/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 VoltDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.voltdb.planner;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.VoltXMLElement;
import org.json_voltpatches.JSONException;
import org.voltdb.VoltType;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Column;
import org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Index;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Table;
import org.voltdb.compiler.StatementCompiler;
import org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression;
import org.voltdb.expressions.AggregateExpression;
import org.voltdb.expressions.ConstantValueExpression;
import org.voltdb.expressions.ExpressionUtil;
import org.voltdb.expressions.OperatorExpression;
import org.voltdb.expressions.ParameterValueExpression;
import org.voltdb.expressions.TupleValueExpression;
import org.voltdb.planner.parseinfo.BranchNode;
import org.voltdb.planner.parseinfo.JoinNode;
import org.voltdb.planner.parseinfo.StmtSubqueryScan;
import org.voltdb.planner.parseinfo.StmtTableScan;
import org.voltdb.planner.parseinfo.StmtTargetTableScan;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.LimitPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.NodeSchema;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.SchemaColumn;
import org.voltdb.types.ExpressionType;
import org.voltdb.types.JoinType;
public class ParsedSelectStmt extends AbstractParsedStmt {
public static class ParsedColInfo implements Cloneable{
public String alias = null;
public String columnName = null;
public String tableName = null;
public String tableAlias = null;
public AbstractExpression expression = null;
public int index = 0;
// orderby stuff
public boolean orderBy = false;
public boolean ascending = true;
// groupby
public boolean groupBy = false;
public boolean equals (Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return false;
if (obj instanceof ParsedColInfo == false) return false;
ParsedColInfo col = (ParsedColInfo) obj;
if ( columnName != null && columnName.equals(col.columnName) &&
tableName != null && tableName.equals(col.tableName) &&
tableAlias != null && tableAlias.equals(col.tableAlias) &&
expression != null && expression.equals(col.expression) )
return true;
return false;
// Based on implementation on equals().
public int hashCode() {
int result = new HashCodeBuilder(17, 31).
if (expression != null) {
result += expression.hashCode();
return result;
public ParsedColInfo clone() {
ParsedColInfo col = null;
try {
col = (ParsedColInfo) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
col.expression = (AbstractExpression) expression.clone();
return col;
public ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> m_displayColumns = new ArrayList<ParsedColInfo>();
public ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> m_orderColumns = new ArrayList<ParsedColInfo>();
public AbstractExpression m_having = null;
public ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> m_groupByColumns = new ArrayList<ParsedColInfo>();
private boolean m_groupAndOrderByPermutationWasTested = false;
private boolean m_groupAndOrderByPermutationResult = false;
// It will store the final projection node schema for this plan if it is needed.
// Calculate once, and use it everywhere else.
private NodeSchema m_projectSchema = null;
// It may has the consistent element order as the displayColumns
public ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> m_aggResultColumns = new ArrayList<ParsedColInfo>();
public Map<String, AbstractExpression> m_groupByExpressions = null;
private ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> m_avgPushdownDisplayColumns = null;
private ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> m_avgPushdownAggResultColumns = null;
private ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> m_avgPushdownOrderColumns = null;
private AbstractExpression m_avgPushdownHaving = null;
private NodeSchema m_avgPushdownNewAggSchema;
private boolean m_hasPartitionColumnInGroupby = false;
private boolean m_hasAggregateDistinct = false;
// Limit plan node information.
private LimitPlanNode m_limitNodeTop = null;
private LimitPlanNode m_limitNodeDist = null;
public boolean m_limitCanPushdown;
private long m_limit = -1;
private long m_offset = 0;
private long m_limitParameterId = -1;
private long m_offsetParameterId = -1;
private boolean m_distinct = false;
private boolean m_hasComplexAgg = false;
private boolean m_hasComplexGroupby = false;
private boolean m_hasAggregateExpression = false;
private boolean m_hasAverage = false;
public MaterializedViewFixInfo m_mvFixInfo = new MaterializedViewFixInfo();
private boolean m_hasLargeNumberOfTableJoins = false;
// this list is the join order either from the user or parser if it has large number of table joins.
private final ArrayList<JoinNode> m_joinOrderList = new ArrayList<>();
* Class constructor
* @param paramValues
* @param db
public ParsedSelectStmt(String[] paramValues, Database db) {
super(paramValues, db);
void parse(VoltXMLElement stmtNode) {
String node;
if ((node = stmtNode.attributes.get("distinct")) != null)
m_distinct = Boolean.parseBoolean(node);
VoltXMLElement limitElement = null, offsetElement = null, havingElement = null;
VoltXMLElement displayElement = null, orderbyElement = null, groupbyElement = null;
for (VoltXMLElement child : stmtNode.children) {
if (child.name.equalsIgnoreCase("limit")) {
limitElement = child;
} else if (child.name.equalsIgnoreCase("offset")) {
offsetElement = child;
} else if (child.name.equalsIgnoreCase("columns")) {
displayElement = child;
} else if (child.name.equalsIgnoreCase("ordercolumns")) {
orderbyElement = child;
} else if (child.name.equalsIgnoreCase("groupcolumns")) {
groupbyElement = child;
} else if (child.name.equalsIgnoreCase("having")) {
havingElement = child;
parseLimitAndOffset(limitElement, offsetElement);
if (m_aggregationList == null) {
m_aggregationList = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
// We want to extract display first, groupBy second before processing orderBy
// Because groupBy and orderBy need display columns to tag its columns
// OrderBy needs groupBy columns to stop recursively finding TVEs for pass-through columns.
assert(displayElement != null);
parseDisplayColumns(displayElement, false);
if (groupbyElement != null) {
insertToColumnList(m_aggResultColumns, m_groupByColumns);
if (orderbyElement != null && ! hasAOneRowResult()) {
parseOrderColumns(orderbyElement, false);
if (havingElement != null) {
parseHavingExpression(havingElement, false);
// At this point, we have collected all aggregations in the select statement.
// We do not need aggregationList container in parseXMLtree
// Make it null to prevent others adding elements to it when parsing the tree
m_aggregationList = null;
if (needComplexAggregation()) {
} else {
m_aggResultColumns = m_displayColumns;
// prepare the limit plan node if it needs one.
