Package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode

Source Code of org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.SelectAction$VirtualManager

// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode;

import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.MergeNodesAction;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.AddCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ChangeCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.MoveCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.RotateCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ScaleCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.SequenceCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ExtendedDialog;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrame;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.SelectionManager;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.SelectionManager.SelectionEnded;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.GuiHelper;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.KeyPressReleaseListener;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.ModifierListener;

* Move is an action that can move all kind of OsmPrimitives (except keys for now).
* If an selected object is under the mouse when dragging, move all selected objects.
* If an unselected object is under the mouse when dragging, it becomes selected
* and will be moved.
* If no object is under the mouse, move all selected objects (if any)
* On Mac OS X, Ctrl + mouse button 1 simulates right click (map move), so the
* feature "selection remove" is disabled on this platform.
public class SelectAction extends MapMode implements ModifierListener, KeyPressReleaseListener, SelectionEnded {
    // "select" means the selection rectangle and "move" means either dragging
    // or select if no mouse movement occurs (i.e. just clicking)
    enum Mode { move, rotate, scale, select }

    // contains all possible cases the cursor can be in the SelectAction
    private static enum SelectActionCursor {
        rect("normal", "selection"),
        rect_add("normal", "select_add"),
        rect_rm("normal", "select_remove"),
        way("normal", "select_way"),
        way_add("normal", "select_way_add"),
        way_rm("normal", "select_way_remove"),
        node("normal", "select_node"),
        node_add("normal", "select_node_add"),
        node_rm("normal", "select_node_remove"),
        virtual_node("normal", "addnode"),
        scale("scale", null),
        rotate("rotate", null),
        merge("crosshair", null),
        lasso("normal", "rope"),
        merge_to_node("crosshair", "joinnode"),

        private final Cursor c;
        private SelectActionCursor(String main, String sub) {
            c = ImageProvider.getCursor(main, sub);
        private SelectActionCursor(int systemCursor) {
            c = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(systemCursor);
        public Cursor cursor() {
            return c;

    private boolean lassoMode = false;
    public boolean repeatedKeySwitchLassoOption;

    // Cache previous mouse event (needed when only the modifier keys are
    // pressed but the mouse isn't moved)
    private MouseEvent oldEvent = null;

    private Mode mode = null;
    private final SelectionManager selectionManager;
    private boolean cancelDrawMode = false;
    private boolean drawTargetHighlight;
    private boolean didMouseDrag = false;
     * The component this SelectAction is associated with.
    private final MapView mv;
     * The old cursor before the user pressed the mouse button.
    private Point startingDraggingPos;
     * point where user pressed the mouse to start movement
    EastNorth startEN;
     * The last known position of the mouse.
    private Point lastMousePos;
     * The time of the user mouse down event.
    private long mouseDownTime = 0;
     * The pressed button of the user mouse down event.
    private int mouseDownButton = 0;
     * The time of the user mouse down event.
    private long mouseReleaseTime = 0;
     * The time which needs to pass between click and release before something
     * counts as a move, in milliseconds
    private int initialMoveDelay;
     * The screen distance which needs to be travelled before something
     * counts as a move, in pixels
    private int initialMoveThreshold;
    private boolean initialMoveThresholdExceeded = false;

     * elements that have been highlighted in the previous iteration. Used
     * to remove the highlight from them again as otherwise the whole data
     * set would have to be checked.
    private Set<OsmPrimitive> oldHighlights = new HashSet<>();

     * Create a new SelectAction
     * @param mapFrame The MapFrame this action belongs to.
    public SelectAction(MapFrame mapFrame) {
        super(tr("Select"), "move/move", tr("Select, move, scale and rotate objects"),
                Shortcut.registerShortcut("mapmode:select", tr("Mode: {0}", tr("Select")), KeyEvent.VK_S, Shortcut.DIRECT),
                ImageProvider.getCursor("normal", "selection"));
        mv = mapFrame.mapView;
        putValue("help", ht("/Action/Select"));
        selectionManager = new SelectionManager(this, false, mv);

