package Test;
import util.Bag;
import itc.Stamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class Test_cassandra implements Runnable {
private final static String PATH = "/Volumes/Varios/Dropbox/MI/2ano/tese/test_runs";
private final static String TEST_NAME = "itc_test_cass_";
private File runs = null;
private BufferedWriter out = null;
private int number_test;
private int number_processes;
private int number_processes_real;
private int number_iterations;
private float ratio_loss;
public Test_cassandra(int np, int npr, int ni, float rl) {
number_processes = np;
number_iterations = ni;
ratio_loss = rl;
number_processes_real = npr;
public void start() {
try {
runs = new File(PATH);
number_test = 1;
File[] files = runs.listFiles();
for (File f : files) {
if (f.getName().startsWith(TEST_NAME + number_processes + "_" + number_processes_real + ratio_loss)) {
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
String time = ((gc.getTimeInMillis()) + "");
runs = new File(PATH + File.separator + TEST_NAME + number_processes + "_" + number_processes_real + ratio_loss + "_" + number_test + "_" + time + ".dat");
} catch (Exception e) {
public void average_results(int nRep) {
//average all
if (nRep == 0) {
//average files with nRep replicas
public void run() {
try {
out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(runs));
testITC_data_causality(number_processes, number_processes_real, number_iterations, ratio_loss);
// testITC_process_causality(number_processes,number_iterations,0.5f,1.0f);
} catch (IOException ex) {
public void testITC_data_causality(int nRep, int nRepReal, int nIter, float ratio_loss) throws IOException {
out.write("# Automatic Test for ITC\n");
out.write("# Number of Replicas: " + nRep + "\n");
out.write("# Number of Replicas working: " + nRepReal + "\n");
out.write("# Number of Iterations: " + nIter + "\n");
out.write("# Ration Loss: " + ratio_loss + "\n");
out.write("# Test Number: " + number_test + "\n");
// ITC mechanism
Bag<Stamp> bag = new Bag<Stamp>();
Stamp seed = new Stamp();
int i, j;
//create working ids
int nRepReal_square = (int) (Math.log(nRepReal) / Math.log(2));
// System.out.println("fake1:"+nRepReal_square+ " de:"+nRepReal);
for (i = 0; i < nRepReal_square; i++) {
ArrayList<Stamp> temp = new ArrayList<Stamp>();
// System.out.println("fake:"+i+" not:"+bag.getList().size());
for (j = 0; j < (Math.pow(2, i)); j++) {
Stamp s = bag.pop();
Stamp s2 = s.fork();
for (Stamp ss : temp) {
// //size
// int size = 0;
// int size_for_one = 0;
// for(Stamp st : bag.getList()) {
// size += st.sizeInBytes();
// }
// size_for_one = (int)(size/nRepReal);
// //printing
// if(i%5000==0) {
// System.out.println("It "+i+" - nRep "+bag.getSize()+" - sizeBytes T: "+size+" A:"+size_for_one);
// }
// out.write(i+"\t"+size_for_one+"\n");
int nRep_div = (int) nRep / nRepReal;
int nRep_div_square = (int) (Math.log(nRep_div) / Math.log(2));
//create remaining ids
Stamp worker;
Bag<Stamp> bag_not_work = new Bag<Stamp>();
Bag<Stamp> bag_work = new Bag<Stamp>();
for (Stamp sss : bag.getList()) {
worker = sss;
Bag<Stamp> bag_work2 = new Bag<Stamp>();
// bag_work2.push(worker);
for (i = 0; i < nRep_div_square; i++) {
ArrayList<Stamp> temp = new ArrayList<Stamp>();
boolean first = true;
for (j = 0; j < (Math.pow(2, i)); j++) {
Stamp s, s2;
if (first) {
first = false;
s2 = worker.fork();
} else {
s = bag_work2.pop();
s2 = s.fork();
for (Stamp ss : temp) {
for (Stamp sss2 : bag_work2.getList()) {
// bag_work.push(worker);
bag_work = bag;
System.out.println("\nATenTION!!!\n\tNOT WORKING:" + bag_not_work.getList().size() + "\n\tWORKING:" + bag_work.getList().size());
for (; i < nIter; i++) {
Stamp s;
Stamp s2;
s = bag_work.pop();
s = bag_work.pop();
s2 = s.peek();
s = bag_work.pop();
s = Stamp.join(s, s2);
float size = 0.0f;
float size_for_one = 0.0f;
for (Stamp st : bag_work.getList()) {
size += st.sizeInBytes();
size_for_one = (size / nRepReal);
if (i % 500 == 0) {
System.out.println("It " + i + " - nRep " + bag_work.getSize() + " - sizeBytes T: " + size + " A:" + size_for_one);
out.write(i + "\t" + size_for_one + "\n");
// public void testITC_data_causality(int nRep, int nRepReal, int nIter, float ratio_loss) throws IOException {
