIndex) {
if (useQuantization) {
Vector3f tmp = new Vector3f();
unQuantize(tmp, quantizedLeafNodes.getQuantizedAabbMin(nodeIndex));
return tmp;
// non-quantized
return leafNodes.getQuick(nodeIndex).aabbMinOrg;
public Vector3f getAabbMax(int nodeIndex) {
if (useQuantization) {
Vector3f tmp = new Vector3f();
unQuantize(tmp, quantizedLeafNodes.getQuantizedAabbMax(nodeIndex));
return tmp;
// non-quantized
return leafNodes.getQuick(nodeIndex).aabbMaxOrg;
public void setQuantizationValues(Vector3f aabbMin, Vector3f aabbMax) {
setQuantizationValues(aabbMin, aabbMax, 1f);
public void setQuantizationValues(Vector3f aabbMin, Vector3f aabbMax, float quantizationMargin) {
// enlarge the AABB to avoid division by zero when initializing the quantization values
Vector3f clampValue = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
bvhAabbMin.sub(aabbMin, clampValue);
bvhAabbMax.add(aabbMax, clampValue);
Vector3f aabbSize = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
aabbSize.sub(bvhAabbMax, bvhAabbMin);
bvhQuantization.set(65535f, 65535f, 65535f);
VectorUtil.div(bvhQuantization, bvhQuantization, aabbSize);
public void setInternalNodeEscapeIndex(int nodeIndex, int escapeIndex) {
if (useQuantization) {
quantizedContiguousNodes.setEscapeIndexOrTriangleIndex(nodeIndex, -escapeIndex);
else {
contiguousNodes.getQuick(nodeIndex).escapeIndex = escapeIndex;
public void mergeInternalNodeAabb(int nodeIndex, Vector3f newAabbMin, Vector3f newAabbMax) {
if (useQuantization) {
long quantizedAabbMin;
long quantizedAabbMax;
quantizedAabbMin = quantizeWithClamp(newAabbMin);
quantizedAabbMax = quantizeWithClamp(newAabbMax);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (quantizedContiguousNodes.getQuantizedAabbMin(nodeIndex, i) > QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(quantizedAabbMin, i)) {
quantizedContiguousNodes.setQuantizedAabbMin(nodeIndex, i, QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(quantizedAabbMin, i));
if (quantizedContiguousNodes.getQuantizedAabbMax(nodeIndex, i) < QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(quantizedAabbMax, i)) {
quantizedContiguousNodes.setQuantizedAabbMax(nodeIndex, i, QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(quantizedAabbMax, i));
else {
// non-quantized
VectorUtil.setMin(contiguousNodes.getQuick(nodeIndex).aabbMinOrg, newAabbMin);
VectorUtil.setMax(contiguousNodes.getQuick(nodeIndex).aabbMaxOrg, newAabbMax);
public void swapLeafNodes(int i, int splitIndex) {
if (useQuantization) {
quantizedLeafNodes.swap(i, splitIndex);
else {
// JAVA NOTE: changing reference instead of copy
OptimizedBvhNode tmp = leafNodes.getQuick(i);
leafNodes.setQuick(i, leafNodes.getQuick(splitIndex));
leafNodes.setQuick(splitIndex, tmp);
public void assignInternalNodeFromLeafNode(int internalNode, int leafNodeIndex) {
if (useQuantization) {
quantizedContiguousNodes.set(internalNode, quantizedLeafNodes, leafNodeIndex);
else {
private static class NodeTriangleCallback extends InternalTriangleIndexCallback {
public ObjectArrayList<OptimizedBvhNode> triangleNodes;
public NodeTriangleCallback(ObjectArrayList<OptimizedBvhNode> triangleNodes) {
this.triangleNodes = triangleNodes;
private final Vector3f aabbMin = new Vector3f(), aabbMax = new Vector3f();
public void internalProcessTriangleIndex(Vector3f[] triangle, int partId, int triangleIndex) {
OptimizedBvhNode node = new OptimizedBvhNode();
aabbMin.set(1e30f, 1e30f, 1e30f);
aabbMax.set(-1e30f, -1e30f, -1e30f);
VectorUtil.setMin(aabbMin, triangle[0]);
VectorUtil.setMax(aabbMax, triangle[0]);
VectorUtil.setMin(aabbMin, triangle[1]);
VectorUtil.setMax(aabbMax, triangle[1]);
VectorUtil.setMin(aabbMin, triangle[2]);
VectorUtil.setMax(aabbMax, triangle[2]);
// with quantization?
