//BasicPhrase query = new BasicPhrase("it makes him", sourceVocab);
//BasicPhrase query = new BasicPhrase("it makes him and it mars him", sourceVocab);
BasicPhrase query = new BasicPhrase("it makes him and it mars him , it sets him on and it takes him off .", sourceVocab);
ParallelCorpusGrammarFactory parallelCorpus = new ParallelCorpusGrammarFactory(suffixArray, targetSuffixArray, alignments, null, sampleSize, maxPhraseSpan, maxPhraseLength, maxNonterminals, minNonterminalSpan, Float.MIN_VALUE, JoshuaConfiguration.phrase_owner, JoshuaConfiguration.default_non_terminal, JoshuaConfiguration.oovFeatureCost);
// PrefixTree prefixTree = new PrefixTree(suffixArray, targetCorpusArray, alignments, suffixArray.getVocabulary(), lexProbs, ruleExtractor, maxPhraseSpan, maxPhraseLength, maxNonterminals, minNonterminalSpan);
PrefixTree prefixTree = new PrefixTree(parallelCorpus);