// Prepare for the AVG push-down optimization only if it might be required.
if (mayNeedAvgPushdown()) {
processAvgPushdownOptimization(displayElement, orderbyElement, groupbyElement, havingElement);
private void processAvgPushdownOptimization (VoltXMLElement displayElement,
VoltXMLElement orderbyElement, VoltXMLElement groupbyElement, VoltXMLElement havingElement) {
ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> tmpDisplayColumns = m_displayColumns;
m_displayColumns = new ArrayList<ParsedColInfo>();
ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> tmpAggResultColumns = m_aggResultColumns;
m_aggResultColumns = new ArrayList<ParsedColInfo>();
ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> tmpOrderColumns = m_orderColumns;
m_orderColumns = new ArrayList<ParsedColInfo>();
AbstractExpression tmpHaving = m_having;
boolean tmpHasComplexAgg = hasComplexAgg();
NodeSchema tmpNodeSchema = m_projectSchema;
// Make final schema output null to get a new schema when calling placeTVEsinColumns().
m_projectSchema = null;
m_aggregationList = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
assert(displayElement != null);
parseDisplayColumns(displayElement, true);
if (groupbyElement != null) {
insertToColumnList(m_aggResultColumns, m_groupByColumns);
if (orderbyElement != null) {
parseOrderColumns(orderbyElement, true);
if (havingElement != null) {
parseHavingExpression(havingElement, true);
m_aggregationList = null;
// Switch them back
m_avgPushdownDisplayColumns = m_displayColumns;
m_avgPushdownAggResultColumns = m_aggResultColumns;
m_avgPushdownOrderColumns = m_orderColumns;
m_avgPushdownNewAggSchema = m_projectSchema;
m_avgPushdownHaving = m_having;
m_displayColumns = tmpDisplayColumns;
m_aggResultColumns = tmpAggResultColumns;
m_orderColumns = tmpOrderColumns;
m_projectSchema = tmpNodeSchema;
m_hasComplexAgg = tmpHasComplexAgg;
m_having = tmpHaving;
* Switch the optimal set for pushing down AVG
public void switchOptimalSuiteForAvgPushdown () {
m_displayColumns = m_avgPushdownDisplayColumns;
m_aggResultColumns = m_avgPushdownAggResultColumns;
m_orderColumns = m_avgPushdownOrderColumns;
m_projectSchema = m_avgPushdownNewAggSchema;
m_hasComplexAgg = true;
m_having = m_avgPushdownHaving;
* Prepare for the mv based distributed query fix only if it might be required.
private void prepareMVBasedQueryFix() {
// ENG-5386: Edge cases query returning correct answers with aggregation push down does not need reAggregation work.
if (m_hasComplexGroupby) {
// Handle joined query case case.
// MV partitioned table without partition column can only join with replicated tables.
// For all tables in this query, the # of tables that need to be fixed should not exceed one.
for (StmtTableScan mvTableScan: m_tableAliasMap.values()) {
Set<SchemaColumn> mvNewScanColumns = new HashSet<SchemaColumn>();
Collection<SchemaColumn> columns = mvTableScan.getScanColumns();
// For a COUNT(*)-only scan, a table may have no scan columns.
// For a joined query without processed columns from table TB, TB has no scan columns
if (columns != null) {
// ENG-5669: HAVING aggregation and order by aggregation also need to be checked.
if (m_mvFixInfo.processMVBasedQueryFix(mvTableScan, mvNewScanColumns, m_joinTree, m_aggResultColumns, groupByColumns())) {
private boolean needComplexAggregation () {
if (!hasAggregateExpression() && !isGrouped()) {
m_hasComplexAgg = false;
return false;
if (hasComplexAgg()) return true;
int numDisplayCols = m_displayColumns.size();
if (m_aggResultColumns.size() > numDisplayCols) {
m_hasComplexAgg = true;
return true;
for (ParsedColInfo col : m_displayColumns) {
if (!m_aggResultColumns.contains(col)) {
// Now Only TVEs in displayColumns are left for AggResultColumns
if (col.expression instanceof TupleValueExpression) {
} else {
// Col must be complex expression (like: TVE + 1, TVE + AGG)
m_hasComplexAgg = true;
return true;
// size of aggResultColumns list should be the same as numDisplayCols
// as it would be a substitue of DisplayCols.
if (m_aggResultColumns.size() != numDisplayCols) {
// Display columns have duplicated Aggs or TVEs (less than case)
// Display columns have several pass-through columns if group by primary key (larger than case)
m_hasComplexAgg = true;
return true;
// Case: Groupby cols do not appear in SELECT list
// Find duplicates
HashSet <ParsedColInfo> tmpContainer = new HashSet<ParsedColInfo>();
for (int i=0; i < numDisplayCols; i++) {
ParsedColInfo icol = m_displayColumns.get(i);
if (tmpContainer.contains(icol)) {
m_hasComplexAgg = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Continue adding TVEs from DisplayColumns that are left in function needComplexAggregation().
* After this function, aggResultColumns construction work.
private void fillUpAggResultColumns () {
for (ParsedColInfo col: m_displayColumns) {
if (!m_aggResultColumns.contains(col)) {
if (col.expression instanceof TupleValueExpression) {
} else {
// Col must be complex expression (like: TVE + 1, TVE + AGG)
List<TupleValueExpression> tveList = new ArrayList<TupleValueExpression>();
findAllTVEs(col.expression, tveList);
* Generate new output Schema and Place TVEs for display columns if needed.
* Place TVEs for order by columns always.
private void placeTVEsinColumns () {
// Build the association between the table column with its index
Map <AbstractExpression, Integer> aggTableIndexMap = new HashMap <AbstractExpression,Integer>();
Map <Integer, ParsedColInfo> indexToColumnMap = new HashMap <Integer, ParsedColInfo>();
int index = 0;
for (ParsedColInfo col: m_aggResultColumns) {
aggTableIndexMap.put(col.expression, index);
if ( col.alias == null) {
// hack any unique string
col.alias = "$$_" + col.expression.getExpressionType().symbol() + "_$$_" + index;
indexToColumnMap.put(index, col);
// Replace TVE for display columns
if (m_projectSchema == null) {
m_projectSchema = new NodeSchema();
for (ParsedColInfo col : m_displayColumns) {
AbstractExpression expr = col.expression;
if (hasComplexAgg()) {
expr = col.expression.replaceWithTVE(aggTableIndexMap, indexToColumnMap);
SchemaColumn schema_col = new SchemaColumn(col.tableName, col.tableAlias, col.columnName, col.alias, expr);
// Replace TVE for order by columns
for (ParsedColInfo orderCol : m_orderColumns) {
AbstractExpression expr = orderCol.expression.replaceWithTVE(aggTableIndexMap, indexToColumnMap);
if (hasComplexAgg()) {
orderCol.expression = expr;
} else {
// This if case checking is to rule out cases like: select PKEY + A_INT from O1 order by PKEY + A_INT,
// This case later needs a projection node on top of sort node to make it work.