node.escapeIndex = -1;
// for child nodes
node.subPart = partId;
node.triangleIndex = triangleIndex;
private static class QuantizedNodeTriangleCallback extends InternalTriangleIndexCallback {
//protected final BulletStack stack = BulletStack.get();
public QuantizedBvhNodes triangleNodes;
public OptimizedBvh optimizedTree; // for quantization
public QuantizedNodeTriangleCallback(QuantizedBvhNodes triangleNodes, OptimizedBvh tree) {
this.triangleNodes = triangleNodes;
this.optimizedTree = tree;
public void internalProcessTriangleIndex(Vector3f[] triangle, int partId, int triangleIndex) {
// The partId and triangle index must fit in the same (positive) integer
assert (partId < (1 << MAX_NUM_PARTS_IN_BITS));
assert (triangleIndex < (1 << (31 - MAX_NUM_PARTS_IN_BITS)));
// negative indices are reserved for escapeIndex
assert (triangleIndex >= 0);
int nodeId = triangleNodes.add();
Vector3f aabbMin = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class), aabbMax = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
aabbMin.set(1e30f, 1e30f, 1e30f);
aabbMax.set(-1e30f, -1e30f, -1e30f);
VectorUtil.setMin(aabbMin, triangle[0]);
VectorUtil.setMax(aabbMax, triangle[0]);
VectorUtil.setMin(aabbMin, triangle[1]);
VectorUtil.setMax(aabbMax, triangle[1]);
VectorUtil.setMin(aabbMin, triangle[2]);
VectorUtil.setMax(aabbMax, triangle[2]);
// PCK: add these checks for zero dimensions of aabb
final float MIN_AABB_DIMENSION = 0.002f;
final float MIN_AABB_HALF_DIMENSION = 0.001f;
if (aabbMax.x - aabbMin.x < MIN_AABB_DIMENSION) {
aabbMax.x = (aabbMax.x + MIN_AABB_HALF_DIMENSION);
aabbMin.x = (aabbMin.x - MIN_AABB_HALF_DIMENSION);
if (aabbMax.y - aabbMin.y < MIN_AABB_DIMENSION) {
aabbMax.y = (aabbMax.y + MIN_AABB_HALF_DIMENSION);
aabbMin.y = (aabbMin.y - MIN_AABB_HALF_DIMENSION);
if (aabbMax.z - aabbMin.z < MIN_AABB_DIMENSION) {
aabbMax.z = (aabbMax.z + MIN_AABB_HALF_DIMENSION);
aabbMin.z = (aabbMin.z - MIN_AABB_HALF_DIMENSION);
triangleNodes.setQuantizedAabbMin(nodeId, optimizedTree.quantizeWithClamp(aabbMin));
triangleNodes.setQuantizedAabbMax(nodeId, optimizedTree.quantizeWithClamp(aabbMax));
triangleNodes.setEscapeIndexOrTriangleIndex(nodeId, (partId << (31 - MAX_NUM_PARTS_IN_BITS)) | triangleIndex);
public void build(StridingMeshInterface triangles, boolean useQuantizedAabbCompression, Vector3f _aabbMin, Vector3f _aabbMax) {
this.useQuantization = useQuantizedAabbCompression;
// NodeArray triangleNodes;
int numLeafNodes = 0;
if (useQuantization) {
// initialize quantization values
setQuantizationValues(_aabbMin, _aabbMax);
QuantizedNodeTriangleCallback callback = new QuantizedNodeTriangleCallback(quantizedLeafNodes, this);
triangles.internalProcessAllTriangles(callback, bvhAabbMin, bvhAabbMax);
// now we have an array of leafnodes in m_leafNodes
numLeafNodes = quantizedLeafNodes.size();
quantizedContiguousNodes.resize(2 * numLeafNodes);
else {
NodeTriangleCallback callback = new NodeTriangleCallback(leafNodes);
Vector3f aabbMin = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
aabbMin.set(-1e30f, -1e30f, -1e30f);
Vector3f aabbMax = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
aabbMax.set(1e30f, 1e30f, 1e30f);
triangles.internalProcessAllTriangles(callback, aabbMin, aabbMax);
// now we have an array of leafnodes in m_leafNodes
numLeafNodes = leafNodes.size();
// TODO: check
MiscUtil.resize(contiguousNodes, 2 * numLeafNodes, OptimizedBvhNode.class);
curNodeIndex = 0;
buildTree(0, numLeafNodes);
// if the entire tree is small then subtree size, we need to create a header info for the tree
if (useQuantization && SubtreeHeaders.size() == 0) {
