
Examples of

        final List<ValidationMessage> nonKieResourceValidatorRemovedMessages = new ArrayList<ValidationMessage>();

        for ( final Map.Entry<org.uberfire.backend.vfs.Path, Collection<ResourceChange>> pathCollectionEntry : changes.entrySet() ) {
            for ( final ResourceChange change : pathCollectionEntry.getValue() ) {
                final ResourceChangeType type = change.getType();
                final Path resource = Paths.convert( pathCollectionEntry.getKey() );

                checkNotNull( "type", type );
                checkNotNull( "resource", resource );

                final String destinationPath = resource.toUri().toString().substring( projectPrefix.length() + 1 );
                changedFilesKieBuilderPaths.add( destinationPath );
                switch ( type ) {
                    case ADD:
                    case UPDATE:
                        //Only files can be processed
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            fileSystem = ioService.getFileSystem( URI.create( env.get( "repository.root" ) + fetchCommand ) );
        HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map.put( env.get( "repository.root" ), "designer-repo" );

        Path rootPath = fileSystem.provider().getPath( repositoryRoot );
        return new RepositoryDescriptor( repositoryRoot, fileSystem, rootPath );
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public class IndexGlobalsTest extends BaseIndexingTest<GlobalResourceTypeDefinition> {

    public void testIndexGlobals() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        //Add test files
        final Path path1 = basePath.resolve( "global1.gdrl" );
        final String drl1 = loadText( "global1.gdrl" );
        ioService().write( path1,
                           drl1 );
        final Path path2 = basePath.resolve( "global2.gdrl" );
        final String drl2 = loadText( "global2.gdrl" );
        ioService().write( path2,
                           drl2 );

        Thread.sleep( 5000 ); //wait for events to be consumed from jgit -> (notify changes -> watcher -> index) -> lucene index
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public class IndexTestScenarioTest extends BaseIndexingTest<TestScenarioResourceTypeDefinition> {

    public void testIndexTestScenario() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        //Don't ask, but we need to write a single file first in order for indexing to work
        final Path basePath = getDirectoryPath().resolveSibling( "someNewOtherPath" );
        ioService().write( basePath.resolve( "dummy" ),
                           "<none>" );

        //Add test files
        final Path path1 = basePath.resolve( "scenario1.scenario" );
        final Scenario model1 = TestScenarioFactory.makeTestScenarioWithVerifyFact( "org.drools.workbench.screens.testscenario.backend.server.indexing",
                                                                                    new ArrayList<Import>() {{
                                                                                        add( new Import( "org.drools.workbench.screens.testscenario.backend.server.indexing.classes.Applicant" ) );
                                                                                        add( new Import( "org.drools.workbench.screens.testscenario.backend.server.indexing.classes.Mortgage" ) );
                                                                                    "scenario1" );
        final String xml1 = ScenarioXMLPersistence.getInstance().marshal( model1 );
        ioService().write( path1,
                           xml1 );
        final Path path2 = basePath.resolve( "scenario2.scenario" );
        final Scenario model2 = TestScenarioFactory.makeTestScenarioWithoutVerifyFact( "org.drools.workbench.screens.testscenario.backend.server.indexing",
                                                                                       new ArrayList<Import>() {{
                                                                                           add( new Import( "org.drools.workbench.screens.testscenario.backend.server.indexing.classes.Applicant" ) );
                                                                                           add( new Import( "org.drools.workbench.screens.testscenario.backend.server.indexing.classes.Mortgage" ) );
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public class IndexRuleMultipleTypesTest extends BaseIndexingTest<DRLResourceTypeDefinition> {

    public void testIndexDrlRuleMultipleTypes() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        //Add test files
        final Path path1 = basePath.resolve( "drl3.drl" );
        final String drl1 = loadText( "drl3.drl" );
        ioService().write( path1,
                           drl1 );
        final Path path2 = basePath.resolve( "drl4.drl" );
        final String drl2 = loadText( "drl4.drl" );
        ioService().write( path2,
                           drl2 );

        Thread.sleep( 5000 ); //wait for events to be consumed from jgit -> (notify changes -> watcher -> index) -> lucene index
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public class IndexRuleAttributeNameAndValueTest extends BaseIndexingTest<DRLResourceTypeDefinition> {

    public void testIndexDrlRuleAttributeNameAndValue() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        //Add test files
        final Path path = basePath.resolve( "drl1.drl" );
        final String drl = loadText( "drl1.drl" );
        ioService().write( path,
                           drl );

        Thread.sleep( 5000 ); //wait for events to be consumed from jgit -> (notify changes -> watcher -> index) -> lucene index
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public class IndexRuleTypeTest extends BaseIndexingTest<DRLResourceTypeDefinition> {

    public void testIndexRuleTypes() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        //Add test files
        final Path path1 = basePath.resolve( "drl1.drl" );
        final String drl1 = loadText( "drl1.drl" );
        ioService().write( path1,
                           drl1 );
        final Path path2 = basePath.resolve( "drl2.drl" );
        final String drl2 = loadText( "drl2.drl" );
        ioService().write( path2,
                           drl2 );

        Thread.sleep( 5000 ); //wait for events to be consumed from jgit -> (notify changes -> watcher -> index) -> lucene index
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public class IndexRuleAttributeNameAndValueCompositionTest extends BaseIndexingTest<DRLResourceTypeDefinition> {

    public void testIndexDrlRuleAttributeNameAndValueComposition() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        //Add test files
        final Path path = basePath.resolve( "drl5.drl" );
        final String drl = loadText( "drl5.drl" );
        ioService().write( path,
                           drl );

        Thread.sleep( 5000 ); //wait for events to be consumed from jgit -> (notify changes -> watcher -> index) -> lucene index
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public class IndexRuleAttributeNameTest extends BaseIndexingTest<DRLResourceTypeDefinition> {

    public void testIndexDrlRuleAttributeNames() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        //Add test files
        final Path path = basePath.resolve( "drl1.drl" );
        final String drl = loadText( "drl1.drl" );
        ioService().write( path,
                           drl );

        Thread.sleep( 5000 ); //wait for events to be consumed from jgit -> (notify changes -> watcher -> index) -> lucene index
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public class IndexRuleTest extends BaseIndexingTest<DRLResourceTypeDefinition> {

    public void testIndexDrlRules() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        //Add test files
        final Path path = basePath.resolve( "drl1.drl" );
        final String drl = loadText( "drl1.drl" );
        ioService().write( path,
                           drl );

        Thread.sleep( 5000 ); //wait for events to be consumed from jgit -> (notify changes -> watcher -> index) -> lucene index
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