    public void enterMode() {
        mv.setVirtualNodesEnabled(Main.pref.getInteger("mappaint.node.virtual-size", 8) != 0);
        drawTargetHighlight = Main.pref.getBoolean("", true);
        initialMoveDelay = Main.pref.getInteger("edit.initial-move-delay", 200);
        initialMoveThreshold = Main.pref.getInteger("edit.initial-move-threshold", 5);
        repeatedKeySwitchLassoOption = Main.pref.getBoolean("", true);
        // This is required to update the cursors when ctrl/shift/alt is pressed;;

    public void exitMode() {

    int previousModifiers;

    public void modifiersChanged(int modifiers) {
        if (!Main.isDisplayingMapView() || oldEvent==null) return;
        if(giveUserFeedback(oldEvent, modifiers)) {

     * handles adding highlights and updating the cursor for the given mouse event.
     * Please note that the highlighting for merging while moving is handled via mouseDragged.
     * @param e {@code MouseEvent} which should be used as base for the feedback
     * @return {@code true} if repaint is required
    private boolean giveUserFeedback(MouseEvent e) {
        return giveUserFeedback(e, e.getModifiers());

     * handles adding highlights and updating the cursor for the given mouse event.
     * Please note that the highlighting for merging while moving is handled via mouseDragged.
     * @param e {@code MouseEvent} which should be used as base for the feedback
     * @param modifiers define custom keyboard modifiers if the ones from MouseEvent are outdated or similar
     * @return {@code true} if repaint is required
    private boolean giveUserFeedback(MouseEvent e, int modifiers) {
        Collection<OsmPrimitive> c = asColl(
                mv.getNearestNodeOrWay(e.getPoint(), OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate, true));


        HashSet<OsmPrimitive> newHighlights = new HashSet<>();

        if(mode == Mode.move) {
            if (!dragInProgress() && virtualManager.activateVirtualNodeNearPoint(e.getPoint())) {
                DataSet ds = getCurrentDataSet();
                if (ds != null && drawTargetHighlight) {
                mv.setNewCursor(SelectActionCursor.virtual_node.cursor(), this);
                // don't highlight anything else if a virtual node will be
                return repaintIfRequired(newHighlights);

        mv.setNewCursor(getCursor(c), this);

        // return early if there can't be any highlights
        if(!drawTargetHighlight || mode != Mode.move || c.isEmpty())
            return repaintIfRequired(newHighlights);

        // CTRL toggles selection, but if while dragging CTRL means merge
        final boolean isToggleMode = ctrl && !dragInProgress();
        for(OsmPrimitive x : c) {
            // only highlight primitives that will change the selection
            // when clicked. I.e. don't highlight selected elements unless
            // we are in toggle mode.
            if(isToggleMode || !x.isSelected()) {
        return repaintIfRequired(newHighlights);

     * works out which cursor should be displayed for most of SelectAction's
     * features. The only exception is the "move" cursor when actually dragging
     * primitives.
     * @param nearbyStuff  primitives near the cursor
     * @return the cursor that should be displayed
    private Cursor getCursor(Collection<OsmPrimitive> nearbyStuff) {
        String c = "rect";
        switch(mode) {
        case move:
            if(virtualManager.hasVirtualNode()) {
                c = "virtual_node";
            final Iterator<OsmPrimitive> it = nearbyStuff.iterator();
            final OsmPrimitive osm = it.hasNext() ? : null;

            if(dragInProgress()) {
                // only consider merge if ctrl is pressed and there are nodes in
                // the selection that could be merged
                if(!ctrl || getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedNodes().isEmpty()) {
                    c = "move";
                // only show merge to node cursor if nearby node and that node is currently
                // not being dragged
                final boolean hasTarget = osm instanceof Node && !osm.isSelected();
                c = hasTarget ? "merge_to_node" : "merge";

            c = (osm instanceof Node) ? "node" : c;
            c = (osm instanceof Way) ? "way" : c;
            if(shift) {
                c += "_add";
            } else if(ctrl) {
                c += osm == null || osm.isSelected() ? "_rm" : "_add";
        case rotate:
            c = "rotate";
        case scale:
            c = "scale";
        case select:
            if (lassoMode) {
                c = "lasso";
            } else {
                c = "rect" + (shift ? "_add" : (ctrl && !Main.isPlatformOsx() ? "_rm" : ""));
        return SelectActionCursor.valueOf(c).cursor();

