* Copyright 2012 JBoss Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.uberfire.io;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.uberfire.io.impl.IOServiceDotFileImpl;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.base.AbstractBasicFileAttributeView;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.base.AbstractPath;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.base.AttrHolder;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.base.NeedsPreloadedAttrs;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.file.OpenOption;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.file.Path;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributeView;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttribute;
import org.uberfire.java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.uberfire.java.nio.base.dotfiles.DotFileUtils.*;
public abstract class CommonIOServiceDotFileTest {
protected final Date dateValue = new Date();
protected static final List<File> tempFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
public void testFile() throws IOException {
final Path path = getFilePath();
ioService().write( path, "ooooo!", Collections.<OpenOption>emptySet(), new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "custom";
public Object value() {
return dateValue;
}, new FileAttribute<String>() {
public String name() {
return "int.hello";
public String value() {
return "world";
}, new FileAttribute<Integer>() {
public String name() {
return "int";
public Integer value() {
return 10;
Map<String, Object> attrs = ioService().readAttributes( path );
assertEquals( testFileAttrSize1(), attrs.size() );
assertTrue( attrs.containsKey( "int.hello" ) );
assertTrue( attrs.containsKey( "custom" ) );
assertTrue( attrs.containsKey( "int" ) );
assertEquals( 10, attrs.get( "int" ) );
assertEquals( dateValue, attrs.get( "custom" ) );
assertEquals( "world", attrs.get( "int.hello" ) );
if ( path instanceof AttrHolder ) {
( (AttrHolder) path ).getAttrStorage().clear();
attrs = ioService().readAttributes( path );
assertEquals( 10, attrs.get( "int" ) );
assertEquals( dateValue, attrs.get( "custom" ) );
assertEquals( "world", attrs.get( "int.hello" ) );
final Map<String, Object> attrsValue = ioService().readAttributes( path );
assertEquals( testFileAttrSize2(), attrsValue.size() );
ioService().setAttributes( path, new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "my_new_key";
public Object value() {
return null;
} );
final Map<String, Object> attrsValue2 = ioService().readAttributes( path );
assertEquals( testFileAttrSize3(), attrsValue2.size() );
assertFalse( attrsValue2.containsKey( "my_new_key" ) );
ioService().delete( path );
ioService().write( path, "ooooo!" );
final Map<String, Object> attrsClean = ioService().readAttributes( path );
assertEquals( testFileAttrSize4(), attrsClean.size() );
protected abstract int testFileAttrSize4();
protected abstract int testFileAttrSize3();
protected abstract int testFileAttrSize2();
protected abstract int testFileAttrSize1();
public void testDirectory() throws IOException {
final Path path = getDirectoryPath();
ioService().createDirectory( path, new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "custom";
public Object value() {
return dateValue;
}, new FileAttribute<String>() {
public String name() {
return "int.hello";
public String value() {
return "world";
}, new FileAttribute<Integer>() {
public String name() {
return "int";
public Integer value() {
return 10;
Map<String, Object> attrs = ioService().readAttributes( path );
assertEquals( testDirectoryAttrSize1(), attrs.size() );
assertTrue( attrs.containsKey( "int.hello" ) );
assertTrue( attrs.containsKey( "custom" ) );
assertTrue( attrs.containsKey( "int" ) );
assertEquals( 10, attrs.get( "int" ) );
assertEquals( dateValue, attrs.get( "custom" ) );
assertEquals( "world", attrs.get( "int.hello" ) );
if ( path instanceof AttrHolder ) {
( (AttrHolder) path ).getAttrStorage().clear();
attrs = ioService().readAttributes( path );
assertEquals( 10, attrs.get( "int" ) );
assertEquals( dateValue, attrs.get( "custom" ) );
assertEquals( "world", attrs.get( "int.hello" ) );
ioService().delete( path );
ioService().createDirectory( path );
final Map<String, Object> attrsClean = ioService().readAttributes( path );
assertEquals( testDirectoryAttrSize4(), attrsClean.size() );
protected abstract int testDirectoryAttrSize4();
protected abstract int testDirectoryAttrSize3();
protected abstract int testDirectoryAttrSize2();
protected abstract int testDirectoryAttrSize1();
public void testDelete() throws IOException {
final Path dir = getDirectoryPath();
ioService().createDirectory( dir, new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "custom";
public Object value() {
return dateValue;
}, new FileAttribute<String>() {
public String name() {
return "int.hello";
public String value() {
return "world";
}, new FileAttribute<Integer>() {
public String name() {
