package rinde.sim.pdptw.common;
import static;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import javax.measure.Measure;
import javax.measure.unit.NonSI;
import javax.measure.unit.SI;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import rinde.sim.core.TimeLapse;
import rinde.sim.core.TimeLapseFactory;
import rinde.sim.core.graph.Point;
import rinde.sim.core.model.ModelProvider;
import rinde.sim.core.model.TestModelProvider;
import rinde.sim.core.model.pdp.DefaultPDPModel;
import rinde.sim.core.model.pdp.PDPModel;
import rinde.sim.core.model.pdp.PDPModel.ParcelState;
import rinde.sim.core.model.pdp.Parcel;
import rinde.sim.core.model.pdp.twpolicy.TardyAllowedPolicy;
import rinde.sim.core.model.road.PlaneRoadModel;
import rinde.sim.core.model.road.RoadModel;
import rinde.sim.util.TimeWindow;
public abstract class PDPRoadModelTestCommon {
static final TimeLapse TIME = TimeLapseFactory.create(0, 1);
static final TimeWindow DEFAULT_TW = new TimeWindow(0, 100);
DefaultParcel dp1;
DefaultParcel dp2;
DefaultParcel dp3;
DefaultDepot depot;
DefaultVehicle dv1;
DefaultVehicle dv2;
PDPRoadModel rm;
PDPModel pm;
protected final boolean allowDiversion;
public PDPRoadModelTestCommon(boolean diversion) {
allowDiversion = diversion;
* Sets up a test scenario.
public void setUp() {
rm = new PDPRoadModel(new PlaneRoadModel(new Point(0, 0),
new Point(10, 10), SI.KILOMETER, Measure.valueOf(0.1,
NonSI.KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR)), allowDiversion);
pm = new DefaultPDPModel(new TardyAllowedPolicy());
final ModelProvider mp = new TestModelProvider(asList(pm, rm));
dp1 = create(new Point(1, 0), new Point(0, 7));
dp2 = create(new Point(5, 0), new Point(0, 5));
dp3 = create(new Point(1, 0), new Point(0, 6));
for (final DefaultParcel dp : asList(dp1, dp2, dp3)) {
rm.addObjectAt(dp, dp.dto.pickupLocation);
final Point depotLocation = new Point(5, 5);
depot = new DefaultDepot(depotLocation);
rm.addObjectAt(depot, depotLocation);
dv1 = new TestVehicle(new Point(0, 0));
dv2 = new TestVehicle(new Point(0, 0));
for (final DefaultVehicle tv : asList(dv1, dv2)) {
rm.addObjectAt(tv, tv.getDTO().startPosition);
// to satisfy coverage tool
* A vehicle should always be allowed to go back the depot, even multiple
* times.
public void revisitDepot() {
// move to depot
rm.moveTo(dv1, depot, time(1));
// move to pickup location
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(100));
// pickup
pm.service(dv1, dp1, time(100));
// move to delivery location
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(100));
// deliver
pm.service(dv1, dp1, time(100));
// move to depot again
rm.moveTo(dv1, depot, time(1));
public void twoVehiclesGoToSame() {
// this is allowed
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(10));
rm.moveTo(dv2, dp1, time(10));
assertEquals(rm.getPosition(dv1), rm.getPosition(dp1));
assertEquals(rm.getPosition(dv2), rm.getPosition(dp1));
pm.pickup(dv2, dp1, time(1));
assertEquals(ParcelState.IN_CARGO, pm.getParcelState(dp1));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp2, time(3));
public void moveToDepot() {
rm.moveTo(dv1, depot, time(1));
rm.moveTo(dv1, depot, time(1));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(1));
assertEquals(dp1, rm.getDestinationToParcel(dv1));
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testInvalidRoadUser() {
// does not exist
rm.moveTo(dv1, new PlainTestParcel(new Point(6, 6)), time(1));
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testInvalidRoadUser2() {
rm.addObjectAtSamePosition(create(new Point(1, 1), new Point(2, 2)), dp2);
rm.addObjectAtSamePosition(new PlainTestParcel(new Point(6, 6)), dp2);
public void test1() {
dp1 = new DefaultParcel(new ParcelDTO(new Point(1, 0), new Point(0, 7),
DEFAULT_TW, DEFAULT_TW, 0, 0, 2, 0));
rm.addObjectAt(dp1, dp1.dto.pickupLocation);
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(7));
assertEquals(dp1, rm.getDestinationToParcel(dv1));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(4));
assertEquals(dp1, rm.getDestinationToParcel(dv1));
pm.pickup(dv1, dp1, time(1));
assertEquals(ParcelState.PICKING_UP, pm.getParcelState(dp1));
assertEquals(ParcelState.IN_CARGO, pm.getParcelState(dp1));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(1));
assertEquals(dp1, rm.getDestinationToParcel(dv1));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(80));
assertEquals(dp1, rm.getDestinationToParcel(dv1));
pm.deliver(dv1, dp1, time(1));
assertEquals(ParcelState.AVAILABLE, pm.getParcelState(dp2));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp2, time(50));
assertEquals(dp2, rm.getDestinationToParcel(dv1));
* Check whether diversion within a route is correctly handled depending on
* the configuration.