     * Removes all existing highlights.
     * @return true if a repaint is required
    private boolean removeHighlighting() {
        boolean needsRepaint = false;
        DataSet ds = getCurrentDataSet();
        if(ds != null && !ds.getHighlightedVirtualNodes().isEmpty()) {
            needsRepaint = true;
            return needsRepaint;

        for(OsmPrimitive prim : oldHighlights) {
        oldHighlights = new HashSet<>();
        return true;

    private boolean repaintIfRequired(Set<OsmPrimitive> newHighlights) {
            return false;

        boolean needsRepaint = false;
        for(OsmPrimitive x : newHighlights) {
            if(oldHighlights.contains(x)) {
            needsRepaint = true;
        for(OsmPrimitive x : oldHighlights) {
            needsRepaint = true;
        oldHighlights = newHighlights;
        return needsRepaint;

     * Look, whether any object is selected. If not, select the nearest node.
     * If there are no nodes in the dataset, do nothing.
     * If the user did not press the left mouse button, do nothing.
     * Also remember the starting position of the movement and change the mouse
     * cursor to movement.
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
        mouseDownButton = e.getButton();
        // return early
        if (!mv.isActiveLayerVisible() || !(Boolean) this.getValue("active") || mouseDownButton != MouseEvent.BUTTON1)

        // left-button mouse click only is processed here

        // request focus in order to enable the expected keyboard shortcuts

        // update which modifiers are pressed (shift, alt, ctrl)

        // We don't want to change to draw tool if the user tries to (de)select
        // stuff but accidentally clicks in an empty area when selection is empty
        cancelDrawMode = (shift || ctrl);
        didMouseDrag = false;
        initialMoveThresholdExceeded = false;
        mouseDownTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        lastMousePos = e.getPoint();
        startEN = mv.getEastNorth(lastMousePos.x,lastMousePos.y);

        // primitives under cursor are stored in c collection

        OsmPrimitive nearestPrimitive = mv.getNearestNodeOrWay(e.getPoint(), OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate, true);


        switch(mode) {
        case rotate:
        case scale:
            //  if nothing was selected, select primitive under cursor for scaling or rotating
            if (getCurrentDataSet().getSelected().isEmpty()) {

            // redraws when selectPrims is called
            // Mode.move   redraws when mouseDragged is called
            // Mode.rotate redraws here
            // Mode.scale redraws here
        case move:
            // also include case when some primitive is under cursor and no shift+ctrl / alt+ctrl is pressed
            // so this is not movement, but selection on primitive under cursor
            if (!cancelDrawMode && nearestPrimitive instanceof Way) {
            OsmPrimitive toSelect = cycleManager.cycleSetup(nearestPrimitive, e.getPoint());
            selectPrims(asColl(toSelect), false, false);
            // Schedule a timer to update status line "initialMoveDelay+1" ms in the future
            GuiHelper.scheduleTimer(initialMoveDelay+1, new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
            }, false);
        case select:
            if (!(ctrl && Main.isPlatformOsx())) {
                // start working with rectangle or lasso
                selectionManager.register(mv, lassoMode);
        if (giveUserFeedback(e)) {

    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
        // Mac OSX simulates with  ctrl + mouse 1  the second mouse button hence no dragging events get fired.
        if (Main.isPlatformOsx() && (mode == Mode.rotate || mode == Mode.scale)) {
        oldEvent = e;
        if(giveUserFeedback(e)) {

     * If the left mouse button is pressed, move all currently selected
     * objects (if one of them is under the mouse) or the current one under the
     * mouse (which will become selected).
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
        if (!mv.isActiveLayerVisible())

        // Swing sends random mouseDragged events when closing dialogs by double-clicking their top-left icon on Windows
        // Ignore such false events to prevent issues like #7078
        if (mouseDownButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON1 && mouseReleaseTime > mouseDownTime)

        cancelDrawMode = true;
        if (mode == {
            // Unregisters selectionManager if ctrl has been pressed after mouse click on Mac OS X in order to move the map
            if (ctrl && Main.isPlatformOsx()) {
                // Make sure correct cursor is displayed
                mv.setNewCursor(Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR, this);

