assert(xmlquery != null);
// parse the xml like any other sql statement
ParsedSelectStmt stmt = null;
try {
stmt = (ParsedSelectStmt) AbstractParsedStmt.parse(query, xmlquery, null, db, null);
catch (Exception e) {
throw m_compiler.new VoltCompilerException(e.getMessage());
assert(stmt != null);
String viewName = destTable.getTypeName();
// throw an error if the view isn't within voltdb's limited worldview
checkViewMeetsSpec(viewName, stmt);
// Allow only non-unique indexes other than the primary key index.
// The primary key index is yet to be defined (below).
for (Index destIndex : destTable.getIndexes()) {
if (destIndex.getUnique() || destIndex.getAssumeunique()) {
String msg = "A UNIQUE or ASSUMEUNIQUE index is not allowed on a materialized view. " +
"Remove the qualifier from the index " + destIndex.getTypeName() +
"defined on the materialized view \"" + viewName + "\".";
throw m_compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
// create the materializedviewinfo catalog node for the source table
Table srcTable = stmt.m_tableList.get(0);
if (viewTableNames.contains(srcTable.getTypeName())) {
String msg = String.format("A materialized view (%s) can not be defined on another view (%s).",
viewName, srcTable.getTypeName());
throw m_compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
MaterializedViewInfo matviewinfo = srcTable.getViews().add(viewName);
AbstractExpression where = stmt.getSingleTableFilterExpression();
if (where != null) {
String hex = Encoder.hexEncode(where.toJSONString());
} else {
List<Column> srcColumnArray = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(srcTable.getColumns(), "index");
List<Column> destColumnArray = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(destTable.getColumns(), "index");
List<AbstractExpression> groupbyExprs = null;
if (stmt.hasComplexGroupby()) {
groupbyExprs = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
for (ParsedColInfo col: stmt.m_groupByColumns) {
// Parse group by expressions to json string