Package com.khorn.terraincontrol.generator

Source Code of com.khorn.terraincontrol.generator.ObjectSpawner

package com.khorn.terraincontrol.generator;

import com.khorn.terraincontrol.LocalBiome;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.LocalMaterialData;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.LocalWorld;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.TerrainControl;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.configuration.BiomeConfig;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.configuration.ConfigProvider;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.configuration.WorldConfig;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.configuration.standard.WorldStandardValues;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.generator.noise.NoiseGeneratorNewOctaves;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.generator.resource.Resource;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.logging.LogMarker;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.util.ChunkCoordinate;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.util.minecraftTypes.DefaultMaterial;

import java.util.Random;

public class ObjectSpawner

    private final ConfigProvider configProvider;
    private final Random rand;
    private final LocalWorld world;
    private final NoiseGeneratorNewOctaves noiseGen;
    private double[] reusableChunkNoiseArray;

    public ObjectSpawner(ConfigProvider configProvider, LocalWorld localWorld)
        this.configProvider = configProvider;
        this.rand = new Random(); = localWorld;
        this.noiseGen = new NoiseGeneratorNewOctaves(new Random(world.getSeed()), 4);

    public void populate(ChunkCoordinate chunkCoord)
        // Get the corner block coords
        int x = chunkCoord.getChunkX() * 16;
        int z = chunkCoord.getChunkZ() * 16;

        // Get the biome of the other corner
        LocalBiome biome = world.getBiome(x + 15, z + 15);

        // Null check
        if (biome == null)
            TerrainControl.log(LogMarker.DEBUG, "Unknown biome at {},{}  (chunk {}). Population failed.", x + 15, z + 15, chunkCoord);

        BiomeConfig biomeConfig = biome.getBiomeConfig();

        // Get the random generator
        WorldConfig worldConfig = configProvider.getWorldConfig();
        long resourcesSeed = worldConfig.resourcesSeed != 0L ? worldConfig.resourcesSeed : world.getSeed();
        long l1 = this.rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
        long l2 = this.rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
        this.rand.setSeed(chunkCoord.getChunkX() * l1 + chunkCoord.getChunkZ() * l2 ^ resourcesSeed);

        // Generate structures
        boolean hasGeneratedAVillage = world.placeDefaultStructures(rand, chunkCoord);

        // Mark population started
        TerrainControl.firePopulationStartEvent(world, rand, hasGeneratedAVillage, chunkCoord);
        // Complex surface blocks

        // Resource sequence
        for (Resource res : biomeConfig.resourceSequence)
            res.process(world, rand, hasGeneratedAVillage, chunkCoord);

        // Animals
        world.placePopulationMobs(biome, rand, chunkCoord);

        // Snow and ice

        // Replace blocks

        // Mark population ended
        TerrainControl.firePopulationEndEvent(world, rand, hasGeneratedAVillage, chunkCoord);
    protected void placeComplexSurfaceBlocks(ChunkCoordinate chunkCoord)
        this.reusableChunkNoiseArray = this.noiseGen.a(this.reusableChunkNoiseArray, chunkCoord.getChunkX() * 16, chunkCoord.getChunkZ() * 16, 16, 16, 0.0625D, 0.0625D, 1.0D);

        int x = chunkCoord.getBlockXCenter();
        int z = chunkCoord.getBlockZCenter();
        for (int i = 0; i < ChunkCoordinate.CHUNK_X_SIZE; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < ChunkCoordinate.CHUNK_Z_SIZE; j++)
                int blockToReplaceX = x + i;
                int blockToReplaceZ = z + j;
                // Using the calculated biome id so that ReplaceToBiomeName can't mess up the ids
                LocalBiome biome =, blockToReplaceZ);
                if (biome != null)
                    double noise = this.reusableChunkNoiseArray[i + j * 16];
                    BiomeConfig biomeConfig = biome.getBiomeConfig();
                    biomeConfig.surfaceAndGroundControl.spawn(world, biomeConfig, noise, blockToReplaceX, blockToReplaceZ);

    protected void freezeChunk(ChunkCoordinate chunkCoord)
        LocalMaterialData snowMaterial = TerrainControl.toLocalMaterialData(DefaultMaterial.SNOW, 0);
        int x = chunkCoord.getChunkX() * 16 + 8;
        int z = chunkCoord.getChunkZ() * 16 + 8;
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
                int blockToFreezeX = x + i;
                int blockToFreezeZ = z + j;
                freezeColumn(blockToFreezeX, blockToFreezeZ, snowMaterial);

    protected void freezeColumn(int x, int z, LocalMaterialData snowMaterial)
        // Using the calculated biome id so that ReplaceToBiomeName can't mess up the ids
        LocalBiome biome = world.getBiome(x, z);
        if (biome != null)
            BiomeConfig biomeConfig = biome.getBiomeConfig();
            int blockToFreezeY = world.getHighestBlockYAt(x, z);
            if (blockToFreezeY > 0 && biome.getTemperatureAt(x, blockToFreezeY, z) < WorldStandardValues.SNOW_AND_ICE_MAX_TEMP)
                // Ice has to be placed one block in the world
                if (world.getMaterial(x, blockToFreezeY - 1, z).isLiquid())
                    world.setBlock(x, blockToFreezeY - 1, z, biomeConfig.iceBlock);
                } else
                    // Snow has to be placed on an empty space on a
                    // block that accepts snow in the world
                    if (world.isEmpty(x, blockToFreezeY, z))
                        if (world.getMaterial(x, blockToFreezeY - 1, z).canSnowFallOn())
                            world.setBlock(x, blockToFreezeY, z, snowMaterial);


Related Classes of com.khorn.terraincontrol.generator.ObjectSpawner

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