* Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.NinePatch;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.SpriteBatch;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor;
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Cullable;
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group;
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Layout;
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage;
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.utils.ScissorStack;
/** A group that scrolls a child widget using scroll bars.
* <p>
* The widget is sized to its preferred size. If the widget's preferred width or height is less than the size of this scroll pane,
* it is set to the size of this scroll pane. Scrollbars appear when the widget is larger than the scroll pane.
* <p>
* The scroll pane's preferred size is that of the child widget. At this size, the child widget will not need to scroll, so the
* scroll pane is typically sized by ignoring the preferred size in one or both directions.
* @author mzechner
* @author Nathan Sweet */
public class ScrollPane extends WidgetGroup {
private ScrollPaneStyle style;
private Actor widget;
private final Rectangle hScrollBounds = new Rectangle();
private final Rectangle vScrollBounds = new Rectangle();
private final Rectangle hKnobBounds = new Rectangle();
private final Rectangle vKnobBounds = new Rectangle();
private final Rectangle widgetAreaBounds = new Rectangle();
private final Rectangle widgetCullingArea = new Rectangle();
private final Rectangle scissorBounds = new Rectangle();
private boolean scrollX, scrollY;
private float amountX, amountY;
private boolean touchScrollH, touchScrollV;
private final Vector2 lastPoint = new Vector2();
private float handlePosition;
private boolean disableX, disableY;
private float areaWidth, areaHeight;
public ScrollPane (Skin skin) {
this(null, skin);
/** @param widget May be null. */
public ScrollPane (Actor widget, Skin skin) {
this(widget, skin.getStyle(ScrollPaneStyle.class), null);
/** @param widget May be null. */
public ScrollPane (Actor widget, ScrollPaneStyle style) {
this(widget, style, null);
/** @param widget May be null. */
public ScrollPane (Actor widget, ScrollPaneStyle style, String name) {
if (style == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("style cannot be null.");
this.widget = widget;
this.style = style;
if (widget != null) {
width = 150;
height = 150;
public void setStyle (ScrollPaneStyle style) {
if (style == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("style cannot be null.");
this.style = style;
/** Returns the scroll pane's style. Modifying the returned style may not have an effect until
* {@link #setStyle(ScrollPaneStyle)} is called. */
public ScrollPaneStyle getStyle () {
return style;
public void layout () {
final NinePatch bg = style.background;
final NinePatch hScrollKnob = style.hScrollKnob;
final NinePatch vScrollKnob = style.vScrollKnob;
// For no background, ex. background is drawn a parent who has two scroll area
float bgLeftWidth = bg == null ? 0 : bg.getLeftWidth();
float bgRightWidth = bg == null ? 0 : bg.getRightWidth();
float bgTopHeight = bg == null ? 0 : bg.getTopHeight();
float bgBottomHeight = bg == null ? 0 : bg.getTopHeight();
// Get available space size by subtracting background's padded area.
areaWidth = width - bgLeftWidth - bgRightWidth;
areaHeight = height - bgTopHeight - bgBottomHeight;
if (widget == null) return;
// Get widget's desired width.
float widgetWidth, widgetHeight;
if (widget instanceof Layout) {
Layout layout = (Layout)widget;
widgetWidth = layout.getPrefWidth();
widgetHeight = layout.getPrefHeight();
} else {
widgetWidth = widget.width;
widgetHeight = widget.height;
// Figure out if we need horizontal/vertical scrollbars.
scrollX = false;
scrollY = false;
if (!disableX && widgetWidth > areaWidth) scrollX = true;
if (!disableY && widgetHeight > areaHeight) scrollY = true;
// Check again, now taking into account the area that's taken up by any enabled scrollbars.
if (!disableX && scrollY && widgetWidth > areaWidth - vScrollKnob.getTotalWidth()) {
scrollX = true;
areaWidth -= vScrollKnob.getTotalWidth();
if (!disableY && scrollX && widgetHeight > areaHeight - hScrollKnob.getTotalHeight()) {
scrollY = true;
areaHeight -= hScrollKnob.getTotalHeight();
// Set the widget area bounds.
widgetAreaBounds.set(bgLeftWidth, bgBottomHeight + (scrollX ? hScrollKnob.getTotalHeight() : 0), areaWidth, areaHeight);
amountX = MathUtils.clamp(amountX, 0, widgetAreaBounds.x);
amountY = MathUtils.clamp(amountY, 0, widgetAreaBounds.y);
// If the widget is smaller than the available space, make it take up the available space.
widgetWidth = disableX ? width : Math.max(areaWidth, widgetWidth);
widgetHeight = disableY ? height : Math.max(areaHeight, widgetHeight);
if (widget.width != widgetWidth || widget.height != widgetHeight) {
widget.width = widgetWidth;
widget.height = widgetHeight;
// Set the bounds and scroll knob sizes if scrollbars are needed.
if (scrollX) {
hScrollBounds.set(bgLeftWidth, bgBottomHeight, areaWidth, hScrollKnob.getTotalHeight());
hKnobBounds.width = Math.max(hScrollKnob.getTotalWidth(), (int)(hScrollBounds.width * areaWidth / widget.width));
hKnobBounds.height = hScrollKnob.getTotalHeight();
hKnobBounds.x = hScrollBounds.x + (int)((hScrollBounds.width - hKnobBounds.width) * getScrollPercentX());
hKnobBounds.y = hScrollBounds.y;
if (scrollY) {
vScrollBounds.set(width - bgRightWidth - vScrollKnob.getTotalWidth(), height - bgTopHeight - areaHeight,
vScrollKnob.getTotalWidth(), areaHeight);
vKnobBounds.width = vScrollKnob.getTotalWidth();
vKnobBounds.height = Math.max(vScrollKnob.getTotalHeight(), (int)(vScrollBounds.height * areaHeight / widget.height));
vKnobBounds.x = vScrollBounds.x;
vKnobBounds.y = vScrollBounds.y + (int)((vScrollBounds.height - vKnobBounds.height) * (1 - getScrollPercentY()));
if (widget instanceof Layout) {
Layout layout = (Layout)widget;
public void draw (SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha) {
if (widget == null) return;
// Setup transform for this group.
if (scrollX) hKnobBounds.x = hScrollBounds.x + (int)((hScrollBounds.width - hKnobBounds.width) * getScrollPercentX());
if (scrollY)
vKnobBounds.y = vScrollBounds.y + (int)((vScrollBounds.height - vKnobBounds.height) * (1 - getScrollPercentY()));
// Calculate the widgets offset depending on the scroll state and available widget area.
widget.y = widgetAreaBounds.y - (!scrollY ? (int)(widget.height - areaHeight) : 0)
- (scrollY ? (int)((widget.height - areaHeight) * (1 - getScrollPercentY())) : 0);
widget.x = widgetAreaBounds.x - (scrollX ? (int)((widget.width - areaWidth) * getScrollPercentX()) : 0);
if (widget instanceof Cullable) {
widgetCullingArea.x = -widget.x + widgetAreaBounds.x;
widgetCullingArea.y = -widget.y + widgetAreaBounds.y;
widgetCullingArea.width = areaWidth;
widgetCullingArea.height = areaHeight;
// Caculate the scissor bounds based on the batch transform, the available widget area and the camera transform. We need to
// project those to screen coordinates for OpenGL ES to consume.
ScissorStack.calculateScissors(stage.getCamera(), batchTransform, widgetAreaBounds, scissorBounds);
// Draw the background ninepatch.
batch.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * parentAlpha);
if (style.background != null) {
style.background.draw(batch, 0, 0, width, height);
// Enable scissors for widget area and draw the widget.
if (ScissorStack.pushScissors(scissorBounds)) {
drawChildren(batch, parentAlpha);
// Render scrollbars and knobs on top.