BvhSubtreeInfo subtree = new BvhSubtreeInfo();
subtree.setAabbFromQuantizeNode(quantizedContiguousNodes, 0);
subtree.rootNodeIndex = 0;
subtree.subtreeSize = quantizedContiguousNodes.isLeafNode(0) ? 1 : quantizedContiguousNodes.getEscapeIndex(0);
// PCK: update the copy of the size
subtreeHeaderCount = SubtreeHeaders.size();
// PCK: clear m_quantizedLeafNodes and m_leafNodes, they are temporary
public void refit(StridingMeshInterface meshInterface) {
if (useQuantization) {
// calculate new aabb
Vector3f aabbMin = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class), aabbMax = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
meshInterface.calculateAabbBruteForce(aabbMin, aabbMax);
setQuantizationValues(aabbMin, aabbMax);
updateBvhNodes(meshInterface, 0, curNodeIndex, 0);
// now update all subtree headers
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SubtreeHeaders.size(); i++) {
BvhSubtreeInfo subtree = SubtreeHeaders.getQuick(i);
subtree.setAabbFromQuantizeNode(quantizedContiguousNodes, subtree.rootNodeIndex);
else {
// JAVA NOTE: added for testing, it's too slow for practical use
build(meshInterface, false, null, null);
public void refitPartial(StridingMeshInterface meshInterface, Vector3f aabbMin, Vector3f aabbMax) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// // incrementally initialize quantization values
// assert (useQuantization);
// btAssert(aabbMin.getX() > m_bvhAabbMin.getX());
// btAssert(aabbMin.getY() > m_bvhAabbMin.getY());
// btAssert(aabbMin.getZ() > m_bvhAabbMin.getZ());
// btAssert(aabbMax.getX() < m_bvhAabbMax.getX());
// btAssert(aabbMax.getY() < m_bvhAabbMax.getY());
// btAssert(aabbMax.getZ() < m_bvhAabbMax.getZ());
// ///we should update all quantization values, using updateBvhNodes(meshInterface);
// ///but we only update chunks that overlap the given aabb
// unsigned short quantizedQueryAabbMin[3];
// unsigned short quantizedQueryAabbMax[3];
// quantizeWithClamp(&quantizedQueryAabbMin[0],aabbMin);
// quantizeWithClamp(&quantizedQueryAabbMax[0],aabbMax);
// int i;
// for (i=0;i<this->m_SubtreeHeaders.size();i++)
// {
// btBvhSubtreeInfo& subtree = m_SubtreeHeaders[i];
// //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
// unsigned overlap = testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb(quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax,subtree.m_quantizedAabbMin,subtree.m_quantizedAabbMax);
// if (overlap != 0)
// {
// updateBvhNodes(meshInterface,subtree.m_rootNodeIndex,subtree.m_rootNodeIndex+subtree.m_subtreeSize,i);
// subtree.setAabbFromQuantizeNode(m_quantizedContiguousNodes[subtree.m_rootNodeIndex]);
// }
// }
public void updateBvhNodes(StridingMeshInterface meshInterface, int firstNode, int endNode, int index) {
assert (useQuantization);
int curNodeSubPart = -1;
Vector3f[] triangleVerts/*[3]*/ = new Vector3f[] { Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class), Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class), Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class) };
Vector3f aabbMin = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class), aabbMax = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
Vector3f meshScaling = meshInterface.getScaling(Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class));
VertexData data = null;
for (int i = endNode - 1; i >= firstNode; i--) {
QuantizedBvhNodes curNodes = quantizedContiguousNodes;
int curNodeId = i;
if (curNodes.isLeafNode(curNodeId)) {
// recalc aabb from triangle data
int nodeSubPart = curNodes.getPartId(curNodeId);
int nodeTriangleIndex = curNodes.getTriangleIndex(curNodeId);