// Assuming the restrictions: Order by columns are (1) columns from table
// (2) tag from display columns (3) actual expressions from display columns
// Currently, we do not allow order by complex expressions that are not in display columns
// If there is a complexGroupby at his point, it means that Display columns contain all the order by columns.
// In that way, this plan does not require another projection node on top of sort node.
if (orderCol.expression.hasAnySubexpressionOfClass(AggregateExpression.class) ||
hasComplexGroupby()) {
orderCol.expression = expr;
// Replace TVE for group by columns
m_groupByExpressions = new HashMap<String, AbstractExpression>();
for (ParsedColInfo groupbyCol: m_groupByColumns) {
assert(aggTableIndexMap.get(groupbyCol.expression) != null);
assert(m_groupByExpressions.get(groupbyCol.alias) == null);
AbstractExpression expr = groupbyCol.expression.replaceWithTVE(aggTableIndexMap, indexToColumnMap);
if (m_having != null) {
m_having = m_having.replaceWithTVE(aggTableIndexMap, indexToColumnMap);
* ParseDisplayColumns and ParseOrderColumns will call this function
* to add Aggregation expressions to aggResultColumns
* @param aggColumns
* @param cookedCol
private void insertAggExpressionsToAggResultColumns (List<AbstractExpression> aggColumns, ParsedColInfo cookedCol) {
for (AbstractExpression expr: aggColumns) {
ParsedColInfo col = new ParsedColInfo();
col.expression = (AbstractExpression) expr.clone();
assert(col.expression instanceof AggregateExpression);
if (col.expression.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_AVG) {
m_hasAverage = true;
if (aggColumns.size() == 1 && cookedCol.expression.equals(aggColumns.get(0))) {
col.alias = cookedCol.alias;
col.tableName = cookedCol.tableName;
col.tableAlias = cookedCol.tableAlias;
col.columnName = cookedCol.columnName;
if (!m_aggResultColumns.contains(col)) {
// Try to check complexAggs earlier
m_hasComplexAgg = true;
// Aggregation column use the the hacky stuff
col.tableName = "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE";
col.tableAlias = "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE";
col.columnName = "";
if (!m_aggResultColumns.contains(col)) {
private void insertTVEsToAggResultColumns (List<TupleValueExpression> colCollection) {
// TVEs do not need to take care
for (TupleValueExpression tve: colCollection) {
ParsedColInfo col = new ParsedColInfo();
col.alias = tve.getColumnAlias();
col.columnName = tve.getColumnName();
col.tableName = tve.getTableName();
col.tableAlias = tve.getTableAlias();
col.expression = tve;
if (!m_aggResultColumns.contains(col)) {
// Concat elements to the XXXColumns list
private static void insertToColumnList (List<ParsedColInfo>columnList,
List<ParsedColInfo> newCols) {
for (ParsedColInfo col: newCols) {
if (!columnList.contains(col)) {
private static boolean isNewtoColumnList(List<ParsedColInfo>columnList, AbstractExpression expr) {
boolean isNew = true;
for (ParsedColInfo ic: columnList) {
if (ic.expression.equals(expr)) {
isNew = false;
return isNew;
* Find all TVEs except inside of AggregationExpression
* @param expr
* @param tveList
private void findAllTVEs(AbstractExpression expr, List<TupleValueExpression> tveList) {
if (!isNewtoColumnList(m_aggResultColumns, expr))
if (expr instanceof TupleValueExpression) {
tveList.add((TupleValueExpression) expr.clone());
if ( expr.getLeft() != null) {
findAllTVEs(expr.getLeft(), tveList);
if (expr.getRight() != null) {
findAllTVEs(expr.getRight(), tveList);
if (expr.getArgs() != null) {
for (AbstractExpression ae: expr.getArgs()) {
findAllTVEs(ae, tveList);
private void updateAvgExpressions () {
List<AbstractExpression> optimalAvgAggs = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
Iterator<AbstractExpression> itr = m_aggregationList.iterator();
while(itr.hasNext()) {
AbstractExpression aggExpr = itr.next();
assert(aggExpr instanceof AggregateExpression);
if (aggExpr.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_AVG) {
AbstractExpression left = new AggregateExpression(ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_SUM);
AbstractExpression right = new AggregateExpression(ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_COUNT);
private void parseLimitAndOffset(VoltXMLElement limitNode, VoltXMLElement offsetNode) {
String node;
if (limitNode != null) {
// Parse limit
if ((node = limitNode.attributes.get("limit_paramid")) != null)
m_limitParameterId = Long.parseLong(node);
else {
assert(limitNode.children.size() == 1);
VoltXMLElement valueNode = limitNode.children.get(0);
String isParam = valueNode.attributes.get("isparam");
if ((isParam != null) && (isParam.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) {
m_limitParameterId = Long.parseLong(valueNode.attributes.get("id"));
} else {
node = limitNode.attributes.get("limit");
assert(node != null);
m_limit = Long.parseLong(node);
if (offsetNode != null) {
// Parse offset
if ((node = offsetNode.attributes.get("offset_paramid")) != null)
m_offsetParameterId = Long.parseLong(node);
else {
if (offsetNode.children.size() == 1) {
VoltXMLElement valueNode = offsetNode.children.get(0);
String isParam = valueNode.attributes.get("isparam");
if ((isParam != null) && (isParam.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) {
m_offsetParameterId = Long.parseLong(valueNode.attributes.get("id"));
} else {
node = offsetNode.attributes.get("offset");
assert(node != null);
m_offset = Long.parseLong(node);
// limit and offset can't have both value and parameter
if (m_limit != -1) assert m_limitParameterId == -1 : "Parsed value and param. limit.";
if (m_offset != 0) assert m_offsetParameterId == -1 : "Parsed value and param. offset.";
private void parseDisplayColumns(VoltXMLElement columnsNode, boolean isDistributed) {
for (VoltXMLElement child : columnsNode.children) {
ParsedColInfo col = new ParsedColInfo();
col.expression = parseExpressionTree(child);
if (col.expression instanceof ConstantValueExpression) {
assert(col.expression.getValueType() != VoltType.NUMERIC);
assert(col.expression != null);
if (isDistributed) {
col.expression = col.expression.replaceAVG();
if (child.name.equals("columnref")) {
col.columnName = child.attributes.get("column");
col.tableName = child.attributes.get("table");
col.tableAlias = child.attributes.get("tablealias");
if (col.tableAlias == null) {
col.tableAlias = col.tableName;
// XXX hacky, assume all non-column refs come from a temp table
col.tableName = "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE";
col.tableAlias = "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE";
col.columnName = "";
col.alias = child.attributes.get("alias");
if (col.alias == null) {
col.alias = col.columnName;
// This index calculation is only used for sanity checking
// materialized views (which use the parsed select statement but
// don't go through the planner pass that does more involved
// column index resolution).
