
Source Code of

* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Klaus Reimer <>
* See LICENSE.TXT for licensing information.


import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;

import javax.print.attribute.HashPrintRequestAttributeSet;
import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet;
import javax.swing.JSplitPane;

import de.ailis.xadrian.Main;
import de.ailis.xadrian.exceptions.ConfigException;
import de.ailis.xadrian.utils.ObjectUtils;
import de.ailis.xadrian.utils.SwingUtils;

* The configuration
* @author Klaus Reimer (
public final class Config
    /** Config key for ignored races */
    private static final String IGNORED_RACES = "ignoredraces";

    /** Config key for last file chooser path */
    private static final String LAST_FILE_CHOOSER_PATH = "lastfilechooserpath";

    /** Config key for displaying factory resources in complex table */
    private static final String SHOW_FACTORY_RESOURCES = "showfactoryresources";

    /** Config key for the index of the chosen player sector in X3TC. */
    private static final String X3TC_PLAYER_SECTOR = "playerSector";

    /** Config key for the index of the chosen player sector in X3AP. */
    private static final String X3AP_PLAYER_SECTOR = "x3apPlayerSector";

    /** Config key for default game */
    private static final String DEFAULT_GAME = "defaultgame";

    /** Config key for the theme */
    private static final String THEME = "theme";

    /** Config key for the locale */
    private static final String LOCALE = "locale";

    /** Config key for print attributes */
    private static final String PRINT_ATTRIBUTES = "printAttributes";

    /** Config key for night mode */
    private static final String NIGHT_MODE = "nightMode";

     * Config key for production stats per minute.
    private static final String PROD_STATS_PER_MINUTE = "prodStatPerMinute";

     * The singleton instance.
    private static final Config instance = new Config();

    /** The ignored manufacturer races */
    private final List<String> ignoredRaces = new ArrayList<String>();

    /** The last file chooser path */
    private File lastFileChooserPath = null;

    /** The Factory Description flag */
    private boolean showFactoryResources = true;

    /** The index of the chosen player sector in X3TC. */
    private int x3tcPlayerSector = 0;

    /** The index of the chosen player sector in X3AP. */
    private int x3apPlayerSector = 0;

    /** The theme (LookAndFeel class name or null for system) */
    private String theme = null;

    /** The locale (Null for system locale) */
    private String locale = null;

    /** The ID of the default game. Null if none. */
    private String defaultGame = null;

    /** If night mode is enabled or not. */
    private boolean nightMode = false;

     * If production statistics should be displayed per minute instead of per
     * hour.
    private boolean prodStatsPerMinute = false;

    /** The print attributes. */
    private HashPrintRequestAttributeSet printAttributes =
        new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();

     * Private constructor to prevent instantiation
    private Config()

     * Returns the singleton instance.
     * @return The singleton instance
    public static Config getInstance()
        return instance;

     * Loads the configuration.
    private void load()
        final Preferences prefs = Preferences
        final String races = prefs.get(IGNORED_RACES, null);
        if (races != null)
            for (final String raceId: races.split(" "))
        final String tmp = prefs.get(LAST_FILE_CHOOSER_PATH, null);
        this.lastFileChooserPath = tmp != null ? new File(tmp) : null;
        this.showFactoryResources = prefs.getBoolean(
            SHOW_FACTORY_RESOURCES, true);
        this.x3tcPlayerSector = prefs.getInt(X3TC_PLAYER_SECTOR, 0);
        this.x3apPlayerSector = prefs.getInt(X3AP_PLAYER_SECTOR, 0);
        this.theme = prefs.get(THEME, null);
        this.locale = prefs.get(LOCALE, null);
        this.defaultGame = prefs.get(DEFAULT_GAME, null);
        this.nightMode = prefs.getBoolean(NIGHT_MODE, false);
        this.prodStatsPerMinute = prefs.getBoolean(PROD_STATS_PER_MINUTE, false);

        final String printAttributes = prefs.get(PRINT_ATTRIBUTES, null);
        if (printAttributes != null && !printAttributes.isEmpty())
            this.printAttributes =
                (HashPrintRequestAttributeSet) ObjectUtils

     * Resets the configuration.
    public void reset()
        this.showFactoryResources = true;
        this.lastFileChooserPath = null;
        this.theme = null;

     * Saves the configuration.
    public void save()
        final Preferences prefs = Preferences
        if (this.ignoredRaces.isEmpty())
            final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            for (final String raceId: this.ignoredRaces)
                if (builder.length() > 0) builder.append(' ');
            prefs.put(IGNORED_RACES, builder.toString());
        if (this.lastFileChooserPath != null)
            prefs.put(LAST_FILE_CHOOSER_PATH, this.lastFileChooserPath
        prefs.putBoolean(SHOW_FACTORY_RESOURCES, this.showFactoryResources);
        prefs.putInt(X3TC_PLAYER_SECTOR, this.x3tcPlayerSector);
        prefs.putInt(X3AP_PLAYER_SECTOR, this.x3apPlayerSector);
        if (this.theme == null)
            prefs.put(THEME, this.theme);
        if (this.locale == null)
            prefs.put(LOCALE, this.locale);
        if (this.defaultGame == null)
            prefs.put(DEFAULT_GAME, this.defaultGame);
        prefs.putBoolean(NIGHT_MODE, this.nightMode);
        prefs.putBoolean(PROD_STATS_PER_MINUTE, this.prodStatsPerMinute);

        prefs.put(PRINT_ATTRIBUTES, ObjectUtils.toString(this.printAttributes));

     * Returns true if the specified race is ignored.
     * @param race
     *            The race to check
     * @return True if the specified race is ignored
    public boolean isRaceIgnored(final Race race)
        return this.ignoredRaces.contains(race.getId());

     * Checks if the factory resources should be displayed in the complex table.
     * @return True if factory resources should be displayed, false if not
    public boolean isShowFactoryResources()
        return this.showFactoryResources;

     * Enables or disables the display of factory resources in complex table.
     * @param showFactoryResources
     *            True if resources should be displayed, false if not
    public void setShowFactoryResources(final boolean showFactoryResources)
        this.showFactoryResources = showFactoryResources;

     * Sets the ignore status of a race.
     * @param race
     *            The race.
     * @param ignored
     *            If the race should be ignored or not
    public void setRaceIgnored(final Race race, final boolean ignored)
        // Do nothing if state is not changed
        if (isRaceIgnored(race) == ignored) return;

        if (ignored)

     * Returns the last file chooser path.
     * @return The last file chooser path
    public File getLastFileChooserPath()
        return this.lastFileChooserPath;

     * Sets the last file chooser path.
     * @param lastFileChooserPath
     *            The last file chooser path to set
    public void setLastFileChooserPath(final File lastFileChooserPath)
        this.lastFileChooserPath = lastFileChooserPath;

     * Saves the window preferences.
     * @param window
     *            The window
    public static void saveWindowState(final Window window)
        final Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Main.class);

        // Window preferences are only saved if state is NORMAL
        if (!(window instanceof Frame)
            || ((Frame) window).getExtendedState() == Frame.NORMAL)
            if (SwingUtils.isResizable(window))
                prefs.putInt(getPrefsName(window, "width"), window.getWidth());
                    .putInt(getPrefsName(window, "height"), window
            prefs.putInt(getPrefsName(window, "left"), window.getX());
            prefs.putInt(getPrefsName(window, "top"), window.getY());

     * Restores the window state.
     * @param window
     *            The window
    public static void restoreWindowState(final Window window)
        final Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Main.class);
        if (SwingUtils.isResizable(window))
            window.setSize(prefs.getInt(getPrefsName(window, "width"), window
                .getWidth()), prefs.getInt(getPrefsName(window, "height"),
            // window.setPreferredSize(window.getSize());
            // window.setMaximumSize(window.getSize());
        window.setLocation(prefs.getInt(getPrefsName(window, "left"), window
            .getX()), prefs.getInt(getPrefsName(window, "top"), window