// out.write("# Automatic Test for ITC\n");
// out.write("# Number of Replicas: "+nRep+"\n");
// out.write("# Number of Replicas working: "+nRepReal+"\n");
// out.write("# Number of Iterations: "+nIter+"\n");
// out.write("# Ration Loss: "+ratio_loss+"\n");
// out.write("# Test Number: "+number_test+"\n");
// // ITC mechanism
// Bag<Stamp> bag = new Bag<Stamp>();
// Stamp seed = new Stamp();
// bag.push(seed);
// Dice dice = new Dice();
// int i,j;
// //create working ids
// int nRepReal_square = (int) (Math.log(nRepReal) / Math.log(2));
//// System.out.println("fake1:"+nRepReal_square+ " de:"+nRepReal);
// for(i=0 ; i<nRepReal_square ; i++) {
// ArrayList<Stamp> temp = new ArrayList<Stamp>();
//// System.out.println("fake:"+i+" not:"+bag.getList().size());
// for(j=0;j<(Math.pow(2, i));j++) {
// Stamp s = bag.pop();
// Stamp s2 = s.fork();
// temp.add(s);
// temp.add(s2);
// }
// for(Stamp ss : temp) {
// bag.push(ss);
// }
//// //size
//// int size = 0;
//// int size_for_one = 0;
//// for(Stamp st : bag.getList()) {
//// size += st.sizeInBytes();
//// }
//// size_for_one = (int)(size/nRepReal);
//// //printing
//// if(i%5000==0) {
//// System.out.println("It "+i+" - nRep "+bag.getSize()+" - sizeBytes T: "+size+" A:"+size_for_one);
//// }
//// out.write(i+"\t"+size_for_one+"\n");
// }
// int nRep_div = (int) nRep/nRepReal;
// Bag<Stamp> bag_work = new Bag<Stamp>();
// Stamp stamp_work = bag.pop();
// bag_work.push(stamp_work);
// int nRep_div_square = (int) (Math.log(nRep_div) / Math.log(2));;
//// System.out.println("fake2:"+nRep_div_square);
// for(i=0 ; i<nRep_div_square ; i++) {
// ArrayList<Stamp> temp = new ArrayList<Stamp>();
//// System.out.println("fake:"+i+" not:"+bag_work.getList().size());
// for(j=0;j<(Math.pow(2, i));j++) {
// Stamp s = bag_work.pop();
// Stamp s2 = s.fork();
// temp.add(s);
// temp.add(s2);
// }
// for(Stamp ss : temp) {
// bag_work.push(ss);
// }
// }
// //create remaining ids
// Bag<Stamp> bag_not_work = new Bag<Stamp>();
// for(Stamp sss : bag.getList()) {
// Bag<Stamp> bag_work2 = new Bag<Stamp>();
// bag_work2.push(sss);
// for(i=0 ; i<nRep_div_square ; i++) {
// ArrayList<Stamp> temp = new ArrayList<Stamp>();
// for(j=0;j<(Math.pow(2, i));j++) {
// Stamp s = bag_work2.pop();
// Stamp s2 = s.fork();
// temp.add(s);
// temp.add(s2);
// }
// for(Stamp ss : temp) {
// bag_work2.push(ss);
// }
// }
// for(Stamp sss2 : bag_work2.getList()) {
// bag_not_work.push(sss2);
// }
// }
//// System.out.println("\nATenTION!!!\n\tNOT WORKING:"+bag_not_work.getList().size()+"\n\tWORKING:"+bag_work.getList().size());
// for(; i<nIter ; i++) {
// Stamp s;
// Stamp s2;
// //event
// s = bag_work.pop().event();
// bag_work.push(s);
// //peek
// s = bag_work.pop();
// s2 = s.peek();
// bag_work.push(s);
// //join
// s = bag_work.pop();
// s = Stamp.join(s, s2);
// bag_work.push(s);
// //size
// int size = 0;
// int size_for_one = 0;
// for(Stamp st : bag_work.getList()) {
// size += st.sizeInBytes();
// }
// size_for_one = (int)(size/nRepReal);
// //printing
// if(i%500==0) {
// System.out.println("It "+i+" - nRep "+bag_work.getSize()+" - sizeBytes T: "+size+" A:"+size_for_one);
// }
// out.write(i+"\t"+size_for_one+"\n");
// }
// }
public static void main(String[] args) {
for(int i = 0 ; i< 2 ; i++) {
Thread t = new Thread(new Test_cassandra(32,32,10000,0.0f));
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Test.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// String PATH2 = "/Volumes/Varios/Dropbox/MI/2ano/tese/test_runs";
// String TEST_NAME2 = "itc_test_cass_";
// File runs2 = null;
// ArrayList<File> files2 = new ArrayList<File>();
// try {
// runs2 = new File(PATH2);
// File[] files = runs2.listFiles();
// for (File f : files) {
// if (f.getName().startsWith(TEST_NAME2 + "128_1280.0_")) {
// System.out.println("YES: " + f.getName());
// files2.add(f);
// }
// }
// HashMap<Integer, Float> results = new HashMap<Integer, Float>();
// int number_files = files2.size();
// for (File ff : files2) {
// System.out.println("DOING " + ff.getName());
// // command line parameter
// FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(ff);
// // Get the object of DataInputStream
// DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);
// BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
// String strLine;
// //Read File Line By Line
// while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
// // Print the content on the console
// if (!strLine.startsWith("#")) {
//// System.out.println (strLine.trim());
// String[] numbers = strLine.trim().split("\t");
// int it = Integer.parseInt(numbers[0].trim());
// float size = Float.parseFloat(numbers[1].trim());
//// System.out.println ("IT:"+it+" size:"+size);
// if (results.containsKey(it)) {
// float res = results.get(it) + (size / number_files);
// results.put(it, res);
// } else {
// float res = (size / number_files);
// results.put(it, res);
// }
// }
// }
// in.close();
// }
//// TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
//// GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
//// String time = ((gc.getTimeInMillis()) + "");
//// runs2 = new File(PATH2 + File.separator + TEST_NAME2 + number_processes + "_" + ratio_loss + "_" + number_test + "_" + time + ".dat");
// File resultado = new File(PATH2 + File.separator + "itc_test_cass_128_128_0.0.dat");
// // Create file
// FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(resultado);
// BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
// for (Integer key : results.keySet()) {
// out.write(key + "\t" + results.get(key) + "\n");
// }
// //Close the output stream
// out.close();
// //Read File Line By Line
// } catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// String PATH2 = "/Volumes/Varios/Dropbox/MI/2ano/tese/test_runs";
// String TEST_NAME2 = "itc_test_cass_";
// File runs2 = null;
// TreeMap<Integer,File> files2 = new TreeMap<Integer,File>();
// try {
// runs2 = new File(PATH2);
// File[] files = runs2.listFiles();
// for(File f : files) {
// if(f.getName().startsWith(TEST_NAME2+ "8_8_0.0.dat")) {
// System.out.println("YES: "+f.getName());
// files2.put(0,f);
// } else if(f.getName().startsWith(TEST_NAME2+ "128_8_0.0.dat")) {
// System.out.println("YES: "+f.getName());
// files2.put(1,f);
// } else if(f.getName().startsWith(TEST_NAME2+ "128_8_v2_0.0.dat")) {
// System.out.println("YES: "+f.getName());
// files2.put(2,f);
// }
// }
// HashMap<Integer,Float[]> results = new HashMap<Integer,Float[]>();
// int number_files = files2.size();
// for(int ii : files2.keySet()) {
// File ff = files2.get(ii);
// System.out.println ("DOING "+ff.getName());
// // command line parameter
// FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(ff);
// // Get the object of DataInputStream
// DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);
// BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
// String strLine;
// //Read File Line By Line
// while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
// // Print the content on the console
// if(!strLine.startsWith("#")) {
//// System.out.println (strLine.trim());
// String[] numbers = strLine.trim().split("\t");
// int it = Integer.parseInt(numbers[0].trim());
// float size = Float.parseFloat(numbers[1].trim());
//// System.out.println ("IT:"+it+" size:"+size);
// if(results.containsKey(it)) {
// Float[] new_arr = results.get(it);
// new_arr[ii] = size;
// results.put(it, new_arr);
// } else {
// Float[] new_arr = new Float[3];
// new_arr[0] = 0.0f;
// new_arr[1] = 0.0f;
// new_arr[2] = 0.0f;
// new_arr[ii] = size;
// results.put(it, new_arr);
// }
// }
// }
// in.close();
// }
//// TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
//// GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
//// String time = ((gc.getTimeInMillis()) + "");
//// runs2 = new File(PATH2 + File.separator + TEST_NAME2 + number_processes + "_" + ratio_loss + "_" + number_test + "_" + time + ".dat");
// File resultado = new File(PATH2+ File.separator +"itc_test_cass_merge_0.0.dat");
// // Create file
// FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(resultado);
// BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
// for(Integer key : results.keySet()){
// Float[] new_arr = results.get(key);
// out.write(key+"\t"+new_arr[0]+"\t"+new_arr[1]+"\t"+new_arr[2]+"\n");
// }
// //Close the output stream
// out.close();
// //Read File Line By Line
// } catch(Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }