* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package ola;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import ola.proto.Ola.DeviceConfigReply;
import ola.proto.Ola.DeviceConfigRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.DeviceInfoReply;
import ola.proto.Ola.DeviceInfoRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.DiscoveryRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.DmxData;
import ola.proto.Ola.MergeMode;
import ola.proto.Ola.MergeModeRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.OlaServerService;
import ola.proto.Ola.OptionalUniverseRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.PatchAction;
import ola.proto.Ola.PatchPortRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.PluginDescriptionReply;
import ola.proto.Ola.PluginDescriptionRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.PluginListReply;
import ola.proto.Ola.PluginListRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.PortPriorityRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.RDMRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.RDMResponse;
import ola.proto.Ola.RegisterAction;
import ola.proto.Ola.RegisterDmxRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.TimeCode;
import ola.proto.Ola.TimeCodeType;
import ola.proto.Ola.UID;
import ola.proto.Ola.UIDListReply;
import ola.proto.Ola.UniverseInfoReply;
import ola.proto.Ola.UniverseNameRequest;
import ola.proto.Ola.UniverseRequest;
import ola.rpc.SimpleRpcController;
import ola.rpc.StreamRpcChannel;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import com.google.protobuf.Message;
import com.google.protobuf.RpcCallback;
import com.google.protobuf.RpcChannel;
import com.google.protobuf.RpcController;
public class OlaClient {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OlaClient.class.getName());
private OlaServerService serverService;
private RpcController controller;
private RpcChannel channel;
public OlaClient() throws Exception {
channel = new StreamRpcChannel();
controller = new SimpleRpcController();
serverService = OlaServerService.Stub.newStub(channel);
* Generic method for making Rpc Calls.
* @param method Name of te Rpc Method to call
* @param inputMessage Input RpcMessage
* @return Message result message or null if the call failed.
private Message callRpcMethod(String method, Message inputMessage) {
final Message[] outputMessage = new Message[1];
RpcCallback<Message> cb = new RpcCallback<Message>() {
public void run(Message arg0) {
outputMessage[0] = arg0;
serverService.callMethod(serverService.getDescriptorForType().findMethodByName(method), controller, inputMessage, cb);
if (controller.failed()) {
logger.warning("RPC Call failed: " + controller.errorText());
return null;
return outputMessage[0];
* Get a list of plugins from olad.
* @return The list of plugings.
public PluginListReply getPlugins() {
return (PluginListReply) callRpcMethod("GetPlugins", PluginListRequest.newBuilder().build());
* Get a plugin description from olad.
* @param pluginId number of the plugin for which to receive the description
* @return The list of plugings.
public PluginDescriptionReply getPluginDescription(int pluginId) {
PluginDescriptionRequest request = PluginDescriptionRequest.newBuilder()
return (PluginDescriptionReply) callRpcMethod("GetPluginDescription", request);
* Get device info from olad.
* @return The Device Info.
public DeviceInfoReply getDeviceInfo() {
return (DeviceInfoReply) callRpcMethod("GetDeviceInfo", DeviceInfoRequest.newBuilder().build());
* Get candidate ports for universe.
* @param universe the id of the universe.
* @return device info
public DeviceInfoReply getCandidatePorts(int universe) {
OptionalUniverseRequest request = OptionalUniverseRequest.newBuilder().setUniverse(universe).build();
return (DeviceInfoReply) callRpcMethod("GetCandidatePorts", request);
* Configure device.
* @param device the id of the device to configure.
* @param data device configuration data.
* @return
public DeviceConfigReply configureDevice(int device, short[] data) {
DeviceConfigRequest request = DeviceConfigRequest.newBuilder()
return (DeviceConfigReply) callRpcMethod("ConfigureDevice", request);
* Get universe information.
* @param universe the id of the universe
* @return UniverseInfo
public UniverseInfoReply getUniverseInfo(int universe) {
OptionalUniverseRequest request = OptionalUniverseRequest.newBuilder().setUniverse(universe).build();
return (UniverseInfoReply) callRpcMethod("GetUniverseInfo", request);
* Get UID's.
* @param universe the id of the universe
* @return UIDListReply
public UIDListReply getUIDs(int universe) {
UniverseRequest request = UniverseRequest.newBuilder().setUniverse(universe).build();
return (UIDListReply) callRpcMethod("GetUIDs", request);
* Force discovery of a universe.