        // do not count anything as a move if it lasts less than 100 milliseconds.
        if ((mode == Mode.move) && (System.currentTimeMillis() - mouseDownTime < initialMoveDelay))

        if (mode != Mode.rotate && mode != Mode.scale) // button is pressed in rotate mode
            if ((e.getModifiersEx() & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK) == 0)

        if (mode == Mode.move) {
            // If ctrl is pressed we are in merge mode. Look for a nearby node,
            // highlight it and adjust the cursor accordingly.
            final boolean canMerge = ctrl && !getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedNodes().isEmpty();
            final OsmPrimitive p = canMerge ? (OsmPrimitive)findNodeToMergeTo(e.getPoint()) : null;
            boolean needsRepaint = removeHighlighting();
            if(p != null) {
                needsRepaint = true;
            mv.setNewCursor(getCursor(asColl(p)), this);
            // also update the stored mouse event, so we can display the correct cursor
            // when dragging a node onto another one and then press CTRL to merge
            oldEvent = e;
            if(needsRepaint) {

        if (startingDraggingPos == null) {
            startingDraggingPos = new Point(e.getX(), e.getY());

        if( lastMousePos == null ) {
            lastMousePos = e.getPoint();

        if (!initialMoveThresholdExceeded) {
            int dp = (int) lastMousePos.distance(e.getX(), e.getY());
            if (dp < initialMoveThreshold)
                return; // ignore small drags
            initialMoveThresholdExceeded = true; //no more ingnoring uintil nex mouse press
        if (e.getPoint().equals(lastMousePos))

        EastNorth currentEN = mv.getEastNorth(e.getX(), e.getY());

        if (virtualManager.hasVirtualWaysToBeConstructed()) {
        } else {
            if (!updateCommandWhileDragging(currentEN)) return;

        if (mode != Mode.scale) {
            lastMousePos = e.getPoint();

        didMouseDrag = true;

    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
        if(removeHighlighting()) {

    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
        if (!mv.isActiveLayerVisible())

        startingDraggingPos = null;
        mouseReleaseTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (mode == {

            // Select Draw Tool if no selection has been made
            if (getCurrentDataSet().getSelected().isEmpty() && !cancelDrawMode) {

        if (mode == Mode.move && e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) {
            if (!didMouseDrag) {
                // only built in move mode
                // do nothing if the click was to short too be recognized as a drag,
                // but the release position is farther than 10px away from the press position
                if (lastMousePos == null || lastMousePos.distanceSq(e.getPoint()) < 100) {
                    selectPrims(cycleManager.cyclePrims(), true, false);

                    // If the user double-clicked a node, change to draw mode
                    Collection<OsmPrimitive> c = getCurrentDataSet().getSelected();
                    if (e.getClickCount() >= 2 && c.size() == 1 && c.iterator().next() instanceof Node) {
                        // We need to do it like this as otherwise drawAction will see a double
                        // click and switch back to SelectMode
                        Main.worker.execute(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
            } else {

        mode = null;

        // simply remove any highlights if the middle click popup is active because
        // the highlights don't depend on the cursor position there. If something was
        // selected beforehand this would put us into move mode as well, which breaks
        // the cycling through primitives on top of each other (see #6739).
        if(e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON2) {
        } else {

    public void selectionEnded(Rectangle r, MouseEvent e) {
        selectPrims(selectionManager.getSelectedObjects(alt), true, true);

    public void doKeyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
        if (!Main.isDisplayingMapView() ||
                !repeatedKeySwitchLassoOption || !getShortcut().isEvent(e)) return;
        if (!lassoMode) {
        } else {

    public void doKeyReleased(KeyEvent e) {

     * sets the mapmode according to key modifiers and if there are any
     * selectables nearby. Everything has to be pre-determined for this
     * function; its main purpose is to centralize what the modifiers do.
     * @param hasSelectionNearby
    private void determineMapMode(boolean hasSelectionNearby) {
        if (shift && ctrl) {
            mode = Mode.rotate;
        } else if (alt && ctrl) {
            mode = Mode.scale;
        } else if (hasSelectionNearby || dragInProgress()) {
            mode = Mode.move;
        } else {
            mode =;