batch.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * parentAlpha);
if (scrollX) {
style.hScroll.draw(batch, hScrollBounds.x, hScrollBounds.y, hScrollBounds.width, hScrollBounds.height);
style.hScrollKnob.draw(batch, hKnobBounds.x, hKnobBounds.y, hKnobBounds.width, hKnobBounds.height);
if (scrollY) {
style.vScroll.draw(batch, vScrollBounds.x, vScrollBounds.y, vScrollBounds.width, vScrollBounds.height);
style.vScrollKnob.draw(batch, vKnobBounds.x, vKnobBounds.y, vKnobBounds.width, vKnobBounds.height);
public float getPrefWidth () {
if (widget instanceof Layout) return ((Layout)widget).getPrefWidth();
return 150;
public float getPrefHeight () {
if (widget instanceof Layout) return ((Layout)widget).getPrefHeight();
return 150;
public float getMinWidth () {
return 0;
public float getMinHeight () {
return 0;
public boolean touchDown (float x, float y, int pointer) {
if (pointer != 0) return false;
if (scrollX && hScrollBounds.contains(x, y)) {
if (hKnobBounds.contains(x, y)) {
lastPoint.set(x, y);
handlePosition = hKnobBounds.x;
touchScrollH = true;
return true;
if (x < hKnobBounds.x)
setScrollPercentX(Math.max(0, getScrollPercentX() - 0.1f));
setScrollPercentX(Math.min(1, getScrollPercentX() + 0.1f));
return false;
} else if (scrollY && vScrollBounds.contains(x, y)) {
if (vKnobBounds.contains(x, y)) {
lastPoint.set(x, y);
handlePosition = vKnobBounds.y;
touchScrollV = true;
return true;
if (y < vKnobBounds.y)
setScrollPercentY(Math.max(0, getScrollPercentY() + 0.1f));
setScrollPercentY(Math.min(1, getScrollPercentY() - 0.1f));
return false;
} else if (widgetAreaBounds.contains(x, y)) {
return super.touchDown(x, y, pointer);
} else
return false;
public void touchUp (float x, float y, int pointer) {
touchScrollH = false;
touchScrollV = false;
public void touchDragged (float x, float y, int pointer) {
if (touchScrollH) {
float delta = x - lastPoint.x;
float scrollH = handlePosition + delta;
handlePosition = scrollH;
scrollH = Math.max(hScrollBounds.x, scrollH);
scrollH = Math.min(hScrollBounds.x + hScrollBounds.width - hKnobBounds.width, scrollH);
setScrollPercentX((scrollH - hScrollBounds.x) / (hScrollBounds.width - hKnobBounds.width));
lastPoint.set(x, y);
} else if (touchScrollV) {
float delta = y - lastPoint.y;
float scrollV = handlePosition + delta;
handlePosition = scrollV;
scrollV = Math.max(vScrollBounds.y, scrollV);
scrollV = Math.min(vScrollBounds.y + vScrollBounds.height - vKnobBounds.height, scrollV);
setScrollPercentY(1 - ((scrollV - vScrollBounds.y) / (vScrollBounds.height - vKnobBounds.height)));
lastPoint.set(x, y);
} else
super.touchDragged(x, y, pointer);
/** Sets the {@link Actor} embedded in this scroll pane.
* @param widget the Actor */
public void setWidget (Actor widget) {
if (widget == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("widget cannot be null.");
if (this.widget != null) super.removeActor(this.widget);
this.widget = widget;
if (widget != null) super.addActor(widget);
public void addActor (Actor actor) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use ScrollPane#setWidget.");
public void addActorAt (int index, Actor actor) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use ScrollPane#setWidget.");
public void addActorBefore (Actor actorBefore, Actor actor) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use ScrollPane#setWidget.");
public void removeActor (Actor actor) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use ScrollPane#setWidget(null).");
public void removeActorRecursive (Actor actor) {
if (actor == widget)
else if (widget instanceof Group) //
public Actor hit (float x, float y) {
if (x > 0 && x < width && y > 0 && y < height) return super.hit(x, y);
return null;
public void setScrollX (float pixels) {
this.amountX = pixels;
/** Returns the x scroll position in pixels. */
public float getScrollX () {
return amountX;
public void setScrollY (float pixels) {
amountY = pixels;
/** Returns the y scroll position in pixels. */
public float getScrollY () {
return amountY;
public float getScrollPercentX () {
return amountX / widgetAreaBounds.x;
public void setScrollPercentX (float percentX) {
amountX = widgetAreaBounds.x * percentX;
public float getScrollPercentY () {
return amountY / widgetAreaBounds.y;
public void setScrollPercentY (float percentY) {
amountY = widgetAreaBounds.y * percentY;
/** Returns the maximum scroll value in the x direction. */
public float getMaxX () {
return widgetAreaBounds.x;
/** Returns the maximum scroll value in the y direction. */
public float getMaxY () {
return widgetAreaBounds.y;
/** Disables scrolling in a direction. The widget will be sized to the FlickScrollPane in the disabled direction. */
public void setScrollingDisabled (boolean x, boolean y) {
disableX = x;
disableY = y;
/** The style for a scroll pane, see {@link ScrollPane}.
* @author mzechner */
static public class ScrollPaneStyle {
/** Optional. */
public NinePatch background;
public NinePatch hScroll;
public NinePatch hScrollKnob;
public NinePatch vScroll;
public NinePatch vScrollKnob;
public ScrollPaneStyle () {
public ScrollPaneStyle (NinePatch backgroundPatch, NinePatch hScroll, NinePatch hScrollKnob, NinePatch vScroll,
NinePatch vScrollKnob) {
this.background = backgroundPatch;
this.hScroll = hScroll;
this.hScrollKnob = hScrollKnob;
this.vScroll = vScroll;
this.vScrollKnob = vScrollKnob;