     * Saves the split pane preferences.
     * @param splitPane
     *            The split pane
    public static void saveSplitPaneState(final JSplitPane splitPane)
        final Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Main.class);
        prefs.putInt(getPrefsName(splitPane, "dividerLocation"), splitPane

     * Restores the split pane preferences.
     * @param splitPane
     *            The split pane
    public static void restoreSplitPaneState(final JSplitPane splitPane)
        final Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Main.class);
            "dividerLocation"), splitPane.getDividerLocation()));

     * Returns the preferences name for the specified component and for the
     * specified key.
     * @param component
     *            The component
     * @param key
     *            The key
     * @return The preferences name.
    private static String getPrefsName(final Component component,
        final String key)
        final String name = component.getName();
        if (name == null)
            throw new ConfigException(
                "Unable to save state of component with no name: "
                    + component);
        return name.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) + "." +

     * Sets the X3TC player sector.
     * @param playerSector
     *            The player sector to set
    public void setX3TCPlayerSector(final int playerSector)
        this.x3tcPlayerSector = playerSector;

     * Returns the index of the selected player sector in X3TC.
     * @return The player sector index.
    public int getX3TCPlayerSector()
        return this.x3tcPlayerSector;

     * Sets the X3AP player sector.
     * @param playerSector
     *            The player sector to set
    public void setX3APPlayerSector(final int playerSector)
        this.x3apPlayerSector = playerSector;

     * Returns the index of the selected player sector in X3AP.
     * @return The player sector index.
    public int getX3APPlayerSector()
        return this.x3apPlayerSector;

     * Returns the theme.
     * @return The theme.
    public String getTheme()
        return this.theme;

     * Sets the theme.
     * @param theme
     *            The theme to set. Null for system theme.
    public void setTheme(final String theme)
        this.theme = theme;

     * Returns the locale.
     * @return The locale.
    public String getLocale()
        return this.locale;

     * Sets the locale.
     * @param locale
     *            The locale to set. Null for system locale.
    public void setLocale(final String locale)
        this.locale = locale;

     * Returns the ID of the default game.
     * @return The ID of the default game or null if none.
    public String getDefaultGame()
        return this.defaultGame;

     * Sets the ID of the default game.
     * @param defaultGame
     *            The ID of the default game to set. Null to unset.
    public void setDefaultGame(final String defaultGame)
        this.defaultGame = defaultGame;

     * Returns the print attributes.
     * @return The print attributes.
    public PrintRequestAttributeSet getPrintAttributes()
        return this.printAttributes;

     * Checks if night mode is enabled.
     * @return True if night mode is enabled, false if not.
    public boolean isNightMode()
        return this.nightMode;

     * Enables or disables the night mode.
     * @param nightMode
     *            True to enable night mode, false to disable it.
    public void setNightMode(final boolean nightMode)
        this.nightMode = nightMode;

     * Checks if production statistics should be displayed per minute.
     * @return True if production statistics should be displayed per minute,
     *         false if per hour.
    public boolean isProdStatsPerMinute()
        return this.prodStatsPerMinute;

     * Enables or disables to display of production statistics per minute.
     * @param prodStatsPerMinute
     *            True to display the production statistics per minute, false to
     *            display them per hour.
    public void setProdStatsPerMinute(final boolean prodStatsPerMinute)
        this.prodStatsPerMinute = prodStatsPerMinute;

     * Returns the production stats factor (Depends on per hour or per minute)
     * @return The production stats factor.
    public double getProdStatsFactor()
        return isProdStatsPerMinute() ? (1d / 60d) : 1d;

     * Returns the production stats number format (Depends on per hour or per
     * minute).
     * @return The production stats number format.
    public String getProdStatsFormat()
        return isProdStatsPerMinute() ? ",##0.000" : ",##0";

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