package colonies.boycat97.src;
import colonies.src.Utility;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
public class EntityAIGoToWork extends EntityAIBase {
protected EntityLiving taskEntity;
protected int BlockID;
protected World taskEntityWorld;
protected float movementSpeed;
protected double targetBlockX;
protected double targetBlockY;
protected double targetBlockZ;
public EntityAIGoToWork(EntityLiving par1EntityLiving, int BlockID, float _movementSpeed)
this.movementSpeed = _movementSpeed;
this.taskEntity = par1EntityLiving;
this.taskEntityWorld = this.taskEntity.worldObj;
this.BlockID = BlockID;
protected Vec3 lookForBlockNearBy(int _blockID, int j, int k, int l, int i1, int j1, int k1)
Vec3 vec3d = Vec3.createVectorHelper(j, k, l);
Vec3 vec3d1 = null;
double d = 999999999D;
int l1;
if (i1 > j1 && i1 > k1)
l1 = i1;
else if (j1 > k1)
l1 = j1;
l1 = k1;
int i5 = 0;
for (int j5 = 0; j5 <= l1; j5++)
int k5 = Math.min(i1, j5);
int l5 = Math.min(j1, j5);
int i6 = Math.min(k1, j5);
if (j5 <= k1)
int i4 = l - j5;
for (int i3 = k - l5; i3 <= k + l5; i3++)
for (int i2 = j - k5; i2 <= j + k5; i2++)
if (this.taskEntityWorld.getBlockId(i2, i3, i4) == _blockID)
Vec3 vec3d2 = Vec3.createVectorHelper(i2, i3, i4);
if (vec3d1 == null || vec3d2.distanceTo(vec3d) < d)
vec3d1 = vec3d2;
d = vec3d1.distanceTo(vec3d);
if (j5 > 0)
if (j5 <= k1)
int j4 = l + j5;
for (int j3 = k - l5; j3 <= k + l5; j3++)
for (int j2 = j - k5; j2 <= j + k5; j2++)
if (this.taskEntityWorld.getBlockId(j2, j3, j4) == _blockID)
Vec3 vec3d3 = Vec3.createVectorHelper(j2, j3, j4);
if (vec3d1 == null || vec3d3.distanceTo(vec3d) < d)
vec3d1 = vec3d3;
d = vec3d1.distanceTo(vec3d);
if (j5 <= j1)
for (int k3 = k - j5; k3 <= k + j5; k3 += 2 * j5)
for (int k4 = l - i6; k4 <= l + i6; k4++)
for (int k2 = j - k5; k2 <= j + k5; k2++)
if (this.taskEntityWorld.getBlockId(k2, k3, k4) == _blockID)
Vec3 vec3d4 = Vec3.createVectorHelper(k2, k3, k4);
if (vec3d1 == null || vec3d4.distanceTo(vec3d) < d)
vec3d1 = vec3d4;
d = vec3d1.distanceTo(vec3d);
if (j5 <= i1)
for (int l2 = j - j5; l2 <= j + j5; l2 += 2 * j5)
for (int l4 = l - i6; l4 <= l + i6; l4++)
for (int l3 = k - l5; l3 <= k + l5; l3++)
if (this.taskEntityWorld.getBlockId(l2, l3, l4) == _blockID)
Vec3 vec3d5 = Vec3.createVectorHelper(l2, l3, l4);
if (vec3d1 == null || vec3d5.distanceTo(vec3d) < d)
vec3d1 = vec3d5;
d = vec3d1.distanceTo(vec3d);
if (d < 999999999D)
return vec3d1;
return null;
public Vec3 lookForWorkLocation()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
int x = MathHelper.floor_double(this.taskEntity.posX + Utility.rng.nextInt(30) - 15);
int y = MathHelper.floor_double(this.taskEntity.boundingBox.minY + Utility.rng.nextInt(10) - 5);
int z = MathHelper.floor_double(this.taskEntity.posZ + Utility.rng.nextInt(30) - 15);
if (this.taskEntityWorld.blockExists(x, y, z))
if ( this.taskEntityWorld.getBlockId(x, y, z) == this.BlockID )
return this.taskEntityWorld.getWorldVec3Pool().getVecFromPool(x, y, z);
return null;
public boolean isSuitableTarget(Block block)
//TODO: Figure out how to determine who wants what block area, suitable for them.
return true;
public boolean shouldExecute() {
//Am I currently interested in the location
if (this.taskEntity.getLookVec() == Vec3.createVectorHelper(this.targetBlockX, this.targetBlockY, this.targetBlockZ) &&
this.taskEntityWorld.getBlockId(MathHelper.floor_double(this.targetBlockX), MathHelper.floor_double(this.targetBlockY), MathHelper.floor_double(this.targetBlockZ)) == this.BlockID ){
return false;
//Look for some other block of the same type.
Vec3 v = this.lookForWorkLocation();
if (v == null)
return false;
this.targetBlockX = v.xCoord;
this.targetBlockY = v.yCoord;
this.targetBlockZ = v.zCoord;
return true;
public boolean continueExecuting()
return !this.taskEntity.getNavigator().noPath();
public void startExecuting()
this.taskEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(this.targetBlockX, this.targetBlockY, this.targetBlockZ, this.movementSpeed);