/* This file is part of the Joshua Machine Translation System.
* Joshua is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
package joshua.prefix_tree;
import joshua.corpus.Corpus;
import joshua.corpus.MatchedHierarchicalPhrases;
import joshua.corpus.RuleExtractor;
import joshua.corpus.alignment.Alignments;
import joshua.corpus.lexprob.LexicalProbabilities;
import joshua.corpus.suffix_array.HierarchicalPhrases;
import joshua.corpus.suffix_array.ParallelCorpusGrammarFactory;
import joshua.corpus.suffix_array.Pattern;
import joshua.corpus.suffix_array.Suffixes;
import joshua.corpus.vocab.SymbolTable;
import joshua.decoder.JoshuaConfiguration;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.AbstractGrammar;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.BilingualRule;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.Rule;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.Trie;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.hiero.MemoryBasedBatchGrammar;
import joshua.util.Cache;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Represents a prefix tree with suffix links, for use in extracting
* hierarchical phrase-based statistical translation rules.
* @author Lane Schwartz
* @version $LastChangedDate:2008-11-13 13:13:31 -0600 (Thu, 13 Nov 2008) $
public class PrefixTree extends AbstractGrammar {
/** Logger for this class. */
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PrefixTree.class.getName());
* Integer representation of the nonterminal X.
* All nonterminals are guaranteed to be represented by negative integers.
public static final int X = SymbolTable.X;//-1;
/** Operating system-specific end of line character(s). */
static final byte[] newline = System.getProperty("line.separator").getBytes();
/** Root node of this tree. */
final RootNode root;
* Responsible for performing sampling and creating translation
* rules.
final RuleExtractor ruleExtractor;
* Max span in the source corpus of any extracted hierarchical
* phrase.
final int maxPhraseSpan;
* Maximum number of terminals plus nonterminals allowed
* in any extracted hierarchical phrase.
final int maxPhraseLength;
* Maximum number of nonterminals allowed in any extracted
* hierarchical phrase.
final int maxNonterminals;
* Minimum span in the source corpus of any nonterminal in
* an extracted hierarchical phrase.
final int minNonterminalSpan;
* Represents a very high cost, corresponding to a very
* unlikely probability.
static final float VERY_UNLIKELY = -1.0f * (float) Math.log(1.0e-9);
* Indicates whether rules with an initial source-side
* nonterminal should be extracted from phrases at the start
* of a sentence, even though such rules do not have
* supporting corporal evidence.
* <p>
* This is included for compatibility with Adam Lopez's
* Hiero rule extractor, in which this setting is set to
* <code>true</code>.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>false</code>.
boolean sentenceInitialX = false;
* Indicates whether rules with a final source-side nonterminal
* should be extracted from phrases at the end of a sentence,
* even though such rules do not have supporting corporal
* evidence.
* <p>
* This is included for compatibility with Adam Lopez's
* Hiero rule extractor, in which this setting is set to
* <code>true</code>.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>false</code>.
boolean sentenceFinalX = false;
boolean edgeXMayViolatePhraseSpan = false;
/** Unique integer identifier for the root node. */
static final int ROOT_NODE_ID = -999;
* Unique integer identifier for the special ⊥ node
* that represents the suffix of the root node.
* @see Lopez (2008), footnote 9 on p73
static final int BOT_NODE_ID = 0;//-2000;
/** Suffix array representing the source language corpus. */
final Suffixes suffixArray;
/** Corpus array representing the target language corpus. */
final Corpus targetCorpus;
/** */
final ParallelCorpusGrammarFactory parallelCorpus;
* Represents alignments between words in the source corpus
* and the target corpus.
final Alignments alignments;
/** Lexical translation probabilities. */
final LexicalProbabilities lexProbs;
/** Symbol table */
final SymbolTable vocab;
/** Empty pattern */
final Pattern epsilon;
* Node representing phrases that start with the nonterminal
* X. This node's parent is the root node of the tree.
private final Node xnode;
private Set<Integer> printedNodes = null;
private Map<Integer,String> ntVocab;
private PrintStream out = null;
private final int ruleOwner;
private final int defaultLHS;
private final float oovFeatureCost;
* Constructs a new prefix tree with suffix links using the
* GENERATE_PREFIX_TREE algorithm from Lopez (2008) PhD
* Thesis, Algorithm 2, p 76.
