* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Concurrent, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Project and contact information: http://www.cascading.org/
* This file is part of the Cascading project.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cascading.tuple.hadoop;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import cascading.PlatformTestCase;
import cascading.flow.Flow;
import cascading.flow.FlowProcess;
import cascading.operation.BaseOperation;
import cascading.operation.Function;
import cascading.operation.FunctionCall;
import cascading.operation.OperationCall;
import cascading.operation.aggregator.Count;
import cascading.operation.regex.RegexParser;
import cascading.operation.regex.RegexSplitter;
import cascading.pipe.CoGroup;
import cascading.pipe.Each;
import cascading.pipe.Every;
import cascading.pipe.GroupBy;
import cascading.pipe.Pipe;
import cascading.scheme.hadoop.SequenceFile;
import cascading.scheme.hadoop.TextLine;
import cascading.tap.SinkMode;
import cascading.tap.Tap;
import cascading.tap.hadoop.Hfs;
import cascading.tuple.Fields;
import cascading.tuple.Tuple;
import cascading.tuple.TupleEntryIterator;
import cascading.tuple.coerce.Coercions;
import cascading.tuple.collect.SpillableTupleList;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.util.BytesComparator;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.BooleanWritable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.BytesWritable;
import org.junit.Test;
import static data.InputData.*;
public class SerializedPipesPlatformTest extends PlatformTestCase
public static class InsertBytes extends BaseOperation implements Function
String asBytes;
public InsertBytes( Fields fieldDeclaration, String asBytes )
super( fieldDeclaration );
this.asBytes = asBytes;
public void operate( FlowProcess flowProcess, FunctionCall functionCall )
functionCall.getOutputCollector().add( new Tuple( new BytesWritable( asBytes.getBytes() ) ) );
public static class ReplaceAsBytes extends BaseOperation implements Function
public ReplaceAsBytes( Fields fieldDeclaration )
super( fieldDeclaration );
public void operate( FlowProcess flowProcess, FunctionCall functionCall )
functionCall.getOutputCollector().add( new Tuple( new BytesWritable( functionCall.getArguments().getString( 0 ).getBytes() ) ) );
public static class InsertRawBytes extends BaseOperation<Long> implements Function<Long>
String asBytes;
private boolean increment = false;
private boolean randomIncrement = false;
public InsertRawBytes( Fields fieldDeclaration, String asBytes, boolean increment, boolean randomIncrement )
super( fieldDeclaration );
this.asBytes = asBytes;
this.increment = increment;
this.randomIncrement = randomIncrement;
public InsertRawBytes( Fields fieldDeclaration, String asBytes, boolean increment )
super( fieldDeclaration );
this.asBytes = asBytes;
this.increment = increment;
public void prepare( FlowProcess flowProcess, OperationCall<Long> operationCall )
operationCall.setContext( increment ? getIncrement( 0L ) : -1L );
private long getIncrement( long value )
if( randomIncrement )
return value + (long) ( Math.random() * new Object().hashCode() );
return value + 1;
public void operate( FlowProcess flowProcess, FunctionCall<Long> functionCall )
String string = asBytes;
if( functionCall.getContext() != -1 )
string = functionCall.getContext() + string;
functionCall.setContext( functionCall.getContext() + 1 );
functionCall.getOutputCollector().add( new Tuple( (Object) string.getBytes() ) );
public static class InsertBoolean extends BaseOperation implements Function
boolean asBoolean;
public InsertBoolean( Fields fieldDeclaration, boolean asBoolean )
super( fieldDeclaration );
this.asBoolean = asBoolean;
public void operate( FlowProcess flowProcess, FunctionCall functionCall )
functionCall.getOutputCollector().add( new Tuple( new BooleanWritable( asBoolean ) ) );
public static class Container implements Serializable, Comparable<String>
String value;
public Container( String value )
this.value = value;
public int compareTo( String o )
return value.compareTo( o );
public static class InsertTestText extends BaseOperation<Long> implements Function<Long>
private String testText;
private boolean increment;
private int moduloValueIsNull;
private int moduloResultIsNull;
public InsertTestText( Fields fieldDeclaration, String testText, boolean increment )
this( fieldDeclaration, testText, increment, -1, -1 );
public InsertTestText( Fields fieldDeclaration, String testText, boolean increment, int moduloValueIsNull, int moduloResultIsNull )
super( fieldDeclaration );
this.testText = testText;
this.increment = increment;
this.moduloValueIsNull = moduloValueIsNull;
this.moduloResultIsNull = moduloResultIsNull;