if (nodeSubPart != curNodeSubPart) {
if (curNodeSubPart >= 0) {
data = meshInterface.getLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexBase(nodeSubPart);
data.getTriangle(nodeTriangleIndex*3, meshScaling, triangleVerts);
aabbMin.set(1e30f, 1e30f, 1e30f);
aabbMax.set(-1e30f, -1e30f, -1e30f);
VectorUtil.setMin(aabbMin, triangleVerts[0]);
VectorUtil.setMax(aabbMax, triangleVerts[0]);
VectorUtil.setMin(aabbMin, triangleVerts[1]);
VectorUtil.setMax(aabbMax, triangleVerts[1]);
VectorUtil.setMin(aabbMin, triangleVerts[2]);
VectorUtil.setMax(aabbMax, triangleVerts[2]);
curNodes.setQuantizedAabbMin(curNodeId, quantizeWithClamp(aabbMin));
curNodes.setQuantizedAabbMax(curNodeId, quantizeWithClamp(aabbMax));
else {
// combine aabb from both children
int leftChildNodeId = i + 1;
int rightChildNodeId = quantizedContiguousNodes.isLeafNode(leftChildNodeId) ? i + 2 : i + 1 + quantizedContiguousNodes.getEscapeIndex(leftChildNodeId);
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 3; i2++) {
curNodes.setQuantizedAabbMin(curNodeId, i2, quantizedContiguousNodes.getQuantizedAabbMin(leftChildNodeId, i2));
if (curNodes.getQuantizedAabbMin(curNodeId, i2) > quantizedContiguousNodes.getQuantizedAabbMin(rightChildNodeId, i2)) {
curNodes.setQuantizedAabbMin(curNodeId, i2, quantizedContiguousNodes.getQuantizedAabbMin(rightChildNodeId, i2));
curNodes.setQuantizedAabbMax(curNodeId, i2, quantizedContiguousNodes.getQuantizedAabbMax(leftChildNodeId, i2));
if (curNodes.getQuantizedAabbMax(curNodeId, i2) < quantizedContiguousNodes.getQuantizedAabbMax(rightChildNodeId, i2)) {
curNodes.setQuantizedAabbMax(curNodeId, i2, quantizedContiguousNodes.getQuantizedAabbMax(rightChildNodeId, i2));
if (curNodeSubPart >= 0) {
protected void buildTree(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
if (gStackDepth > gMaxStackDepth) {
gMaxStackDepth = gStackDepth;
int splitAxis, splitIndex, i;
int numIndices = endIndex - startIndex;
int curIndex = curNodeIndex;
assert (numIndices > 0);
if (numIndices == 1) {
assignInternalNodeFromLeafNode(curNodeIndex, startIndex);
// calculate Best Splitting Axis and where to split it. Sort the incoming 'leafNodes' array within range 'startIndex/endIndex'.
splitAxis = calcSplittingAxis(startIndex, endIndex);
splitIndex = sortAndCalcSplittingIndex(startIndex, endIndex, splitAxis);
int internalNodeIndex = curNodeIndex;
Vector3f tmp1 = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
tmp1.set(-1e30f, -1e30f, -1e30f);
setInternalNodeAabbMax(curNodeIndex, tmp1);
Vector3f tmp2 = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
tmp2.set(1e30f, 1e30f, 1e30f);
setInternalNodeAabbMin(curNodeIndex, tmp2);
for (i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
mergeInternalNodeAabb(curNodeIndex, getAabbMin(i), getAabbMax(i));
int leftChildNodexIndex = curNodeIndex;
//build left child tree
buildTree(startIndex, splitIndex);
int rightChildNodexIndex = curNodeIndex;
// build right child tree
buildTree(splitIndex, endIndex);
int escapeIndex = curNodeIndex - curIndex;
if (useQuantization) {
// escapeIndex is the number of nodes of this subtree
int sizeQuantizedNode = QuantizedBvhNodes.getNodeSize();
int treeSizeInBytes = escapeIndex * sizeQuantizedNode;
if (treeSizeInBytes > MAX_SUBTREE_SIZE_IN_BYTES) {
updateSubtreeHeaders(leftChildNodexIndex, rightChildNodexIndex);
setInternalNodeEscapeIndex(internalNodeIndex, escapeIndex);
protected boolean testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb(long aabbMin1, long aabbMax1, long aabbMin2, long aabbMax2) {
int aabbMin1_0 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMin1, 0);