* @param universe the id of the universe
* @param full
* @return UID List
public UIDListReply forceDiscovery(int universe, boolean full) {
DiscoveryRequest request = DiscoveryRequest.newBuilder()
return (UIDListReply) callRpcMethod("ForceDiscovery", request);
* Retrieve dmx data from universe.
* @param universe the id of the universe
* @return
public DmxData getDmx(int universe) {
return (DmxData) callRpcMethod("GetDmx", UniverseRequest.newBuilder().setUniverse(universe).build());
* Patch a port.
* @param device number
* @param port number
* @param action PachAction.PATCH or PatchAction.UNPATCH
* @param universe number
* @return true when succeeded.
public boolean patchPort(int device, int port, PatchAction action, int universe) {
PatchPortRequest patchRequest = PatchPortRequest.newBuilder()
return callRpcMethod("PatchPort", patchRequest) != null;
* Send dmx data to olad.
* @param universe number
* @param values array of dmx data values
* @return true when succeeded.
public boolean sendDmx(int universe, short[] values) {
DmxData dmxData = DmxData.newBuilder()
return callRpcMethod("UpdateDmxData", dmxData) != null;
* Set port priority.
* @return true if request succeeded.
public boolean setPortPriority(int device, int port, int priority, int mode, boolean output) {
PortPriorityRequest request = PortPriorityRequest.newBuilder()
return callRpcMethod("SetPortPriority", request) != null;
* Set universe name.
* @param universe id of universe for which to set the name.
* @param name The name to set.
* @return true if the call succeeded.
public boolean setUniverseName(int universe, String name) {
UniverseNameRequest request = UniverseNameRequest.newBuilder()
return callRpcMethod("SetUniverseName", request) != null;
* Define merge mode for a universe.
* @param universe The id of the universe
* @param mode, merge mode to use
* @return true if call succeeded.
public boolean setMergeMode(int universe, MergeMode mode) {
MergeModeRequest request = MergeModeRequest.newBuilder()
return callRpcMethod("SetMergeMode", request) != null;
* Register for dmx
* @param universe
* @param action RegisterAction
* @return true if call succeeded.
public boolean registerForDmx(int universe, RegisterAction action) {
RegisterDmxRequest request = RegisterDmxRequest.newBuilder()
return callRpcMethod("RegisterForDmx", request) != null;
* Set source UID for device.
* @param device The id of the device
* @param estaId the UID to set.
* @return true if call succeeded.
public boolean setSourceUID(int device, int estaId) {
UID request = UID.newBuilder()
return callRpcMethod("SetSourceUID", request) != null;
* Send TimeCode.
* @param type TimeCodeType
* @param frames number of frames
* @param hours
* @param minutes
* @param seconds
* @return true if call succeeded.
public boolean sendTimeCode(TimeCodeType type, int frames, int hours, int minutes, int seconds) {
TimeCode request = TimeCode.newBuilder()
return callRpcMethod("SendTimeCode", request) != null;
* Send RDM Command.
* @param uid
* @param subDevice
* @param paramId
* @param isSet
* @param includeRawResponse
* @param universe
* @param data
* @return RDMResponse
public RDMResponse sendRDMCommand(UID uid, int subDevice, int paramId, boolean isSet, boolean includeRawResponse, int universe, short[] data) {
RDMRequest request = RDMRequest.newBuilder()
return (RDMResponse) callRpcMethod("RDMCommand", request);
* Send dmx data, but don't wait for response.
* @param universe the id of the universe
* @param values dmx data
public void streamDmx(int universe, short[] values) {
DmxData dmxData = DmxData.newBuilder()
callRpcMethod("StreamDmxData", dmxData);
* Convert short array to bytestring
public ByteString convertToUnsigned(short[] values) {
byte[] unsigned = new byte[values.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
unsigned[i] = (byte) values[i];
return ByteString.copyFrom(unsigned);
* Convert bytestring to short array.
public short[] convertFromUnsigned(ByteString data) {
byte[] values = data.toByteArray();
short[] signed = new short[values.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
signed[i] = (short) ((short) values[i] & 0xFF);
return signed;