return "int";
public Integer value() {
return 10;
assertTrue( ioService().exists( dir ) );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( dot( dir ) ) );
ioService().delete( dir );
assertFalse( ioService().exists( dir ) );
assertFalse( ioService().exists( dot( dir ) ) );
final Path file = getFilePath();
ioService().write( file, "ooooo!", Collections.<OpenOption>emptySet(), new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "custom";
public Object value() {
return dateValue;
} );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( file ) );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( dot( file ) ) );
assertFalse( ( (AttrHolder) file ).getAttrStorage().getContent().isEmpty() );
ioService().delete( file );
assertTrue( ( (AttrHolder) file ).getAttrStorage().getContent().isEmpty() );
assertFalse( ioService().exists( file ) );
assertFalse( ioService().exists( dot( file ) ) );
public void testCopyFile() {
final Path sfile = getFilePath();
final Path tfile = getTargetPath();
ioService().deleteIfExists( sfile );
ioService().deleteIfExists( tfile );
ioService().write( sfile, "wow", Collections.<OpenOption>emptySet(), new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "custom";
public Object value() {
return dateValue;
} );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( sfile ) );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( dot( sfile ) ) );
assertFalse( ioService().exists( tfile ) );
assertFalse( ioService().exists( dot( tfile ) ) );
ioService().copy( sfile, tfile );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( sfile ) );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( dot( sfile ) ) );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( tfile ) );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( dot( tfile ) ) );
public void createDirectories() {
final Path dir = getComposedDirectoryPath();
assertFalse( ioService().exists( dir ) );
ioService().createDirectories( dir, new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "custom";
public Object value() {
return dateValue;
} );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( dir ) );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( dir.getParent() ) );
assertNotNull( ioService().exists( dir.getParent().getFileName() ) );
Map<String, Object> attrs = ioService().readAttributes( dir );
assertEquals( createDirectoriesAttrSize(), attrs.size() );
ioService().delete( dir );
ioService().exists( dir.getParent() );
protected abstract int createDirectoriesAttrSize();
public void testDeleteIfExistis() throws IOException {
final Path dir = getDirectoryPath();
ioService().deleteIfExists( dir );
ioService().createDirectory( dir, new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "custom";
public Object value() {
return dateValue;
}, new FileAttribute<String>() {
public String name() {
return "int.hello";
public String value() {
return "world";
}, new FileAttribute<Integer>() {
public String name() {
return "int";
public Integer value() {
return 10;
assertTrue( ioService().deleteIfExists( dir ) );
assertFalse( ioService().deleteIfExists( dir ) );
final Path file = getFilePath();
ioService().deleteIfExists( file );
ioService().write( file, "ooooo!", Collections.<OpenOption>emptySet(), new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "custom";
public Object value() {
return dateValue;
} );
assertFalse( ( (AttrHolder) file ).getAttrStorage().getContent().isEmpty() );
assertTrue( ioService().deleteIfExists( file ) );
assertTrue( ( (AttrHolder) file ).getAttrStorage().getContent().isEmpty() );
assertFalse( ioService().deleteIfExists( file ) );
public void testReadNewByteChannel() throws IOException {
final Path file = getFilePath();
ioService().deleteIfExists( file );
assertFalse( ioService().exists( file ) );
String content = "sample content";
ioService.write( file, content );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( file ) );
final SeekableByteChannel sbc = ioService().newByteChannel( file, StandardOpenOption.READ );
String readContent = readSbc( sbc );
assertEquals( content, readContent );
ioService().delete( file );
public void testNewByteChannel() throws IOException {
final Path file = getFilePath();
ioService().deleteIfExists( file );
assertFalse( ioService().exists( file ) );
final SeekableByteChannel sbc = ioService().newByteChannel( file, Collections.<OpenOption>emptySet(), new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "custom";
public Object value() {
return dateValue;
} );
sbc.write( ByteBuffer.wrap( "helloWorld!".getBytes() ) );
assertTrue( ioService().exists( file ) );
Map<String, Object> attrs = ioService().readAttributes( file );
assertEquals( testNewByteChannelAttrSize(), attrs.size() );
try {
ioService().newByteChannel( file, Collections.<OpenOption>emptySet() );
fail( "FileAlreadyExistsException expected" );
} catch ( FileAlreadyExistsException ex ) {
ioService().delete( file );