* @param parallelCorpus
public PrefixTree(ParallelCorpusGrammarFactory parallelCorpus) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.finer("\n\n\nConstructing new PrefixTree\n\n");
this.parallelCorpus = parallelCorpus;
this.suffixArray = parallelCorpus.getSuffixArray();
this.targetCorpus = parallelCorpus.getTargetCorpus();
this.alignments = parallelCorpus.getAlignments();
this.lexProbs = parallelCorpus.getLexProbs();
this.ruleExtractor = parallelCorpus.getRuleExtractor();
this.maxPhraseSpan = parallelCorpus.getMaxPhraseSpan();
this.maxPhraseLength = parallelCorpus.getMaxPhraseLength();
this.maxNonterminals = parallelCorpus.getMaxNonterminals();
this.minNonterminalSpan = parallelCorpus.getMinNonterminalSpan();
this.vocab = parallelCorpus.getSourceCorpus().getVocabulary();
this.ruleOwner = vocab.getID(parallelCorpus.getRuleOwner());
this.defaultLHS = vocab.getID(parallelCorpus.getDefaultLHSSymbol());
this.oovFeatureCost = parallelCorpus.getOovFeatureCost();
this.root = new RootNode(this,ROOT_NODE_ID);
Node bot = new BotNode(parallelCorpus, root);
this.ntVocab = new HashMap<Integer,String>();
ntVocab.put(PrefixTree.X, "X");
//// if (suffixArray==null) {
////// vocab = null;
//// } else {
// if (suffixArray != null) {
//// vocab = suffixArray.getVocabulary();
// //int[] bounds = {0, suffixArray.size()-1};
// root.setBounds(0, suffixArray.size()-1);
// }
// root.sourceHierarchicalPhrases = HierarchicalPhrases.emptyList(vocab);
// Define epsilon to be an empty pattern
epsilon = new Pattern(vocab);
// 1: children(p_eps) <-- children(p_eps) U p_x
if (maxNonterminals > 0) { // Create and set up the X node that comes off of ROOT
// Add a link from root node to X
xnode = root.addChild(X);
// Add a suffix link from X back to root
Node suffixLink = root.calculateSuffixLink(X);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
String oldSuffixLink = (xnode.suffixLink==null) ? "null" : "id"+xnode.suffixLink.objectID;
String newSuffixLink = (suffixLink==null) ? "null" : "id"+suffixLink.objectID;
logger.finest("Changing suffix link from " + oldSuffixLink + " to " + newSuffixLink + " for node " + xnode.toShortString(vocab) + " with token " + X);
} else {
this.xnode = null;
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("CURRENT TREE: " + root);
* Constructs a new prefix tree with suffix links using the
* GENERATE_PREFIX_TREE algorithm from Lopez (2008) PhD
* Thesis, Algorithm 2, p 76.
* <p>
* This constructor does not take a suffix array parameter.
* Instead any prefix tree constructed by this constructor
* will assume that all possible phrases of this sentence
* are valid phrases.
* <p>
* This constructor is meant to be used primarily for testing
* purposes.
* @param sentence
* @param maxPhraseSpan
* @param maxPhraseLength
* @param maxNonterminals
PrefixTree(SymbolTable vocab, int maxPhraseSpan, int maxPhraseLength, int maxNonterminals) {
this(new ParallelCorpusGrammarFactory((Suffixes) null, (Suffixes) null, (Alignments) null, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxPhraseSpan, maxPhraseLength, maxNonterminals, 2, Float.MIN_VALUE, JoshuaConfiguration.phrase_owner, JoshuaConfiguration.default_non_terminal, JoshuaConfiguration.oovFeatureCost));
* Sets a print stream to which newly extracted rules will be written.
* @param out a print stream
* to which newly extracted rules will be written
public void setPrintStream(PrintStream out) {
logger.info("Setting output stream");
this.out = out;
this.printedNodes = new HashSet<Integer>();
* Modify this prefix tree by adding phrases for this
* sentence.
