import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* The <code>BEViewer</code> class provides the main entry
* for the Bulk Extractor Viewer application.
public class BEPreferences {
// root preferences node
private static final Preferences preferences = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(BEViewer.class);
// Defaults
* Default show toolbar, {@value}.
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHOW_TOOLBAR = true;
* Default font size for Feature listing, {@value}.
public static final int DEFAULT_FEATURE_FONT_SIZE = 12;
* Default font size for Image listing, {@value}.
public static final int DEFAULT_IMAGE_FONT_SIZE = 12;
* Default forensic path numeric base hex, {@value}.
public static final boolean DEFAULT_FORENSIC_PATH_NUMERIC_BASE_HEX = false;
* Default format for presenting Image lines, {@value}.
public static final String DEFAULT_IMAGE_LINE_FORMAT = "Text";
* Default request for hiding the referenced feature view, {@value}.
public static final boolean DEFAULT_REQUEST_HIDE_REFERENCED_FEATURE_VIEW = false;
* Default to show stoplist files, {@value}.
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHOW_STOPLIST_FILES = false;
* Default to show empty files, {@value}.
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHOW_EMPTY_FILES = false;
private BEPreferences() {
* clears all preferences
public static void clearPreferences() {
try {
// preferences.flush();
WLog.log("BEPreferences.clearPreferences: preferences cleared.");
} catch (Exception e) {
// report error but do not rethrow error
WError.showError("Failure while clearing user preferences.", "BEViewer Preferences Error", e);
* used only during validation testing.
public static String getPreferencesString() throws Exception {
ByteArrayOutputStream preferencesStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return preferencesStream.toString();
// load user preferences saved locally from last run, if available, else load defaults
public static void loadPreferences() {
// load preference to show the toolbar
boolean showToolbar = preferences.getBoolean("show_toolbar", DEFAULT_SHOW_TOOLBAR);
// load feature font size
int featureFontSize = preferences.getInt("feature_font_size", DEFAULT_FEATURE_FONT_SIZE);
// load image file font size
int imageFontSize = preferences.getInt("image_font_size", DEFAULT_IMAGE_FONT_SIZE);
// load forensic path numeric base
boolean forensicPathNumericBaseHex = preferences.getBoolean("forensic_path_numeric_base_hex", DEFAULT_FORENSIC_PATH_NUMERIC_BASE_HEX);
// load the image line format, note that ImageLine.LineFormat establishes the default
String imageLineFormat = preferences.get("image_line_format", DEFAULT_IMAGE_LINE_FORMAT);
// load preference to hide the referenced feature view
boolean requestHide = preferences.getBoolean("request_hide_referenced_feature_view", DEFAULT_REQUEST_HIDE_REFERENCED_FEATURE_VIEW);
// load preference to show stoplist files
boolean requestShowStoplistFiles = preferences.getBoolean("show_stoplist_files", DEFAULT_SHOW_STOPLIST_FILES);
// load preference to show empty files
boolean requestShowEmptyFiles = preferences.getBoolean("show_empty_files", DEFAULT_SHOW_EMPTY_FILES);
// load test settings
WTest.testWorkSettingsFileString = preferences.get("test_work_settings_file", "");
WTest.testOutputDirectoryString = preferences.get("test_output_directory", "");
WTest.testScanDirective = preferences.get("test_scan_directive", "bulk_extractor,");
// load saved reports
// load saved bookmarks
// load saved reports
private static void loadSavedReports() {
Preferences reportsPreferences = preferences.node("saved_reports");
int i = 0;
while (true) {
// generate the preferences variable names
String reportIndex = Integer.toString(i);
String featuresDirectoryString = reportsPreferences.get("feature_directory_" + reportIndex, null);
File featuresDirectory = (featuresDirectoryString == null) ? null : new File(featuresDirectoryString);
String reportImageFileString = reportsPreferences.get("image_file_" + reportIndex, null);
File reportImageFile = (reportImageFileString == null) ? null : new File(reportImageFileString);
// stop loading reports when there are no more saved values
if (featuresDirectory == null) {
if (reportImageFile == null) {
WLog.log("BEPreferences: loadSavedReports: unexpected null reportImageFile");
// load the saved report into the model
BEViewer.reportsModel.addReport(featuresDirectory, reportImageFile);
// move to the next index
// load saved bookmarks
private static void loadSavedBookmarks() {
Preferences bookmarksPreferences = preferences.node("saved_bookmarks");
int i = 0;
while (true) {
// generate the preferences variable names
String bookmarkIndex = Integer.toString(i);
String reportImageFileString = bookmarksPreferences.get("image_file_" + bookmarkIndex, null);
File reportImageFile = (reportImageFileString == null) ? null : new File(reportImageFileString);
String featuresFileString = bookmarksPreferences.get("features_file_" + bookmarkIndex, null);