public void divertFromDest() {
boolean success = true;
try {
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(7));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp2, time(4));
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
success = false;
assertEquals(allowDiversion, success);
* Check whether diversion (to the same parcel!) after route completion but
* before pickup is correctly handled depending on the configuration.
public void divertToSameBeforePickup() {
boolean success = true;
try {
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(7));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(4));
assertEquals(rm.getPosition(dv1), rm.getPosition(dp1));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(80));
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
success = false;
assertEquals(allowDiversion, success);
* Check whether diversion after route completion but before pickup is
* correctly handled depending on the configuration.
public void divertToOtherBeforePickup() {
boolean success = true;
try {
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(7));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(4));
assertEquals(rm.getPosition(dv1), rm.getPosition(dp1));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp2, time(80));
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
success = false;
assertEquals(allowDiversion, success);
* Check whether diversion within a route before delivery is correctly handled
* depending on the configuration.
public void divertToOtherBeforeDelivery() {
boolean success = true;
try {
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(10));
assertEquals(rm.getPosition(dv1), rm.getPosition(dp1));
pm.pickup(dv1, dp1, time(10));
assertTrue(pm.containerContains(dv1, dp1));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(1));
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp2, time(80));
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
success = false;
assertEquals(allowDiversion, success);
* It is not allowed to go to a delivery location twice.
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void attemptVisitFor3rdTime() {
// first pickup
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(11));
// then deliver
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(80));
// 3rd time is not allowed!
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(80));
* It is not allowed to go to a delivery location twice.
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void attemptVisitFor3rdTime2() {
// first pickup
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(11));
assertTrue(rm.equalPosition(dv1, dp1));
// then deliver
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(80));
assertEquals(rm.getPosition(dv1), dp1.getDestination());
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp2, time(180));
assertTrue(rm.equalPosition(dv1, dp2));
// it is not allowed to revisit this position
rm.moveTo(dv1, dp1, time(80));
* {@link RoadModel#moveTo(rinde.sim.core.model.road.MovingRoadUser, Point, TimeLapse)}
* is only supported when diversion is allowed.
public void invalidMoveTo() {
boolean success = true;
try {
rm.moveTo(dv1, new Point(0, 0), time(10));
} catch (final UnsupportedOperationException e) {
success = false;
assertEquals(allowDiversion, success);
* {@link RoadModel#followPath(rinde.sim.core.model.road.MovingRoadUser, java.util.Queue, TimeLapse)}
* is only supported when diversion is allowed.
public void invalidFollowPath() {
boolean success = true;
try {
.getShortestPathTo(new Point(0, 0), new Point(10, 10))),
} catch (final UnsupportedOperationException e) {
success = false;
assertEquals(allowDiversion, success);
static class TestVehicle extends DefaultVehicle {
public TestVehicle(Point start) {
super(new VehicleDTO(start, 10, 0, DEFAULT_TW));
protected void tickImpl(TimeLapse time) {}
public String toString() {
return "TestVehicle";
static class PlainTestParcel extends Parcel {
PlainTestParcel(Point pDestination) {
super(pDestination, 0, DEFAULT_TW, 0, DEFAULT_TW, 0);
public void initRoadPDP(RoadModel pRoadModel, PDPModel pPdpModel) {}
static TimeLapse time(long t) {
return TimeLapseFactory.create(NonSI.HOUR, 0, t);
static DefaultParcel create(Point p1, Point p2) {
return new DefaultParcel(new ParcelDTO(p1, p2, DEFAULT_TW, DEFAULT_TW, 0,
0, 0, 0));