    /** returns true whenever elements have been grabbed and moved (i.e. the initial
     * thresholds have been exceeded) and is still in progress (i.e. mouse button
     * still pressed)
    private final boolean dragInProgress() {
        return didMouseDrag && startingDraggingPos != null;

     * Create or update data modification command while dragging mouse - implementation of
     * continuous moving, scaling and rotation
     * @param currentEN - mouse position
     * @return status of action (<code>true</code> when action was performed)
    private boolean updateCommandWhileDragging(EastNorth currentEN) {
        // Currently we support only transformations which do not affect relations.
        // So don't add them in the first place to make handling easier
        Collection<OsmPrimitive> selection = getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedNodesAndWays();
        if (selection.isEmpty()) { // if nothing was selected to drag, just select nearest node/way to the cursor
            OsmPrimitive nearestPrimitive = mv.getNearestNodeOrWay(mv.getPoint(startEN), OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate, true);

        Collection<Node> affectedNodes = AllNodesVisitor.getAllNodes(selection);
        // for these transformations, having only one node makes no sense - quit silently
        if (affectedNodes.size() < 2 && (mode == Mode.rotate || mode == Mode.scale)) {
            return false;
        Command c = getLastCommand();
        if (mode == Mode.move) {
            if (startEN == null) return false; // fix #8128
            if (c instanceof MoveCommand && affectedNodes.equals(((MoveCommand) c).getParticipatingPrimitives())) {
                ((MoveCommand) c).saveCheckpoint();
                ((MoveCommand) c).applyVectorTo(currentEN);
            } else {
                        c = new MoveCommand(selection, startEN, currentEN));
            for (Node n : affectedNodes) {
                LatLon ll = n.getCoor();
                if (ll != null && ll.isOutSideWorld()) {
                    // Revert move
                    ((MoveCommand) c).resetToCheckpoint();
                            tr("Cannot move objects outside of the world."),
                    mv.setNewCursor(cursor, this);
                    return false;
        } else {
            startEN = currentEN; // drag can continue after scaling/rotation

            if (mode != Mode.rotate && mode != Mode.scale) {
                return false;


            if (mode == Mode.rotate) {
                if (c instanceof RotateCommand && affectedNodes.equals(((RotateCommand) c).getTransformedNodes())) {
                    ((RotateCommand) c).handleEvent(currentEN);
                } else {
                    Main.main.undoRedo.add(new RotateCommand(selection, currentEN));
            } else if (mode == Mode.scale) {
                if (c instanceof ScaleCommand && affectedNodes.equals(((ScaleCommand) c).getTransformedNodes())) {
                    ((ScaleCommand) c).handleEvent(currentEN);
                } else {
                    Main.main.undoRedo.add(new ScaleCommand(selection, currentEN));

            Collection<Way> ways = getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedWays();
            if (doesImpactStatusLine(affectedNodes, ways)) {
        return true;

    private boolean doesImpactStatusLine(Collection<Node> affectedNodes, Collection<Way> selectedWays) {
        for (Way w : selectedWays) {
            for (Node n : w.getNodes()) {
                if (affectedNodes.contains(n)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Adapt last move command (if it is suitable) to work with next drag, started at point startEN
    private void useLastMoveCommandIfPossible() {
        Command c = getLastCommand();
        Collection<Node> affectedNodes = AllNodesVisitor.getAllNodes(getCurrentDataSet().getSelected());
        if (c instanceof MoveCommand && affectedNodes.equals(((MoveCommand) c).getParticipatingPrimitives())) {
            // old command was created with different base point of movement, we need to recalculate it
            ((MoveCommand) c).changeStartPoint(startEN);

     * Obtain command in undoRedo stack to "continue" when dragging
    private Command getLastCommand() {
        Command c = !Main.main.undoRedo.commands.isEmpty()
                ? Main.main.undoRedo.commands.getLast() : null;
        if (c instanceof SequenceCommand) {
            c = ((SequenceCommand) c).getLastCommand();
        return c;