int aabbMin1_1 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMin1, 1);
int aabbMin1_2 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMin1, 2);
int aabbMax1_0 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMax1, 0);
int aabbMax1_1 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMax1, 1);
int aabbMax1_2 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMax1, 2);
int aabbMin2_0 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMin2, 0);
int aabbMin2_1 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMin2, 1);
int aabbMin2_2 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMin2, 2);
int aabbMax2_0 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMax2, 0);
int aabbMax2_1 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMax2, 1);
int aabbMax2_2 = QuantizedBvhNodes.getCoord(aabbMax2, 2);
boolean overlap = true;
overlap = (aabbMin1_0 > aabbMax2_0 || aabbMax1_0 < aabbMin2_0) ? false : overlap;
overlap = (aabbMin1_2 > aabbMax2_2 || aabbMax1_2 < aabbMin2_2) ? false : overlap;
overlap = (aabbMin1_1 > aabbMax2_1 || aabbMax1_1 < aabbMin2_1) ? false : overlap;
return overlap;
protected void updateSubtreeHeaders(int leftChildNodexIndex, int rightChildNodexIndex) {
assert (useQuantization);
//btQuantizedBvhNode& leftChildNode = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[leftChildNodexIndex];
int leftSubTreeSize = quantizedContiguousNodes.isLeafNode(leftChildNodexIndex) ? 1 : quantizedContiguousNodes.getEscapeIndex(leftChildNodexIndex);
int leftSubTreeSizeInBytes = leftSubTreeSize * QuantizedBvhNodes.getNodeSize();
//btQuantizedBvhNode& rightChildNode = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[rightChildNodexIndex];
int rightSubTreeSize = quantizedContiguousNodes.isLeafNode(rightChildNodexIndex) ? 1 : quantizedContiguousNodes.getEscapeIndex(rightChildNodexIndex);
int rightSubTreeSizeInBytes = rightSubTreeSize * QuantizedBvhNodes.getNodeSize();
if (leftSubTreeSizeInBytes <= MAX_SUBTREE_SIZE_IN_BYTES) {
BvhSubtreeInfo subtree = new BvhSubtreeInfo();
subtree.setAabbFromQuantizeNode(quantizedContiguousNodes, leftChildNodexIndex);
subtree.rootNodeIndex = leftChildNodexIndex;
subtree.subtreeSize = leftSubTreeSize;
if (rightSubTreeSizeInBytes <= MAX_SUBTREE_SIZE_IN_BYTES) {
BvhSubtreeInfo subtree = new BvhSubtreeInfo();
subtree.setAabbFromQuantizeNode(quantizedContiguousNodes, rightChildNodexIndex);
subtree.rootNodeIndex = rightChildNodexIndex;
subtree.subtreeSize = rightSubTreeSize;
// PCK: update the copy of the size
subtreeHeaderCount = SubtreeHeaders.size();
protected int sortAndCalcSplittingIndex(int startIndex, int endIndex, int splitAxis) {
int i;
int splitIndex = startIndex;
int numIndices = endIndex - startIndex;
float splitValue;
Vector3f means = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
means.set(0f, 0f, 0f);
Vector3f center = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
for (i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
center.add(getAabbMax(i), getAabbMin(i));
means.scale(1f / (float) numIndices);
splitValue = VectorUtil.getCoord(means, splitAxis);
//sort leafNodes so all values larger then splitValue comes first, and smaller values start from 'splitIndex'.
for (i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
//Vector3f center = new Vector3f();
center.add(getAabbMax(i), getAabbMin(i));
if (VectorUtil.getCoord(center, splitAxis) > splitValue) {
// swap
swapLeafNodes(i, splitIndex);
// if the splitIndex causes unbalanced trees, fix this by using the center in between startIndex and endIndex
// otherwise the tree-building might fail due to stack-overflows in certain cases.
// unbalanced1 is unsafe: it can cause stack overflows
// bool unbalanced1 = ((splitIndex==startIndex) || (splitIndex == (endIndex-1)));
// unbalanced2 should work too: always use center (perfect balanced trees)
// bool unbalanced2 = true;
// this should be safe too:
int rangeBalancedIndices = numIndices / 3;
boolean unbalanced = ((splitIndex <= (startIndex + rangeBalancedIndices)) || (splitIndex >= (endIndex - 1 - rangeBalancedIndices)));
if (unbalanced) {
splitIndex = startIndex + (numIndices >> 1);
boolean unbal = (splitIndex == startIndex) || (splitIndex == (endIndex));
assert (!unbal);
return splitIndex;
protected int calcSplittingAxis(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
int i;
Vector3f means = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
means.set(0f, 0f, 0f);
Vector3f variance = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
variance.set(0f, 0f, 0f);
int numIndices = endIndex - startIndex;
Vector3f center = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
for (i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
center.add(getAabbMax(i), getAabbMin(i));
means.scale(1f / (float) numIndices);
Vector3f diff2 = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
for (i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
center.add(getAabbMax(i), getAabbMin(i));
diff2.sub(center, means);
//diff2 = diff2 * diff2;
VectorUtil.mul(diff2, diff2, diff2);
variance.scale(1f / ((float) numIndices - 1));
return VectorUtil.maxAxis(variance);
public void reportAabbOverlappingNodex(NodeOverlapCallback nodeCallback, Vector3f aabbMin, Vector3f aabbMax) {
// either choose recursive traversal (walkTree) or stackless (walkStacklessTree)
if (useQuantization) {
// quantize query AABB
long quantizedQueryAabbMin;
long quantizedQueryAabbMax;
quantizedQueryAabbMin = quantizeWithClamp(aabbMin);
quantizedQueryAabbMax = quantizeWithClamp(aabbMax);
switch (traversalMode) {
walkStacklessQuantizedTree(nodeCallback, quantizedQueryAabbMin, quantizedQueryAabbMax, 0, curNodeIndex);
// walkStacklessQuantizedTreeCacheFriendly(nodeCallback, quantizedQueryAabbMin, quantizedQueryAabbMax);
// break;
walkRecursiveQuantizedTreeAgainstQueryAabb(quantizedContiguousNodes, 0, nodeCallback, quantizedQueryAabbMin, quantizedQueryAabbMax);
assert (false); // unsupported
else {
walkStacklessTree(nodeCallback, aabbMin, aabbMax);
protected void walkStacklessTree(NodeOverlapCallback nodeCallback, Vector3f aabbMin, Vector3f aabbMax) {
assert (!useQuantization);
// JAVA NOTE: rewritten
OptimizedBvhNode rootNode = null;//contiguousNodes.get(0);
int rootNode_index = 0;
int escapeIndex, curIndex = 0;
int walkIterations = 0;
boolean isLeafNode;
//PCK: unsigned instead of bool
//unsigned aabbOverlap;
boolean aabbOverlap;
while (curIndex < curNodeIndex) {
// catch bugs in tree data
assert (walkIterations < curNodeIndex);
rootNode = contiguousNodes.getQuick(rootNode_index);
aabbOverlap = AabbUtil2.testAabbAgainstAabb2(aabbMin, aabbMax, rootNode.aabbMinOrg, rootNode.aabbMaxOrg);
isLeafNode = (rootNode.escapeIndex == -1);
// PCK: unsigned instead of bool
if (isLeafNode && (aabbOverlap/* != 0*/)) {
nodeCallback.processNode(rootNode.subPart, rootNode.triangleIndex);
rootNode = null;
//PCK: unsigned instead of bool
if ((aabbOverlap/* != 0*/) || isLeafNode) {
else {
escapeIndex = /*rootNode*/ contiguousNodes.getQuick(rootNode_index).escapeIndex;
rootNode_index += escapeIndex;
curIndex += escapeIndex;
if (maxIterations < walkIterations) {
maxIterations = walkIterations;
protected void walkRecursiveQuantizedTreeAgainstQueryAabb(QuantizedBvhNodes currentNodes, int currentNodeId, NodeOverlapCallback nodeCallback, long quantizedQueryAabbMin, long quantizedQueryAabbMax) {
assert (useQuantization);
boolean isLeafNode;
boolean aabbOverlap;
aabbOverlap = testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb(quantizedQueryAabbMin, quantizedQueryAabbMax, currentNodes.getQuantizedAabbMin(currentNodeId), currentNodes.getQuantizedAabbMax(currentNodeId));
isLeafNode = currentNodes.isLeafNode(currentNodeId);
if (aabbOverlap) {
if (isLeafNode) {