public void prepare( FlowProcess flowProcess, OperationCall<Long> operationCall )
operationCall.setContext( increment ? 0L : -1L );
public void operate( FlowProcess flowProcess, FunctionCall<Long> functionCall )
String string = testText;
if( functionCall.getContext() != -1 )
string = functionCall.getContext() + string;
functionCall.setContext( functionCall.getContext() + 1 );
if( moduloValueIsNull != -1 && functionCall.getContext() % moduloValueIsNull == 0 )
string = null;
TestText result = null;
if( moduloResultIsNull != -1 && functionCall.getContext() % moduloResultIsNull != 0 )
result = new TestText( string );
functionCall.getOutputCollector().add( new Tuple( result ) );
public SerializedPipesPlatformTest()
super( true, 4, 2 ); // leave cluster testing enabled, reducers > 1 to test bytes hasher
public void testSimpleGroup() throws Exception
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileApache );
Tap source = new Hfs( new TextLine( new Fields( "offset", "line" ) ), inputFileApache );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new Fields( "line" ), new RegexParser( new Fields( "ip" ), "^[^ ]*" ), new Fields( "ip" ) );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new InsertBytes( new Fields( "bytes" ), "inserted text as bytes" ), Fields.ALL );
pipe = new GroupBy( pipe, new Fields( "ip" ) );
pipe = new Every( pipe, new Count(), new Fields( "ip", "count" ) );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new InsertBoolean( new Fields( "boolean" ), false ), Fields.ALL );
Tap sink = new Hfs( new SequenceFile( Fields.ALL ), getOutputPath( "serialization" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Map<Object, Object> jobProperties = getProperties();
TupleSerialization.addSerializationToken( jobProperties, 1000, BooleanWritable.class.getName() );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector( jobProperties ).connect( source, sink, pipe );
// Thread.sleep( 60*60*1000 );
validateLength( flow.openSource(), 10 ); // validate source, this once, as a sanity check
validateLength( flow, 8, null );
public void testSimpleGroupOnBytes() throws Exception
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileApache );
Tap source = new Hfs( new TextLine( new Fields( "offset", "line" ) ), inputFileApache );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new Fields( "line" ), new RegexParser( new Fields( "ip" ), "^[^ ]*" ), new Fields( "ip" ) );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new InsertRawBytes( new Fields( "bytes" ), "inserted text as bytes", true, true ), Fields.ALL );
Fields bytes = new Fields( "bytes" );
bytes.setComparator( "bytes", new BytesComparator() );
pipe = new GroupBy( pipe, bytes );
pipe = new Every( pipe, new Count(), new Fields( "bytes", "count" ) );
Tap sink = new Hfs( new SequenceFile( Fields.ALL ), getOutputPath( "grouponbytes" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Map<Object, Object> properties = getProperties();
TupleSerializationProps.addSerialization( properties, BytesSerialization.class.getName() );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector( properties ).connect( source, sink, pipe );
validateLength( flow, 10 ); // 10 unique counts
public void testCoGroupWritableAsKeyValue() throws Exception
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileLower );
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileUpper );
Tap sourceLower = new Hfs( new TextLine( new Fields( "offset", "line" ) ), inputFileLower );
Tap sourceUpper = new Hfs( new TextLine( new Fields( "offset", "line" ) ), inputFileUpper );
Map sources = new HashMap();
sources.put( "lower", sourceLower );
sources.put( "upper", sourceUpper );
Function splitter = new RegexSplitter( new Fields( "num", "char" ), " " );
// using null pos so all fields are written
Tap sink = new Hfs( new SequenceFile( Fields.ALL ), getOutputPath( "writablekeyvalue" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Pipe pipeLower = new Each( new Pipe( "lower" ), new Fields( "line" ), splitter );
pipeLower = new Each( pipeLower, new InsertBytes( new Fields( "group" ), "inserted text as bytes" ), Fields.ALL );
pipeLower = new Each( pipeLower, new InsertBytes( new Fields( "value" ), "inserted text as bytes" ), Fields.ALL );
Pipe pipeUpper = new Each( new Pipe( "upper" ), new Fields( "line" ), splitter );
pipeUpper = new Each( pipeUpper, new InsertBytes( new Fields( "group" ), "inserted text as bytes" ), Fields.ALL );
pipeUpper = new Each( pipeUpper, new InsertBytes( new Fields( "value" ), "inserted text as bytes" ), Fields.ALL );
Pipe splice = new CoGroup( pipeLower, new Fields( "group" ), pipeUpper, new Fields( "group" ), Fields.size( 8 ) );
Flow countFlow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector( getProperties() ).connect( sources, sink, splice );
validateLength( countFlow, 25 );