     * Present warning in case of large and possibly unwanted movements and undo
     * unwanted movements.
     * @param e the mouse event causing the action (mouse released)
    private void confirmOrUndoMovement(MouseEvent e) {
        int max = Main.pref.getInteger("warn.move.maxelements", 20), limit = max;
        for (OsmPrimitive osm : getCurrentDataSet().getSelected()) {
            if (osm instanceof Way) {
                limit -= ((Way) osm).getNodes().size();
            if ((limit -= 1) < 0) {
        if (limit < 0) {
            ExtendedDialog ed = new ExtendedDialog(
                    tr("Move elements"),
                    new String[]{tr("Move them"), tr("Undo move")});
            ed.setButtonIcons(new String[]{"reorder.png", "cancel.png"});
                    /* for correct i18n of plural forms - see #9110 */
                            "You moved more than {0} element. " + "Moving a large number of elements is often an error.\n" + "Really move them?",
                            "You moved more than {0} elements. " + "Moving a large number of elements is often an error.\n" + "Really move them?",
                            max, max));

            if (ed.getValue() != 1) {
        } else {
            // if small number of elements were moved,
            if (ctrl) mergePrims(e.getPoint());

     * Merges the selected nodes to the one closest to the given mouse position if the control
     * key is pressed. If there is no such node, no action will be done and no error will be
     * reported. If there is, it will execute the merge and add it to the undo buffer.
    private final void mergePrims(Point p) {
        Collection<Node> selNodes = getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedNodes();
        if (selNodes.isEmpty())

        Node target = findNodeToMergeTo(p);
        if (target == null)

        Collection<Node> nodesToMerge = new LinkedList<>(selNodes);
        MergeNodesAction.doMergeNodes(Main.main.getEditLayer(), nodesToMerge, target);

     * Tries to find a node to merge to when in move-merge mode for the current mouse
     * position. Either returns the node or null, if no suitable one is nearby.
    private final Node findNodeToMergeTo(Point p) {
        Collection<Node> target = mv.getNearestNodes(p,
        return target.isEmpty() ? null : target.iterator().next();

    private void selectPrims(Collection<OsmPrimitive> prims, boolean released, boolean area) {
        DataSet ds = getCurrentDataSet();

        // not allowed together: do not change dataset selection, return early
        // Virtual Ways: if non-empty the cursor is above a virtual node. So don't highlight
        // anything if about to drag the virtual node (i.e. !released) but continue if the
        // cursor is only released above a virtual node by accident (i.e. released). See #7018
        if (ds == null || (shift && ctrl) || (ctrl && !released) || (virtualManager.hasVirtualWaysToBeConstructed() && !released))

        if (!released) {
            // Don't replace the selection if the user clicked on a
            // selected object (it breaks moving of selected groups).
            // Do it later, on mouse release.
            shift |= ds.getSelected().containsAll(prims);

        if (ctrl) {
            // Ctrl on an item toggles its selection status,
            // but Ctrl on an *area* just clears those items
            // out of the selection.
            if (area) {
            } else {
        } else if (shift) {
            // add prims to an existing selection
        } else {
            // clear selection, then select the prims clicked

    public String getModeHelpText() {
        if (mouseDownButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON1 && mouseReleaseTime < mouseDownTime) {
            if (mode ==
                return tr("Release the mouse button to select the objects in the rectangle.");
            else if (mode == Mode.move && (System.currentTimeMillis() - mouseDownTime >= initialMoveDelay)) {
                final boolean canMerge = getCurrentDataSet()!=null && !getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedNodes().isEmpty();
                final String mergeHelp = canMerge ? (" " + tr("Ctrl to merge with nearest node.")) : "";
                return tr("Release the mouse button to stop moving.") + mergeHelp;
            } else if (mode == Mode.rotate)
                return tr("Release the mouse button to stop rotating.");
            else if (mode == Mode.scale)
                return tr("Release the mouse button to stop scaling.");
        return tr("Move objects by dragging; Shift to add to selection (Ctrl to toggle); Shift-Ctrl to rotate selected; Alt-Ctrl to scale selected; or change selection");

    public boolean layerIsSupported(Layer l) {
        return l instanceof OsmDataLayer;

     * Enable or diable the lasso mode
     * @param lassoMode true to enable the lasso mode, false otherwise
    public void setLassoMode(boolean lassoMode) {
        this.lassoMode = lassoMode;