col.index = m_displayColumns.size();
insertAggExpressionsToAggResultColumns(m_aggregationList, col);
if (m_aggregationList.size() >= 1) {
m_hasAggregateExpression = true;
for (AbstractExpression agg: m_aggregationList) {
assert(agg instanceof AggregateExpression);
if (! m_hasAggregateDistinct &&
((AggregateExpression)agg).isDistinct() ) {
m_hasAggregateDistinct = true;
private void parseGroupByColumns(VoltXMLElement columnsNode) {
for (VoltXMLElement child : columnsNode.children) {
private void parseGroupByColumn(VoltXMLElement groupByNode) {
ParsedColInfo groupbyCol = new ParsedColInfo();
groupbyCol.expression = parseExpressionTree(groupByNode);
assert(groupbyCol.expression != null);
groupbyCol.groupBy = true;
if (groupByNode.name.equals("columnref"))
groupbyCol.alias = groupByNode.attributes.get("alias");
groupbyCol.columnName = groupByNode.attributes.get("column");
groupbyCol.tableName = groupByNode.attributes.get("table");
groupbyCol.tableAlias = groupByNode.attributes.get("tablealias");
if (groupbyCol.tableAlias == null) {
groupbyCol.tableAlias = groupbyCol.tableName;
// This col.index set up is only useful for Materialized view.
Table tb = getTableFromDB(groupbyCol.tableName);
if (tb != null) {
org.voltdb.catalog.Column catalogColumn =
groupbyCol.index = catalogColumn.getIndex();
// TODO(XIN): throw a error for Materialized view when possible.
// XXX hacky, assume all non-column refs come from a temp table
groupbyCol.tableName = "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE";
groupbyCol.tableAlias = "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE";
groupbyCol.columnName = "";
m_hasComplexGroupby = true;
ParsedColInfo orig_col = null;
for (int i = 0; i < m_displayColumns.size(); ++i) {
ParsedColInfo col = m_displayColumns.get(i);
if (col.expression.equals(groupbyCol.expression)) {
groupbyCol.alias = col.alias;
orig_col = col;
if (orig_col != null) {
orig_col.groupBy = true;
private void parseOrderColumns(VoltXMLElement columnsNode, boolean isDistributed) {
for (VoltXMLElement child : columnsNode.children) {
parseOrderColumn(child, isDistributed);
private void parseOrderColumn(VoltXMLElement orderByNode, boolean isDistributed) {
// make sure everything is kosher
// get desc/asc
String desc = orderByNode.attributes.get("desc");
boolean descending = (desc != null) && (desc.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
// get the columnref or other expression inside the orderby node
VoltXMLElement child = orderByNode.children.get(0);
assert(child != null);
// create the orderby column
ParsedColInfo order_col = new ParsedColInfo();
order_col.orderBy = true;
order_col.ascending = !descending;
AbstractExpression order_exp = parseExpressionTree(child);
assert(order_exp != null);
if (isDistributed) {
order_exp = order_exp.replaceAVG();
order_col.expression = order_exp;
// Cases:
// child could be columnref, in which case it's just a normal column.
// Just make a ParsedColInfo object for it and the planner will do the right thing later
if (child.name.equals("columnref")) {
assert(order_exp instanceof TupleValueExpression);
TupleValueExpression tve = (TupleValueExpression) order_exp;
order_col.columnName = tve.getColumnName();
order_col.tableName = tve.getTableName();
order_col.tableAlias = tve.getTableAlias();
if (order_col.tableAlias == null) {
order_col.tableAlias = order_col.tableName;
order_col.alias = tve.getColumnAlias();
} else {
String alias = child.attributes.get("alias");
order_col.alias = alias;
order_col.tableName = "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE";
order_col.tableAlias = "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE";
order_col.columnName = "";
// Replace its expression to TVE after we build the ExpressionIndexMap
if ((child.name.equals("operation") == false) &&
(child.name.equals("aggregation") == false) &&
(child.name.equals("function") == false)) {
throw new RuntimeException("ORDER BY parsed with strange child node type: " + child.name);
// Mark the order by column if it is in displayColumns
// The ORDER BY column MAY be identical to a simple display column, in which case,
// tagging the actual display column as being also an order by column
// helps later when trying to determine ORDER BY coverage (for determinism).
ParsedColInfo orig_col = null;
for (ParsedColInfo col : m_displayColumns) {
if (col.alias.equals(order_col.alias) || col.expression.equals(order_exp)) {
orig_col = col;
if (orig_col != null) {
orig_col.orderBy = true;
orig_col.ascending = order_col.ascending;
order_col.alias = orig_col.alias;
order_col.columnName = orig_col.columnName;
order_col.tableName = orig_col.tableName;
assert( ! (order_exp instanceof ConstantValueExpression));
assert( ! (order_exp instanceof ParameterValueExpression));
insertAggExpressionsToAggResultColumns(m_aggregationList, order_col);
if (m_aggregationList.size() >= 1) {
m_hasAggregateExpression = true;
// Add TVEs in ORDER BY statement if we have, stop recursive finding when we have it in AggResultColumns
List<TupleValueExpression> tveList = new ArrayList<TupleValueExpression>();
findAllTVEs(order_col.expression, tveList);
private void parseHavingExpression(VoltXMLElement havingNode, boolean isDistributed) {
assert(havingNode.children.size() == 1);
m_having = parseExpressionTree(havingNode.children.get(0));
assert(m_having != null);
if (isDistributed) {
m_having = m_having.replaceAVG();
if (m_aggregationList.size() >= 1) {
m_hasAggregateExpression = true;
for (AbstractExpression expr: m_aggregationList) {
ParsedColInfo col = new ParsedColInfo();
col.expression = (AbstractExpression) expr.clone();
assert(col.expression instanceof AggregateExpression);
if (col.expression.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_AVG) {
m_hasAverage = true;
col.tableName = "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE";
col.tableAlias = "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE";
col.columnName = "";
if (!m_aggResultColumns.contains(col)) {
// Try to check complexAggs earlier
m_hasComplexAgg = true;
private void prepareLimitPlanNode () {
if (!hasLimitOrOffset()) {
int limitParamIndex = parameterCountIndexById(m_limitParameterId);
int offsetParamIndex = parameterCountIndexById(m_offsetParameterId);;
// The coordinator's top limit graph fragment for a MP plan.