public void testCoGroupBytesWritableAsKeyValue() throws Exception
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileLower );
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileUpper );
Tap sourceLower = new Hfs( new TextLine( new Fields( "offset", "line" ) ), inputFileLower );
Tap sourceUpper = new Hfs( new TextLine( new Fields( "offset", "line" ) ), inputFileUpper );
Map sources = new HashMap();
sources.put( "lower", sourceLower );
sources.put( "upper", sourceUpper );
Function splitter = new RegexSplitter( new Fields( "num", "char" ), " " );
// using null pos so all fields are written
Tap sink = new Hfs( new TextLine( new Fields( "line" ) ), getOutputPath( "byteswritablekeyvalue" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Pipe pipeLower = new Each( new Pipe( "lower" ), new Fields( "line" ), splitter );
pipeLower = new Each( pipeLower, new Fields( "char" ), new ReplaceAsBytes( new Fields( "char" ) ), Fields.REPLACE );
Pipe pipeUpper = new Each( new Pipe( "upper" ), new Fields( "line" ), splitter );
pipeUpper = new Each( pipeUpper, new Fields( "char" ), new ReplaceAsBytes( new Fields( "char" ) ), Fields.REPLACE );
Pipe splice = new CoGroup( pipeLower, new Fields( "num" ), pipeUpper, new Fields( "num" ), Fields.size( 4 ) );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector( getProperties() ).connect( sources, sink, splice );
validateLength( flow, 5 );
List<Tuple> results = getSinkAsList( flow );
assertTrue( results.contains( new Tuple( "1\t61\t1\t41" ) ) );
public void testCoGroupSpillCustomWritable() throws Exception
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileLower );
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileUpper );
Tap sourceLower = new Hfs( new TextLine( new Fields( "offset", "line" ) ), inputFileLower );
Tap sourceUpper = new Hfs( new TextLine( new Fields( "offset", "line" ) ), inputFileUpper );
Map sources = new HashMap();
sources.put( "lower", sourceLower );
sources.put( "upper", sourceUpper );
Function splitter = new RegexSplitter( new Fields( "num", "char" ), " " );
Tap sink = new Hfs( new SequenceFile( Fields.ALL ), getOutputPath( "customerwritable" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Pipe pipeLower = new Each( new Pipe( "lower" ), new Fields( "line" ), splitter );
pipeLower = new Each( pipeLower, new InsertTestText( new Fields( "group" ), "inserted text as bytes", false ), Fields.ALL );
pipeLower = new Each( pipeLower, new InsertTestText( new Fields( "value" ), "inserted text as bytes", false ), Fields.ALL );
pipeLower = new Each( pipeLower, new InsertTestText( new Fields( "text" ), "inserted text as custom text", false ), Fields.ALL );
Pipe pipeUpper = new Each( new Pipe( "upper" ), new Fields( "line" ), splitter );
pipeUpper = new Each( pipeUpper, new InsertTestText( new Fields( "group" ), "inserted text as bytes", false ), Fields.ALL );
pipeUpper = new Each( pipeUpper, new InsertTestText( new Fields( "value" ), "inserted text as bytes", false ), Fields.ALL );
pipeUpper = new Each( pipeUpper, new InsertTestText( new Fields( "text" ), "inserted text as custom text", false ), Fields.ALL );
Pipe splice = new CoGroup( pipeLower, new Fields( "group" ), pipeUpper, new Fields( "group" ), Fields.size( 10 ) );
Map<Object, Object> properties = getProperties();
properties.put( SpillableTupleList.SPILL_THRESHOLD, 1 );
// String serializations = MultiMapReducePlanner.getJobConf( properties ).get( "io.serializations" );
// serializations = Util.join( ",", serializations, JavaSerialization.class.getName() );
// System.out.println( "serializations = " + serializations );
// MultiMapReducePlanner.getJobConf( properties ).set( "io.serializations",serializations );
properties.put( "io.serializations", TestSerialization.class.getName() );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector( properties ).connect( sources, sink, splice );
validateLength( flow, 25 );
public void testCoGroupRawAsKeyValue() throws Exception
invokeRawAsKeyValue( false, true, false, false );
public void testCoGroupRawAsKeyValueDefault() throws Exception
invokeRawAsKeyValue( true, true, false, false );
public void testCoGroupRawAsKeyValueDefaultIgnoreToken() throws Exception
invokeRawAsKeyValue( true, true, true, false );
public void testCoGroupRawAsKeyValueDefaultIgnoreTokenCompositeGrouping() throws Exception
invokeRawAsKeyValue( true, true, true, true );
public void testCoGroupRawAsKeyValueNoSecondary() throws Exception
invokeRawAsKeyValue( false, false, false, false );
public void testCoGroupRawAsKeyValueDefaultNoSecondary() throws Exception
invokeRawAsKeyValue( true, false, false, false );
public void testCoGroupRawAsKeyValueDefaultNoSecondaryCompositeGrouping() throws Exception
invokeRawAsKeyValue( true, false, false, true );
private void invokeRawAsKeyValue( boolean useDefaultComparator, boolean secondarySortOnValue, boolean ignoreSerializationToken, boolean compositeGrouping )
throws IOException
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileLower );
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileUpper );
Tap sourceLower = new Hfs( new TextLine( new Fields( "offset", "line" ) ), inputFileLower );
Tap sourceUpper = new Hfs( new TextLine( new Fields( "offset", "line" ) ), inputFileUpper );
Map sources = new HashMap();
sources.put( "lower", sourceLower );
sources.put( "upper", sourceUpper );
Function splitter = new RegexSplitter( new Fields( "num", "char" ), " " );
// using null pos so all fields are written
Fields fields = new Fields( "num", "char", "group", "value", "num2", "char2", "group2", "value2" );
Tap sink = new Hfs( new SequenceFile( fields ), getOutputPath( "/rawbyteskeyvalue/" + useDefaultComparator + "/" + secondarySortOnValue + "/" + ignoreSerializationToken + "/" + compositeGrouping ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Pipe pipeLower = new Each( new Pipe( "lower" ), new Fields( "line" ), splitter );
pipeLower = new Each( pipeLower, new InsertTestText( new Fields( "group" ), "inserted text as bytes", true, 3, 4 ), Fields.ALL );
pipeLower = new Each( pipeLower, new InsertRawBytes( new Fields( "value" ), "inserted text as bytes", true ), Fields.ALL );
Pipe pipeUpper = new Each( new Pipe( "upper" ), new Fields( "line" ), splitter );
pipeUpper = new Each( pipeUpper, new InsertTestText( new Fields( "group" ), "inserted text as bytes", true, 3, 4 ), Fields.ALL );
pipeUpper = new Each( pipeUpper, new InsertRawBytes( new Fields( "value" ), "inserted text as bytes", true ), Fields.ALL );
Fields groupFields = new Fields( "group" );
if( compositeGrouping )
groupFields = new Fields( "group", "num" );
if( !useDefaultComparator )
groupFields.setComparator( "group", new TestTextComparator() );
Fields declaredFields = new Fields( "num", "char", "group", "value", "num2", "char2", "group2", "value2" );
Pipe splice = new CoGroup( pipeLower, groupFields, pipeUpper, groupFields, declaredFields );
// test sorting comparison
Fields valueFields = new Fields( "value" );
if( !useDefaultComparator )
valueFields.setComparator( "value", new BytesComparator() );
if( secondarySortOnValue )
splice = new GroupBy( splice, groupFields, valueFields );
splice = new GroupBy( splice, groupFields );
Map<Object, Object> properties = getProperties();
if( !ignoreSerializationToken )
TupleSerialization.addSerialization( properties, TestSerialization.class.getName() );
TupleSerialization.addSerialization( properties, BytesSerialization.class.getName() );
TupleSerialization.addSerialization( properties, NoTokenTestSerialization.class.getName() );
TupleSerialization.addSerialization( properties, NoTokenTestBytesSerialization.class.getName() );
getPlatform().setNumMapTasks( properties, 1 );
getPlatform().setNumReduceTasks( properties, 1 );
getPlatform().setNumGatherPartitionTasks( properties, 1 );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector( properties ).connect( sources, sink, splice );
validateLength( flow, 5 );
// test the ordering
TupleEntryIterator iterator = flow.openSink();
TestText target = (TestText) iterator.next().getObject( "group" );
String value = target == null ? null : target.value;
// System.out.println( "value = " + value );
while( iterator.hasNext() )
TestText nextTarget = (TestText) iterator.next().getObject( "group" );
String next = nextTarget == null ? null : nextTarget.value;
if( value != null && value.compareTo( next ) >= 0 )
fail( "not increasing: " + value + " " + value );
value = next;
// System.out.println( "value = " + value );
public void testBigDecimal() throws Exception
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileApache );
Fields sourceFields = new Fields( "offset", "line" ).applyTypes( Coercions.BIG_DECIMAL, String.class );
Tap source = new Hfs( new TextLine( sourceFields ), inputFileApache );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new Fields( "line" ), new RegexParser( new Fields( "ip" ), "^[^ ]*" ), new Fields( "offset", "ip" ) );
pipe = new GroupBy( pipe, new Fields( "offset" ) );
pipe = new Every( pipe, new Count(), new Fields( "offset", "count" ) );
Fields sinkFields = new Fields( "offset", "count" ).applyTypes( Coercions.BIG_DECIMAL, long.class );
Tap sink = new Hfs( new SequenceFile( sinkFields ), getOutputPath( "bigdecimal" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Map<Object, Object> jobProperties = getProperties();
TupleSerialization.addSerialization( jobProperties, BigDecimalSerialization.class.getName() );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector( jobProperties ).connect( source, sink, pipe );
validateLength( flow, 10 );