    CycleManager cycleManager = new CycleManager();
    VirtualManager virtualManager = new VirtualManager();

    private class CycleManager {

        private Collection<OsmPrimitive> cycleList = Collections.emptyList();
        private boolean cyclePrims = false;
        private OsmPrimitive cycleStart = null;
        private boolean waitForMouseUpParameter;
        private boolean multipleMatchesParameter;
         * read preferences
        private void init() {
            waitForMouseUpParameter = Main.pref.getBoolean("", false);
            multipleMatchesParameter = Main.pref.getBoolean("selectaction.cycles.multiple.matches", false);

         * Determine primitive to be selected and build cycleList
         * @param nearest primitive found by simple method
         * @param p point where user clicked
         * @return OsmPrimitive to be selected
        private OsmPrimitive cycleSetup(OsmPrimitive nearest, Point p) {
            OsmPrimitive osm = null;

            if (nearest != null) {
                osm = nearest;

                if (!(alt || multipleMatchesParameter)) {
                    // no real cycling, just one element in cycle list
                    cycleList = asColl(osm);

                    if (waitForMouseUpParameter) {
                        // prefer a selected nearest node or way, if possible
                        osm = mv.getNearestNodeOrWay(p, OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate, true);
                } else {
                    // Alt + left mouse button pressed: we need to build cycle list
                    cycleList = mv.getAllNearest(p, OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate);

                    if (cycleList.size() > 1) {
                        cyclePrims = false;

                        // find first already selected element in cycle list
                        OsmPrimitive old = osm;
                        for (OsmPrimitive o : cycleList) {
                            if (o.isSelected()) {
                                cyclePrims = true;
                                osm = o;

                        // special case:  for cycle groups of 2, we can toggle to the
                        // true nearest primitive on mousePressed right away
                        if (cycleList.size() == 2 && !waitForMouseUpParameter) {
                            if (!(osm.equals(old) || osm.isNew() || ctrl)) {
                                cyclePrims = false;
                                osm = old;
                            } // else defer toggling to mouseRelease time in those cases:
                             * osm == old -- the true nearest node is the
                             * selected one osm is a new node -- do not break
                             * unglue ways in ALT mode ctrl is pressed -- ctrl
                             * generally works on mouseReleased
            return osm;

         * Modifies current selection state and returns the next element in a
         * selection cycle given by
         * <code>cycleList</code> field
         * @return the next element of cycle list
        private Collection<OsmPrimitive> cyclePrims() {
            OsmPrimitive nxt = null;

            if (cycleList.size() <= 1) {
                // no real cycling, just return one-element collection with nearest primitive in it
                return cycleList;
//          updateKeyModifiers(e); // already called before !

            DataSet ds = getCurrentDataSet();
            OsmPrimitive first = cycleList.iterator().next(), foundInDS = null;
            nxt = first;

            if (cyclePrims && shift) {
                for (Iterator<OsmPrimitive> i = cycleList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                    nxt =;
                    if (!nxt.isSelected()) {
                        break; // take first primitive in cycleList not in sel
                // if primitives 1,2,3 are under cursor, [Alt-press] [Shift-release] gives 1 -> 12 -> 123
            } else {
                for (Iterator<OsmPrimitive> i = cycleList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                    nxt =;
                    if (nxt.isSelected()) {
                        foundInDS = nxt;
                        // first selected primitive in cycleList is found
                        if (cyclePrims || ctrl) {
                            ds.clearSelection(foundInDS); // deselect it
                            nxt = i.hasNext() ? : first;
                            // return next one in cycle list (last->first)
                        break; // take next primitive in cycleList

