package net.sf.cram.encoding;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
public class CanonicalHuffmanIntegerCodec implements BitCodec<Integer> {
private TreeMap<Integer, HuffmanBitCode> codes;
private Integer[] codeLentghSorted;
private Map<Integer, Map<Long, Integer>> codeCache = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Long, Integer>>();
private Map<Long, Integer>[] codeMaps;
* values[]: the alphabet (provided as Integers) bitLengths[]: the number of
* bits of symbil's huffman code
public CanonicalHuffmanIntegerCodec(int[] values, int[] bitLengths) {
// 1. Sort by (a) bit length and (b) by symbol value -----------
SortedMap codebook = new TreeMap<Integer, SortedSet<Integer>>();
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (codebook.containsKey(bitLengths[i]))
((TreeSet) codebook.get(bitLengths[i])).add(values[i]);
else {
TreeSet<Integer> entry = new TreeSet<Integer>();
codebook.put(bitLengths[i], entry);
codeLentghSorted = new Integer[codebook.size()];
int keys = 0;
// 2. Calculate and Assign Canonical Huffman Codes -------------
int codeLength = 0, codeValue = -1; // first Canonical is always 0
codes = new TreeMap<Integer, HuffmanBitCode>();
Set keySet = codebook.keySet();
for (Object key : keySet) { // Iterate over code lengths
int iKey = Integer.parseInt(key.toString());
codeLentghSorted[keys++] = iKey;
TreeSet<Integer> get = (TreeSet<Integer>) codebook.get(key);
for (Integer entry : get) { // Iterate over symbols
HuffmanBitCode code = new HuffmanBitCode();
code.bitLentgh = iKey; // given: bit length
code.value = entry; // given: symbol
codeValue++; // increment bit value by 1
int delta = iKey - codeLength; // new length?
codeValue = codeValue << delta; // pad with 0's
code.bitCode = codeValue; // calculated: huffman code
codeLength += delta; // adjust current code len
if (NumberOfSetBits(codeValue) > iKey)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Symbol out of range");
codes.put(entry, code); // Store HuffmanBitCode
Map<Long, Integer> codeMap = codeCache.get(code.bitLentgh);
if (codeMap == null) {
codeMap = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
codeCache.put(code.bitLentgh, codeMap);
codeMap.put(new Long(code.bitCode), code.value);
// 3. Done. Just have to populate codeMaps ---------------------
if (codeLentghSorted.length > 0)
codeMaps = new Map[codeLentghSorted[codeLentghSorted.length - 1] + 1];
codeMaps = new Map[1];
for (int len : codeLentghSorted) { // Iterate over code lengths
codeMaps[len] = codeCache.get(len);
public Integer read(BitInputStream bis) throws IOException {
long buf = 0; // huffman code
int bitsRead = 0;
for (int len : codeLentghSorted) {
buf = buf << (len - bitsRead);
long readLongBits = bis.readLongBits(len - bitsRead);
buf = buf | readLongBits;
bitsRead = len;
Map<Long, Integer> codeMap = codeMaps[len];
Integer result = codeMap.get(buf);
if (result != null) {
return result;
throw new RuntimeException("Bit code not found. Current state: "
+ bitsRead + " bits read, buf=" + buf);
public long write(BitOutputStream bos, Integer object) throws IOException {
HuffmanBitCode bitCode = codes.get(object);
if (bitCode == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Huffman code not found for value: "
+ object);
bos.write(bitCode.bitCode, bitCode.bitLentgh);
return bitCode.bitLentgh;
public long numberOfBits(Integer object) {
HuffmanBitCode bitCode;
try {
bitCode = codes.get(object);
return bitCode.bitLentgh ;
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Value " + object + " not found.", e) ;
private static class HuffmanBitCode {
int bitCode;
int bitLentgh;
int value;
private int NumberOfSetBits(int i) {
i = i - ((i >> 1) & 0x55555555);
i = (i & 0x33333333) + ((i >> 2) & 0x33333333);
return (((i + (i >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F) * 0x01010101) >> 24;
public Integer read(BitInputStream bis, int len) throws IOException {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");