nodeCallback.processNode(currentNodes.getPartId(currentNodeId), currentNodes.getTriangleIndex(currentNodeId));
else {
// process left and right children
int leftChildNodeId = currentNodeId + 1;
walkRecursiveQuantizedTreeAgainstQueryAabb(currentNodes, leftChildNodeId, nodeCallback, quantizedQueryAabbMin, quantizedQueryAabbMax);
int rightChildNodeId = currentNodes.isLeafNode(leftChildNodeId) ? leftChildNodeId + 1 : leftChildNodeId + currentNodes.getEscapeIndex(leftChildNodeId);
walkRecursiveQuantizedTreeAgainstQueryAabb(currentNodes, rightChildNodeId, nodeCallback, quantizedQueryAabbMin, quantizedQueryAabbMax);
protected void walkStacklessQuantizedTreeAgainstRay(NodeOverlapCallback nodeCallback, Vector3f raySource, Vector3f rayTarget, Vector3f aabbMin, Vector3f aabbMax, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex) {
assert (useQuantization);
Vector3f tmp = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
int curIndex = startNodeIndex;
int walkIterations = 0;
int subTreeSize = endNodeIndex - startNodeIndex;
QuantizedBvhNodes rootNode = quantizedContiguousNodes;
int rootNode_idx = startNodeIndex;
int escapeIndex;
boolean isLeafNode;
boolean boxBoxOverlap = false;
boolean rayBoxOverlap = false;
float lambda_max = 1f;
//#define RAYAABB2
//#ifdef RAYAABB2
Vector3f rayFrom = Stack.alloc(raySource);
Vector3f rayDirection = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
tmp.sub(rayTarget, raySource);
lambda_max = rayDirection.dot(tmp);
rayDirection.x = 1f / rayDirection.x;
rayDirection.y = 1f / rayDirection.y;
rayDirection.z = 1f / rayDirection.z;
// boolean sign_x = rayDirection.x < 0f;
// boolean sign_y = rayDirection.y < 0f;
// boolean sign_z = rayDirection.z < 0f;
/* Quick pruning by quantized box */
Vector3f rayAabbMin = Stack.alloc(raySource);
Vector3f rayAabbMax = Stack.alloc(raySource);
VectorUtil.setMin(rayAabbMin, rayTarget);
VectorUtil.setMax(rayAabbMax, rayTarget);
/* Add box cast extents to bounding box */
long quantizedQueryAabbMin;
long quantizedQueryAabbMax;
quantizedQueryAabbMin = quantizeWithClamp(rayAabbMin);
quantizedQueryAabbMax = quantizeWithClamp(rayAabbMax);
Vector3f bounds_0 = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
Vector3f bounds_1 = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
Vector3f normal = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
float[] param = new float[1];
while (curIndex < endNodeIndex) {
// //some code snippet to debugDraw aabb, to visually analyze bvh structure
// static int drawPatch = 0;
// //need some global access to a debugDrawer
// extern btIDebugDraw* debugDrawerPtr;
// if (curIndex==drawPatch)
// {
// btVector3 aabbMin,aabbMax;
// aabbMin = unQuantize(rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMin);
// aabbMax = unQuantize(rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMax);
// btVector3 color(1,0,0);
// debugDrawerPtr->drawAabb(aabbMin,aabbMax,color);
// }
// catch bugs in tree data
assert (walkIterations < subTreeSize);
// only interested if this is closer than any previous hit
param[0] = 1f;
rayBoxOverlap = false;
boxBoxOverlap = testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb(quantizedQueryAabbMin, quantizedQueryAabbMax, rootNode.getQuantizedAabbMin(rootNode_idx), rootNode.getQuantizedAabbMax(rootNode_idx));
isLeafNode = rootNode.isLeafNode(rootNode_idx);
if (boxBoxOverlap) {
unQuantize(bounds_0, rootNode.getQuantizedAabbMin(rootNode_idx));
unQuantize(bounds_1, rootNode.getQuantizedAabbMax(rootNode_idx));
/* Add box cast extents */
//#if 0
// bool ra2 = btRayAabb2 (raySource, rayDirection, sign, bounds, param, 0.0, lambda_max);
// bool ra = btRayAabb (raySource, rayTarget, bounds[0], bounds[1], param, normal);
// if (ra2 != ra)
// {
// printf("functions don't match\n");
// }
//#ifdef RAYAABB2
// rayBoxOverlap = AabbUtil2.rayAabb2 (raySource, rayDirection, sign, bounds, param, 0.0, lambda_max);
rayBoxOverlap = AabbUtil2.rayAabb(raySource, rayTarget, bounds_0, bounds_1, param, normal);
if (isLeafNode && rayBoxOverlap) {
nodeCallback.processNode(rootNode.getPartId(rootNode_idx), rootNode.getTriangleIndex(rootNode_idx));
if (rayBoxOverlap || isLeafNode) {