// If planning "order by ... limit", getNextSelectPlan()
// will have already added an order by to the coordinator frag.
// This is the only limit node in a SP plan
m_limitNodeTop = new LimitPlanNode();
m_limitNodeTop.setLimit((int) m_limit);
m_limitNodeTop.setOffset((int) m_offset);
// check if limit can be pushed down
m_limitCanPushdown = !m_distinct;
if (m_limitCanPushdown) {
for (ParsedColInfo col : m_displayColumns) {
AbstractExpression rootExpr = col.expression;
if (rootExpr instanceof AggregateExpression) {
if (((AggregateExpression)rootExpr).isDistinct()) {
m_limitCanPushdown = false;
if (m_limitCanPushdown) {
m_limitNodeDist = new LimitPlanNode();
// Offset on a pushed-down limit node makes no sense, just defaults to 0
// -- the original offset must be factored into the pushed-down limit as a pad on the limit.
if (m_limit != -1) {
m_limitNodeDist.setLimit((int) (m_limit + m_offset));
if (hasLimitOrOffsetParameters()) {
AbstractExpression left = getParameterOrConstantAsExpression(m_offsetParameterId, m_offset);
assert (left != null);
AbstractExpression right = getParameterOrConstantAsExpression(m_limitParameterId, m_limit);
assert (right != null);
OperatorExpression expr = new OperatorExpression(ExpressionType.OPERATOR_PLUS, left, right);
// else let the parameterized forms of offset/limit default to unused/invalid.
public LimitPlanNode getLimitNodeTop() {
return new LimitPlanNode(m_limitNodeTop);
public LimitPlanNode getLimitNodeDist() {
return new LimitPlanNode(m_limitNodeDist);
public String toString() {
String retval = super.toString() + "\n";
retval += "LIMIT " + String.valueOf(m_limit) + "\n";
retval += "OFFSET " + String.valueOf(m_offset) + "\n";
retval += "DISPLAY COLUMNS:\n";
for (ParsedColInfo col : m_displayColumns) {
retval += "\tColumn: " + col.alias + ": ";
retval += col.expression.toString() + "\n";
retval += "ORDER COLUMNS:\n";
for (ParsedColInfo col : m_orderColumns) {
retval += "\tColumn: " + col.alias + ": ASC?: " + col.ascending + ": ";
retval += col.expression.toString() + "\n";
retval += "GROUP_BY COLUMNS:\n";
for (ParsedColInfo col : m_groupByColumns) {
retval += "\tColumn: " + col.alias + ": ";
retval += col.expression.toString() + "\n";
retval = retval.trim();
return retval;
public boolean hasJoinOrder() {
return m_joinOrder != null || m_hasLargeNumberOfTableJoins;
public ArrayList<JoinNode> getJoinOrder() {
return m_joinOrderList;
void postParse(String sql, String joinOrder) {
super.postParse(sql, joinOrder);
if (m_joinOrder != null) {
// User indicates a join order already
// prepare the join order if needed
if (m_joinOrder == null &&
m_tableAliasList.size() > StatementCompiler.DEFAULT_MAX_JOIN_TABLES) {
// When there are large number of table joins, give up the all permutations.
// By default, try the join order with the SQL query table order first.
m_hasLargeNumberOfTableJoins = true;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String separator = "";
for (int ii = 0; ii < m_tableAliasList.size(); ii++) {
String tableAlias = m_tableAliasList.get(ii);
separator = ",";
if (tryAddOneJoinOrder(sb.toString())) {
// The input join order is not vailid
// Find one valid join order to run, which may not be the most efficient.
ArrayDeque<JoinNode> joinOrderQueue =
SelectSubPlanAssembler.queueJoinOrders(m_joinTree, false);
// Currently, we get one join order, but it is easy to change the hard coded number
// to get more join orders for large table joins.
assert(joinOrderQueue.size() == 1);
assert(m_joinOrderList.size() == 0);
private boolean tryAddOneJoinOrder(String joinOrder) {
ArrayList<String> tableAliases = new ArrayList<String>();
//Don't allow dups for now since self joins aren't supported
HashSet<String> dupCheck = new HashSet<String>();
// Calling trim() up front is important only in the case of a trailing comma.
// It allows a trailing comma followed by whitespace as in "A,B, " to be ignored
// like a normal trailing comma as in "A,B,". The alternatives would be to treat
// these as different cases (strange) or to complain about both -- which could be
// accomplished by appending an additional space to the join order here
// instead of calling trim.
for (String element : joinOrder.trim().split(",")) {
String alias = element.trim().toUpperCase();
if (!dupCheck.add(alias)) {
if (m_hasLargeNumberOfTableJoins) return false;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("The specified join order \"").append(joinOrder);
sb.append("\" contains a duplicate element \"").append(alias).append("\".");
throw new PlanningErrorException(sb.toString());
//TODO: now that the table aliases list is built, the remaining validations
// here and in isValidJoinOrder should be combined in one AbstractParsedStmt function
// that generates a JoinNode tree or throws an exception.