* @param sentence
public void add(int[] sentence) {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
int END_OF_SENTENCE = sentence.length - 1;
Queue<Tuple> queue = new LinkedList<Tuple>();
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.finer("Last sentence index == I == " + END_OF_SENTENCE);
// 2: for i from 1 to I
for (int i=START_OF_SENTENCE; i<=END_OF_SENTENCE; i++) {
//if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("Adding tuple (" + i + ","+ i +","+root+",{"+intToString(sentence[i])+"})");
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("Adding tuple (\u03b5," + i + ","+ i +","+root.toShortString(vocab) +")");
// 3: Add <f_i, i, i+1, p_eps> to queue
queue.add(new Tuple(epsilon, i, i, root));
if (this.maxNonterminals > 0) { Pattern xpattern = new Pattern(vocab,X);
int start = START_OF_SENTENCE;
if (!sentenceInitialX) start += 1;
// 4: for i from 1 to I
for (int i=start; i<=END_OF_SENTENCE; i++) {
//if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("Adding tuple (" + (i-1) + ","+(i)+","+root+",{"+X+","+intToString(sentence[i])+"})");
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("Adding tuple (X," + (i-1) + ","+ i +","+xnode.toShortString(vocab) +")");
// 5: Add <X f_i, i-1, i+1, p_x> to queue
if (edgeXMayViolatePhraseSpan) {
queue.add(new Tuple(xpattern, i, i, xnode));
} else {
queue.add(new Tuple(xpattern, i-1, i, xnode));
// 6: While queue is not empty do
while (! queue.isEmpty()) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("CURRENT TREE: " + root);
// 7: Pop <alpha, i, j, p_alphaBeta> from queue
Tuple tuple = queue.remove();
int i = tuple.spanStart;
int j = tuple.spanEnd;
Node prefixNode = tuple.prefixNode;
Pattern prefixPattern = tuple.pattern;
// if (prefixNode.objectID==329 //) {
// || (prefixNode.objectID==28 && i==13 && j==17)) {
// int x = -1;
// x++;
// }
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.finer("Have tuple (" +prefixPattern+","+ i + ","+j+","+prefixNode.toShortString(vocab)+")");
if (j <= END_OF_SENTENCE) {
// 8: If p_alphaBetaF_i elementOf children(p_alphaBeta) then
if (prefixNode.hasChild(sentence[j])) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.finer("EXISTING node for \"" + sentence[j] + "\" from " + prefixNode.toShortString(vocab) + " to node " + prefixNode.getChild(sentence[j]).toShortString(vocab) + " with pattern " + prefixPattern);
// child is p_alphaBetaF_j
Node child = prefixNode.getChild(sentence[j]);
// 9: If p_alphaBetaF_j is inactive then
if (! child.active) {
// 10: Continue to next item in queue
// 11: Else
} else {
// 12: EXTEND_QUEUE(alpha beta f_j, i, j, f_1^I)
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
logger.finer("Calling EXTEND_QUEUE("+i+","+j+","+prefixPattern+","+prefixNode.toShortString(vocab));
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("TREE BEFOR EXTEND: " + root);
extendQueue(queue, i, j, sentence, new Pattern(prefixPattern,sentence[j]), child);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("TREE AFTER EXTEND: " + root);
} else { // 13: Else
// 14: children(alphaBeta) <-- children(alphaBeta) U p_alphaBetaF_j
// (Add new child node)
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.finer("Adding new node to node " + prefixNode.toShortString(vocab));
Node newNode = prefixNode.addChild(sentence[j]);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
String word = (suffixArray==null) ? ""+sentence[j] : suffixArray.getVocabulary().getWord(sentence[j]);
logger.finer("Created new node " + newNode.toShortString(vocab) +" for \"" + word + "\" and \n added it to " + prefixNode.toShortString(vocab));
// 15: p_beta <-- suffix_link(p_alpha_beta)
// suffixNode in this code is p_beta_f_j, not p_beta
Node suffixNode = prefixNode.calculateSuffixLink(sentence[j]);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
String oldSuffixLink = (newNode.suffixLink==null) ? "null" : "id"+newNode.suffixLink.objectID;
String newSuffixLink = (suffixNode==null) ? "null" : "id"+suffixNode.objectID;
logger.finest("Changing suffix link from " + oldSuffixLink + " to " + newSuffixLink + " for node " + newNode.toShortString(vocab) + " (prefix node " + prefixNode.toShortString(vocab) + " ) with token " + sentence[j]);
newNode.linkToSuffix( suffixNode );
// 16: if p_beta_f_j is inactive then
if (! suffixNode.active) {
// 17: Mark p_alpha_beta_f_j inactive
newNode.active = false; //Node.INACTIVE;
// 18: else
} else {
Pattern extendedPattern = new Pattern(prefixPattern,sentence[j]);
MatchedHierarchicalPhrases result = null;
if (suffixArray != null) {
// 19: Q_alpha-beta-f_j <-- query(alpha-beta-f_j, Q_alpha-beta, Q_beta-f_j)
result = query(extendedPattern, newNode, prefixNode, suffixNode);
// 20: if Q_alpha_beta_f_j = ∅ (meaning that no results were found for this query)
//if (result != null && result.isEmpty()) {// && prefixNode != xnode) {
if (result != null && result.isEmpty()) {
// 21: Mark p_alpha_beta_f_j inactive
newNode.active = false; //Node.INACTIVE;
// 22: else
} else {
// 23: Mark p_alpha_beta_f_j active
newNode.active = true; //Node.ACTIVE;
// 24: EXTEND_QUEUE(alpha beta f_j, i, j, f_1^I)
extendQueue(queue, i, j, sentence, extendedPattern, newNode);
long endTime = System.nanoTime();
long microseconds = (endTime - startTime) / 1000;
float milliseconds = microseconds / 1000.0f;
logger.info("Sentence total extraction time:\t"+ milliseconds + " milliseconds");
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("FINAL TREE: " + root);
* Implements the root QUERY algorithm (Algorithm 4) of
* Adam Lopez's (2008) doctoral thesis.