else {
escapeIndex = rootNode.getEscapeIndex(rootNode_idx);
rootNode_idx += escapeIndex;
curIndex += escapeIndex;
if (maxIterations < walkIterations) {
maxIterations = walkIterations;
protected void walkStacklessQuantizedTree(NodeOverlapCallback nodeCallback, long quantizedQueryAabbMin, long quantizedQueryAabbMax, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex) {
assert (useQuantization);
int curIndex = startNodeIndex;
int walkIterations = 0;
int subTreeSize = endNodeIndex - startNodeIndex;
QuantizedBvhNodes rootNode = quantizedContiguousNodes;
int rootNode_idx = startNodeIndex;
int escapeIndex;
boolean isLeafNode;
boolean aabbOverlap;
while (curIndex < endNodeIndex) {
////some code snippet to debugDraw aabb, to visually analyze bvh structure
//static int drawPatch = 0;
////need some global access to a debugDrawer
//extern btIDebugDraw* debugDrawerPtr;
//if (curIndex==drawPatch)
// btVector3 aabbMin,aabbMax;
// aabbMin = unQuantize(rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMin);
// aabbMax = unQuantize(rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMax);
// btVector3 color(1,0,0);
// debugDrawerPtr->drawAabb(aabbMin,aabbMax,color);
// catch bugs in tree data
assert (walkIterations < subTreeSize);
aabbOverlap = testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb(quantizedQueryAabbMin, quantizedQueryAabbMax, rootNode.getQuantizedAabbMin(rootNode_idx), rootNode.getQuantizedAabbMax(rootNode_idx));
isLeafNode = rootNode.isLeafNode(rootNode_idx);
if (isLeafNode && aabbOverlap) {
nodeCallback.processNode(rootNode.getPartId(rootNode_idx), rootNode.getTriangleIndex(rootNode_idx));
if (aabbOverlap || isLeafNode) {
else {
escapeIndex = rootNode.getEscapeIndex(rootNode_idx);
rootNode_idx += escapeIndex;
curIndex += escapeIndex;
if (maxIterations < walkIterations) {
maxIterations = walkIterations;
public void reportRayOverlappingNodex(NodeOverlapCallback nodeCallback, Vector3f raySource, Vector3f rayTarget) {
boolean fast_path = useQuantization && traversalMode == TraversalMode.STACKLESS;
if (fast_path) {
Vector3f tmp = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
tmp.set(0f, 0f, 0f);
walkStacklessQuantizedTreeAgainstRay(nodeCallback, raySource, rayTarget, tmp, tmp, 0, curNodeIndex);
else {
/* Otherwise fallback to AABB overlap test */
Vector3f aabbMin = Stack.alloc(raySource);
Vector3f aabbMax = Stack.alloc(raySource);
VectorUtil.setMin(aabbMin, rayTarget);
VectorUtil.setMax(aabbMax, rayTarget);
reportAabbOverlappingNodex(nodeCallback, aabbMin, aabbMax);
public void reportBoxCastOverlappingNodex(NodeOverlapCallback nodeCallback, Vector3f raySource, Vector3f rayTarget, Vector3f aabbMin, Vector3f aabbMax) {
boolean fast_path = useQuantization && traversalMode == TraversalMode.STACKLESS;
if (fast_path) {
walkStacklessQuantizedTreeAgainstRay(nodeCallback, raySource, rayTarget, aabbMin, aabbMax, 0, curNodeIndex);
else {
/* Slow path:
Construct the bounding box for the entire box cast and send that down the tree */
Vector3f qaabbMin = Stack.alloc(raySource);
Vector3f qaabbMax = Stack.alloc(raySource);
VectorUtil.setMin(qaabbMin, rayTarget);
VectorUtil.setMax(qaabbMax, rayTarget);
reportAabbOverlappingNodex(nodeCallback, qaabbMin, qaabbMax);
public long quantizeWithClamp(Vector3f point) {
assert (useQuantization);
Vector3f clampedPoint = Stack.alloc(point);
VectorUtil.setMax(clampedPoint, bvhAabbMin);
VectorUtil.setMin(clampedPoint, bvhAabbMax);
Vector3f v = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
v.sub(clampedPoint, bvhAabbMin);
VectorUtil.mul(v, v, bvhQuantization);
int out0 = (int)(v.x + 0.5f) & 0xFFFF;
int out1 = (int)(v.y + 0.5f) & 0xFFFF;
int out2 = (int)(v.z + 0.5f) & 0xFFFF;
return ((long)out0) | (((long)out1) << 16) | (((long)out2) << 32);
public void unQuantize(Vector3f vecOut, long vecIn) {
int vecIn0 = (int)((vecIn & 0x00000000FFFFL));
int vecIn1 = (int)((vecIn & 0x0000FFFF0000L) >>> 16);
int vecIn2 = (int)((vecIn & 0xFFFF00000000L) >>> 32);
vecOut.x = (float)vecIn0 / (bvhQuantization.x);
vecOut.y = (float)vecIn1 / (bvhQuantization.y);
vecOut.z = (float)vecIn2 / (bvhQuantization.z);