if (m_tableAliasMap.size() != tableAliases.size()) {
if (m_hasLargeNumberOfTableJoins) return false;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("The specified join order \"");
sb.append(joinOrder).append("\" does not contain the correct number of elements\n");
sb.append("Expected ").append(m_tableList.size());
sb.append(" but found ").append(tableAliases.size()).append(" elements.");
throw new PlanningErrorException(sb.toString());
Set<String> aliasSet = m_tableAliasMap.keySet();
Set<String> specifiedNames = new HashSet<String>(tableAliases);
if (specifiedNames.isEmpty() == false) {
if (m_hasLargeNumberOfTableJoins) return false;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("The specified join order \"");
sb.append(joinOrder).append("\" contains ");
int i = 0;
for (String name : specifiedNames) {
if (++i != specifiedNames.size()) {
sb.append(" which ");
if (specifiedNames.size() == 1) {
sb.append("doesn't ");
} else {
sb.append("don't ");
sb.append("exist in the FROM clause");
throw new PlanningErrorException(sb.toString());
// Now check whether the specified join order is valid or not
if ( ! isValidJoinOrder(tableAliases)) {
if (m_hasLargeNumberOfTableJoins) return false;
throw new PlanningErrorException("The specified join order is invalid for the given query");
// Inserted one join tree to the list
assert(m_joinOrderList.size() > 0);
m_joinTree = m_joinOrderList.get(0);
return true;
* Validate the specified join order against the join tree.
* In general, outer joins are not associative and commutative. Not all orders are valid.
* In case of a valid join order, the initial join tree is rebuilt to match the specified order
* @param tables list of table aliases(or tables) to join
* @return true if the join order is valid
private boolean isValidJoinOrder(List<String> tableAliases)
assert(m_joinTree != null);
// Split the original tree into the sub-trees having the same join type for all nodes
List<JoinNode> subTrees = m_joinTree.extractSubTrees();
// For a sub-tree with inner joins only any join order is valid. The only requirement is that
// each and every table from that sub-tree constitute an uninterrupted sequence in the specified join order
// The outer joins are associative but changing the join order precedence
// includes moving ON clauses to preserve the initial SQL semantics. For example,
// T1 right join T2 on T1.C1 = T2.C1 left join T3 on T2.C2=T3.C2 can be rewritten as
// T1 right join (T2 left join T3 on T2.C2=T3.C2) on T1.C1 = T2.C1
// At the moment, such transformations are not supported. The specified joined order must
// match the SQL order
int tableNameIdx = 0;
List<JoinNode> finalSubTrees = new ArrayList<JoinNode>();
// we need to process the sub-trees last one first because the top sub-tree is the first one on the list
for (int i = subTrees.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
JoinNode subTree = subTrees.get(i);
// Get all tables for the subTree
List<JoinNode> subTableNodes = subTree.generateLeafNodesJoinOrder();
JoinNode joinOrderSubTree;
if ((subTree instanceof BranchNode) && ((BranchNode)subTree).getJoinType() != JoinType.INNER) {
// add the sub-tree as is
joinOrderSubTree = subTree;
for (JoinNode tableNode : subTableNodes) {
if (tableNode.getId() >= 0) {
String tableAlias = tableNode.getTableAlias();
if ( ! tableAliases.get(tableNameIdx++).equals(tableAlias)) {
return false;
} else {
// Collect all the "real" tables from the sub-tree skipping the nodes representing
// the sub-trees with the different join type (id < 0)
Map<String, JoinNode> nodeNameMap = new HashMap<String, JoinNode>();
for (JoinNode tableNode : subTableNodes) {
if (tableNode.getId() >= 0) {
nodeNameMap.put(tableNode.getTableAlias(), tableNode);
// rearrange the sub tree to match the order
List<JoinNode> joinOrderSubNodes = new ArrayList<JoinNode>();
for (int j = 0; j < subTableNodes.size(); ++j) {
if (subTableNodes.get(j).getId() >= 0) {
assert(tableNameIdx < tableAliases.size());
String tableAlias = tableAliases.get(tableNameIdx);
if (tableAlias == null || ! nodeNameMap.containsKey(tableAlias)) {
return false;
} else {
// It's dummy node
joinOrderSubTree = JoinNode.reconstructJoinTreeFromTableNodes(joinOrderSubNodes);
//Collect all the join/where conditions to reassign them later
AbstractExpression combinedWhereExpr = subTree.getAllInnerJoinFilters();
if (combinedWhereExpr != null) {
// The new tree root node id must match the original one to be able to reconnect the
// subtrees
finalSubTrees.add(0, joinOrderSubTree);
// if we got there the join order is OK. Rebuild the whole tree
JoinNode newNode = JoinNode.reconstructJoinTreeFromSubTrees(finalSubTrees);
return true;
public boolean hasAggregateExpression () {
return m_hasAggregateExpression;
public boolean hasAggregateOrGroupby() {
return m_hasAggregateExpression || isGrouped();
public NodeSchema getFinalProjectionSchema () {
return m_projectSchema;
public boolean hasComplexGroupby() {
return m_hasComplexGroupby;
public boolean hasComplexAgg() {
return m_hasComplexAgg;
public boolean mayNeedAvgPushdown() {
return m_hasAverage;
public boolean hasPartitionColumnInGroupby() {
return m_hasPartitionColumnInGroupby;
public void setHasPartitionColumnInGroupby() {
m_hasPartitionColumnInGroupby = true;
public boolean hasOrderByColumns() {
return ! m_orderColumns.isEmpty();
public boolean hasDistinct() {
return m_distinct;
public boolean hasAggregateDistinct() {
return m_hasAggregateDistinct;
public List<ParsedColInfo> displayColumns() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(m_displayColumns);
public List<ParsedColInfo> groupByColumns() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(m_groupByColumns);
public List<ParsedColInfo> orderByColumns() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(m_orderColumns);
public boolean hasLimitOrOffset() {
if ((m_limit != -1) || (m_limitParameterId != -1) ||
(m_offset > 0) || (m_offsetParameterId != -1)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean hasLimitOrOffsetParameters() {
return m_limitParameterId != -1 || m_offsetParameterId != -1;
/// This is for use with integer-valued row count parameters, namely LIMITs and OFFSETs.
/// It should be called (at least) once for each LIMIT or OFFSET parameter to establish that
/// the parameter is being used in a BIGINT context.
/// There may be limitations elsewhere that restrict limits and offsets to 31-bit unsigned values,
/// but enforcing that at parameter passing/checking time seems a little arbitrary, so we keep
/// the parameters at maximum width -- a 63-bit unsigned BIGINT.
private int parameterCountIndexById(long paramId) {
if (paramId == -1) {
return -1;
ParameterValueExpression pve = m_paramsById.get(paramId);
// As a side effect, re-establish these parameters as integer-typed
// -- this helps to catch type errors earlier in the invocation process
// and prevents a more serious error in HSQLBackend statement reconstruction.