* @param pattern Pattern to search for
* @param node Node in the prefix tree
* @param prefixNode Prefix node
* @param suffixNode Suffix node
* @return List of matched hierarchical phrases for the specified pattern.
* @see "Lopez (2008)"
public MatchedHierarchicalPhrases query(Pattern pattern, Node node, Node prefixNode, Node suffixNode) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.finer("PrefixTree.query( " + pattern + ",\n\t new node " + node + ",\n\tprefix node " + prefixNode + ",\n\tsuffix node " + suffixNode + ")");
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
MatchedHierarchicalPhrases result;
// boolean stop = false;
// if (pattern.toString().startsWith("[de ")) {
// logger.warning("Found it! " + pattern.toString() + " yahoo");
// int x;
// x=5;
// x+=1;
// stop = true;
// }
// if (stop) {
// if (stop) {
// logger.info("Stopping");
// logger.info("Did you stop?");
// }
// }
if (suffixArray.getCachedHierarchicalPhrases().containsKey(pattern)) {
result = suffixArray.getCachedHierarchicalPhrases().get(pattern);
int[] bounds = suffixArray.findPhrase(pattern, 0, pattern.size(), prefixNode.lowBoundIndex, prefixNode.highBoundIndex);
if (bounds!=null) {
} else {
if (pattern.toString().startsWith("[de ")) {
int x = 5;
int arity = pattern.arity();
// 1: if alpha=u then
// If the pattern is contiguous, look up the pattern in the suffix array
if (arity == 0) {
// 2: SUFFIX-ARRAY-LOOKUP(SA_f, a alpha b, l_a_alpha, h_a_alpha
// Get the first and last index in the suffix array for the specified pattern
int[] bounds = suffixArray.findPhrase(pattern, 0, pattern.size(), prefixNode.lowBoundIndex, prefixNode.highBoundIndex);
if (bounds==null) {
result = HierarchicalPhrases.emptyList(pattern);
//TODO Should node.setBounds(bounds) be called here?
} else {
int[] startingPositions = suffixArray.getAllPositions(bounds);
result = suffixArray.createTriviallyHierarchicalPhrases(startingPositions, pattern, vocab);
} else { // 3: else --- alpha is a discontiguous pattern
// 8: If M_a_alpha_b has been precomputed (then result will be non-null)
// 9: Retrieve M_a_alpha_b from cache of precomputations
// 10: else
if (suffixArray.getCachedHierarchicalPhrases().containsKey(pattern)) {
result = suffixArray.getMatchingPhrases(pattern);
} else {
// 16: M_a_alpha_b <-- QUERY_INTERSECT(M_a_alpha, M_alpha_b)
int[] sourceWords = prefixNode.getSourcePattern().getWordIDs();
// Special handling of case when prefixNode is the X off of root (hierarchicalPhrases for that node is empty)
if (arity==1 && sourceWords[0] < 0 && sourceWords[sourceWords.length-1] < 0){
result = suffixNode.getMatchedPhrases().copyWithInitialX();
} else {
// Normal query intersection case (when prefixNode != X off of root)
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("Calling queryIntersect("+pattern+" M_a_alpha.pattern=="+prefixNode.getSourcePattern() + ", M_alpha_b.pattern=="+suffixNode.getSourcePattern()+")");
result = HierarchicalPhrases.queryIntersect(pattern, prefixNode.getMatchedPhrases(), suffixNode.getMatchedPhrases(), minNonterminalSpan, maxPhraseSpan, suffixArray);
long finalQueryTime = System.nanoTime();
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
long elapsedQueryTime = finalQueryTime - startTime;
long microseconds = elapsedQueryTime / 1000;
float milliseconds = microseconds / 1000.0f;
logger.fine("Time to query pattern:\t" + pattern.toString() + "\t" + milliseconds + " milliseconds\t" + result.size() + " instances");
// 17: Return M_a_alpha_b
List<Rule> rules = ruleExtractor.extractRules(result);
// node.storeResults(result, rules);
storeResults(node, result, rules);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
long elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - finalQueryTime;
long microseconds = elapsedTime / 1000;
float milliseconds = microseconds / 1000.0f;
logger.fine("Time to extract rules for pattern:\t" + pattern.toString() + "\t" + milliseconds + " milliseconds\t" + result.size() + " instances");
return result;
private void storeResults(Node node, MatchedHierarchicalPhrases result, List<Rule> rules) {
if (printedNodes==null || !printedNodes.contains(node.objectID)) {
node.storeResults(result, rules);
if (out==null) {
logger.finer("Not printing rules");
} else {
for (Rule rule : rules) {
String ruleString = rule.toString(ntVocab, suffixArray.getVocabulary(), targetCorpus.getVocabulary());
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("Rule: " + ruleString);
* Implements Function EXTEND_QUEUE from Lopez (2008) PhD
* Thesis, Algorithm 2, p 76
* @param queue Queue of tuples
* @param i Start index of the pattern in the source input
* sentence (inclusive, 1-based).
* @param j End index of the pattern in the source input
* sentence (inclusive, 1-based).
* @param sentence
* @param pattern Pattern corresponding to the prefix node.
* In Lopez's terminology, this pattern is
* alpha f_j.
* @param node Node in the prefix tree to which a new node
* (corresponding to the pattern) will eventually
* be attached.
private void extendQueue(Queue<Tuple> queue, int i, int j, int[] sentence, Pattern pattern, Node node) {
int J = j;
if (!sentenceFinalX) J += 1;
int endOfPhraseSpan = (j+1)-i+1;
// 1: if |alpha| < MaxPhraseLength and j-i+1<=MaxPhraseSpan then
if (pattern.size() < maxPhraseLength && J<sentence.length) {
if (endOfPhraseSpan <= maxPhraseSpan) {
// 2: Add <alpha f_j, i, j+1, p_alpha> to queue
// (add new tuple to the queue)
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("\nextendQueue: Adding tuple (" +pattern+","+ i + ","+ (j+1) +","+node+")");//(new Pattern(alphaPattern,sentence[j+1]))+"})");
queue.add(new Tuple(pattern, i, j+1, node));//, sentence[j+1]));
if (edgeXMayViolatePhraseSpan) endOfPhraseSpan -= 1;
// 3: if arity(alpha) < MaxNonterminals then
if (pattern.arity() < maxNonterminals && endOfPhraseSpan <= maxPhraseSpan) {
Node xNode;
if (! node.children.containsKey(X)) {
// 4: children(p_alpha) <-- children(p_alpha) U p_alphaX
// (add new child node in tree and mark in as active)
xNode = node.addChild(X);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("Adding node for \"" + X + "\" from " + node + " to new node " + xNode + " with alphaPattern " + pattern + " (in extendQueue)");
Node suffixLink = node.calculateSuffixLink(X);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
String oldSuffixLink = (xNode.suffixLink==null) ? "null" : "id"+xNode.suffixLink.objectID;
String newSuffixLink = (suffixLink==null) ? "null" : "id"+suffixLink.objectID;
logger.finest("Changing suffix link from " + oldSuffixLink + " to " + newSuffixLink + " for node " + xNode + " (prefix node " + node + " ) with token " + X);
xNode.linkToSuffix( suffixLink );
} else {
xNode = node.children.get(X);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("X Node is already " + xNode + " for prefixNode " + node);
// 5: Mark p_alphaX active
xNode.active = true; //Node.ACTIVE;
int[] patternWords = pattern.getWordIDs();
// 6: Q_alphaX <-- Q_alpha
SymbolTable vocab = (suffixArray==null) ? null : suffixArray.getVocabulary();
Pattern xpattern = new Pattern(vocab, patternWords, X);
// HierarchicalPhrases phrasesWithFinalX = new HierarchicalPhrases(xpattern, node.sourceHierarchicalPhrases);
MatchedHierarchicalPhrases phrasesWithFinalX;
if (suffixArray==null) {
// This should only happen in certain unit tests
logger.severe("This should only be encountered during unit testing!");
if (node.sourceHierarchicalPhrases==null) {
node.sourceHierarchicalPhrases = HierarchicalPhrases.emptyList((SymbolTable) null);
node.sourcePattern = node.sourceHierarchicalPhrases.getPattern();
phrasesWithFinalX = node.getMatchedPhrases().copyWithFinalX();
} else {
Cache<Pattern,MatchedHierarchicalPhrases> cache = suffixArray.getCachedHierarchicalPhrases();
if (cache.containsKey(xpattern)) {
phrasesWithFinalX = cache.get(xpattern);
} else {
phrasesWithFinalX = node.getMatchedPhrases().copyWithFinalX();
List<Rule> rules = (ruleExtractor==null) ?