File featuresFile = (reportImageFileString == null) ? null : new File(featuresFileString);
long startByte = bookmarksPreferences.getLong("start_byte_" + bookmarkIndex, 0);
int numBytes = bookmarksPreferences.getInt("num_bytes_" + bookmarkIndex, 0);
// stop loading bookmarks when there are no more saved values
// if (reportImageFile == null) {
// break;
// }
if (featuresFile == null) {
// WLog.log("BEPreferences: loadSavedBookmarks: unexpected null featuresFile");
// warn if the image file does not exist
if (reportImageFile != null && !reportImageFile.exists()) {
WError.showError("The image file for the Feature being restored is not available:"
+ "\nImage file: " + reportImageFileString
+ "\nFeature file: " + featuresFileString
+ "\nFeature index: " + startByte,
"BEViewer Preferences Error", null);
// warn and skip if the feature file does not exist
if (!featuresFile.exists()) {
WError.showError("Unable to restore feature from saved preferences because the Feature file is not available:"
+ "\nImage file: " + reportImageFileString
+ "\nFeature file: " + featuresFileString
+ "\nFeature index: " + startByte,
"BEViewer Preferences Error", null);
// create the feature from the saved values
try {
FeatureLine featureLine = new FeatureLine(reportImageFile, featuresFile, startByte, numBytes);
// load the saved feature line bookmark into the Feature bookmarks model
} catch (Exception e) {
WError.showError("Unable to restore feature from saved preferences:"
+ "\nImage file: " + reportImageFileString
+ "\nFeature file: " + featuresFileString
+ "\nFeature index: " + startByte,
"BEViewer Preferences Error", e);
// move to the next index
// save user preferences set during run, then quit
public static void savePreferences() {
try {
// preference to show the toolbar
preferences.putBoolean("show_toolbar", BEViewer.toolbar.isVisible());
// feature font size
preferences.putInt("feature_font_size", BEViewer.featuresModel.getFontSize());
// image file font size
preferences.putInt("image_font_size", BEViewer.imageView.getFontSize());
// forensic path numeric base, the same for featuresModel and imageView
preferences.putBoolean("forensic_path_numeric_base_hex", BEViewer.featuresModel.getUseHexPath());
// image line format
preferences.put("image_line_format", BEViewer.imageView.getLineFormat().toString());
// hide referenced feature view
// preference to show stoplist files
preferences.putBoolean("show_stoplist_files", BEViewer.reportsModel.isIncludeStoplistFiles());
// preference to show empty files
preferences.putBoolean("show_empty_files", BEViewer.reportsModel.isIncludeEmptyFiles());
// save test settings
preferences.put("test_work_settings_file", WTest.testWorkSettingsFileString);
preferences.put("test_output_directory", WTest.testOutputDirectoryString);
preferences.put("test_scan_directive", WTest.testScanDirective);
// save reports
// save bookmarks
} catch (Exception e) {
// report error but do not rethrow error
WError.showError("Unable to save user preferences.", "BEViewer Preferences Error", e);
// save reports
private static void saveReports() throws Exception {
// clear and recreate reports node
Preferences reportsPreferences = preferences.node("saved_reports");
// get reports to save
Enumeration<ReportsModel.ReportTreeNode> e = BEViewer.reportsModel.elements();
int i=0;
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
ReportsModel.ReportTreeNode reportTreeNode = e.nextElement();
// get the File strings
String featuresDirectoryString = FileTools.getAbsolutePath(reportTreeNode.featuresDirectory);
String reportImageFileString = FileTools.getAbsolutePath(reportTreeNode.reportImageFile);
// save the indexed feature directory and image file preferences
String reportIndex = Integer.toString(i);
reportsPreferences.put("feature_directory_" + reportIndex, featuresDirectoryString);
reportsPreferences.put("image_file_" + reportIndex, reportImageFileString);
// save bookmarks
private static void saveBookmarks() throws Exception {
// clear and recreate bookmarks node
Preferences bookmarksPreferences = preferences.node("saved_bookmarks");
// get number of bookmarks to save
int size = BEViewer.bookmarksModel.size();
// save the bookmarks
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
// generate the preferences variable names
FeatureLine featureLine = BEViewer.bookmarksModel.get(i);
String reportImageFileString = FileTools.getAbsolutePath(featureLine.reportImageFile);
String featuresFileString = FileTools.getAbsolutePath(featureLine.featuresFile);
long startByte = featureLine.startByte;
int numBytes = featureLine.numBytes;
// save the indexed feature line bookmark preferences
String reportIndex = Integer.toString(i);
bookmarksPreferences.put("image_file_" + reportIndex, reportImageFileString);
bookmarksPreferences.put("features_file_" + reportIndex, featuresFileString);
bookmarksPreferences.putLong("start_byte_" + reportIndex, startByte);
bookmarksPreferences.putInt("num_bytes_" + reportIndex, numBytes);
* Exports work settings in XML format to the given filename.