// The HSQL parser originally had these correctly pegged as BIGINTs,
// but the VoltDB code ( @see AbstractParsedStmt#parseParameters )
// skeptically second-guesses that pending its own verification. This case is now verified.
pve.refineValueType(VoltType.BIGINT, VoltType.BIGINT.getLengthInBytesForFixedTypes());
return pve.getParameterIndex();
public int getLimitParameterIndex() {
return parameterCountIndexById(m_limitParameterId);
public int getOffsetParameterIndex() {
return parameterCountIndexById(m_offsetParameterId);
private AbstractExpression getParameterOrConstantAsExpression(long id, long value) {
// The id was previously passed to parameterCountIndexById, so if not -1,
// it has already been asserted to be a valid id for a parameter, and the
// parameter's type has been refined to INTEGER.
if (id != -1) {
return m_paramsById.get(id);
// The limit/offset is a non-parameterized literal value that needs to be wrapped in a
// BIGINT constant so it can be used in the addition expression for the pushed-down limit.
ConstantValueExpression constant = new ConstantValueExpression();
constant.refineValueType(VoltType.BIGINT, VoltType.BIGINT.getLengthInBytesForFixedTypes());
return constant;
public boolean isOrderDeterministic()
if ( ! hasTopLevelScans()) {
// This currently applies to parent queries that do all their scanning in subqueries and so
// take on the order determinism of their subqueries. This might have to be rethought to allow
// ordering in parent queries to effect determinism of unordered "FROM CLAUSE" subquery results.
return true;
if (hasAOneRowResult()) {
return true;
if ( ! hasOrderByColumns() ) {
return false;
// The nonOrdered expression list is used as a short-cut -- if an expression has been
// determined to be non-ordered when encountered as a GROUP BY expression,
// it will also be non-ordered when encountered in the select list.
ArrayList<AbstractExpression> nonOrdered = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
if (isGrouped()) {
// Does the ordering of a statements's GROUP BY columns ensure determinism?
// All display columns and order-by expressions are functionally dependent on the GROUP BY
// columns even if the display column's values are not ordered or unique,
// so ordering by ALL of the GROUP BY columns is enough to get full determinism,
// EVEN if ordering by other (dependent) expressions,
// regardless of the placement of non-GROUP BY expressions in the ORDER BY list.
if (orderByColumnsDetermineAllColumns(m_groupByColumns, nonOrdered)) {
return true;
if (orderByColumnsDetermineAllDisplayColumns(nonOrdered)) {
return true;
} else {
if (orderByColumnsDetermineAllDisplayColumns(nonOrdered)) {
return true;
if (orderByColumnsCoverUniqueKeys()) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isOrderDeterministicInSpiteOfUnorderedSubqueries()
if (hasAOneRowResult()) {
return true;
if ( ! hasOrderByColumns() ) {
return false;
// This is a trivial empty container.
// In other code paths, it would list expressions that have been pre-determined to be nonOrdered.
ArrayList<AbstractExpression> nonOrdered = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
if (orderByColumnsDetermineAllDisplayColumns(nonOrdered)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean orderByColumnsCoverUniqueKeys()
// In theory, if EVERY table in the query has a uniqueness constraint
// (primary key or other unique index) on columns that are all listed in the ORDER BY values,
// the result is deterministic.
// This holds regardless of whether the associated index is actually used in the selected plan,
// so this check is plan-independent.
HashMap<String, List<AbstractExpression> > baseTableAliases =
new HashMap<String, List<AbstractExpression> >();
for (ParsedColInfo col : m_orderColumns) {
AbstractExpression expr = col.expression;
List<AbstractExpression> baseTVEs = expr.findBaseTVEs();
if (baseTVEs.size() != 1) {
// Table-spanning ORDER BYs -- like ORDER BY A.X + B.Y are not helpful.
// Neither are (nonsense) constant (table-less) expressions.
// This loops exactly once.
AbstractExpression baseTVE = baseTVEs.get(0);
String nextTableAlias = ((TupleValueExpression)baseTVE).getTableAlias();
assert(nextTableAlias != null);
List<AbstractExpression> perTable = baseTableAliases.get(nextTableAlias);
if (perTable == null) {
perTable = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
baseTableAliases.put(nextTableAlias, perTable);
if (m_tableAliasMap.size() > baseTableAliases.size()) {
// FIXME: This would be one of the tricky cases where the goal would be to prove that the
// row with no ORDER BY component came from the right side of a 1-to-1 or many-to-1 join.
return false;
boolean allScansAreDeterministic = true;
for (Entry<String, List<AbstractExpression>> orderedAlias : baseTableAliases.entrySet()) {
List<AbstractExpression> orderedAliasExprs = orderedAlias.getValue();
StmtTableScan tableScan = m_tableAliasMap.get(orderedAlias.getKey());
if (tableScan == null) {
return false;
if (tableScan instanceof StmtSubqueryScan) {
return false; // don't yet handle FROM clause subquery, here.
Table table = ((StmtTargetTableScan)tableScan).getTargetTable();
// This table's scans need to be proven deterministic.
allScansAreDeterministic = false;
// Search indexes for one that makes the order by deterministic
for (Index index : table.getIndexes()) {
// skip non-unique indexes
if ( ! index.getUnique()) {
// get the list of expressions for the index
List<AbstractExpression> indexExpressions = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
String jsonExpr = index.getExpressionsjson();
// if this is a pure-column index...
if (jsonExpr.isEmpty()) {
for (ColumnRef cref : index.getColumns()) {
Column col = cref.getColumn();
TupleValueExpression tve = new TupleValueExpression(table.getTypeName(),
// if this is a fancy expression-based index...
else {
try {
indexExpressions = AbstractExpression.fromJSONArrayString(jsonExpr, tableScan);
} catch (JSONException e) {
// If the sort covers the index, then it's a unique sort.