            // if "no-alt-cycling" is enabled, Ctrl-Click arrives here.
            if (ctrl) {
                // a member of cycleList was found in the current dataset selection
                if (foundInDS != null) {
                    // mouse was moved to a different selection group w/ a previous sel
                    if (!cycleList.contains(cycleStart)) {
                        cycleStart = foundInDS;
                    } else if (cycleStart.equals(nxt)) {
                        // loop detected, insert deselect step
                } else {
                    // setup for iterating a sel group again or a new, different one..
                    nxt = (cycleList.contains(cycleStart)) ? cycleStart : first;
                    cycleStart = nxt;
            } else {
                cycleStart = null;
            // return one-element collection with one element to be selected (or added  to selection)
            return asColl(nxt);

    private class VirtualManager {

        private Node virtualNode = null;
        private Collection<WaySegment> virtualWays = new LinkedList<>();
        private int nodeVirtualSize;
        private int virtualSnapDistSq2;
        private int virtualSpace;

        private void init() {
            nodeVirtualSize = Main.pref.getInteger("mappaint.node.virtual-size", 8);
            int virtualSnapDistSq = Main.pref.getInteger("mappaint.node.virtual-snap-distance", 8);
            virtualSnapDistSq2 = virtualSnapDistSq*virtualSnapDistSq;
            virtualSpace = Main.pref.getInteger("mappaint.node.virtual-space", 70);

         * Calculate a virtual node if there is enough visual space to draw a
         * crosshair node and the middle of a way segment is clicked. If the
         * user drags the crosshair node, it will be added to all ways in
         * <code>virtualWays</code>.
         * @param p the point clicked
         * @return whether
         * <code>virtualNode</code> and
         * <code>virtualWays</code> were setup.
        private boolean activateVirtualNodeNearPoint(Point p) {
            if (nodeVirtualSize > 0) {

                Collection<WaySegment> selVirtualWays = new LinkedList<>();
                Pair<Node, Node> vnp = null, wnp = new Pair<>(null, null);

                Way w = null;
                for (WaySegment ws : mv.getNearestWaySegments(p, OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate)) {
                    w = ws.way;

                    Point2D p1 = mv.getPoint2D(wnp.a = w.getNode(ws.lowerIndex));
                    Point2D p2 = mv.getPoint2D(wnp.b = w.getNode(ws.lowerIndex + 1));
                    if (WireframeMapRenderer.isLargeSegment(p1, p2, virtualSpace)) {
                        Point2D pc = new Point2D.Double((p1.getX() + p2.getX()) / 2, (p1.getY() + p2.getY()) / 2);
                        if (p.distanceSq(pc) < virtualSnapDistSq2) {
                            // Check that only segments on top of each other get added to the
                            // virtual ways list. Otherwise ways that coincidentally have their
                            // virtual node at the same spot will be joined which is likely unwanted
                            if (vnp == null) {
                                vnp = new Pair<>(wnp.a, wnp.b);
                                virtualNode = new Node(mv.getLatLon(pc.getX(), pc.getY()));
                            if (vnp.equals(wnp)) {
                                // if mutiple line segments have the same points,
                                // add all segments to be splitted to virtualWays list
                                // if some lines are selected, only their segments will go to virtualWays
                                (w.isSelected() ? selVirtualWays : virtualWays).add(ws);

                if (!selVirtualWays.isEmpty()) {
                    virtualWays = selVirtualWays;

            return !virtualWays.isEmpty();

        private void createMiddleNodeFromVirtual(EastNorth currentEN) {
            Collection<Command> virtualCmds = new LinkedList<>();
            virtualCmds.add(new AddCommand(virtualNode));
            for (WaySegment virtualWay : virtualWays) {
                Way w = virtualWay.way;
                Way wnew = new Way(w);
                wnew.addNode(virtualWay.lowerIndex + 1, virtualNode);
                virtualCmds.add(new ChangeCommand(w, wnew));
            virtualCmds.add(new MoveCommand(virtualNode, startEN, currentEN));
            String text = trn("Add and move a virtual new node to way",
                    "Add and move a virtual new node to {0} ways", virtualWays.size(),
            Main.main.undoRedo.add(new SequenceCommand(text, virtualCmds));
            getCurrentDataSet().setSelected(Collections.singleton((OsmPrimitive) virtualNode));

        private void clear() {
            virtualNode = null;

        private boolean hasVirtualNode() {
            return virtualNode != null;

        private boolean hasVirtualWaysToBeConstructed() {
            return !virtualWays.isEmpty();

     * @return o as collection of o's type.
    protected static <T> Collection<T> asColl(T o) {
        if (o == null)
            return Collections.emptySet();
        return Collections.singleton(o);

Related Classes of org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.SelectAction$VirtualManager

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