ioService().newByteChannel( file, Collections.<OpenOption>emptySet() ).close();
assertTrue( ioService().deleteIfExists( file ) );
protected abstract int testNewByteChannelAttrSize();
public void testGetAttribute() {
final Path file = getFilePath();
ioService().deleteIfExists( file );
ioService().write( file, "ooooo!", Collections.<OpenOption>emptySet(), new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "dcore.author";
public Object value() {
return "AuthorName";
} );
assertNotNull( ioService().getAttribute( file, "dcore:dcore.author" ) );
assertNull( ioService().getAttribute( file, "dcore:dcore.not_here" ) );
assertNotNull( ioService().getAttribute( file, "dcore.author" ) );
assertNull( ioService().getAttribute( file, "something" ) );
( (AttrHolder) file ).getAttrStorage().clear();
assertNotNull( ioService().getAttribute( file, "dcore:dcore.author" ) );
assertNull( ioService().getAttribute( file, "dcore:dcore.not_here" ) );
assertNotNull( ioService().getAttribute( file, "dcore.author" ) );
assertNull( ioService().getAttribute( file, "something" ) );
public void testGetAttributeView() {
final Path file = getFilePath();
ioService().deleteIfExists( file );
ioService().write( file, "ooooo!", Collections.<OpenOption>emptySet(), new FileAttribute<Object>() {
public String name() {
return "dcore.author";
public Object value() {
return "AuthorName";
} );
assertNotNull( ioService().getFileAttributeView( file, BasicFileAttributeView.class ) );
assertNull( ioService().getFileAttributeView( file, MyAttrsView.class ) );
assertNotNull( ioService().getFileAttributeView( file, XDublinCoreView.class ) );
final DublinCoreAttributes attr = ioService().getFileAttributeView( file, XDublinCoreView.class ).readAttributes();
assertEquals( "AuthorName", attr.getAuthor() );
( (AttrHolder) file ).getAttrStorage().clear();
assertNotNull( ioService().getFileAttributeView( file, BasicFileAttributeView.class ) );
assertNull( ioService().getFileAttributeView( file, MyAttrsView.class ) );
assertNotNull( ioService().getFileAttributeView( file, XDublinCoreView.class ) );
public abstract Path getFilePath();
public abstract Path getTargetPath();
public abstract Path getDirectoryPath();
public abstract Path getComposedDirectoryPath();
public static File createTempDirectory()
throws IOException {
final File temp = File.createTempFile( "temp", Long.toString( System.nanoTime() ) );
if ( !( temp.delete() ) ) {
throw new IOException( "Could not delete temp file: " + temp.getAbsolutePath() );
if ( !( temp.mkdir() ) ) {
throw new IOException( "Could not create temp directory: " + temp.getAbsolutePath() );
tempFiles.add( temp );
return temp;
private String readSbc( SeekableByteChannel sbc ) {
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 100 );
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
try {
while ( ( sbc.read( byteBuffer ) ) > 0 ) {
content.append( new String( byteBuffer.array(),0, byteBuffer.remaining()) );
} catch ( IOException e ) {
return content.toString();
private static interface MyAttrsView extends BasicFileAttributeView {
public static class XDublinCoreView extends AbstractBasicFileAttributeView<AbstractPath>
implements NeedsPreloadedAttrs {
private BasicFileAttributes attrs = null;
public XDublinCoreView( final AbstractPath path ) {
super( path );
public <T extends BasicFileAttributes> T readAttributes() throws org.uberfire.java.nio.IOException {
if ( attrs == null ) {
final BasicFileAttributes basicAtts = ( (BasicFileAttributeView) path.getAttrView( BasicFileAttributeView.class ) ).readAttributes();
attrs = new DublinCoreAttributes( basicAtts, (String) path.getAttrStorage().getContent().get( "dcore.author" ) );
return (T) attrs;
public Class<? extends BasicFileAttributeView>[] viewTypes() {
return new Class[]{ XDublinCoreView.class };
public static class DublinCoreAttributes implements BasicFileAttributes {
private final BasicFileAttributes attributes;
private final String author;
private DublinCoreAttributes( final BasicFileAttributes attributes,
final String author ) {
this.attributes = attributes;
this.author = author;
public String getAuthor() {
return author;
public FileTime lastModifiedTime() {
return attributes.lastModifiedTime();
public FileTime lastAccessTime() {
return attributes.lastAccessTime();
public FileTime creationTime() {
return attributes.creationTime();
public boolean isRegularFile() {
return attributes.isRegularFile();
public boolean isDirectory() {
return attributes.isDirectory();
public boolean isSymbolicLink() {
return attributes.isSymbolicLink();
public boolean isOther() {
return attributes.isOther();
public long size() {
return attributes.size();
public Object fileKey() {
return attributes.fileKey();
public static void cleanup() {
for ( final File tempFile : tempFiles ) {
FileUtils.deleteQuietly( tempFile );
protected static IOService ioService = null;
public IOService ioService() {
if ( ioService == null ) {
ioService = new IOServiceDotFileImpl();
return ioService;