//TODO: The statement's equivalence sets would be handy here to recognize cases like
// WHERE B.unique_id = A.b_id
// ORDER BY A.unique_id, A.b_id
if (orderedAliasExprs.containsAll(indexExpressions)) {
allScansAreDeterministic = true;
// ALL tables' scans need to have proved deterministic
if ( ! allScansAreDeterministic) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean orderByColumnsDetermineAllDisplayColumns(ArrayList<AbstractExpression> nonOrdered)
ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> candidateColumns = new ArrayList<ParsedSelectStmt.ParsedColInfo>();
for (ParsedColInfo displayCol : m_displayColumns) {
if (displayCol.orderBy) {
if (displayCol.groupBy) {
AbstractExpression displayExpr = displayCol.expression;
// Round up the usual suspects -- if there were uncooperative GROUP BY expressions,
// they will often also be uncooperative display column expressions.
for (AbstractExpression nonStarter : nonOrdered) {
if (displayExpr.equals(nonStarter)) {
return false;
// A GROUP BY expression that was not nonOrdered must be covered.
return orderByColumnsDetermineAllColumns(candidateColumns, null);
private boolean orderByColumnsDetermineAllColumns(ArrayList<ParsedColInfo> candidateColumns,
ArrayList<AbstractExpression> outNonOrdered) {
HashSet<AbstractExpression> orderByExprs = null;
ArrayList<AbstractExpression> candidateExprHardCases = null;
// First try to get away with a brute force N by M search for exact equalities.
for (ParsedColInfo candidateCol : candidateColumns)
if (candidateCol.orderBy) {
AbstractExpression candidateExpr = candidateCol.expression;
if (orderByExprs == null) {
orderByExprs = new HashSet<AbstractExpression>();
for (ParsedColInfo orderByCol : m_orderColumns) {
if (orderByExprs.contains(candidateExpr)) {
if (candidateExpr instanceof TupleValueExpression) {
// Simple column references can only be exactly equal to but not "based on" an ORDER BY.
return false;
if (candidateExprHardCases == null) {
candidateExprHardCases = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
if (candidateExprHardCases == null) {
return true;
// Plan B. profile the ORDER BY list and try to include/exclude the hard cases on that basis.
HashSet<AbstractExpression> orderByTVEs = new HashSet<AbstractExpression>();
ArrayList<AbstractExpression> orderByNonTVEs = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
ArrayList<List<AbstractExpression>> orderByNonTVEBaseTVEs = new ArrayList<List<AbstractExpression>>();
HashSet<AbstractExpression> orderByAllBaseTVEs = new HashSet<AbstractExpression>();
for (AbstractExpression orderByExpr : orderByExprs) {
if (orderByExpr instanceof TupleValueExpression) {
} else {
List<AbstractExpression> baseTVEs = orderByExpr.findBaseTVEs();
boolean result = true;
for (AbstractExpression candidateExpr : candidateExprHardCases)
Collection<AbstractExpression> candidateBases = candidateExpr.findBaseTVEs();
if (orderByTVEs.containsAll(candidateBases)) {
if (orderByAllBaseTVEs.containsAll(candidateBases) == false) {
if (outNonOrdered == null) {
// Short-circuit if the remaining non-qualifying expressions are not of interest.
return false;
result = false;
// At this point, if the candidateExpr is a match,
// then it is based on but not equal to one or more orderByNonTVE(s) and optionally orderByTVE(s).
// The simplest example is like "SELECT a+(b-c) ... ORDER BY a, b-c;"
// If it is a non-match, it is an original expression based on orderByAllBaseTVEs
// The simplest example is like "SELECT a+b ... ORDER BY a, b-c;"
// TODO: issue a warning, short-term?
// For now, err on the side of non-determinism.
if (outNonOrdered == null) {
// Short-circuit if the remaining non-qualifying expressions are not of interest.
return false;
result = false;
return result;
private boolean hasAOneRowResult()
if ( ( ! isGrouped() ) && displaysAgg()) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean hasTopLevelScans() {
for (StmtTableScan scan : m_tableAliasMap.values()) {
if (scan instanceof StmtTargetTableScan) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean displaysAgg() {
for (ParsedColInfo displayCol : m_displayColumns) {
if (displayCol.expression.hasAnySubexpressionOfClass(AggregateExpression.class)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isGrouped() { return ! m_groupByColumns.isEmpty(); }
public boolean displayColumnsContainAllGroupByColumns() {
for (ParsedColInfo groupedCol : m_groupByColumns) {
boolean missing = true;
for (ParsedColInfo displayCol : m_displayColumns) {
if (displayCol.groupBy) {
if (groupedCol.equals(displayCol)) {
missing = false;
if (missing) {
return false;
return true;
boolean groupByIsAnOrderByPermutation() {
if (m_groupAndOrderByPermutationWasTested) {
return m_groupAndOrderByPermutationResult;
m_groupAndOrderByPermutationWasTested = true;
int size = m_groupByColumns.size();
if (size != m_orderColumns.size()) {
return false;
Set<AbstractExpression> orderPrefixExprs = new HashSet<>(size);
Set<AbstractExpression> groupExprs = new HashSet<>(size);
int ii = 0;
for (ParsedColInfo gb : m_groupByColumns) {
AbstractExpression gexpr = gb.expression;
if (gb.expression == null) {
return false;
AbstractExpression oexpr = m_orderColumns.get(ii).expression;
// Save some cycles in the common case of matching by position.
if (gb.expression.equals(oexpr)) {
m_groupAndOrderByPermutationResult = groupExprs.equals(orderPrefixExprs);
return m_groupAndOrderByPermutationResult;
void checkPlanColumnMatch(List<SchemaColumn> columns) {
// Sanity-check the output NodeSchema columns against the display columns
if (m_displayColumns.size() != columns.size()) {
throw new PlanningErrorException(
"Mismatched plan output cols to parsed display columns");
int ii = 0;
for (ParsedColInfo display_col : m_displayColumns) {
SchemaColumn sc = columns.get(ii);
boolean sameTable = false;
if (display_col.tableAlias != null) {
if (display_col.tableAlias.equals(sc.getTableAlias())) {
sameTable = true;
} else if (display_col.tableName.equals(sc.getTableName())) {
sameTable = true;
if (sameTable) {
if (display_col.alias != null && ! display_col.alias.equals("")) {
if (display_col.alias.equals(sc.getColumnAlias())) {
else if (display_col.columnName != null && ! display_col.columnName.equals("")) {
if (display_col.columnName.equals(sc.getColumnName())) {
throw new PlanningErrorException(
"Mismatched plan output cols to parsed display columns");