* @param workSettingsFile the file to export preferences to
* @return true if successful, false if failed
public static boolean exportWorkSettings(File workSettingsFile) {
try {
// create the DOM doc object
DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = builder.newDocument();
// create the root dfxml element
Element root = doc.createElement("dfxml");
root.setAttribute("xmloutputversion", "1.0");
// create the work settings element
Element workSettings = doc.createElement("work_settings");
// fill the Report elements
Enumeration<ReportsModel.ReportTreeNode> e = BEViewer.reportsModel.elements();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
ReportsModel.ReportTreeNode reportTreeNode = e.nextElement();
// get the File strings
String featuresDirectoryString = FileTools.getAbsolutePath(reportTreeNode.featuresDirectory);
String reportImageFileString = FileTools.getAbsolutePath(reportTreeNode.reportImageFile);
// create the Report element
Element report = doc.createElement("report");
// set the feature file and image file strings
report.setAttribute("feature_directory", featuresDirectoryString);
report.setAttribute("image_file", reportImageFileString);
// add the Report element to the work settings element
// fill the bookmark elements
int numBookmarks = BEViewer.bookmarksModel.size();
for (int i=0; i<numBookmarks; i++) {
// get the requisite bookmark attributes
FeatureLine featureLine = BEViewer.bookmarksModel.get(i);
String reportImageFileString = FileTools.getAbsolutePath(featureLine.reportImageFile);
String featuresFileString = FileTools.getAbsolutePath(featureLine.featuresFile);
String startByteString = Long.toString(featureLine.startByte);
String numBytesString = Integer.toString(featureLine.numBytes);
// create the Bookmark element
Element bookmark = doc.createElement("bookmark");
// set the bookmark attributes
bookmark.setAttribute("image_file", reportImageFileString);
bookmark.setAttribute("feature_file", featuresFileString);
bookmark.setAttribute("start_byte", startByteString);
bookmark.setAttribute("num_bytes", numBytesString);
// add the Bookmark element to the work settings element
// create transformer for converting DOM doc source to XML-formatted StreamResult object
TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
// NOTE: Transformer disregards this request. transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.STANDALONE, "yes");
// create transformer source from doc
DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(doc);
// create transformer destination to work settings file
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(workSettingsFile);
StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(fileOutputStream);
// transform DOM doc to XML-formatted StreamResult object
transformer.transform(domSource, streamResult);
// close the file output stream
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
WError.showError("Unable to export work settings to file " + workSettingsFile + ".",
"BEViewer file error", e);
return false;
* Imports work settings in XML format from the given filename.
* @param workSettingsFile the file to import preferences from
* @param keepExistingWorkSettings true to keep settings, false to clear navigation history,
* reports, readers, and the bookmarks list
* @return true if successful, false if failed
public static boolean importWorkSettings(File workSettingsFile, boolean keepExistingWorkSettings) {
try {
int i;
// read workSettingsFile into Document
DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = documentBuilder.parse(workSettingsFile);
// drill down to work settings element
Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
Element workSettings = (Element)(root.getElementsByTagName("work_settings").item(0));
if (!keepExistingWorkSettings) {
// dump all the old work settings
// load the new work settings
// load Reports
NodeList reportList = workSettings.getElementsByTagName("report");
for (i=0; i<reportList.getLength(); i++) {
// get the report files
Element report = (Element)reportList.item(i);
File featuresDirectory = new File(report.getAttribute("feature_directory"));
File reportImageFile = new File(report.getAttribute("image_file"));
// load the report into the model
BEViewer.reportsModel.addReport(featuresDirectory, reportImageFile);
// load Bookmarks
NodeList bookmarkList = workSettings.getElementsByTagName("bookmark");
for (i=0; i<bookmarkList.getLength(); i++) {
// get the bookmark attributes
Element bookmark = (Element)bookmarkList.item(i);
File reportImageFile = new File(bookmark.getAttribute("image_file"));
File featuresFile = new File(bookmark.getAttribute("feature_file"));
long startByte = Long.parseLong(bookmark.getAttribute("start_byte"));
int numBytes = Integer.parseInt(bookmark.getAttribute("num_bytes"));
// load the bookmark into the model
// create the feature from the saved values
try {
FeatureLine featureLine = new FeatureLine(reportImageFile, featuresFile, startByte, numBytes);
// load the saved feature line bookmark into the Feature bookmarks model
} catch (Exception e) {
WError.showError("Unable to restore work settings feature:"
+ "\nReport Image file: " + reportImageFile
+ "\nFeature file: " + featuresFile
+ "\nFeature index: " + startByte,
"BEViewer Preferences Error", e);
// the import took place
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
WError.showError("Unable to load work settings from file " + workSettingsFile + ".",
"BEViewer file error", e);
return false;