Collections.<Rule>emptyList() :
//xNode.storeResults(phrasesWithFinalX, rules);
storeResults(xNode, phrasesWithFinalX, rules);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("Alpha pattern is " + pattern);
// For efficiency, don't add any tuples to the queue whose patterns would exceed the max allowed number of tokens
if (patternWords.length+2 <= maxPhraseLength) {
int I = sentence.length;
if (!sentenceFinalX) I -= 1;
int min = (I<i+maxPhraseSpan) ? I : i+maxPhraseSpan-1;
Pattern patternX = new Pattern(pattern, X);
// 7: for k from j+1 to min(I, i+MaxPhraseLength) do
for (int k=j+2; k<=min; k++) {
// 8: Add <alpha f_j X, i, k, p_alphaX> to queue
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) logger.finest("extendQueue: Adding tuple ("+patternX+","+i+","+k+","+xNode+ " ) in EXTEND_QUEUE ****************************************" );
queue.add(new Tuple(patternX, i, k, xNode));
} else if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
logger.finest("Not extending " + pattern + "+X ");
// /**
// * Gets the root node of this tree.
// *
// * @return the root node of this tree
// */
// public Grammar getRoot() {
// return root;
// }
// /**
// * Gets all translation rules stored in this tree.
// *
// * @return all translation rules stored in this tree
// */
// public List<Rule> getAllRules() {
// return root.getAllRules();
// }
/* See Javadoc for java.lang.Object#toString. */
public String toString() {
return root.toTreeString("", vocab);
* Gets the number of nodes in this tree.
* <p>
* This method recursively traverses through all nodes
* in the tree every time this method is called.
* @return the number of nodes in this tree
public int size() {
return root.size();
* Constructs an invalid, dummy prefix tree.
* <p>
* The unit tests for Node require a dummy PrefixTree.
private PrefixTree() {
root = null;
parallelCorpus = null;
suffixArray = null;
targetCorpus = null;
alignments = null;
lexProbs = null;
xnode = null;
ruleExtractor = null;
this.epsilon = null;
this.vocab = null;
this.maxPhraseSpan = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
this.maxPhraseLength = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
this.maxNonterminals = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
this.minNonterminalSpan = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
this.ruleOwner = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
this.defaultLHS = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
this.oovFeatureCost = Float.NaN;
* Gets an invalid, dummy prefix tree.
* <p>
* For testing purposes only.
* @return an invalid, dummy prefix tree
static PrefixTree getDummyPrefixTree() {
return new PrefixTree();
public Rule constructManualRule(int lhs, int[] sourceWords,
int[] targetWords, float[] scores, int arity) {
return new BilingualRule(lhs, sourceWords, targetWords, scores, arity, this.ruleOwner, 0, getOOVRuleID());
public Rule constructOOVRule(int numFeatures, int sourceWord, int targetWord,
boolean hasLM) {
int[] french = new int[1];
french[0] = sourceWord;
int[] english = new int[1];
english[0] = targetWord;
float[] feat_scores = new float[numFeatures];
// TODO: This is a hack to make the decoding without a LM works
/**when a ngram LM is used, the OOV word will have a cost 100.
* if no LM is used for decoding, so we should set the cost of some
* TM feature to be maximum
* */
if ( (!hasLM) && numFeatures > 0) {
feat_scores[0] = oovFeatureCost;
return new BilingualRule(
this.defaultLHS, french, english,
feat_scores, 0, this.ruleOwner,
0, getOOVRuleID());
public int getNumRules() {
return root.getNumRules();
public int getOOVRuleID() {
return MemoryBasedBatchGrammar.OOV_RULE_ID;
public Trie getTrieRoot() {
return root;
public boolean hasRuleForSpan(int startIndex, int endIndex, int pathLength) {
return (endIndex - startIndex <= this.maxPhraseSpan);